Katherine Jackson: My Way Or the Highway

whisperwhisper Posts: 630
edited January 1970 in News
Katherine Jackson: My Way Or the Highway
Originally posted 34 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned there's a standoff at the Jackson family homestead between Katherine Jackson and Jackson baby mama Alejandra Jackson -- but the smart money is on Katherine.


TMZ broke the story ... Katherine has asked Alejandra and her four kids -- Jermajesty, Jaafar (both fathered by Jermaine Jackson), as well as Donte and Randy Jr. (both sired by Randy Jackson) to move out, because they're just too much for Katherine to handle.

Although Katherine and the Michael Jackson estate have offered to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ, Alejandra has lawyered up. We're told Katherine wants Alejandra to sign a confidentiality agreement and Alejandra wants better digs and a fabulous parting gift in the form of money.

Sources tell us Alejandra's lawyer has not made a specific demand, but Katherine realizes she needs Alejandra and her kids to move so she can care for Michael's 3 kids. We're told Katherine is back in town and ready to lay down the law and tell her former daughter-in-law -- it's either the condo or the highway.

Mind you ... Katherine cares deeply for her grandkids but is not going to be held hostage by someone who has no legal claim. True enough, Jermaine owes Alejandra back child support ... but Katherine does not see that as her problem. Plus, Katherine is living on an allowance, can't afford a payoff and we're told the MJ estate will not ante up money for Jermaine and Randy's obligations.

Stay tuned
<!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/16/katherine ... out-condo/<!-- m -->


  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Katherine Jackson: My Way Or the Highway
    Originally posted 34 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
    TMZ has learned there's a standoff at the Jackson family homestead between Katherine Jackson and Jackson baby mama Alejandra Jackson -- but the smart money is on Katherine.

    TMZ broke the story ... Katherine has asked Alejandra and her four kids -- Jermajesty, Jaafar (both fathered by Jermaine Jackson), as well as Donte and Randy Jr. (both sired by Randy Jackson) to move out, because they're just too much for Katherine to handle.

    Although Katherine and the Michael Jackson estate have offered to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ, Alejandra has lawyered up. We're told Katherine wants Alejandra to sign a confidentiality agreement and Alejandra wants better digs and a fabulous parting gift in the form of money.
    Sources tell us Alejandra's lawyer has not made a specific demand, but Katherine realizes she needs Alejandra and her kids to move so she can care for Michael's 3 kids. We're told Katherine is back in town and ready to lay down the law and tell her former daughter-in-law -- it's either the condo or the highway.

    Mind you ... Katherine cares deeply for her grandkids but is not going to be held hostage by someone who has no legal claim. True enough, Jermaine owes Alejandra back child support ... but Katherine does not see that as her problem. Plus, Katherine is living on an allowance, can't afford a payoff and we're told the MJ estate will not ante up money for Jermaine and Randy's obligations.

    Stay tuned
    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/16/katherine ... out-condo/<!-- m -->

    Dang Mother Katherine about to regulate and clean house. Funny she's doing it now. I find the part about the confidentiality agreement to be interesting. Alejandra may know something too. Maybe that's why she trying to be so demanding. Anyway why can't Alejandra just get a job? I guess Jermaine and Randy gotta step they game up as well.
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    *to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ*

    Not the MJ estate?

    Not the late MJ?

    Since when does dead people own houses?
    Perhaps from the grave.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    It's time for him to jump out, so he can set things straight.

  • *to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ*

    Not the MJ estate?

    Not the late MJ?

    Since when does dead people own houses?
    Perhaps from the grave.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    It's time for him to jump out, so he can set things straight.


    Wow! Good catch...totally went over my head!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Although Katherine and the Michael Jackson estate have offered to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ, Alejandra has lawyered up. We're told Katherine wants Alejandra to sign a confidentiality agreement and Alejandra wants better digs and a fabulous parting gift in the form of money.

