Geraldo last night.

WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
edited January 1970 in News
Please forgive me in advance if there is already a posting on this. I did not see one. Geraldo Rivera broke his silence last night about his long time friend Michael Jackson. He has not said a word since last year about his death. He had Joe Jackson on via phone and it was hard to hear but I swear when Joe was asked, " Does it still pain you when you hear Michael was worth more dead than alive?" Joe sounded like he said, "He is worth more alive!. The phone call was not a good connection but he did say Michael was worth more alive than dead. That is money would not be controlled by anyone but him when he is alive. What really shocked me is that Joe did not appear on camera. Only a phone call. Just weird I thought. Then after Geraldo hung up he said that his sources tell him that the brothers are keeping quiet because they are getting $10,000.00 monthly and the children are as well. He said the are receiving this money to keep them quiet about what really happened. I think it was horrible to say that about the children they have absolutely no control over this at all! This has to be a hoax because I can't imagine that Geraldo would ever even consider saying this about the children I mean COME ON NOW! He smiled often during all of the interview. He asked Joe about the law suit that Brain Oxman is bringing against AEG and Joe said he agrees with it but the rest of the family does not. Please if you can see this on Youtube you have to watch it. Nothing about this made any sense. Geraldo said if you want to know why there has been a virtual media black out about the Jackson case I will tell you why after this break or something to that effect. He talked about Michael's trail and how he knew he was innocent and set up. He did a good piece on the fact that MJ was treated like a monster in the media. He knows something. He smiled almost the entire time. Yeah he knows something. I think it has to do with that interview Micheal did with him when he was asked whats next? Micheal said, "FILM."


  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I took it to mean Tito's kids. T3. They would def know about this hoax and may well be on the payroll.
  • Maybe that's the pay they are getting for their role in the hoax? IDK...was Geraldo really happy or just putting up a good front?
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Yeah you know something is up if the brothers are getting paid to keep their mouths shut. Notice Jermaine been real quiet lately. He been laying low so has the rest of the brothers not even a tweet on Twitter. They use to tweet like mad crazy. Now all of a sudden nothing. Even Latoya been keeping her mouth shut lately. The kids getting paid are probably some of the nieces and nephews. I doubt if he is referring to MJ's kids getting money. I guess Randy must not be getting that money or there is an exception for him because he been the only one who been saying things. Maybe he's the only one allowed to speak now. I mean why would Geraldo feel the need to point this out really?
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    voiceforthesilent, I also thought Geraldo seemed very smiley/happy. I didn't feel he was taking the segment seriously. It sounded like Joe was calling from a submarine. Probably a Yellow one at that!
  • Yeah it doesn't make any sense that people would get paid by a dead man to keep quiet about what happened to that dead man... I would the dead man know that something happened in which they need to be quiet about? A dead man can't do that. He'd have to be alive. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    And even if it's someone else giving them's still MJ's money...right? Or am I misunderstanding something? If it wasn't MJ's money..then that means the people who want to keep it quiet are paying the family..and that means they are the ones who killed him. Would the family really accept money in exchange for their silence? I doubt it... there'd have to be at least ONE sane one to stand up and say "SCREW THIS YOU GREEDY MURDERERS" and do something about it.

    I definitely think Geraldo would cooperate freely and gladly if he does know about the hoax because he always believed in Michael's innocence. And as an investigative journalist, I'm sure he learned a LOT about what goes on in the music industry and government and the lies in the media. If I were him, I would support Michael 100% in this project. It makes a lot of sense to me.
  • I just think its VERY SAD if Michael is having to pay to keep his families mouths shut. That so not right. I also PRAY that this all ends very soon with a return of Michael to the real world and I pray that its a HAPPY ENDING for us all.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I just think its VERY SAD if Michael is having to pay to keep his families mouths shut. That so not right. I also PRAY that this all ends very soon with a return of Michael to the real world and I pray that its a HAPPY ENDING for us all.
    amen to that
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Ok.. maybe that explains a few things.

    The brothers are being paid to keep quiet. I can actually see that and may explain a great deal. Latoyah has also gone quiet recently, Janet is just odd and Randy is the only one speaking up right now and even then he is not saying a great deal.

    Hmm.. this may mean one of two things:

    1. Michael was murdered, the family know BUT are being paid off to shut up.

    If this is true.. then SHAME on them because yet again it proves all Michael was to them was a pay check.. money, money, money.

    The children getting money is neither here nor there. They would have no choice and it would go to Katherine for their upkeep anyway, its not like kids their age can do a whole lot with a wad of cash now... unless its being banked for the future. But they are children and this would not mean much to them.

    2. This is a hoax and Michael is paying them to keep quiet.

    One thing which wouldnt make sense on either of these is JOe... why pay the brothers off and not Joe? Joe was cut out of the will and sold a story to NOTW tabloid.. so he needs and WANTS the money... hmm.. my head hurts.

    Can anyone post the vid of Geraldo so i can make my mind up a bit better?
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Ok.. maybe that explains a few things.

    The brothers are being paid to keep quiet. I can actually see that and may explain a great deal. Latoyah has also gone quiet recently, Janet is just odd and Randy is the only one speaking up right now and even then he is not saying a great deal.

    Hmm.. this may mean one of two things:

    1. Michael was murdered, the family know BUT are being paid off to shut up.

    If this is true.. then SHAME on them because yet again it proves all Michael was to them was a pay check.. money, money, money.

    The children getting money is neither here nor there. They would have no choice and it would go to Katherine for their upkeep anyway, its not like kids their age can do a whole lot with a wad of cash now... unless its being banked for the future. But they are children and this would not mean much to them.

    2. This is a hoax and Michael is paying them to keep quiet.

    One thing which wouldnt make sense on either of these is JOe... why pay the brothers off and not Joe? Joe was cut out of the will and sold a story to NOTW tabloid.. so he needs and WANTS the money... hmm.. my head hurts.

    Can anyone post the vid of Geraldo so i can make my mind up a bit better?

  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    Ummm.. can we see this video? I can't find it.
  • moyrummoyrum Posts: 78
    is there a link for the youtube vid please, i cant find it on youtube
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    You know what, the more I hear about these people being paid to keep quiet, or signing codes of silence, the more I am convinced that MICHAEL COULD NOT BE DEAD. Why, because I don't believe that ANY amount of money could keep a person who really loved Michael, like his brothers and sisters, etc.,would be enough to keep his murder quiet. I just don't believe it. It makes me a little more concerned that something did take place on June 25th, but not a death, maybe a near death or an failed attempt. Something very serious and conspiratorial in nature and perhaps bigger than we can imagine. Who would be paying them? The CIA most likely. Why would the CIA pay them unless it was of utmost importance that details not be divulged. That makes me think seriously that Michael is either in an institution from either a breakdown or a very serious consequence of some meds gone wrong, or an international attempt on his life that foiled, thus forcing him to be put into protective custody. And by the way international could include Sony and/or AEG. Their arms reach far and wide. They are global.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I believe that MJ is alive. I have never believe anything else. It does not add up since June 25, 2009. I will continue to stand up and fight to find the truth of what happened to our beloved MJ. I will not let go no matter what. I will continue to pray to God to bring MJ home to us. MJ, I love you, baby. You are always in my thoughts. I am holding onto your hand, and I will no let go no matter what lies to the media tells me. God bless everyone on this forum for your love, your inisights, your non-stop research, your detective work and your support for MJ. Your love shines into the darkness, and lights the ways for all the world to see. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Blessing to Geraldo!
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