conrad murray

MademoiselleMademoiselle Posts: 30
edited January 1970 in News

yes I did find out who Murray really is. I went to and found out that his real name is Robert Earl Carter and he is married to Blanche Yvette Bonnick Murray.

Now Dr. Blanche Yvette Bonnick Murray has a practice at 2110 east flamingo unit 301. Now this address is very important because its listed on the warrant for Global cardiovascular associates. and it isn't his, it's hers! It's in Nevada the practice and she's a family doctor.

Robert changed his name on his license in February of 2009 to "Conrad Murray" and then he bought properties in Conrad Murray's name. Now when you google 'Conrad Murray Global Associates' you get the address 3121 South Maryland pkwy, not 2110 east flamingo which is on the warrant, and if you google 'Conrad Murray Houston Texas' you get the same address of 3121 South Maryland pkwy, BUT it's listed in Houston, Texas. This medical clinic that he supposedly works at is owned by Dr Davil Armstrong, and his medical licensce was suspeneded in 2006, but he owns the building at 6826 west Montgomery Road, Houston, Texas 77091. There hasn't been patients in there for a while. The phone number of his office is 713-692-1000.

Furthermore "Murray" has one adult daughter named Monique Lee Carter, and Blanche has one adult daughter named Maureen Ray Rose. "Murray" doesn't have any other children according to Both adult children live with them at that address.

Something else I found out which I think might be important, remember when that car was found at MJ's house and they said Murray was driving it but it belonged to his sister Susan Rush, well I noticed on Peoplefinders that it is listed to Susan Rush who is an associate or roommate of the "Murray's". So I did a google check on her, andl I couldn't figure out if she is related to them or even if she is a real person. The name Susan Rush is a personal circus, like the Circus is called Susan Rush, and the address for whoever owns the circus is 10629 Sandpiper Dr# 14 Houston, Texas 77096. And that address is owned by Robert Earl Carter, yes our "Conrad Murray". So I'm thinking that it's him who owns the circus. The 'Susan Rush circus' comes (performs in) from Magnolia, Texas. So the car that was owned by "Susan Rush" may have been "Conrad Murray's" work car. If you google the name Robert Earl Carter two things come up. First one is that there is a obstrician that is named Robert earl carter from Ca, and the second one is a circus owner, so I'm thinking this dude really does circus things.
Remember though when MJ "died" the police couldn't find Murray so they went to Suzan Rush"s house to find him or to question her about where he was. Well they really went to Robert Earl Carter's House. It was all staged from the getgo.

I'm thinking that this Dr. Blanche Murray is the real Dr. Murray, and that there is no "Conrad Murray" who is a cardiologist. However it makes sense I think, that perhaps this Dr. Blanche Murray is who may have treated Michael's kids in Vegas considering she is a family doctor. This may be the real doctor that may go on tour with Michael eventually. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I think her real name might be Blanche Yvette Bonnick Carter.


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  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Mademoiselle well done. Some of this was brought up in the beginning, but this is fantastic information. That might explain why he keeps clowning around.

    This is getting really wierd.

    That could explain the amount of protection he is offered during the trial?? Michael has chosen him to play a part as "The Doctor Death". Do you realise there is a Documentary being made about Dr Murray.??? It's still in the making.......
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Old news.
  • We have so many threads about Murray please check here: <!-- l -->viewforum.php?f=28<!-- l -->
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