    Sources tell us Alejandra's lawyer has not made a specific demand, but Katherine (Mike?) realizes she needs Alejandra and her kids to move so she can care for Michael's 3 kids. We're told Katherine (Mike) is back in town and ready to lay down the law and tell her former daughter-in-law -- it's either the condo or the highway.

    Mind you ... Katherine (Mike) cares deeply for her grandkids but is not going to be held hostage by someone who has no legal claim. True enough, Jermaine owes Alejandra back child support ... but Katherine (Mike)[/color] does not see that as her (his) problem . Plus, Katherine is living on an allowance, can't afford a payoff and we're told the MJ estate will not ante up money for Jermaine and Randy's obligations.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    This is really puzzling because wasn't it child services who said months ago over the stun gun incident that the kids needed to move out because there were too many there for Katherine to care properly for Michael's kids? It's interesting that we've heard nothing more of child services. Something isn't right with this story. The daughter-in-law wouldn't do this to Katherine would she?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    My way or the Highway (Limp Bizkit)

    Check, check, check check, check, check, check, check out reality

    You think you're special
    You do
    I can see it in your eyes
    I can see it when you laugh at me
    Look down on me
    and walk around on me
    Just one more fight
    About your leadership
    And I will straight up
    Leave your shit
    Cause I've had enough of this
    And now I'm pissed

    This time I'm 'a let it all come out
    This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
    I'm 'a do things my way
    It's my way
    My way, or the highway

    This time I'm 'a let it all come out
    This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
    I'm 'a do things my way
    It's my way
    My way, or the highway

    Check out, check check, check out reality x2
    Check, check out, check, check out, check, check, check out reality

    Just one more fight
    About a lot of things
    And I will give up everything
    To be on my own again
    Free again

    This time I'm 'a let it all come out
    This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
    I'm 'a do things my way
    It's my way
    My way, or the highway

    This time I'm 'a let it all come out
    This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
    I'm 'a do things my way
    It's my way
    My way, or the highway

    Some day you'll see things my way
    Cause you never know
    no, you never know
    When you're gonna go

    Some day you'll see things my way
    Cause you never know
    no, you never know
    When you're gonna go

    Check, check out, check, check out, check out reality x3

    Just one more fight
    And I'll be history
    Yes I will straight up
    Leave your shit
    And you'll be the one who's left
    Missing me

    This time I'm 'a let it all come out
    This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
    I'm 'a do things my way
    It's my way
    My way, or the highway

    This time I'm 'a let it all come out
    This time I'm 'a stand up and shout
    I'm 'a do things my way
    It's my way
    My way, or the highway

    Some day you'll see things my way
    Cause you never know
    no, you never know
    When you're gonna go

    Some day you'll see things my way
    Cause you never know
    no, you never know
    When you're gonna go
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If msteetee34, she knows that what the confidentiality agreement, no other explanation. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Although Katherine and the Michael Jackson estate have offered to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ,

    Yeah.. paid for by MICHAELS money - not Katherines, not Alejandras and not Randys or Jermaines.

    This woman got a cheek asking for any money whatsoever. She is a squatter in that Encino house. Why the heck should Katherine or Michael pay for Randys and Jermaines kids? Aargh.. makes me mad.
  • Alejandra knows something and it sounds like there's some kind of blackmail involved. Otherwise, Katherine would have laid down the law already and would not need a confidentiality agreement to do so. Katherine has every right to demand that Alejandra move out, and Alejandra has zero right to stay, as others have pointed out. There's something fishy about this story, and my guess is that we're supposed to read between the lines.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Alejandra knows something and it sounds like there's some kind of blackmail involved. Otherwise, Katherine would have laid down the law already and would not need a confidentiality agreement to do so. Katherine has every right to demand that Alejandra move out, and Alejandra has zero right to stay, as others have pointed out. There's something fishy about this story, and my guess is that we're supposed to read between the lines.

