'White-face': used in Afro-American Churches Today!

White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
edited June 2010 in News


  • What does white-face mime mean or what is that?
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    we have mime at our church and it has nothing to do with racist I don't know where this came but it I know for a fact racism never came up I think it just makeup wear by the performer.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    we have mime at our church and it has nothing to do with racist I don't know where this came but it I know for a fact racism never came up I think it just makeup wear by the performer.

    Seriously, I am very interested in your reply. Would you please explain to me how you believe that 'white-face' mime is not racist_for a fact?

    What you have any objections to 'white-people' putting on 'black-face' and reviving the Jim Crow mime?

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    for my me it's more of what mime looks like every mime I have seen have white face paint that why I don't think it's about racism it just a form of dance to praise the Lord for as the white-people putting on black-face it's does not bother me I guess because I know who I am and is proud to be black and racism does not hurt me this is how I feel and yes I see racism on tv and yes it is here where I live but still I don't give it enery to let grow inside of me and if I see thing that I think is racist I keep moving and not feed into it.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • WTF? Why all of a sudden is all this stuff about race and religion coming up? First the NOI was brought up, now this whole mime thing, which if anyone knows anything about mimes they all paint their faces white. Seems like the blacks have been having negative stuff being said on this bored to try to change americans views again or start a freaking race riot. People don't listen to this B.S. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Anyway, whatever side it comes from, we should never give opportunities for racism to develop...Don't let ANGER fulfill your hearts.
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    Thank you deedee75, I appreciated your reply. Let's take religion out of it for a moment.

    Were you offended to see Obama in white-face?

    no because that what they want to hurt and upset people so I don't even give then a chance to when I see and hear thing like this I just keep moving and not give them power to hurt me because I know that who we are.
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    WTF?!?!?! ALL MIMES WEAR WHITE FACE! They're dancing and expressing themselves through the Holy Spirit without using words so it is like MIMING! This is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this forum. Please stop this foolishness now. The white face paint worn on the Praise Dancers / Praise Mimes has absolutely nothing to do with the white people! It is a form of art.

    My GOD help us LORD JESUS.

    Michael Jackson and French mime Marcel Marceau pose during a photo op at the Beacon Theater in New York
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Religion again..........this topic is too hot to touch, but at least it brings awareness that the topic of racism is still very touchy and still alive........please respect eachother ......

    This is a picture of Michael with white makeup...........does that make him racist or "White-face" too???
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    WTF?!?!?! ALL MIMES WEAR WHITE FACE! They're dancing and expressing themselves through the Holy Spirit without using words so it is like MIMING! This is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this forum. Please stop this foolishness now. The white face paint worn on the Praise Dancers / Praise Mimes has absolutely nothing to do with the white people! It is a form of art.

    My GOD help us LORD JESUS.

    Michael Jackson and French mime Marcel Marceau pose during a photo op at the Beacon Theater in New York
    well said
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Okay first of all there is no such thing as white face mime. Secondly, white people who are mimers wear white paint on their faces as well. So I don't understand what you are trying to say. White paint is used to show up the facial expressions while miming. Black paint is also used on the eyebrows and lips. It's a form of expression and creativity. This is in no way racist. I am very offended by this because I happen to be on a mime praise and dance team. We're all about doing God's ministry to all cultures. There are all nationalities at my church and no one is offended by it. Now for black face that was indeed a form of mockery to black people back in the day. White entertainers would wear black face and put white paint on their lips to make them look really huge. They were making fun of black people. So before you post something like this you need to get your facts right and use some tact. It's hurtful as a black woman that you would even compare the two. I can't even believe that you would quote MJ and say that the black churches that do this need to make a change. I'm sorry but this post is very ignorant and SHOULD BE CLOSED! Hello even MJ himself loved mime as we see in the photo posted above with a white mimer wearing white face paint. You basically just offended every black person I'm sure on this web site. I pray that God will open your eyes and give you a serious wake up call.
  • White_OrchidWhite_Orchid Posts: 406
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Thank you for your responses as they were ILLUMINATI-ng. For those that don't know that 'black-face' existed/exists, please see links provided in earlier posts. Michael's messgae included this 'hot' topic. I tabled it so a little bit of light was shed on the discussion.

