MJ's Dad: AEG Has Blood On Its Hands

edited January 1970 in News
MJ's Dad: AEG Has Blood On Its Hands
Originally posted 37 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

AEG put such pressure on Michael Jackson to perform for his London concerts, they effectively forced Dr. Conrad Murray to heavily sedate the singer so he could get rest, which ultimately led to his death ... this according to documents filed with the California Medical Board and obtained by CNN.


According to the 169-page complaint, filed by attorney Brian Oxman on behalf of Joe Jackson, Michael had only sporadically attended rehearsals for the show, leading to a showdown with Michael Jackson on June 18 in which an AEG exec allegedly threatened to "pull the plug" on Jackson's rented home and fire Dr. Murray.

The complaint alleges Murray -- who was allegedly promised $150,000 a month by AEG -- immediately began fueling Jackson with heavy sedatives, including Valium, Ativan, Versed and Propofol so the singer could sleep.

As we first reported, Murray gave Jackson Propofol virtually every night for six weeks -- until Michael died.

The complaint alleges AEG knew the dangers of Murray's treatment but ordered full steam ahead. And, according to the complaint, AEG turned a blind eye to Murray's request for life saving equipment.

The complaint claims AEG was effectively practicing medicine without a license, by forcing Murray to take radical medical steps to protect the show.

The complaint claims, "Had AEG not violated California law and fulfilled its promise to provide Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation equipment and a nurse, Michael Jackson would not have died on June 25th."

<!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/18/dr-conrad ... oard-dies/<!-- m -->


  • On CNN:

    Father of Michael Jackson accuses AEG of singer's death
    By Stan Wilson, CNN
    June 18, 2010 -- Updated 1817 GMT (0217 HKT)

    Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- When the Los Angeles County Coroner ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide, as a result of "acute propofol intoxication" with other sedatives, the coroner's office also cited a lack of recommended equipment for patient monitoring, precision dosing and resuscitation equipment that may have contributed.

    Six months later, Dr. Conrad Murray, who administered Propofol to Jackson, was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

    But in a recent complaint filed with the Medical Board of California, Jackson's father, Joe Jackson accuses concert promoter AEG Live of neglecting to provide the recommended equipment and a nurse who was supposed to assist Dr. Murray. Those measures could have prevented the singer's death or revived Jackson when he stopped breathing, according to the complaint.

    The California Medical Board is responsible for investigating complaints against physicians.

    According to a copy of the 169-page complaint, obtained by CNN and verified by Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman, AEG, over a six week period, allegedly engaged in "unlawful practice of corporate medicine," by hiring, directing, controlling and demanding that Murray medicate Michael Jackson as he prepared for his "This is it" tour in London.

    AEG spokesman Michael Roth declined to comment on the complaint, telling CNN that his legal department has not viewed the documents. Joe Jackson was unavailable, according to attorney Oxman.

    Murray's civil attorney, Charles Peckham, declined to comment about the specific allegations against AEG after the complaint was filed.

    According to the complaint, AEG Live executives were so concerned over Michael Jackson's alleged failure to show up for rehearsals, that AEG representatives demanded that Murray step in and "wean" Jackson off his alleged dependence on medications provided by other doctors which caused chronic fatigue and disorientation. The complaint states that AEG made an "oral agreement" with Murray on May 8, 2009 based on a drafted contract agreement, promising to provide Murray with equipment, supplies and personnel. The complaint states that Murray immediately accepted AEG's offer for a monthly physician's fee of $150,000.

    According to the complaint, Murray made his first order of Propofol on May 12, 2009, and stated in a purported e-mail to AEG that he had begun treating the singer as part of their "oral agreement."

    On May 28, Murray allegedly grew impatient because he had not been paid by mid-month as promised by AEG, according to the complaint. Before treating Jackson, Murray, a full time cardiologist, had been mired in such heavy debt, that AEG exploited his hardship as a tactic to exert control over his medical decisions, the complaint alleges. More than two weeks after Murray began treating the singer, AEG had not provided Murray with CPR equipment as he requested and never instructed Murray to cease treating Jackson, the complaint states.

