Leonard Rowes New book..What really happenned to MJ



  • Leonard Rowe is full of it. He knows nothing, just making assumptions and bold statements to increase his sale.

    I did an investigation on this guy Leonard Rowe.

    As you know he was the guy who Michael hired after Tohme Tohme on March 25, 2009.
    He was supposed to oversee his business and financial affairs during the scheduled London concert tour, This Is It. However shortly after he was hired he was fired. Michael found out something about this man which made him not trustworthy. According to the dismissal letter which was written on May 20th Michael claimed that the reason for firing Mr. Rowe was to "streamline" his business operations.
    Copy of that letter: <!-- m -->http://site2.mjeol.com/images/stories/L<!-- m --> ... 0-2009.jpg
    Rowe claims he never got this letter when King confronted him. This is what Tohme also said. Yeah..right.

    What was the real reason for Michael to fire Mr. Rowe?
    Frank Dileo told Raffles van Exel in an exclusive interview that Leonard has a shady past. In 2008 two lawsuits was brought against him. Neyo and R.Kelly two of the world most famous RnB singers sued him for failing to pay R. Kelly several million dollars in tour proceeds that he owed.

    "In his ruling, [Arbitrator] Byrne determined that Rowe had sold shares without Kelly's knowledge or consent. As a result, in addition to awarding Kelly $3,397,410.38 in monetary damages, Byrne also ordered Rowe to take full responsibility for all the lawsuits."
    Did Leonard’s shady past contribute to his dismissal?

    Or was it Leonard’s close friendship with Joe Jackson? Mr. Rowe is a trusted associate of Joe Jackson's, but Michael made it clear even in his autobiography that he and Joe do not think the same way business-wise. Leonard Rowe and Joe wanted to get Michael to do that concert in Texas. Michael wanted to handle situations in his own way. Joe Jackson was pushing for the family reunion tour, like he did Victory Tour and look what happened there, at the same time as the 02 London shows.
    According to Frank Dileo Michael was forced to sign the deal to hire Leonard because of his father and he pleaded to Frank to help him get ride of him. Michael called Frank and said, "Get rid of him (Rowe.) I didn't want to do it, but Joseph was pressuring me."
    Leonard Rowe was dropped and Frank was hired. Although it is important to tell that Frank had always been there for Michael as Joe-te-quiero said he was working behind the scenes.

    When I found this out I was quite surprised of the contradicting statement said on CNN's Larry King Live (July,2009). Leonard Rowe appeared on the show claiming to have a close relationship to Michael Jackson for 30 years. He also alleged Jackson didn't want to do 50 shows in London and had no idea what his deal with AEG entailed. He basically portrayed Michael as clueless and dubious.

    Leonard’s word about Michael:

    During Michael’s final days… there was a lot of suspicious activity going on in his surroundings. Michael Jackson’s life at the end was being controlled and manipulated. Michael Jackson was not allowed to make his own decisions, he was not allowed to hire who he wanted to hire to work for him. Michael Jackson was being told what to do and people was controlling Michael Jackson.” Who? “The same people that was controlling Michael Jackson financially, the people that was taking care of Michael Jackson, the people that was paying his bills. Those are the people who was controlling Michael Jackson.”

    I do not believe this statement. To me it seemed as Michael was trying to regain himself and he re-hired the people he knew he could trust. So I would dear to say that Michael surrounded himself with trustworthy people and got RID of the leeches. He started with Tohme and the list goes on. And I believe that Michael wanted to do the shows, as Frank said he was very excited about it.

    Leonard Rowe, self-described manager of the singer, had filed a creditors claim for $51,218. (10/29/2009)

    Frank‘s interview: <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cNeJjA6<!-- m --> ... re=related
    Hire letter: <!-- m -->http://www.aolcdn.com/tmz_documents/1029_jackson.pdf<!-- m -->
    Fire letter: <!-- m -->http://www.radaronline.com/sites/defaul<!-- m --> ... rwater.pdf
  • Read it online for free here: <!-- m -->http://jetzi-mjvideo.com/books1-jetzi/1 ... rh0ai.html<!-- m -->
  • I read the book and I believe Rowe. I found the book hitting on some key points.
  • I read the book and I believe Rowe. I found the book hitting on some key points.

    Im halfway through... its very hard hitting and i hope Rowe is telling the truth. I think he may be.

    He points out that Murray and DiLeo dont have signed contracts and Rowe does... thats a good point.

    They point out how Joe is always being demonised about the spanking Michael as a child... and we have seen a lot of that lately with Joe. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Interesting how he points out MJ didnt seem himself, wasnt the perfectionist with his rehearsals and shows as if he had a premonition he wasnt going to make it to London. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Although i question Rowes bit about how MJ never liked to record his rehearsals... as i have seen extensive footage from the Dangerous rehearsals on youtube.
  • I would not trust anything Rowe stated because of my above post.
  • I would not trust anything Rowe stated because of my above post.

    The whole thing makes my head spin.
  • Am I reading a horror book or watching a horror movie. I just cannot believe what I am reading. What kind of world are we living in today. Do these kinds of people actually exist. These are not human beings being talked about these are ingrates, spawns of satan and I hope they all burn in the pits of hell, because thats where they belong. How could a human being treat another like this and for what the mighty dollar. This is so unbelievable and these are the people Michael allowed in his life and his career. These are the ones who were suppose to look out for him to have his best interest at heart. How could one person cope with all this and one who did nothing to deserve this. I dont know what to say or to believe. This whole thing with Michael's life and "death" seem so unreal. There are so many lies, greed and corruption, so much conflicting information before you finish reading one scenario about Michael's death something totally opposite comes out immediately after. If I had to deal with all this I would've been on drugs long ago, I would stay in a comatose state. This is way too much for one soul to bear. This is too much for me to take in I dont know if I can keep up with all this it is so heartwrenching and painful and I never met him, so imagine. These scums of the earth need to be exposed and I hope its soon. I believe alot of what this Rowe man said. Yes he had his troubles and he may not be the best person in the world but is he any worst than these animals ? I understand now more than ever why Michael felt so alone because he had people like these around him he didnt know who to trust and couldnt trust anyone even his own family and that is so sad. I pray for him every night and I hope and pray that he is alive, safe and happy because if no one else in this world deserves that, he does. I went through some unbearable and unspeakable pain and hurt in his life and he deserved none of it . He gave so much to the world and he got absolutely nothing back. He wasnt thrown in the lion's den he was thrown in the pits of hell, but Michael is strong and his faith in God will see him through to calmer waters, clear skies with a bright sun and a beautiful rainbow. God is walking beside him and will not let him suffer any longer and when those burdens become too heavy to bear God will carry him the rest of the way. Michael if you are out there believe this.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    SoldierofLOVE thank u very much for u've done an invaluable job, while reading it my heart sank, i always knew there was a huge conspiracy around Michael, people took advantage of him and his position, it's so hard to believe what a human can do to a human, evil people, this only proves my theory that MJ had to hoax his death to save his life and get rid of the parasites that were around him for so many years sucking his blood, either this was a cruel murder or MJ was able to excape, i truelly hope that it's the second one, that God was on his side and he was able to survive.
  • <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Wow!!! Thanks for sharing. It was such an interesting read that I found myself commenting out loud after reading pertinent points. After riding out that deal with the devil of a contract, had MJ "lived" he would've spent the remainder of 2011 fighting lawsuits which would've still left him virtually penniless. Rowe mentioned the few people who attended the memorial, but there were several unknowns present (the actors). Funny stuff.
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