my netflix review of This Is It

edited January 1970 in News
Hi everyone...just wanted to share my review of This Is It on netflix...they have a place where members can write a review...I have yet to see a negative one.
here is mine:

I love Michael Jackson and this would have been an awesome comeback... If he was well enough. The shots were taken of his best moments WHEN they could get him to rehearse, after Ortega followed him around trying to get him to eat and after they could actually get him to SHOW up for rehearsals...before you watch, realize you will never see a performance from start to finish because Michael Jackson did not have the STAMINA to do that, so bits and pieces of his best parts were pieced together...if this is the best, lets see the worst...No, they will never show you MJ running to the edge of the stage to inhale from his oxygen tank (his lungs at autopsy prove that!). Funny how MJ is now worth more dead than alive. Ask yourself, why is MJ wearing jackets and layers of clothing while all the other dancers are in tanktops and CALIFORNIA, because he couldn't keep warm and was complaining up until his death of being so so cold!! This is a sad sad movie of something that was NEVER going to happen and everyone knew it... why else would they film...oh, for MJ's personal library...I forgot...that's why they had more than one camera man...LOL!


  • i liked what this guy said:
    Michael Jackson is an icon to many, but I am not a huge MJ fan. Sure I listened to the Jackson 5 when I was a little kid and I bought Thriller, like 110 million other people did. I wasn't fascinated by his plastic surgery and affinity for little kids. He was just a celebrity, apparently living a sad life. After viewing "This Is It", I have a new attitude. This guy was a genius. The documentary was so rich and insightful about his artistry. His London concerts would certainly have been spectacular, would he not have died. This 50 year old guy, sang and danced like he was 29. I challenge any performer in their prime to do what he did in this documentary. The Jackson 5 medley brought back memories, but what was really astounding was his rehearsal performance of Billy Jean, the last song in the film. All the dancers, extras and stage hands were awestruck, and did not know whether to applaud or weep after witnessing the one and only King of Pop performing at a level we haven't seen since he last moondanced across the stage. Most highly recommended. 6/4/10
  • i liked what this guy said:
    Michael Jackson is an icon to many, but I am not a huge MJ fan. Sure I listened to the Jackson 5 when I was a little kid and I bought Thriller, like 110 million other people did. I wasn't fascinated by his plastic surgery and affinity for little kids. He was just a celebrity, apparently living a sad life. After viewing "This Is It", I have a new attitude. This guy was a genius. The documentary was so rich and insightful about his artistry. His London concerts would certainly have been spectacular, would he not have died. This 50 year old guy, sang and danced like he was 29. I challenge any performer in their prime to do what he did in this documentary. The Jackson 5 medley brought back memories, but what was really astounding was his rehearsal performance of Billy Jean, the last song in the film. All the dancers, extras and stage hands were awestruck, and did not know whether to applaud or weep after witnessing the one and only King of Pop performing at a level we haven't seen since he last moondanced across the stage. Most highly recommended. 6/4/10

    Bravo to this guy! I like what he said too.
  • Hi everyone...just wanted to share my review of This Is It on netflix...they have a place where members can write a review...I have yet to see a negative one.
    here is mine:

    I love Michael Jackson and this would have been an awesome comeback... If he was well enough. The shots were taken of his best moments WHEN they could get him to rehearse, after Ortega followed him around trying to get him to eat and after they could actually get him to SHOW up for rehearsals...before you watch, realize you will never see a performance from start to finish because Michael Jackson did not have the STAMINA to do that, so bits and pieces of his best parts were pieced together...if this is the best, lets see the worst...No, they will never show you MJ running to the edge of the stage to inhale from his oxygen tank (his lungs at autopsy prove that!). Funny how MJ is now worth more dead than alive. Ask yourself, why is MJ wearing jackets and layers of clothing while all the other dancers are in tanktops and CALIFORNIA, because he couldn't keep warm and was complaining up until his death of being so so cold!! This is a sad sad movie of something that was NEVER going to happen and everyone knew it... why else would they film...oh, for MJ's personal library...I forgot...that's why they had more than one camera man...LOL!