    In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon, before the complaint was filed, AEG Live Executive Randy Phillips said Dr. Murray was never officially employed by AEG because the contract was never signed. Phillips said the decision to hire Dr. Murray was solely Jacksons and that he demanded it.

    "He (Michael) said, 'You don't understand, my body is what fuels this entire venture and like Barack Obama, I need my own physician with me twenty-four-seven. That's not negotiable," Phillips told CNN's Don Lemon. "And he was so strong about it that I just backed off and said, 'This is a battle I can't win," said Phillips.

    By June 18, according to the complaint, Jackson had attended only a few rehearsals, prompting AEG Live's Phillips and "This is It" director Kenny Ortega to demand a face to face meeting with him at Jackson's Holmby Hills estate. Phillips and Ortega insisted that Jackson show up for rehearsals or AEG would "pull the plug" on Jackson's rented house and terminate the services of Murray if he missed another rehearsal, the complaint alleges.

    On that same evening, Murray allegedly gave Jackson Valium, Ativan, Versed, and Propofol in order to induce sleep, similar to the medications he allegedly administered over the previous five weeks, the complaint alleges. Murray continued this practice without CPR or nursing assistance which AEG had promised, according to the complaint. Jackson rehearsed on June 19, 23 and 24, according to attorney Oxman. Most of the documentary "This is it" was filmed on those dates, according to AEG Live executive Randy Phillips.

    On June 24, AEG sent Murray a revised contract agreement, which mirrored the original May 8, 2009, oral agreement, except it required Jackson's signature, the complaint alleges. Murray signed the agreement and faxed it to AEG although the complaint alleges that AEG knew of the inherent dangers of the treatments Murray was administering and "recklessly" withheld life saving equipment that AEG knew was essential to protect Michael Jackson's life.

    "Had AEG not violated California law and fulfilled its promise to provide Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation equipment and a nurse, Michael Jackson would not have died on June 25th," the complaint alleges.

    The complaint is supported by 16 exhibits including a purported cost estimate of Murray's medical services and a copy of the purported contract between AEG and Murray.

    The cost of medical equipment and other supplies requested by Murray purportedly totaled $8,000 per month. A nurse was estimated to cost $7,000 per month, according to the complaint. The cost of Murray's rental property in London is said to have totaled $8,000 per month, the complaint stated. Murray, who pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges, told LAPD investigators that he was never paid for his treatment of Jackson.

    A representative at the California Medical Board confirmed to CNN the filing of Jackson's complaint but declined further comment.

    <!-- m -->http://edition.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/06/ ... =allsearch<!-- m -->
  • MJ's Dad: AEG Has Blood On Its Hands
    Originally posted 37 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

    AEG put such pressure on Michael Jackson to perform for his London concerts, they effectively forced Dr.
    Conrad Murray to heavily sedate the singer so he could get rest, which ultimately led to his death ... this
    according to documents filed with the California Medical Board and obtained by CNN.


    According to the 169-page complaint, filed by attorney Brian Oxman on behalf of Joe Jackson, Michael had only sporadically attended rehearsals for the show, leading to a showdown with Michael Jackson on June 18 in
    which an AEG exec allegedly threatened to "pull the plug" on Jackson's rented home and fire Dr. Murray.

    The complaint alleges Murray -- who was allegedly promised $150,000 a month by AEG -- immediately began fueling Jackson with heavy sedatives, including Valium, Ativan, Versed and Propofol so the singer could sleep.

    As we first reported, Murray gave Jackson Propofol virtually every night for six weeks -- until Michael died.

    The complaint alleges AEG knew the dangers of Murray's treatment but ordered full steam ahead. And,
    according to the complaint, AEG turned a blind eye to Murray's request for life saving equipment.

