TMZ is posting 911-calls again

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in News
3 in a row:

January Jones 911 Call -- 'The Driver is Not OK'
Originally posted Jun 17th 2010 12:18 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made moments after "Mad Men" star January Jones slammed into a couple of parked cars last week.


A female witness called 911right after the incident. During the call, the witness asks January how she's doing ... January responds, "My heart is racing."

Jones later admitted to the crash -- claiming she was "being followed by paparazzi."

After the wreck, Jones' rep released a statement saying, "There was no alcohol involved and there is no investigation pending."

<!-- m --> ... stigation/<!-- m -->


Jason Alexander 911 Call -- 'A Cyclist Just Got Hit'
Originally posted Jun 17th 2010 1:00 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made after "Seinfeld" star Jason Alexander was involved in a car vs. bike accident with a young boy in Los Angeles back in April.


The call was made by a woman who had just witnessed the accident -- she says a "nurse" had rushed to the scene to attend the injured boy.

According to the caller, Alexander was driving a Prius at the time of the incident.

As TMZ first reported, the 14-year-old on the bike only suffered a slight laceration on his head -- and law enforcement sources tell us Alexander "acted responsibly" after the crash ...staying with the boy until paramedics and police arrived on scene.

<!-- m --> ... lice-cops/<!-- m -->


Charlie Sheen 911 -- 'Car Went ... Over the Cliff'
Originally posted Jun 17th 2010 1:02 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made right after someone saw Charlie Sheen's Mercedes-Benz go rolling into a ditch earlier this week.


Charlie did not make the 911 call -- it was made by a guy who claims he witnessed the car drive off the cliff early Tuesday morning. The witness says he went from Mulholland Drive to Ventura Blvd. -- roughly 3 miles away -- and used a pay phone to call 911.

It's a little weird that the man would drive all the way down to Ventura Blvd. and use a pay phone ... instead of just using a cell phone.

Sources tell TMZ another car from a nearby gated community was also stolen around the same time ... and the 2nd car was taken to exact spot where Charlie's car rolled off the cliff.

The operating theory is that the thieves were planning on rolling the 2nd car down the hill -- but they were scared off before they could do it.

However, up to this point -- cops have not established a clear connection between the two thefts.

As TMZ previously reported, Sheen's car was taken from his Hollywood Hills home in the early hours of June 15 -- and was discovered a short time later in a ditch off of Mulholland Drive.

It was the second time one of Charlie's rides was allegedly taken for a joyride and then ditched.

So far, police have been unable to identify a culprit.

<!-- m --> ... lland-car/<!-- m -->

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."


  • The first 2 remind me of Smooth Criminal...

    Driver not okay - Annie are you okay?
    Got hit - You've been hit by...

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    When I first saw these articles on TMZ, they were one right after the other...999.

    And coincidentally enough, TS posted TIAI update #6 today (before the TMZ articles were posted) once again stressing the importance of numbers.

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    It makes 999, 666 reversed.

    All the calls have been made by witnesses, don't know if it can mean something...

    Mysterious deaths of 9/11 witnesses

  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Nine is finality

    The justice, the truth.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • 3 in a row:

    January Jones 911 Call -- 'The Driver is Not OK'
    Originally posted Jun 17th 2010 12:18 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

    TMZ has obtained the 911 call made moments after "Mad
    Men" star January Jones slammed into a couple of parked
    cars last week.


    A female witness called 911right after the incident. During the call,
    the witness asks January how she's doing ...
    January responds, "My heart is racing."

    Jones later admitted to the crash -- claiming she was "being
    followed by paparazzi."

    After the wreck, Jones' rep released a statement saying,
    "There was no alcohol involved and there is no investigation

    TMA - Thermomechanical Analysis; Of or pertaining to the variation of the mechanical properties of a material with temperature

    This would be the type of analysis used on the debris at the WTC site by Scientist and in the fabricated NIST report.