    I think you are correct as there seems to be no reason why Katherine cant just sling her out and let Randy and Jermaine worry about it.
  • Oh Gosh.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I don't blame Mrs Jackson for wanting the Alejandra & co out, it must crazy at the Encino house. Plus can u imagine the atmosphere - who the hell stays in a house where they have clearly outstayed their welcome? I suppose if Mrs Jackson could just throw her out she would have by now, i guess shes afraid of a backlash. The tabloids would have a field day!
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    I really feel this is a way of letting the world know what Katherine has had to endure for years & also it says alot about Jermaine & Randy, In my view these two brothers have let Michael down in many ways over the years & it has to be frustrating watching your mother deal with all this mess, if it were my two brothers they would be made take responsibilty for their children & provide a home for them, no way would we watch our mother go through this......... <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    Randy & Jermaine need to man up, its always these two that is brought to light & I trust neither of them. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Katherine Jackson: My Way Or the Highway
    Originally posted 34 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
    TMZ has learned there's a standoff at the Jackson family homestead between Katherine Jackson and Jackson baby mama Alejandra Jackson -- but the smart money is on Katherine.


    TMZ broke the story ... Katherine has asked Alejandra and her four kids -- Jermajesty, Jaafar (both fathered by Jermaine Jackson), as well as Donte and Randy Jr. (both sired by Randy Jackson) to move out, because
    they're just too much for Katherine to handle.

    Although Katherine and the Michael Jackson estate have offered to let Alejandra and her brood move into a
    nearby condo owned by MJ, Alejandra has lawyered up. We're told Katherine wants Alejandra to sign a confidentiality agreement and Alejandra wants better digs and a fabulous parting gift in the form of money.

    Sources tell us Alejandra's lawyer has not made a specific demand, but Katherine realizes she needs
    Alejandra and her kids to move so she can care for Michael's 3 kids. We're told Katherine is back in town and
    ready to lay down the law and tell her former daughter-in-law -- it's either the condo or the highway.

    Mind you ... Katherine cares deeply for her grandkids but is not going to be held hostage by someone who has
    no legal claim. True enough, Jermaine owes Alejandra back child support ... but Katherine does not see that as
    her problem. Plus, Katherine is living on an allowance, can't afford a payoff and we're told the MJ estate will not ante up money for Jermaine and Randy's obligations.

    Twin Towers A Surface to Air Missile

    Twin Towers - the tallest two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, destroyed September 11, 2001


    Surface to Air Missile(SAM) or ground-to-air missile (GTAM) is a missile designed to be launched from the ground to destroy aircraft. Development of surface-to-air missiles began in Nazi Germany during late World War II with missiles like the Wasserfall. It is one part of the anti-aircraft system. Surface to air missiles are classified by their guidance, mobility, altitude and range.

    Dick Cheney commanded NORAD - Ordered a STAND DOWN; NO Surface to Air Missile (SAM) was LAUNCHED




    If NORAD had launched surface to air missiles to shoot down the planes on 911, the planes would not have hit the Twin Towers.
  • Although Katherine and the Michael Jackson estate have offered to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ, Alejandra has lawyered up.

    At least we know who is getting payed the monthly 10k to keep her mouth shut. I mean why would the MJ estate be taking care of Jermaine and Randy's children? Wow, I never thought those executors were lovely enough to take care of the deceased's nephews...

    We're told Katherine wants Alejandra to sign a confidentiality agreement and Alejandra wants better digs and a fabulous parting gift in the form of money. LOL a confidentiality agreement? What can be so secret that needs a confidentiality agreement? I mean, the whole world knows Katherine doesnt want them in the house. Yeah, Alejandra will remain shut if you give her money...

    Katherine is living on an allowance, can't afford a payoff and we're told the MJ estate will not ante up money for Jermaine and Randy's obligations.

    But wait! Randy's obligations?...oh come on TMZ...dont you know Randy has enough money to give it all out...I mean he gave 60K to Treasure...What makes you think he cant handle his obligations? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    @Serenity...could you please explain your post? Are you connecting the DOTS?
  • [/quote]
    [/b] But wait! Randy's obligations?...oh come on TMZ...dont you know Randy has enough money to give it all out...I mean he gave 60K to Treasure...What makes you think he cant handle his obligations? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Hold the phone...can you please elaborate on Randy giving 60k to Treasure. I missed that piece of news.
  • *to let Alejandra and her brood move into a nearby condo owned by MJ*

    Not the MJ estate?

