gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
edited January 1970 in News
Is there a news blackout on the spill? James Fox thinks so and seems quite distraught in this interview. If the following is true, we are in serious trouble. If anyone can confirm the credibility of this person James Fox, that might be helpful. I seriously advise you to listen to this.

<!-- m -->http://cdn2.ash1.k-srv.info/camelotprod<!-- m --> ... ox2010.mp3 (highlight the James Fox and hit play)

If you're not scared enough yet, click on the Griffith interview.

I don't know either of these two gentlemen, but the following is a mainstream interview of a US Senator who appears to be corroborating the level of seriousness of the other interviewees. Michael, if you're listening, we need you back!

Oil and gas may be leaking from the seabed surrounding the BP Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, Senator Bill Nelson of Florida told Andrea Mitchell today on MSNBC. Nelson, one of the most informed and diligent Congressmen on the BP gulf oil spill issue, has received reports of leaks in the well, located in the Mississippi Canyon sector. This is potentially huge and devastating news.

<!-- m -->http://emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2010/<!-- m --> ... -be-blown/

If Nelson is correct in that assertion, and he is smart enough to not make such assertions lightly, so I think they must be taken at face value, it means the well casing and well bore are compromised and the gig is up on containment pending a completely effective attempt to seal the well from the bottom via successful “relief wells”. In fact, I have confirmed with Senator Nelson’s office that they are fully aware of the breaking news and significance of what the Senator said to Andrea Mitchell.

ps. This was originally posted on Other News but I was asked to add this to Breaking News.


  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • sk2001sk2001 Posts: 238
    It's not fair that we the common people along with the other species have to suffer the consequences of problems caused by some greedy and crazy men! Why do we have to do this? Why can't man just be staisfied and try to work with what they have instead of goig after more? And then they wonder why we have so many earthquakes abs storms. Mother nature is furious.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    They have also been reporting this for several days now on Fox news. The administration is denying it but they had a scientist from a university on the program yesterday that confirmed that there are leaks as low as 3000 feet deep.

    They are limiting access to the press on the oil spill as well. They are definately covering a lot of things up. This administration is the most corrupt the US has ever had.
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    I did a search on James Fox because I wanted to determine if he was indeed a reporter as he represented himself to be. And I find that he was once on......the Larry King Show!!!!

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0ZLHs-w<!-- m --> ... re=related

  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
    Our Mother Earth is bleeding, folks... With black blood... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • FigmentFigment Posts: 61
    I don't doubt the possibility of more sinister reasons for gagging the press, but the other side of it is this:

    The Gulf coast states a incredibly dependent on tourism for income. I was just in New Orleans 20 days ago and locals are very worried about all the recent cancellations at airlines, restaurants, hotels, etc. More bad press just worsens the situation for the Gulf tourist industries.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • terror2k9terror2k9 Posts: 75
    Oil is created by our planet it is like Final Fantasy 7,I know not everyone has played that game but it was about a giant corporation controlling the world by stealing the planets Life Force=maco energy, an slowly the planet was dying ,comparison, Maco energy= Oil!These maniacs are killing our planet by sucking the life force out of it!!!Now its leaking uncontrollably! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    One thing is clear. The general public (and I include myself) has NO IDEA what is going on down there. In the absence of a credible source willing to be candid with us, we can only speculate. Here are some things that I have read that make me believe that the 'spill' is far more dangerous than we have been lead to believe.
    - The Gulf is now a no fly zone.
    - New York Times article that media has limited access to the site.
    - Photos of what appear to be a volcano rather than an oil spill.
    - Animals are covered in a brownish goopy mess rather than the black one would expect from an oil spill.

    Again, I am only researching the matter and trying to come to an educated conclusion. If anyone has other evidence/ideas, I'd love to hear from you.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Well, we have noticed before how huge regions were emptied of witnesses.
    Those living there will face serious problems over at least 20 years. They will leave.

    Or as a comment in the web read:
    "with all this oil out there already, who cares for some more that I can let run free now without anybody noticing."

    Region emptied, no witnesses or those staying are busy in cleaning up your mess and you can do whatever you like - make the disaster (or the fog curtain) big enough and you have found unlimited freedom to operate as you like (and/or send your troops in).

    Jester's licence.
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    James Fox' Youtube site. <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/user/jamescfox#p/u/0/FBPIPWqOziw<!-- m -->
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