    The complaint claims AEG was effectively practicing medicine without a license, by forcing Murray to take radical medical steps to protect the show.

    The complaint claims, "Had AEG not violated California law and fulfilled its promise to provide Cardio-
    Pulmonary Resuscitation equipment and a nurse, Michael Jackson would not have died on June 25th."


    MJD - Muslimische Jugend in Deutschland (German)
    Muslim Youth In Germany


    The Hamburg connection - 9/11 attack on World Trade Center, New York
    The Hamburg cell played a key role in the 9/11 attacks


    AHB - Abha Airport in Abha Saudi Arabia
    Abha (AHB) Saudi Arabia

    Ahmed al-Nami
    A former law student and muezzin, Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Nami was named by the FBI as one of the hijackers of United Airlines flight 93 as part of the September 11 attacks.
    Born in Saudi Arabia, al-Nami had served as a muezzin and was a college student. He left his family in 2000 to complete the Hajj, but later went to Afghanistan bound for an Al-Qaeda training camp where he befriended other future 9/11 hijackers. He arrived in the United States in May 2001 on a tourist visa. On September 11, 2001, al-Nami boarded United Airlines flight 93 and assisted in the hijacking of the plane, which crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania after a passenger uprising.
    Autumn of 1999, he enrolled in the King Khaled University at Abha to study Sharia, he left his family home in Khamis Mushayt in the summer of 2000 to complete the Hajj, but never returned – instead travelling to the Al Farouq training camp in Afghanistan where he met and befriended Waleed and Wail al-Shehri, two brothers from Khamis Mushayt, and Saeed Alghamdi. The four reportedly pledged themselves to Jihad in the Spring of 2000, in a ceremony presided over by Wail – who had dubbed himself Abu Mossaeb al-Janubi after one of Muhammad's companions.[2] Dubbed "Abu Hashim", al-Nami was considered "gentle in manner" by his colleagues, and reported that he had a dream in which he rode a mare along with Muhammad, and that the prophet told him to dismount and fight his enemies to liberate his land.

    OIH - Otto Intze Haus
    German Student Housing

    Mohammed Atta
    Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta was an Egyptian student who studied in Germany in the 1990s becoming friends with Ziad Jarrah, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ramzi Binalshibh who together formed what is now known as The Hamburg Cell. The four friends allegedly became known associates of al-Qaeda, and supposedly the ringleaders of the 19 hijackers in the September 11 attacks. Atta was the hijacker-pilot in control of American Airlines Flight 11, which was the first plane to strike the World Trade Center.
    In 1992, Atta's father invited a German couple over for dinner while they were visiting Cairo. The German couple ran an exchange program between Germany and Egypt, and suggested that Atta should continue his studies in Germany. They offered him a temporary place to live at their house in the city. Mohamed Atta travelled to Germany two weeks later, in July 1992. There, he enrolled in the urban planning graduate program at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg.[8] Atta initially stayed with the two high school teachers. When he arrived in Germany, Atta began adhering to a strict Islamic diet, frequented the mosque, and seldom socialized. His hosts found Atta frustrating due to his closed-mindedness and intensely introverted personality. After six months, they asked him to move out.
    By spring 1993, Atta moved into Centrumshaus, a university apartment building, where he shared an apartment with two roommates.


    ACA - Army Contracting Agency

    The Army Contracting Agency is called the Army Contracting Command (ACC)
    ACC Soldiers, civilians and contractors support the warfighter worldwide, through the acquisition of goods and services vital to the Soldier's mission and wellbeing. As the Army's business conduit, ACC offers the contracting expertise of some of the best trained people in the Army, ready to support the warfighter while ensuring responsible stewardship of taxpayer's funds. ACC ensures contracting support to the warfighter as mission requirements emerge and as the Army transforms and moves within the United States and throughout the globe.
    There is a video on the website, I am not uploading that to my channel.