    JJA - Josephson Junction Array
    The Josephson effect is the phenomenon of current flow across two weakly coupled superconductors, separated by a very thin insulating barrier. This arrangement—two superconductors linked by a non-conducting barrier—is known as a Josephson junction; the current that crosses the barrier is the Josephson current. The terms are named after British physicist Brian David Josephson, who predicted the existence of the effect in 1962.[1] It has important applications in quantum-mechanical circuits, such as SQUIDs or RSFQ digital electronics.

    Disorder Effects in High-Temperature Superconductors
    Experiments are in progress on the effect of displacement damage on the properties of high-temperature superconductor materials and devices made from them. We study radiation-induced changes in parameters such as the surface resistance, critical current, and transition temperature in order to understand the relationship between displacement damage and penetration depth, flux pinning, and sample stoichiometry. We are now investigating second generation structures, such as Josephson Junctions.

    Building Implosion
    In the controlled demolition industry, building implosion is the strategic placing of explosive material and timing of its detonation so that a structure collapses on itself in a matter of seconds, minimizing the physical damage to its immediate surroundings. Despite its terminology, building implosion also includes the controlled demolition of other structures, such as bridges, smokestacks, towers, and tunnels.

    Building implosion (which reduces to seconds a process which could take months or years to achieve by other methods) typically occurs in urban areas and often involves large landmark structures.

    The actual use of the term "implosion" to refer to the destruction of a building is a misnomer. This had been stated of the destruction of 1515 Tower in West Palm Beach, Florida. "What happens is, you use explosive materials in critical structural connections to allow gravity to bring it down."



  • 3 in a row:

    Jason Alexander 911 Call -- 'A Cyclist Just Got Hit'
    Originally posted Jun 17th 2010 1:00 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

    TMZ has obtained the 911 call made after "Seinfeld" star
    Jason Alexander was involved in a car vs. bike accident
    with a young boy in Los Angeles back in April.


    The call was made by a woman who had just witnessed the
    accident -- she says a "nurse" had rushed to the scene to
    attend the injured boy.

    According to the caller, Alexander was driving a Prius at the
    time of the incident.

    As TMZ first reported, the 14-year-old on the bike only
    suffered a slight laceration on his head -- and law
    enforcement sources tell us Alexander "acted responsibly"
    after the crash ...staying with the boy until paramedics and
    police arrived on scene.

    TJ - Tactical Jammer
    The purpose of radio jamming is to make it difficult or impossible to receive desired signals. Jamming is accomplished by transmitting a strong signal on the same frequency as that used for communications. A jamming signal me be intended to block a single frequency --- called spot jamming, or, to block a band of frequencies --- called barrage jamming.

    Tactical radio jamming equipment (ECM, Electronic Counter Measures) comes in various configurations that range from ground base --- static or mobile versions, airborne versions, manpack versions and expendable versions just to name a few.

    Although simple jammers have been around as long as radio transceivers have, technological advances of the past decade has thrusted forward the development of advanced and sophisticated intelligent jamming equipment.

    Modern technology has lead to the development of modern jamming equipment employed in today's tactical environment. This new breed of equipment is capable of employing such techniques as wide-band rf spectrum transmitters, and various audio tones to jam or to spoof receiving equipment and their operators. Other more sophisticated systems are comprised of frequency tracking receivers and transmitters and utilize several large directional antenna arrays that permits directional jamming and creates deep nulls towards the "friendly area" to minimize the effects of the jamming.



    TAA - Technologically Advanced Aircraft




  • 3 in a row:
    Charlie Sheen 911 -- 'Car Went ... Over the Cliff'
    Originally posted Jun 17th 2010 1:02 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

    TMZ has obtained the 911 call made right after someone
    saw Charlie Sheen's Mercedes-Benz go rolling into a ditch
    earlier this week.


    Charlie did not make the 911 call -- it was made by a guy
    who claims he witnessed the car drive off the cliff early
    Tuesday morning. The witness says he went from
    Mulholland Drive to Ventura Blvd. -- roughly 3 miles away --
    and used a pay phone to call 911.