    The NAACP has shutdown a 'black-face' mime vaudeville act because the NAACP felt that 'black-face' was demeaning, and yet, the NAACP permits 'white-face' mime in church.
    Mime is performance art imitation mime and very different from praise dancing/praise singing.

    Three things really shock me:

    1-fusion of mime and religion
    2-fusion off religion and politics
    3-NAACP double standard regarding white-face/black face

    I find both of gospel mime and the NAACP double standards as promoting racism and creating social division which manifest as racial wars and discrimination.

    Mind control is not just the Illuminati and music industry. Mind control is the 'brand' we buy, our governments, our relgions, etc. Freemasons like Dr. E E Jones of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church and Rev Al Sharpton have fused politics into the Afro-American churches.

    The forum reponses were the same as the public's response to the Obama Joker poster, mixed. I'm looking for explanations. Gospel 'white=face' was built on the graves of black people who belived they were entitled to equal rights.

    Thank you for all responses, I'm going to call a few Freemasons and the NAACP for an explanation of their double standards as I find it offensive and a step back into a racist past.

    Wow you need prayer. Everything is not about illuminati/mind control. God is in control. Besides what does this have to do with MJ regarding the death hoax anyway? Are you serious?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm getting complaints about this thread, so I'll close it for now because I need to go to work. I'll check it out tonight to see if this thread should stay or go.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
    Corroborree: I'd love to tell you how long the Australian Aborigines have done this for..


    but I might be a few hundreds of thousands years wrong in my estimations. Either way, it was LONG before the white man brutally invaded this land.





    Jungle facepaint.

    Goes back to seventeenth-century Japan..
    For the record, Geisha's did not paint their faces this way to depict a "white whore". <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    With respect to your opinion, I must disagree and point out that to me this is art. it's cultural expression. And normally ripe with sacred traditions. The white face mime links you have posted seem harmless at this present time. The problem with black face mime is that it is blatantly obvious that it was used to ridicule and devalue. They didn't even try to hide it. If you can tell me what hardship in YOUR life, or your ancestors life this is insulting then I might understand how this is discriminating.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Okay first of all there is no such thing as white face mime. Secondly, white people who are mimers wear white paint on their faces as well. So I don't understand what you are trying to say. White paint is used to show up the facial expressions while miming. Black paint is also used on the eyebrows and lips. It's a form of expression and creativity. This is in no way racist. I am very offended by this because I happen to be on a mime praise and dance team. We're all about doing God's ministry to all cultures. There are all nationalities at my church and no one is offended by it. Now for black face that was indeed a form of mockery to black people back in the day. White entertainers would wear black face and put white paint on their lips to make them look really huge. They were making fun of black people. So before you post something like this you need to get your facts right and use some tact. It's hurtful as a black woman that you would even compare the two. I can't even believe that you would quote MJ and say that the black churches that do this need to make a change. I'm sorry but this post is very ignorant and SHOULD BE CLOSED! Hello even MJ himself loved mime as we see in the photo posted above with a white mimer wearing white face paint. You basically just offended every black person I'm sure on this web site. I pray that God will open your eyes and give you a serious wake up call.

    I´m not familar with the tradition of mimes in church, this is not common where I come from and I´ve never heard of it before.
    That´s quite interesting - can you tell me what they´re doing during the service? What is their function?
    Do mimes participate in all churches in North-America or only in certain religious communities?

    Sorry for being so curious (and probably off topic), but it really interests me. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Sure I can answer the question for you. Basically what we do is we take a gospel song and we interpret the words using mime and dance. We're basically bringing the song to life. It's like we're giving the audience a visual interpretation of the song. It's just like if you go to a ballet like Swan lake the dance is telling the story. So it's kind of like the same concept except we're doing it in church as an artistic way to express our love for God. I hope that gives you a better idea. If you go to youtube and type in praise dance or mime in church there are lots of videos there. Not all churches do this but there are a lot who do it now along with praise dancing. I think it's awesome.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357
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