This Propofal Killer Nurse Gets Life Sentence

edited January 1970 in News
Credit this link to MJFiles;

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  • youngatheartyoungatheart Posts: 261
    This is very interesting and could possibly set a precident for Murrays case. The one difference is the intent to kill. This person went to this girls home with full intention to kill her. However the extent of Murrays negligence and its supposed outcome should justify a more serious charge than manslaughter and more than a 4 year prison sentence. JMO
  • This is very interesting and could possibly set a precident for Murrays case. The one difference is the intent to kill. This person went to this girls home with full intention to kill her. However the extent of Murrays negligence and its supposed outcome should justify a more serious charge than manslaughter and more than a 4 year prison sentence. JMO

    They have some other Propofal cases listed on MJFiles, but we don't know at this point what his (Murrays) "Intent" was, do we? I mean he WAS being paid by (and under contract to) AEG,and it does look like they profited Big by his death, so....I agree on a much more serious charge than Manslughter....
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