    Having just read your review, not sure where you stand in all of this? do you think MJ is gone or alive <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you trying to get people to pay attention to the "weird" things going on?

    Your review could be taken as a negative "view" almost sounds like the TINI would say <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Edit Unless of course if you were sending them up. Could you explain your motiviation Im confused by this <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Not being critical a or anything just sayin.

    One Love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Hi everyone...just wanted to share my review of This Is It on netflix...they have a place where members can write a review...I have yet to see a negative one.
    here is mine:

    I love Michael Jackson and this would have been an awesome comeback... If he was well enough. The shots were taken of his best moments WHEN they could get him to rehearse, after Ortega followed him around trying to get him to eat and after they could actually get him to SHOW up for rehearsals...before you watch, realize you will never see a performance from start to finish because Michael Jackson did not have the STAMINA to do that, so bits and pieces of his best parts were pieced together...if this is the best, lets see the worst...No, they will never show you MJ running to the edge of the stage to inhale from his oxygen tank (his lungs at autopsy prove that!). Funny how MJ is now worth more dead than alive. Ask yourself, why is MJ wearing jackets and layers of clothing while all the other dancers are in tanktops and CALIFORNIA, because he couldn't keep warm and was complaining up until his death of being so so cold!! This is a sad sad movie of something that was NEVER going to happen and everyone knew it... why else would they film...oh, for MJ's personal library...I forgot...that's why they had more than one camera man...LOL!

    Having just read your review, not sure where you stand in all of this? do you think MJ is gone or alive <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you trying to get people to pay attention to the "weird" things going on?

    Your review could be taken as a negative "view" almost sounds like the TINI would say <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Edit Unless of course if you were sending them up. Could you explain your motiviation Im confused by this <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Not being critical a or anything just sayin.

    One Love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    ditto <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Yeah i was about to i will go ahead.....G this is a really encouraging post. NOT. Im tossin this one to the side. Much more cheery and encouraging ones out there. PERIOD.
  • Yeah i was about to i will go ahead.....G this is a really encouraging post. NOT. Im tossin this one to the side. Much more cheery and encouraging ones out there. PERIOD.
    exactly my point.... There are lots of happy posts out there but is that going to solve why MJ isn't here? Why arent more people able to look at the possiblity that he's gone? By doing that, I think you close yourself off to many possiblities that may solve this riddle.

    to the others who may need some clarification, this is what I wrote to someone who PM'ed me with the same questions, do I believe he is dead...
    I do, but I don't think it was of his own mistakes...I think something smells very stinky and I am sure there is someone behind it...what do they all say... follow the money. If I'm wrong, I will be the first to eat crow pie and VERY VERY happily and with lots of gusto! I wish I could believe he was alive, but I no longer do but I do believe they are hiding something.

    he did not weigh 136 pounds at death...NO WAY! If they were paid off to lie about that, what else did they lie about...obviously Liza Minelli knew something was up.

    Hate Karen Faye, hate the followers of MJ...but they are the only ones speaking the truth. He was NOT well. I think AEG knew they were NOT going to be having any concerts and did something about it...directly or indirectly. As long as people believe that he is still alive, they will ignore what really happened and that is just how the big shots want, they will NEVER answer your questions directly because they like the enigma of him possibly being alive to keep the heat off them. I'm sure part of this was even put out there by them to deflect the curious!
  • Hi everyone...just wanted to share my review of This Is It on netflix...they have a place where members can write a review...I have yet to see a negative one.
    here is mine:

    I love Michael Jackson and this would have been an awesome comeback... If he was well enough. The shots were taken of his best moments WHEN they could get him to rehearse, after Ortega followed him around trying to get him to eat and after they could actually get him to SHOW up for rehearsals...before you watch, realize you will never see a performance from start to finish because Michael Jackson did not have the STAMINA to do that, so bits and pieces of his best parts were pieced together...if this is the best, lets see the worst...No, they will never show you MJ running to the edge of the stage to inhale from his oxygen tank (his lungs at autopsy prove that!). Funny how MJ is now worth more dead than alive. Ask yourself, why is MJ wearing jackets and layers of clothing while all the other dancers are in tanktops and CALIFORNIA, because he couldn't keep warm and was complaining up until his death of being so so cold!! This is a sad sad movie of something that was NEVER going to happen and everyone knew it... why else would they film...oh, for MJ's personal library...I forgot...that's why they had more than one camera man...LOL!