    TAT - Terrorist Action Team

    TTP - Trusted Third Party
    In cryptography, a trusted third party (TTP) is an entity which makes interactions between two parties easy. Both parties must trust the third party; they use this trust to secure their own interactions.
    TTPs are commonly used by cryptosystems.

    Cryptography (also known as cryptology; comes from Greek, kryptos, "hidden, secret"; and, "I write") is the practice and study of hiding information; the science used to try to keep information secret and safe.

    It has been used for over 2000 years. In modern times, cryptography can be a part of mathematics and computer science, and is related to information theory, computer security, and engineering. Cryptography can be used to protect all different kinds of information
    When a message is sent using cryptography, it is changed (or encrypted) before it is sent. The change makes the message hard to read. If someone wants to read it, they need to change it back (or decrypt it)
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    According to the complaint, Murray made his first order of Propofol on May 12, 2009, and stated in a purported e-mail to AEG that he had begun treating the singer as part of their "oral agreement."

    So according to the CNN report AEG instructed Murray to administer propofol to Michael Jackson and then refused to give him the necessary equipment?

    Did Dr. Murray or AEG just hand these communications over to Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman? It would take a subpeona for them to receive all of this information otherwise. I certainly don't see the prosecutors turning this information over to Brian Oxman with trying their case against Murray first. I am curious as to how they obtained all of this information to file this suit against AEG???!!!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    According to the 169-page complaint, filed by attorney Brian Oxman on behalf of Joe Jackson

    1+6=7 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I agree with you Jill butttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    Remember that the house was not locked off for a few days and the family had access. Could there have been a computer that Murray left behind or a brief case. Just thinking out of the box here.
  • I just find it hard to believe that Dr Murray had to wean MJ off of drugs from other doctors that caused him to be groggy all the time, which in turn he gave him propofol to sleep. Michael would not walk around like a zombie with his children there. I firmly believe that MJ loved life and his children and would not do that to himself. Besides look at how many times during May he went shopping and to Dr. Kleins office. If he was so wacked out on drugs there is no way he would be able to function like that.
  • I’m not saying that he was weaning him off drugs by no means. I don’t believe that Michael was addicted to drugs. The family may have gotten the paper work that stated that AEG and Murray were in fact conversing to try and hurt Michael.
    They did have access to the house for a few days. And who knows Murray may have left something behind and they found it.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    am i seeing references to a nurse in a few places lately? and didn't delao say a nurse told him micheal was gone.? don't they also seem to be stressing the idea of him being put to sleep every night for six weeks. and wasn't it a nurse who put everyone wise to the propofol in the first place. whats up with that.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Anyone who has had even a "mild procedure" will know that you are not allowed to drive home, not allowed to make any important decisions or sign important documents and not allowed to operate machinery for the next 24 hrs. And that is just for a mild dose, lets say, being under for 15 minutes !!! Imagine using this everynight and for a longer period. You would feel totally groggy and weak and tired for 24hrs.

    It really doesn't add up. There are much safer alternatives for sedation.

    I have always thought this, but didn't want to say it......but is it possible, that the reason for mild sedation was to do some sort of mild procedure everynight???? Skin Repair or something like that??? MJ hated needles. He was needle phobic.
    And why the tube of toothpaste on the bed??? What other purposed can toothpaste be used for?? I use to use it to cover lovebites. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    If a nurse was hired, it would be harder to pretend to kill him???? Too many people involved...
    Edit. I found out other purposes for toothpaste. It helps remove stains on clothes, ie lipstick, ink etc.

    It cleans fingernails.......it helps with acne......it helps take the sting out of bites or burns...........hmmm many different reasons other than cleaning teeth...Just a thought.
  • am i seeing references to a nurse in a few places lately? and didn't delao say a nurse told him micheal was gone.? don't they also seem to be stressing the idea of him being put to sleep every night for six weeks. and wasn't it a nurse who put everyone wise to the propofol in the first place. whats up with that.