    It's a little weird that the man would drive all the way down to
    Ventura Blvd. and use a pay phone ... instead of just using a
    cell phone.

    Sources tell TMZ another car from a nearby gated
    community was also stolen around the same time ... and the 2nd car was taken to exact spot where Charlie's
    car rolled off the cliff.

    The operating theory is that the thieves were planning on rolling the 2nd car down the hill -- but they were scared
    off before they could do it.

    However, up to this point -- cops have not established a clear connection between the two thefts.

    As TMZ previously reported, Sheen's car was taken from his Hollywood Hills home in the early hours of June 15
    -- and was discovered a short time later in a ditch off of Mulholland Drive.

    It was the second time one of Charlie's rides was allegedly taken for a joyride and then ditched.

    So far, police have been unable to identify a culprit.

    For TCT, I am not sure which we are being directed to or if both of the following are relevant.

    TCT - Tactical Collection Team
    Military, Government and Law Enforcement (SWAT)
    They are trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the abilities of regular officers. Their duties include performing hostage rescues and counter-terrorism operations, subduing barricaded suspects, and engaging heavily-armed criminals. Often equipped with specialized firearms including assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, carbines, riot control agents, stun grenades, and high-powered rifles for snipers. They have specialized equipment including heavy body armor, ballistic shields, entry tools, armored vehicles, advanced night vision optics, and motion detectors for covertly determining the positions of hostages or hostage takers inside of an enclosed structure.

    TCT - Time Critical Targeting
    The Electronic Systems Center, Combat Air forces Command and Control Directorate, serving as the Executive Agent for the Aerospace Command, Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center (ASC2ISRC), seeks to develop and field a Time Critical Targeting (TCT) Cell. The TCT Cell will enable the Combat Air Force’s (CAF) Air Operations Centers (AOCs) to greatly reduce the timeline to find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess TCTs.

    A Time Critical Target (TCT) is defined as a time sensitive target with an extremely limited window of vulnerability or opportunity, the attack of which is critical to ensure successful completion of the Joint Force Commander’s operations. By definition, TCTs rank high on the Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List. A successful TCT Cell will incorporate intelligence preparation of the battlespace applications, terrain analysis applications, target development and nomination applications, weapon-target pairing applications and other applications and data as may be appropriate to yield an integrated capability. The integrated capability thus created will successfully identify TCTs and make knowledge-based weapon tasking recommendations within the threshold timelines outlined in the Draft Time Critical Targeting (TCT) Cell Operational Requirements Document (ORD) dated 20 Jun 00.

    The TCT Cell will interface with Theater Battle Management Core System (TBMCS) [Lockheed Martin contract] services and become an integral part of the AOC Combat Operations Division. TCT Cell will be an essentially dependent configuration of integrated software applications on common workstations, servers, and necessary modules to interface with new or organic, existing communications of the supported Air Operations Center. TCT component parts will feature “plug and play” capability to draw from the C2 node’s existing support infrastructure for power, connectivity, and data support. The TCT Cell will conform to the rapidly deployable, small footprint construct of the Expeditionary Air Force (EAF). At the same time, an accommodation must be made for graceful degradation in TBMCS or other support to TCT Cell (particularly NRT database segments on TCT servers, alternate communication paths to receive Moving Target Indicator (MTI) feeds or to task assets, etc.). This will allow continued processing of available TCT information as the operator may see fit to employ and to satisfy key performance parameters (KPPs) outlined in the Draft TCT ORD.

    Following successful operational test of the first system, it is envisioned that software and hardware to support TCT Cell will be deployed at an additional four operational locations worldwide. A prototype TCT Cell, known as the Software Interoperability Facility for TCTs (SWIFT), has been developed by a contracting team led by Zel Technologies, LLC and including ALPHATECH and TRW. The SWIFT, currently operating at the Electronic Systems Center, Hanscom AFB, MA, consists of a UNIX-based COTS hardware suite configured with a baseline set of TCT applications running on the TBMCS v 1.0.1, build and the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE) v. The current SWIFT effort integrates the following TCT applications: Automated Assistance with Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (A2IPB). Time Critical Targeting Aid (TCTA) FY 97 Plus, Attack Operations Decision Aid (AODA) and Joint Terrain Analysis Toolkit (JTAT). Additional enhancements and software application interfaces are envisioned to be added to the production TCT Cell to meet objective operational requirements as outlined in the Draft TCT ORD.