    Having just read your review, not sure where you stand in all of this? do you think MJ is gone or alive <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you trying to get people to pay attention to the "weird" things going on?

    Your review could be taken as a negative "view" almost sounds like the TINI would say <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Edit Unless of course if you were sending them up. Could you explain your motiviation Im confused by this <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Not being critical a or anything just sayin.

    One Love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    ditto <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I'm sorry if you take it negatively...I meant it as a caring individual who was able to see all that was not right. If you are dazzled by the movie and refuse to see how bad of health he was in, then you are doing JUST what the people who made the movie want you to do. Watch the "the way you make me feel" part. the part where he has to drag himself across the floor with one leg... he can barely do it! the part before he lies down on the ground. it's quick and they don't show the entire part...There is NO way he was gonna complete 50 way. I believe he could have...if they had given him enough time to prepare, if the pressure was off him, if he wasnt going to lose the share in the catalog...oh you don't even know about that part. (as of his death, he only owns 25 percent share! down from 50! he had the controlling share within that 50 percent and LOST the controlling share! He was no longer even on the Board and had NO decision making power! all because he defaulted on a payment that listed the catalog as collateral! They MADE him default by screwing with his career so much he couldn't generate the money he used to to make a payment!! This was all calculated!). The bottom line is MJ's heart was not in these concerts.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Hi everyone...just wanted to share my review of This Is It on netflix...they have a place where members can write a review...I have yet to see a negative one.
    here is mine:

    I love Michael Jackson and this would have been an awesome comeback... If he was well enough. The shots were taken of his best moments WHEN they could get him to rehearse, after Ortega followed him around trying to get him to eat and after they could actually get him to SHOW up for rehearsals...before you watch, realize you will never see a performance from start to finish because Michael Jackson did not have the STAMINA to do that, so bits and pieces of his best parts were pieced together...if this is the best, lets see the worst...No, they will never show you MJ running to the edge of the stage to inhale from his oxygen tank (his lungs at autopsy prove that!). Funny how MJ is now worth more dead than alive. Ask yourself, why is MJ wearing jackets and layers of clothing while all the other dancers are in tanktops and CALIFORNIA, because he couldn't keep warm and was complaining up until his death of being so so cold!! This is a sad sad movie of something that was NEVER going to happen and everyone knew it... why else would they film...oh, for MJ's personal library...I forgot...that's why they had more than one camera man...LOL!

    Having just read your review, not sure where you stand in all of this? do you think MJ is gone or alive <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Or are you trying to get people to pay attention to the "weird" things going on?

    Your review could be taken as a negative "view" almost sounds like the TINI would say <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Edit Unless of course if you were sending them up. Could you explain your motiviation Im confused by this <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Not being critical a or anything just sayin.

    One Love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    ditto <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I'm sorry if you take it negatively...I meant it as a caring individual who was able to see all that was not right. If you are dazzled by the movie and refuse to see how bad of health he was in, then you are doing JUST what the people who made the movie want you to do. Watch the "the way you make me feel" part. the part where he has to drag himself across the floor with one leg... he can barely do it! the part before he lies down on the ground. it's quick and they don't show the entire part...There is NO way he was gonna complete 50 way. I believe he could have...if they had given him enough time to prepare, if the pressure was off him, if he wasnt going to lose the share in the catalog...oh you don't even know about that part. (as of his death, he only owns 25 percent share! down from 50! he had the controlling share within that 50 percent and LOST the controlling share! He was no longer even on the Board and had NO decision making power! all because he defaulted on a payment that listed the catalog as collateral! They MADE him default by screwing with his career so much he couldn't generate the money he used to to make a payment!! This was all calculated!). The bottom line is MJ's heart was not in these concerts.