    Please see my post about the reference to NURSE! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Serenitys_Dream, how many messages are related to 911?, this worries me <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Serenitys_Dream, how many messages are related to 911?, this worries me <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
    I'm sorry, I can't answer that, I am not making the DOTS. I've just been trying to decipher them but I have decided to give it a break as there wasn't much discussion on my posts. So I figured why bother if few people think it's important. Maybe someone else can give it a try for a while.

    Sorry Michael, but the frustration was making me bitchy. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Thanks Serenitys_dream for your all your hard work I try to read, my problem is I can't read every single thing omg! I get sleepy when i read I should work on reading. It is really interesting how all of the 9/11 connections. It's just that my head is on some $$$ problems and now also this is like mind boggling. It's like this "death" involves soo much that I don't even know where to look anymore we got conspiracy, 9/11, Elvis, mind control, slip ups, autopsy, fake or real Mike at the O2 etc. Months u know of this wow I'm surprised I passed my college courses. I can't believe I've stuck with this almost a year. It's too much to process for a sistah I think we're all aaah already, but were hanging on Mike we waiting. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJ's Dad: AEG Has Blood On Its Hands
    Originally posted 37 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

    AEG put such pressure on Michael Jackson to perform for his London concerts, they effectively forced Dr. Conrad Murray to heavily sedate the singer so he could get rest, which ultimately led to his death ... this according to documents filed with the California Medical Board and obtained by CNN.


    According to the 169-page complaint, filed by attorney Brian Oxman on behalf of Joe Jackson, Michael had only sporadically attended rehearsals for the show, leading to a showdown with Michael Jackson on June 18 in which an AEG exec allegedly threatened to "pull the plug" on Jackson's rented home and fire Dr. Murray.

    The complaint alleges Murray -- who was allegedly promised $150,000 a month by AEG -- immediately began fueling Jackson with heavy sedatives, including Valium, Ativan, Versed and Propofol so the singer could sleep.

    As we first reported, Murray gave Jackson Propofol virtually every night for six weeks -- until Michael died.

    The complaint alleges AEG knew the dangers of Murray's treatment but ordered full steam ahead. And, according to the complaint, AEG turned a blind eye to Murray's request for life saving equipment.

    The complaint claims AEG was effectively practicing medicine without a license, by forcing Murray to take radical medical steps to protect the show.

    The complaint claims, "Had AEG not violated California law and fulfilled its promise to provide Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation equipment and a nurse, Michael Jackson would not have died on June 25th."

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/18/dr-conrad ... oard-dies/<!-- m -->

    I just KNEW it was these AEG F'ers that killed Michael! That is why I refused to go see that Movie. My BF said "do you want to see that movie"? and i said "No - because the company that made that movie is who killed him"! OK, it's Full Steam Ahead for me. That Calif. DA and AG Better NOT try to wesel out of bringing charges against AEG! I don't care how many millions AEG contributed to their campaign funds! This Corp. is pure Evil and Greed, and they had NO Right! I am Furious at AEG!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    AEG had no contract with Murray. This is a bogus complaint and this "story" is a test.
  • Oh another thing: This is BIG, why isn't this being reported in the Main stream media? There Better not be a *Media Blackout* on this, I won't stand for it! It's kind of ironic that we had bad impression of Joe, but he is really impressing me now. Maybe he isn't the most emotionally expressive guy, but he is showing his love and concern for MJ where it really counts NOW and he is becoming my Hero. I always felt if MJ was dead, AEG was ultimately responsible and Murray was "set up" as the Fall Guy - with MJ as the stereotypical superstar Drug Addict, and there would be NO questions asked. Thank God their Diabolical Plan is Back-fireing on them and being Exposed!
  • AEG had no contract with Murray. This is a bogus complaint and this "story" is a test.