    Examples include the ability to manage Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance assets via an interface to ISR Battle Management (ISR BATMAN) prototype software. Another example is to provide theater missile event and warning information via an interface to Launch and Impact Prediction software (Enhanced Early Warning software application [E2W]) as well as an interface to Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Dispersion Prediction software. The production design will consider these and other applications with a plan and timetable for insertion into the production system. TCT Cell is intended to augment existing TBMCS hardware and software capabilities. TCT Cell software applications and hardware will fall under the same maintenance management and support concept employed for TBMCS.

    A contract was awarded in FY01 to include elements for design, development, integration test and deployment of a fielded TCT capability at five locations, software enhancements through FY 07 and a training and support package for the life of the system. The five TCT Cell systems will be delivered over a 3 year period beginning in FY 03.

    MIST - Modular Interoperable Surface Terminal


    The Modular Interoperable Surface Terminal system consists of the remote equipment group and the surface processing facility. The modular tactical mobile data link system is designed for use as a ground data link terminal system. The remote equipment is composed of the antenna, the antenna RF assembly, and an enclosure which contains the tracker controller, motor control unit, enclosure communications and fiber optic subsystem for antenna remoting. The Surface Processing Facility is comprised of three major equipment groups: Operator Equipment, Link Equipment, and Ancillary Equipment. The system is partitioned to the lowest testable assembly (LTA) around features which can be added or removed to provide an optimum equipment configuration for each application. Some of the mission control features and capabilities are: ranging, situation display, simplex or duplex operation, digital and analog intercoms, antenna remoting, multiple links, multiple antennas with switching provisions, mission recording, time of day subsystem, GPS and WWV receivers, and UHF radio. SATCOM capability may also be added. the Modular Interoperable Surface Terminal data link terminal can be shelterized, bunkered or integrated in a small vehicle such as an Army HMMWV. Antennas may be tower mounted, trailer mounted or mounted on a tactical vehicle or a small tripod. The antennas equipment may be remoted 7 km from the surface processing facility. Each data link may consist of up to 4 antennas, which are electronically switchable for redundancy, availability and survivability.

    HAIS - High-Current Arc Ignition
    Underwriters Laboratories
    High-current arc ignition performance is expressed as the number of arc rupture exposures (standardized to the electrode type and shape and electric circuit) that are necessary to ignite a material when they are applied at a standard rate on the surface of the material.
    <!-- m --> ... /746a/hai/<!-- m -->

    A detonator is a device used to trigger an explosive device. Detonators can be chemically, mechanically, or electrically initiated, the latter two being the most common.
    The commercial use of explosives uses electrical detonators or the capped fuse which is a length of safety fuse to which an ordinary detonator has been crimped.

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    1991 Bush Senior anounces the New World Order, "officially".



    The 9/11 attacks occur in New York. War on terrorism is launched.

    What are they going to do next ? Seems that each eleven (11) years they "organize" something and from 2001 it brings us to 2012 (2001 + 11 = 2012)...
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I recommend the documentary "Road to Guatanamo, you can see from youtube

    Winner of the silver bear at the Berlin International Festival of film, "The road to Guantanamo" is the story of three British citizens who were held for two years in prison in the United States military base in Guantánamo, Cuba. All three were eventually released and returned to Great Britain, even though they never had formal charges raised against during the period of his detention. The film has raised considerable controversy due to its critical stance to the Governments of the United States and the United Kingdom. Part documentary, part drama, the film tells the sequence of events since the departure of the trio from Tipton, England until Pakistan later crossing the border into Afaganistán by the u.s. invasion, his eventual capture by the Northern Alliance, and his imprisonment in the X-ray field and field Delta in Guantánamo
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