    oh yeah i remember you posted something about this on the lopez thread. souza ask for reference for where that information came from.i just checked. i don't see that you posted any further.
  • oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know. It's all from the book "The Trials of Michael Jackson" by Lynton can see it here on Amazon. It was written before his death, but the EPILOUGE is the part that was updated and by far the MOST damning and accusing of those who MAY be responsible for his death and why... Everyone should read it if they want to know how the accusations and the trial were calculated efforts to ruin MJ... It will open your eyes!
    here is the link to the book.
    PS can you send me the link to the one that you just checked so I can update that as well...I don't always check to see if someone posted after me on posts.
    here are what some reviewers of the book had to say:
    Incredible. That's the only word I can use to describe this book. I spoke with Thomas Mesereau (Michael Jackson's lead defense attorney for his trial) and he had recommended I get this book. I'm so glad I did. If you want to know why it's wonderful, BUY IT!!! It's definitely worth the money!!

    And one last thing... MICHAEL JACKSON IS 100% INNOCENT!
    Read this book in one go and currently re-reading it to really take in all the facts. This is a thorough, well-researched book written by a man with respectable journalistic credentials.
    There are long asides and explanations to work through before you get to much information about Michael Jackson himself. However, this approach is better than wild conjecture. Guest maintains a cool head when talking about Jackson. He is certainly no fawning lap dog, mentioning several times that during the 1990s the star was overtaken by his own ego, yet he conveys sympathy for Jackson's plight.
    Guest's analysis of the main players in the case is interesting. He makes some pertinent points about the (in my opinion)dastardly Martin Bashir and his role in 'cornering' Michael Jackson - and the fact that Bashir has never really been been taken to task over this. The details he provides about Sony, and the entertainment business in general, certainly hammer home the fact that showbusiness, pop, rock, whatever you want to call it, is no bubblegum business. Perhaps not a book for the fervent fan as Michael Jackson is not at the centre of it - Sony is - but a good read for anyone who wants to know about the machinations of the music industry.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know. It's all from the book "The Trials of Michael Jackson" by Lynton can see it here on Amazon. It was written before his death, but the EPILOUGE is the part that was updated and by far the MOST damning and accusing of those who MAY be responsible for his death and why... Everyone should read it if they want to know how the accusations and the trial were calculated efforts to ruin MJ... It will open your eyes!
    here is the link to the book.
    PS can you send me the link to the one that you just checked so I can update that as well...I don't always check to see if someone posted after me on posts.
    here are what some reviewers of the book had to say:
    Incredible. That's the only word I can use to describe this book. I spoke with Thomas Mesereau (Michael Jackson's lead defense attorney for his trial) and he had recommended I get this book. I'm so glad I did. If you want to know why it's wonderful, BUY IT!!! It's definitely worth the money!!

    And one last thing... MICHAEL JACKSON IS 100% INNOCENT!
    Read this book in one go and currently re-reading it to really take in all the facts. This is a thorough, well-researched book written by a man with respectable journalistic credentials.
    There are long asides and explanations to work through before you get to much information about Michael Jackson himself. However, this approach is better than wild conjecture. Guest maintains a cool head when talking about Jackson. He is certainly no fawning lap dog, mentioning several times that during the 1990s the star was overtaken by his own ego, yet he conveys sympathy for Jackson's plight.
    Guest's analysis of the main players in the case is interesting. He makes some pertinent points about the (in my opinion)dastardly Martin Bashir and his role in 'cornering' Michael Jackson - and the fact that Bashir has never really been been taken to task over this. The details he provides about Sony, and the entertainment business in general, certainly hammer home the fact that showbusiness, pop, rock, whatever you want to call it, is no bubblegum business. Perhaps not a book for the fervent fan as Michael Jackson is not at the centre of it - Sony is - but a good read for anyone who wants to know about the machinations of the music industry.

