Celebrity Extortion -- "MJ Wouldn't Pay"

edited January 1970 in News
I found this post (on an old forum) in regard to a Book Titled...

"The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA, and The Hidden History of Hollywood"

Anyways...The point is that the music business and entertainment business has been crime controlled for a long time. One thing they do to celebrities is extort them. They demand money, paying jobs for doing nothing, do certain movies on demand, etc. If you dont go along with it, in the past, you couldn't get booked, you would get roughed up, etc. Now they will attempt to ruin your career. The Laywer who has been the driving force in the molestation cases, Barry Rothman is mentioned in those books on the MCA mafia connection as an MCA lawyer. In one of them there is an interview with a mafia guy. He talks about how his job was to extort money from celebrities, including Dionne Warwick and Michael Jackson. He said Michael wouldn't pay. It was not long after that when the first molestation case started, pushed by a guy who owed the mob lots of money from gambling debts (Evan Chandler) with the aid and schemes of an ex MCA lawyer.

Then there is Sony which wants 100% control over the ATV/Sony catalogue. Who knows what they are into, but their choice for head of sony records (Michael's label) was Tommy Mottola. Michael went on a media campaign calling Mottola a racist a few years back which ended up in so much bad publicity Sony had to remove Mottola as head of Sony records. This is from an Entertainment Weekly article; Mariah Carey speaking about Tommy Mottola, her ex-husband.

"Talking about the split, Mariah Carey chooses her words carefully, as she is prone to do. At once candid and coy, she'll answer "yes," then hedge for five minutes. On the subject of her marriage, the indirectness is understandable in light of the unflattering attention it received in a Vanity Fair profile of Mottola last December. The article, rife with denials from the record mogul, painted him as a controlling, Mafia-connected obsessive who'd turned Cinderella into Rapunzel inside their Bedford estate."
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