What it feels like to be a star... the Paparazzi reform

GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
edited June 2010 in News
Watch Kate Moss arriving at LAX and what it feels like to be stalked by paparazzi:

<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoXi0sUMBvE<!-- m -->

This site was set up by James Burke, a former body guard:


  • It is nice to be a celebraty, but I am so glad I am not. I have peace and quiet. If that was me in her place I would have kicked their a.s.s. I wouldn't have tolerated them. I feel for what Mj went through.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Here is what Ben Evenstad and Ron Gallela have to say about their occupation on CNN in an interview of June 2, 2010:


    This is the transcript of an interview with Ben Evenstad on CNN Larry King Live, April 6, 2007:
  • there need to be some heavy heavy laws for paparazzi...All celebrities need to come together and fight. I think that Paparazzi should be limited to OUTSIDE of public spaces only and it should be illegal to tail or follow with intent to capture an image by camera. People can easily make a law that no professional type cameras be allowed in public spaces with the intent of photographing someone against their will. It's pretty simple in my mind. It should also be made law that taking a photo of a celebrity can not hinder movement of the person or keep them from doing what they were doing...something like a distance rule like in restraint orders should be implemented, like they must keep a 25 foot distance in all public settings if they are intending to photograph without consent. All it would take is some heavy enforcing and soon all paparazzi will follow the laws. This is infringement of her rights.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    " This is the transcript of an interview with Ben Evenstad on CNN Larry King Live, April 6, 2007:
    <!-- m -->http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... kl.01.html<!-- m -->"

    This story Ben gives about his school doesn't really connect with the story about the ambulance photo he took. Wasn't he going to medical school? Says here he graduated in 2001. More "stories" about the people who tell "stories"
    Excuse me while I slip into my coat of many buckles today....... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "... I guess we'll start with -- let's start with Ben.

    How do you get into this business?

    BEN EVENSTAD: Well, I went to UCLA and I graduated in 2001.

    KIMMEL: And you majored in -- in...

    EVENSTAD: Political science.

    KIMMEL: I see.


    EVENSTAD: Which trained me well. I was getting autographs as a hobby, just kind of during college. And then I was actually selling those, making some money. And through that, I met some photographers, the paparazzi photographers and just asked them for a job."
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    there need to be some heavy heavy laws for paparazzi...All celebrities need to come together and fight. I think that Paparazzi should be limited to OUTSIDE of public spaces only and it should be illegal to tail or follow with intent to capture an image by camera. People can easily make a law that no professional type cameras be allowed in public spaces with the intent of photographing someone against their will. It's pretty simple in my mind. It should also be made law that taking a photo of a celebrity can not hinder movement of the person or keep them from doing what they were doing...something like a distance rule like in restraint orders should be implemented, like they must keep a 25 foot distance in all public settings if they are intending to photograph without consent. All it would take is some heavy enforcing and soon all paparazzi will follow the laws. This is infringement of her rights.

    Amen! Yes, there need to be very strict laws that stop the paparazzi from hounding celebrities. I am very sick and tired of the paparazzi and the tabloid rag mags. I am going to continue to pray to God to dry up the tabloid press mags and now the paparazzi.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
    That´s horrific. I already get claustrophobia as soon as people push and shove at the supermarket checkout.
    It must be pure hell to be besieged, chased, to be photographed and shouted at the whole time.
    No freedom or vacation, every move is watched. - No, thanks!

    But I suppose there are also celebrities or "wannabe´s" who enjoy the whole thing and who call up the Paparazzi themselves
    in hopes of climbing up on the ladder.
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