    You know what. I can get that information for you probably. I mean not just the book you read but most likely where the person writing the book got the information. I will give it a shot today and see what I can dig up.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i don't understand if he was so down and out then why did sony and aeg even bother with him? unless that last 25% percent was so important to both that neither was willing to give in on it.
  • i don't understand if he was so down and out then why did sony and aeg even bother with him? unless that last 25% percent was so important to both that neither was willing to give in on it.
    it was important to sony. The public estimates of the catalog are rediculously low. Some have calculated the worth at more than a billion. People fail to realize the scope of those catalogs....MJ owned MOST of the Beatles songs...MOST country and western songs ever made...all of Dolly MOST of Elvis the list goes on and on and on and on....any MUSAC songs you hear in grocery stores or elevators...this is all owned by MJ and he makes royalties off this!
    here is a little info...
    AEG is something different. They wanted MJ dead because they knew he wasn't going to finish 50 concert dates and they realized they could make more money off him dead than they could alive....follow the is what the link above says about Sony/AEG catalog:
    Sony/ATV Music Publishing is a music publishing company co-owned by The Michael Jackson Family Trust and Sony. The organisation was originally founded as Associated TeleVision (ATV) in 1955 by Lew Grade. In 1957, ATV acquired Pye Records as a wholly-owned subsidiary. At the time, Pye Records was one of the three major record companies in the UK and, along with EMI and Decca Records, accounted for the vast majority of music records sold in the country. ATV Music Publishing was then created to exploit the catalogue of songs written by artists on the Pye Record label, and for the themes to Independent Television Corporation and ATV programmes. Grade established ATV's headquarters alongside those of Pye Records; off of Edgware Road, beside the Marble Arch in central London.

    ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were at the forefront of the British music explosion in the 1960s. The businesses held contracts with several US companies, allowing them to manufacture and distribute records in the UK. ATV Music Publishing and Grade acquired the rights to the Lennon/McCartney song catalogue, Northern Songs, in 1968. The catalogue featured nearly every song written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney until The Beatles' split in 1970.

    Grade's fortune began to dwindle as the 1980s approached and by the mid-1980s, ATV Music Publishing and Pye Records were both up for sale. The companies were bought by Australian businessman Robert Holmes à Court, who disposed of them quickly and to his great profit. They were sold to Jackson for $47.5 million in 1985. This upset McCartney—who had told Jackson about the importance of owning publishing, and his own plans to purchase The Beatles catalog—who felt Jackson on purpose outbid McCartney.

    In 1995, ATV Music Publishing was merged with Sony and renamed Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The company became the third largest music publisher in the world, owning the rights to songs by Elvis Presley, Eminem, Akon, Bob Dylan, and Willie Nelson. The value of Sony/ATV Music Publishing has varied in reports. Industry experts have estimated the company to be worth as much as $1.5 billion.
    In 2005, Jackson's defense attorney, Thomas Mesereau, revealed that the song catalogue had been valued at between $4 billion and $5 billion.[27] The company's song catalogue is believed to generate up to $80 million a year; The Beatles' hits alone bring in $30 million to $45 million a year.[25] Jackson's other publishing firm, Mijac, which publishes songs written by Jackson himself and which is administered by competitor Warner/Chappell Music, is valued to be worth at least $75 million.[28]
    now tell me they didn't want to ruin him!
  • here is the list of artists...every time you hear a song by one of these people listed, MJ makes money from doesn't matter if you hear it on the radio, computer, elevator, phone, tv....he makes take a look at who he owned and then ask yourself again why Sony WOULDN't want him out of the way.
    7 Aurelius[7]
    50 Cent[8]
    [edit] A

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    [edit] B

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    [edit] C

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    [edit] D

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    [edit] E
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    Electric Six[55]
    Elliott Yamin[56]
    Elvis Presley[57]
    Emma Bunton[45]
    Engelbert Humperdinck[58]
    [edit] F
    Faith Hill[7]
    Fall Out Boy[61]
    Flight of the Conchords[15]
    Flo Rida[15]
    Francis Healy[9]
    [edit] G

    Girls AloudGabrielle[12]
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    Gary Barlow[44]
    Gary Powell[19]
    Gemma Fox[64]
    George Michael[9]
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    Graham Nash[38]
    Greg Laswell[15]
    Gretchen Wilson[69]
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    Gwen Stefani[7]
    [edit] H
    H & Claire[10]
    Hank Williams[57]
    Hilary Duff[7]
    Hope of the States[72]
    Hundred Reasons[73]
    [edit] I
    Ian Brown[74]
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    Irv Gotti[15]
    [edit] J