    Excuse Me - They had to have a contract because AEG was paying Dr. Murray (NOT Michael) Did you forget the $150K per month? Would Murray just take a Verbal Agreement for this amount?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    AEG had no contract with Murray. This is a bogus complaint and this "story" is a test.

    Excuse Me - They had to have a contract because AEG was paying Dr. Murray (NOT Michael) Did you forget the $150K per month? Would Murray just take a Verbal Agreement for this amount?

    No. There wasn't. Murray and AEG were allegedly in the midst of contract negotiations on 6-25-09. No contract signed=no contract=no agreement=Murray wasn't employed. AEG never paid Murray. Murray wasn't working for anyone. Murray was volunteering his time.

    The complaint is bogus and the story is a test.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh another thing: This is BIG, why isn't this being reported in the Main stream media? There Better not be a *Media Blackout* on this, I won't stand for it! It's kind of ironic that we had bad impression of Joe, but he is really impressing me now. Maybe he isn't the most emotionally expressive guy, but he is showing his love and concern for MJ where it really counts NOW and he is becoming my Hero. I always felt if MJ was dead, AEG was ultimately responsible and Murray was "set up" as the Fall Guy - with MJ as the stereotypical superstar Drug Addict, and there would be NO questions asked. Thank God their Diabolical Plan is Back-fireing on them and being Exposed!

    But yes, this is why Joe's role is to file this display complaint, so he can be the hero Dad "fighting" for Michael. Let's face it, Joe has suffered his own fair share of media abuse over the years.
  • AEG had no contract with Murray. This is a bogus complaint and this "story" is a test.

    Excuse Me - They had to have a contract because AEG was paying Dr. Murray (NOT Michael) Did you forget the $150K per month? Would Murray just take a Verbal Agreement for this amount?

    No. There wasn't. Murray and AEG were allegedly in the midst of contract negotiations on 6-25-09. No contract signed=no contract=no agreement=Murray wasn't employed. AEG never paid Murray. Murray wasn't working for anyone. Murray was volunteering his time.

    The complaint is bogus and the story is a test.

    Get Out of Town - Are You Serious? Can you provide links (proof) I did not see this in the above posted article. I mean, this would not surprise me! This AEG is sooo Shady! If this is true what you say, more concrete evidence that Murray was to take the Fall - and they get away Scott Free from any blame (would not surprise me) but can you show how you know this? Thanks!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Sure, I thought it was common knowledge. This info has been out since shortly after 6-25.

    Here's one link: <!-- m -->http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/art ... QD9GCR1900<!-- m -->
    The doctor has pleaded not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge in Jackson's death. His proposed contract with AEG, which included a monthly fee of $150,000, was not finalized before the singer's death. Murray never received payment for his services.

    No contract.

    Michael Jackson isn't dead, Dance.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Published 14 min ago - appears like a buyout doesn't it?


    "AEG announces agreement to pay $1.3 million to help cover cost of Michael Jackson Memorial
    The accord comes after a yearlong controversy over financial responsibilities of large-scale civic events.
    By Patrick J. McDonnell, Los Angeles Times

    June 19, 2010

    An entertainment conglomerate and the estate of Michael Jackson have agreed to donate $1.3 million to the city of Los Angeles to help cover most of the costs of last year's memorial for the international recording artist at Staples Center, officials said Friday.

    Anschutz Entertainment Group, which hosted the Michael Jackson Memorial at its Staples Center and Nokia Theatre properties in downtown Los Angeles, announced the deal Friday in conjunction with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

    The accord would seem to end a controversy that has simmered for almost a year over how much the cash-strapped city should have paid to provide police and other services for the tribute.

    The Lakers have already agreed to pick up their tab, estimated at $1.5 million, for a massive parade scheduled for Monday to celebrate the team's second consecutive NBA championship. A dispute erupted about the hefty public costs of similar services provided for last year's Lakers parade.
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    City officials have sought pledges of donations since there is no clear-cut legal requirement that private companies chip in for police overtime and other costs associated with large-scale civic happenings. Other cities have also grappled with the dilemma of how to finance services for spectacles that draw large crowds.

