Lawyer for Michael Jackson's Dad Targets AEG

edited January 1970 in News
Lawyer for Michael Jackson's Dad Targets AEG
Originally posted 51 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned ... Joe Jackson's lawyer is now gunning to make AEG one of the bad guys in Michael Jackson's death.


TMZ has learned Brian Oxman, Joe's lawyer, will file two complaints with government agencies -- alleging AEG abused Jackson in a way that led to his death.

Sources tell us ... Oxman plans to lodge a complaint with the United States Attorney General, alleging AEG violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. Specifically, we're told Oxman's theory is that AEG knew Michael was a drug addict and was effectively disabled, yet he was pressured to keep a grueling and dangerous work schedule to prepare for the London concerts.

We're also told Oxman plans to file a complaint with the Medical Board of California, alleging AEG was dictating Michael's medical treatment to the point it became the unauthorized practice of medicine.

Sources say Oxman will soon file a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray, alleging he was responsible for Michael Jackson's death. We're told Oxman will not name AEG when he files, but may add the company as a defendant if the discovery process unearths evidence that AEG is culpable.

Attorney Charles Peckham, Dr. Murray's lawyer, would not confirm the story, but tells TMZ, "Mr. Oxman has some questions with regard to AEG's participation in the last days of Michael Jackson's life and he should ask those questions."

We spoke with Michael Roth from AEG, who had no immediate comment.

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  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    THIS MAKES ME GO <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    HE IS LIKE: BE CAREFULL, I´M WATCHING... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    "Specifically disabled"?? Im not sure that a drug addiction can be classed as a disability unless they are referring to something else?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    That is not disabled. Another thing, are beginning to mention AEG <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
    I hope he blames AEG because they are a partner in this hoax... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Otherwise.... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    You guys are right all of this is going to take a while. Watch....when June 14th gets here it will be delayed again. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    THIS MAKES ME GO <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    HE IS LIKE: BE CAREFULL, I´M WATCHING... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    and it's like he lookin right into our eyes <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    If you go to this TMZ article, you will see that it says the following:

    "Originally posted Jun 10th, 2010 7:17am PDT"

    2+5=7!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Before hopping into believing this unreflectedly, we may look at the players at this act scene just a little bit more closely.
    (Drama will be added later, this is setting up the concept only / preparing the spectator for the action to come, watch for the articles adding drama in the next days & weeks - this is just another story layer unfolding more in detail. These layers have been included since June and have been prepared upfront.)

    (So imagine yourself being at ease in a red plush seat in a theater waiting for the curtain to be lifted for a phantastic unforgettable evening out.)

    Main characters:
    * TMZ, one of the lecturers, (imagine the narrator standing at a desk at the left side of the stage)
    * Father of the leading (however absent) character - starring Joe Jackson, (currently behind the curtain)
    * Lawyer of the (currently absent) father - starring Brian Oxman
    * Defendant / suspected - starring AEG
    * United States Attorney General - starring Eric Holder
    * Medical Board of California - starring ?
    * Dr. Conrad Murray - starring ?
    * Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer - starring attorney Charles Peckham
    * some person representing AEG - starring Michael Roth
    * Financier - starring "Select 55" Budweiser advertisement -
    stating "Find the Balance - Responsibility matters"

    Items of action:
    1) Americans with Disabilities Act - (ADA of 1990, amended effectively Jan 1, 2008)
    2) unauthorized practice of medicine

    Episodes of action:
    1) TMZ learning
    2) Oxman will file two complaints with government agencies:
    a. Oxman plans to lodge a complaint with the United States Attorney General
    (alleging AEG violated the Americans with Disabilities Act)
    b. Oxman plans to file a complaint with the Medical Board of California
    (alleging AEG was dictating Michael's medical treatment)
    3) Oxman will soon file a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray
    (alleging he was responsible for Michael Jackson's death)
    4) TMZ tells to have talked to Attorney Charles Peckham who would not confirm the story
    5) Charles Peckham tells TMZ, "Mr. Oxman has some questions with regard to AEG's
    participation in the last days of Michael Jackson's life and he should ask those questions."
    6) TMZ spoke with Michael Roth from AEG.
    7) Michael Roth had no immediate comment.

    (First drama added update:
    UPDATE: Brian Oxman tells TMZ the complaints with the Attorney General and the Medical Board of California will both be filed before the anniversary of Michael's death -- June 25.)

    The newly introduced characters:
    United States Attorney General - starring Eric Holder

    "The United States Attorney General is the head of the United States Department of Justice (see 28 U.S.C. § 503) concerned with legal affairs and is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government. The Attorney General is considered to be the chief lawyer of the U.S. government. The Attorney General serves as a member of the President's Cabinet, but is the only cabinet department head who is not given the title Secretary, besides the now independent Postmaster General.

    The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."

    The office of Attorney General was established by Congress by the Judiciary Act of 1789. The original duties of this officer were "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the departments."[1] Only in 1870 was the Department of Justice established to support the Attorney General in the discharge of his responsibilities.

    As of February 3, 2009, the current Attorney General is Eric Holder. He was confirmed on February 2. Holder is the 82nd Attorney General of the United States and the first African-American to hold the position."

    Is MJ the United States or the President of the United States to call for the Attorney General?