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    Jay Sean[41]
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    Jeff Buckley[15]
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    Joe Jackson[15]
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    John Legend[7]
    John Mayer[38]
    Johntá Austin[15]
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    Joni Mitchell[5]
    Joss Stone[7]
    Junior Jack[36]
    [edit] K
    Katie Melua[80]
    Kelly Rowland[51]
    Kish Mauve[81]
    KT Tunstall[61]
    Kylie Minogue[9]
    [edit] L

    Little RichardLady Gaga[15]
    Lamb of God[15]
    Las Ketchup[63]
    Lauryn Hill[15]
    LeAnn Rimes[63]
    Lee Greenwood[34]
    Lemon Jelly[82]
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    Linda Perry[5]
    Linkin Park[77]
    Little Richard[34]
    Liz Phair[15]
    LL Cool J[7]
    Louis Biancaniello[15]
    [edit] M

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    Mariah Carey[33]
    Marc Anthony[15]
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    Miles Davis[57]
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    Mint Royale[84]
    Modest Mouse[7]
    Mungo Jerry[1]
    [edit] N

    Neil DiamondNarcotic Thrust[17]
    Natasha Bedingfield[8]
    Neal McCoy[65]
    Neil Diamond[33]
    Nelly Furtado[53]
    Nikki Jean[15]
    Nile Rodgers[15]
    Norah Jones[86]
    [edit] O
    [edit] P

    The Pussycat DollsPatsy Cline[34]
    Paul Weller[77]
    Pearl Jam[49]
    Pet Shop Boys[9]
    Peter Cincotti[15]
    Petula Clark[1]
    Phats & Small[83]
    Pussycat Dolls[37]
    [edit] Q
    Queens of the Stone Age[32]
    [edit] R

    RihannaR. Kelly[41]
    Reba McEntire[65]
    Richie Sambora[69]
    Rick Ross[8]
    Ricky Martin[45]
    Rise Against[15]
    Rishi Rich[41]
    Robert Palmer[15]
    Robert Plant[89]
    Roger Miller[34]
    Ronan Keating[36]
    Roy Acuff[34]
    Roy Orbison[57]
    Ryan Adams[41]
    [edit] S

    Snoop DoggS Club 7[9]
    S Club Juniors[63]
    Safri Duo[26]
    Sam & Mark[24]
    Samantha Mumba[45]
    Sara Bareilles[15]
    Sarah McLachlan[61]
    Sarah Whatmore[63]
    Sasha Dobson[15]
    Scars on Broadway[15]
    Sean Kingston[8]
    Secondhand Serenade[15]
    She Wants Revenge[15]
    Simon Webbe[16]
    Simple Kid[91]
    Snoop Dogg[8]
    Souad Massi[92]
    Sound the Alarm[15]
    State of Shock[15]
    Stephen Gately[88]
    Stephen Stills[7]
    Stevie Nicks[69]
    Sue Thompson[34]
    Sweetie Irie[95]
    System Of A Down[9]
    [edit] T
    Teddy Geiger[15]
    The Almost[15]
    The Beautiful South[43]
    The Beatles[96]
    The Champs[34]
    The Cheeky Girls[51]
    The D.E.Y.[15]
    The Everly Brothers[57]
    The Game[15]
    The Hoosiers[44]
    The Kinks[1]
    The Knickerbockers[34]
    The Medic Droid[15]
    The Mescaleros[78]
    The Moody Blues[1]
    The Newbeats[34]
    The Rasmus[41]
    The Searchers[1]
    The Starting Line[15]
    The Ting Tings[44]
    The Vines[97]
    The Wreckers[15]
    Tim McGraw[65]
    Tom Jones[63]
    Tony Christie[99]
    Tymes 4[62]
    [edit] U
    [edit] V
    [edit] W

    Willie NelsonWe Are Scientists[16]
    Whitney Houston[7]
    Will Smith[10]
    Will Young[39]
    Willie Nelson[49]
    Wyclef Jean[38]
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