    Not the late MJ?

    Since when does dead people own houses?
    Perhaps from the grave.... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    It's time for him to jump out, so he can set things straight.


    It's the first thing that caught my eyes ! They always talk about the Estate, about Katherine, About Randy or Jermaine...how can they make such mistake ? MJ owns a house ? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • @Serenity...could you please explain your post? Are you connecting the DOTS?
    That is exactly what I am doing. TIAI has told us that there are DOTS in the TMZ articles.

    These DOTS are in the capitalized letters at the start of each line, and may also be present in the Article Titles and the Photographs used in Articles. The content of these articles may not be associated to the DOTS at all. The content of all of theses articles could also be completely fabricated, may have some relevance to the hoax, may be a mix of truth and fabrication. Dots may also be in other stories on TMZ that are not directly related to Michael.

    If some people wants to focus on the tabloid content (aka as garbage, rubbish or BS) within some of these articles, that is their choice and we all have freedom of choice. I prefer to try and discover the messages and relevant information within these articles because that is why I am here, to investigate.
  • [/b] But wait! Randy's obligations?...oh come on TMZ...dont you know Randy has enough money to give it all out...I mean he gave 60K to Treasure...What makes you think he cant handle his obligations? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Hold the phone...can you please elaborate on Randy giving 60k to Treasure. I missed that piece of news.[/quote]

    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/celebrities/michae ... 262010.php<!-- m -->

    Randy donated 60 thousand dollars to Treasure Dearsaw, who suffers some life threatening illness. BTW, Im not doubting he donated or is planning to donate the money. What I cant understand is why the MJ estate is providing home for Alejandra and her children, but this woman wants a fabulous parting gift in form of money...
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    But wait! Randy's obligations?...oh come on TMZ...dont you know Randy has enough money to give it all out...I mean he gave 60K to Treasure...What makes you think he cant handle his obligations? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Randy donated 60 thousand dollars to Treasure Dearsaw, who suffers some life threatening illness. BTW, Im not doubting he donated or is planning to donate the money. What I cant understand is why the MJ estate is providing home for Alejandra and her children, but this woman wants a fabulous parting gift in form of money...

  • @Serenity...could you please explain your post? Are you connecting the DOTS?
    In my opinion it is time to start looking deeper, if you don't want to that's fine but I feel an obligation to Michael to understand his messages and to share what I have discovered. If you wish to dismiss me and my posts, so be it. But as I really am posting what I believe Michael is trying to convey to us all, then you are actually dismissing MICHAEL'S messages. I don't think he would be very proud of the focus being on the rubbish part of the articles and not his actual message either. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    When connecting dots, you can look for the first letter in each line—such as Serenitys_Dream and others have done. However, be sure to look for more than just the first letter in each line. Sometimes the message is in the pictures, or article titles, etc. In fact, sometimes the dots are in articles which are not even MJ related—such as the “Still Alive” heading, on the 6-14 Murray court day {http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/14/england-goalie-robert-green-world-cup-photo-soccer/}.
  • @Serenity...could you please explain your post? Are you connecting the DOTS?
    That is exactly what I am doing. TIAI has told us that there are DOTS in the TMZ articles.

    These DOTS are in the capitalized letters at the start of each line, and may also be present in the Article Titles and the Photographs used in Articles. The content of these articles may not be associated to the DOTS at all. The content of all of theses articles could also be completely fabricated, may have some relevance to the hoax, may be a mix of truth and fabrication. Dots may also be in other stories on TMZ that are not directly related to Michael.

    If some people wants to focus on the tabloid content (aka as garbage, rubbish or BS) within some of these articles, that is their choice and we all have freedom of choice. I prefer to try and discover the messages and relevant information within these articles because that is why I am here, to investigate.