    The AEG donation — $1 million for the city's general fund and an additional $300,000 for crime-fighting equipment—is meant to cover police services, trash pickup, traffic control and other costs stemming from the late pop icon's star-studded tribute last July 7 at a packed Staples Center. An overflow crowd watched on screens at the Nokia Theatre across the street.

    Some public estimates of the city tab for the tribute have topped $6 million; one report to the City Council put the cost at $3.2 million. A city study last year also found the event may have brought in some $4 million in additional revenues for hotels, restaurants, taxis and other businesses. But Miguel Santana, the city administrative officer, said Friday that the additional cost to the city was about $2 million, mostly in overtime payments for police, sanitation workers and traffic control officers. The donation of $1.3 million will cover the bulk of those costs, he said.

    "I applaud this team effort and thank everyone for doing what was best for the people and the city of Los Angeles," Villaraigosa said in a statement distributed by AEG.

    The mayor and Timothy J. Leiweke, AEG's president and chief executive officer, jointly reached the accord, officials said.

    "This was not an obligation but a choice we believed was important to make at a time when thousands of city employees are being reduced," Leiweke said.

    Controversy about the public price tag has persisted since the event, which was televised worldwide and ended with the message "All Rights Reserved" by AEG, one of the world's leading entertainment and sports concerns. The well-connected, L.A-based firm — a major political contributor in Los Angeles — was also promoting the new concert tour that Jackson was planning at its The 02 arena in London before he died unexpectedly after being rushed to a hospital from his mansion in Holmby Hills.

    Taxpayers and others objected to the city spending extra money on the lavish memorial at a time when it was facing a $400 to $500 million budget shortfall and contemplating layoffs and deep service cuts.

    The dispute carved deep divisions between AEG and City Atty. Carmen Trutanich, who also quarreled with company executives about their plans for new billboards outside movie theaters at the company's L.A. Live project.

    An outraged Trutanich said last year that he had launched a criminal inquiry in connection with the city funding of the tribute. "We wasted a lot of dough on the Michael Jackson memorial," Trutanich declared at the time.

    Leiweke told The Times editorial board last year that Trutanich tried to "bully" him into ponying up some $6 million for tribute-related expenses.

    But on Friday Trutanich declared he was delighted with the resolution and said his "exhaustive" criminal inquiry had failed to turn up any evidence of a crime.

    "This is an appropriate and complete resolution of the issue," Trutanich said.

    The city attorney lauded Leiweke as "a tremendous human being in terms of his caring for the city."

    The AEG president, in turn, said Friday's accord would "now allow us to finally put this issue behind us." He offered "special thanks" to Trutanich and said he had developed "a very positive relationship with him and his office."

    Trutanich declined to say what the potential "criminal aspects" of the issue might have been or who his inquiry may have targeted. He called those confidential law enforcement matters.

    Under Friday's agreement, the city's general fund — which pays for basic services such as public safety and parks — would receive $1 million. An additional $210,000 will be provided to the Los Angeles Police Foundation to pay for LAPD equipment, including scanners to be used by police patrolling skid row, officials said. AEG already contributed $90,000 raised through sales of suites at the Jackson tribute.

    Times staff writer David Zahniser contributed to this report.

    <!-- e -->david.zahniser@latimes.com<!-- e -->
    Copyright © 2010, The Los Angeles Times"
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Noticed how this is taking all the heat off Dr Murray and placing it at AEG's door?

    "Dr Murray was forced.." please, come on.. he was a professional doctor. No one can force a doctor to administer dangerous drugs. That was his decision.

    This is a whole pile of crap that is getting stinkier.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Serenitys_Dream, your work is good, <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I read ... but not discussed <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • itsall4luvitsall4luv Posts: 70

    This is a whole pile of crap that is getting stinkier.

    Very smelly, indeed.
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