    The Medical Board of California - starring ?
    BO is planning to file a complaint alleging some organism not savvy of "how to " was dictating Michael's medical treatment.

    Who is the Medical Board of California?
    "The mission of the Medical Board is to protect health care consumers through the proper licensing and regulation of physicians and surgeons and certain allied health care professions and through the vigorous, objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act, and, to promote access to quality medical care through the Board's licensing and regulatory functions."

    AEG to be some organism to be licenced and regulated as health care professionals?

    Btw, complaints may be issued only against a Licencee or the Board / staff of the Board itself.
    AEG a member of the Medical Board of California?

    Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer - starring attorney Charles Peckham - new name, new game? Who is this?
    some person representing AEG - starring Michael Roth same here - who's this?
    Financier - starring "Select 55" Budweiser advertisement -
    stating "Find the Balance - Responsibility matters" - Budweiser we know - 5 we know too, a double 5 does not astonish us, doubles are a major story book element <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Two new complaints against government agencies (the Attorney General however is not an agency as to my understanding) that do not make any sense but underline the efforts in making believe the scene were really important.
    It is adorning the chapter with borrowed plumes thus attracting more interest to a certain matter.

    Or let's say it short & simple: spot on inappropriate actions of medical professionals.

    Of course, this article is not about picturing Mike as a willingless, passive object of unethical mistreatment, outside higher influence and steering of those actions from top down.
  • Interesting theory Grace, you certainly can read between the lines, wish I had your insight <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> This has certainly been a very tiring 11 months, my brain hurts <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> so much sometimes <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I just googled Murray's lawyer, Charles Peckham and his website was the first one on the list! How did this guy get to the top of a google search? I've never heard of him before so he can't be that popular, yet he is number one on the list??? Hmmm...

    This lawyer doesn't seem to be the type of lawyer that would be defending a "manslaughter" case because it says that he specializes in "Labor and Employment Law" and "real Estate!"

    One more weird thing to add to the list!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    This lawyer doesn't seem to be the type of lawyer that would be defending a "manslaughter" case because it says that he specializes in "Labor and Employment Law" and "real Estate!"

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    So if Murray has a new lawyer, what happened to these guys?

    <!-- m --> ... tors-.html<!-- m -->

    It seems that Charles Peckham co-authored an article entitled "Lawyers and the Media in High Profile Cases: The Press Calls for an Interview, Do I Say ‘No Comment’?” in the 1998 November/December issue of The Houston Lawyer.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    However, the The Houston Lawyer Magazine only seems to go back to 2003

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  • jilljill Posts: 917
    What I find interesting is that Murray's attorney encourages them to look into AEG's involvement. I guess it would make sense if they want to take the spotlight off of Murray for a while. If AEG is involved that would just mean that there was a conspiracy and they can charge Murray under the RICO act which would be a whole different animal all together.
  • imbadimbad Posts: 16
    Ok, I've got a question... If Joe knows that his son is NOT dead and he files a wrongful death lawsuit then he is bound to get into legal trouble, espcially if there is a BAM moment. (sorry to say if, I'm not sure if BAM will really happen) I am not Joe's biggest fan by anymeans, but would he really risk legal punishment for a lawsuit, especially if the BAM moment is coming??
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    We do not know if there are any legal documents filed anywhere.
    We do only know that media have told us so.
    Most likely it is all vivid imagination and not existing facts.
    Media create a second "life".
  • What I find interesting is that Murray's attorney encourages them to look into AEG's involvement. I guess it would make sense if they want to take the spotlight off of Murray for a while. If AEG is involved that would just mean that there was a conspiracy and they can charge Murray under the RICO act which would be a whole different animal all together.

    Yes, this is where it will get Interesting, because Murray was being paid by (and under contract by) AEG. I feel HE is supposed to take the Fall for MJ's death. If things start to go wrong and the Finger is pointed at AEG...and Murray is Backed into a Corner and forced to Come Clean on what Really happened? Well, just use your imagination.....
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    We do not know if there are any legal documents filed anywhere.
    We do only know that media have told us so.
    Most likely it is all vivid imagination and not existing facts.
    Media create a second "life".

    Grace, I notice you have very long post delving completely away from the stated comments of any posted articles you respond to. I am interested to hear how you feel that occam's razor fits into some of these articles.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    "Specifically disabled"?? Im not sure that a drug addiction can be classed as a disability unless they are referring to something else?

    It can be listed as a disability in some states. I know that in some states, if a person discloses he is an addict at the beginning of employment, then later the boss tries to fire him for some behaviors, the company can be sued for violating the disability act.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    didn't randy say oxman was fired? i'm getting confused
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Joe was going to sue Murray 2 months ago and still nothing happened and now after 11 months he decided to sue AEG? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Nothing is going to happen. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    We do not know if there are any legal documents filed anywhere.
    We do only know that media have told us so.
    Most likely it is all vivid imagination and not existing facts.
    Media create a second "life".

    Grace, I notice you have very long post delving completely away from the stated comments of any posted articles you respond to. I am interested to hear how you feel that occam's razor fits into some of these articles.

    Oh I didn't notice that I were that far away from everything.
    Good to know; the broader the horizon, the more jumps into the eye <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If the simplest answers were obvious, we'd know them already wouldn't we?
    You are fond of details like many others here - great to have you on board. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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