    Oh okay, thanks. I didnt understand fully what TS meant with "connecting the DOTS". In my case, I'll read whatever I can: analyze what I believe is good and relevant, and discard the BS.
  • But wait! Randy's obligations?...oh come on TMZ...dont you know Randy has enough money to give it all out...I mean he gave 60K to Treasure...What makes you think he cant handle his obligations? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Randy donated 60 thousand dollars to Treasure Dearsaw, who suffers some life threatening illness. BTW, Im not doubting he donated or is planning to donate the money. What I cant understand is why the MJ estate is providing home for Alejandra and her children, but this woman wants a fabulous parting gift in form of money...


    LOL yeah, really common name, huh? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • @Serenity...could you please explain your post? Are you connecting the DOTS?
    In my opinion it is time to start looking deeper, if you don't want to that's fine but I feel an obligation to Michael to understand his messages and to share what I have discovered. If you wish to dismiss me and my posts, so be it. But as I really am posting what I believe Michael is trying to convey to us all, then you are actually dismissing MICHAEL'S messages. I don't think he would be very proud of the focus being on the rubbish part of the articles and not his actual message either. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    When connecting dots, you can look for the first letter in each line—such as Serenitys_Dream and others have done. However, be sure to look for more than just the first letter in each line. Sometimes the message is in the pictures, or article titles, etc. In fact, sometimes the dots are in articles which are not even MJ related—such as the “Still Alive” heading, on the 6-14 Murray court day {http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/14/england-goalie-robert-green-world-cup-photo-soccer/}.

    No, dont misunderstand me, please. I really didn't understand what TS meant with connect the DOTS, thats all. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I really enjoy your posts, and appreciate your investigation in here. Just saw you highlighted the first letter of each paragraph, and thought about the DOTS.
  • @Serenity...could you please explain your post? Are you connecting the DOTS?
    In my opinion it is time to start looking deeper, if you don't want to that's fine but I feel an obligation to Michael to understand his messages and to share what I have discovered. If you wish to dismiss me and my posts, so be it. But as I really am posting what I believe Michael is trying to convey to us all, then you are actually dismissing MICHAEL'S messages. I don't think he would be very proud of the focus being on the rubbish part of the articles and not his actual message either. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    When connecting dots, you can look for the first letter in each line—such as Serenitys_Dream and others have done. However, be sure to look for more than just the first letter in each line. Sometimes the message is in the pictures, or article titles, etc. In fact, sometimes the dots are in articles which are not even MJ related—such as the “Still Alive” heading, on the 6-14 Murray court day {http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/14/england-goalie-robert-green-world-cup-photo-soccer/}.

    No, dont misunderstand me, please. I really didn't understand what TS meant with connect the DOTS, thats all. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I really enjoy your posts, and appreciate your investigation in here. Just saw you highlighted the first letter of each paragraph, and thought about the DOTS.
    My comment was not meant to be to you directly, I apologize. It was a general statement.

    As I have been deciphering these DOTS for days now and yet we do not seem to be discussing the discovered messages but instead the focus remains on the tabloid content of the articles.

    I find this very frustrating because as TS had stated in previous posts Michael's return has had several possible dates. The return has been pushed back repeatedly as Michael's message was not being understood or taken seriously.

    No return date has been set in stone, if you want him to come back and reveal he is alive you must accept and understand the reasons why behind the "Hoax" in the first place. Michael can not tell us all individually and if he just told us we probably wouldn't believe it. This is the reason for all of the clues, so that we investigate and discover fro ourselves. Only through investigation and discovery can we come to understand and believe the actual "WHY" and convey that to others.

    The more people who know and understand the truth the sooner he returns and the easier it is to "SAVE US and THIS PLANET". I see us as advocates for Michael, his voice, carrying his message and aiding in our own survival because really that is what this is all about.
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    I really don't understand, do Michael or Janet ever help their sibilings? Its almost like Gary, Idianan agian. How the hell you have two popular entertainers making millions of dollars and not buy a house for your sister in law, nephew, and cousins??
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    oh yea, it still makes me cring when Randy and Jermaine had kids with the same woman, that's digusting
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