Court Order Prevents HTWF From Using Michael Jackson's Name

Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
edited January 1970 in News
A recent court order has been imposed on the Heal The World Foundation which prevents them from using Michael's name or image on their website. This is the message from the HTWF President on their website...

"Dear HTWF members,

I want to thank you for your unrelenting support throughout the
past months. You are amazing people and it is an honor to work
with you.

HTWF staff has been through a great deal and we continue to fight for the Charity, the family and what we believe to be the right thing.

This injunction against HTWF is a temporary court order that
prohibits us from using Mr. Jackson's image or name on our site.

The Estate Executors tried to get the Charity name and logo's restricted from us as well and the Judge ruled against their request.

What this means is that until we go to trial and can prove that we had and therefore have the right to use Mr. Jackson's image and name, we have to stop using it for now.

However, even though that is a huge problem for a charity, developed for this great man, as the main ingredient, it does not mean we are defeated, it only means we have to abide by the temporary order, until we can get our day in court and prove our case.

We ask that all members, for now, remove any pictures of Mr. Jackson that you have in or on your profile.

Please be aware that it is our strong belief, the Estate Executors
have 'mole' members on this site and are monitoring all content
and are looking for any evidence they can use against us in our
upcoming trial.

In the past, there have been 'mole' members, that have joined
the HTWF community, just to smear and create confusion and
fear among members.

The member usually spread 'links' of false reports from the media and other sites, calling our validity into question. They did this under several user names to make it look like many people were in agreement that HTWF was a fake.

Then, when they got our members afraid and 'confused' as
to our validity, they copied the blog conversations and they appeared in the court papers that helped the Estate get the Injunction against us.

"Confusion" in the public is one of the things needed, by the Estate to forcibly and legally take the charity and its brands.

We expect more of the same, so please be mindful of any member who is here, NOT to serve others, but to create contention and spread fear, confusion and doubt among members.

Please report such individuals to our staff.

Although I believe we are up against evil, those who seek
'wealth power and control and are not afraid to lie, steal and cheat to get it", I am confident, that after this battle ends, HTWF will stand and it will stand strong.

Again, thank you so much for your support, it has meant so
much to the staff.

With our gratitude and love,

Melissa Johnson"

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  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    yea, this order been around for about 2months or so
  • Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
    They must have only just realized, that message is from 5th June
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