Michael Jackson B'Way Play Opens ... in Court

edited June 2010 in News
Celebrity Justice
Michael Jackson B'Way Play Opens ... in Court

Originally posted 20 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

A huge Broadway theater group is suing the executors of Michael Jackson's estate ... claiming the estate is blocking them from making an MJ Broadway musical.


Nederlander Presentations claims it entered into a contract in 2008 for the rights to create and produce a musical stage play based upon MJ's most famous songs, including hits from "Thriller" and "Off the Wall." Among the songs -- "Beat It," "Billie Jean," and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin.'"

According to the suit, filed in L.A. County Superior Court and obtained by TMZ, Nederlander claims the estate won't provide the rights to use the songs for the play.

Nederlander has already filed a creditor's claim but so far they've gotten nothing.

The suit names co-executors John Branca and John McClain as defendants.

Howard Weitzman, attorney for the MJ estate, tells TMZ, "The contract provides for certain approvals by Michael on a number of important elements. Unfortunately, Michael is not available to participate in the process, an therefore I don't think the contract is enforceable. The lawsuit has no merit."
<!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/18/michael-j ... -thriller/<!-- m -->


  • Love this line:
    "Unfortunately, Michael is not available to participate in the process, an therefore I don't think the contract is enforceable. The lawsuit has no merit."
  • Love this line:
    "Unfortunately, Michael is not available to participate in the process, an therefore I don't think the contract is enforceable. The lawsuit has no merit."
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/18/michael-j<!-- m --> ... "-thriller/"

    "Thriller" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> this is crazy Thriller on link and Mike isn't available right now it's pre-bam
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Oh this is great <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Not available <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Does this headline mean the "BAM" is going to be played out in court?
  • http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/18/michael-j ... "-thriller/"

    "Thriller" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I am not sure that "Thriller" being in the link address is all that significant but maybe.
    The article mentions this: including hits from "Thriller" and "Off the Wall." Among the songs -- "Beat It," "Billie Jean," and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin.'" The entire address is: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/18/(without<!-- m --> this space I inserted here)
    but I believe that there is something connected to music as you will see from my next post in this thread regarding DOTS.

    I will say that this has been the most difficult article with DOTS to decipher as there where so many combinations.
    One thing I did find related to the headline is the following:

    B'Way of course represents Broadway and plays are performed on Broadway. So a search about plays brought up something quite interesting in regards to 911, where all the previous DOTS have led.

    NAA is a DOT in this Article and it has multiple meanings but combined with plays it means the following.

    NAA - Northwestern Alumni Association (NAA)
    Northwestern Alumni Association is an organization of Northwestern University
    Northwestern University (NU) is a private research university located primarily in Evanston, Illinois, United States. Northwestern has twelve undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools and colleges offering 123 undergraduate degrees and 145 graduate and professional degrees.

    Northwestern Alumni Association
    This organization also supports plays in the Chicago area through NAA Chicago Theatre Event – Trust

    One of the plays that they supported was called:
    NAA Theater Event -- "The 9/11 Report: A Bipartisan Musical Fantasia"
    Jul 23 2009


    Join the NAA for an exciting theater event at La Red Music Theatre! An exclusive, post-show discussion with the creative team and cast members will follow.

    Event Details

    "The 9/11 Report: A Bipartisan Musical Fantasia"
    Directed and choreographed by alumna Jessica Redish (C02)
    Music and Lyrics by alumnus Michael Mahler (C04)
    Spoken Word Elements by alumnus Oron Stenesh (C02)

    When Richard Clarke met with Condoleeza Rice in 2001 to discuss the unimaginable, seven days later it came true. Three years later, a bipartisan commission assembled its findings in an attempt to understand our nation's greatest tragedy: The 9/11 Report. This bold, experimental folk-rock musical explores the 9/11 Commission’s Report and the myriad perspectives, agendas, and failures of imagination surrounding the darkest day in modern American history. By learning the lessons of our past, and asking the unanswered questions that still remain, we hope to stand by "never again."

    Come support this new theatre company created by Northwestern alumni located in Highland Park, whose focus is to present new musicals that investigate the human condition, enlighten and entertain.

    La Red Music Theatre

    Purchase tickets through NAA and get the best seats at a discounted price!

    This event is co-sponsored by the NU Club of Chicago and Northwestern University Gay and Lesbian Alumni (NUGALA).

    Questions? Call (847) 491-7975 or e-mail <!-- e --><a href="mailto:alumnieducation@alumni.northwestern.edu">alumnieducation@alumni.northwestern.edu</a><!-- e -->.

    Updated May 28, 2009.

    Now to tackle the DOTS of the entire article <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Celebrity Justice
    Michael Jackson B'Way Play Opens ... in Court

    Originally posted 20 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

    A huge Broadway theater group is suing the executors of Michael Jackson's estate ... claiming the estate is
    blocking them from making an MJ Broadway musical.


    Nederlander Presentations claims it entered into a contract in 2008 for the rights to create and produce a
    musical stage play based upon MJ's most famous songs, including hits from "Thriller" and "Off the Wall."
    Among the songs -- "Beat It," "Billie Jean," and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin.'"

    According to the suit, filed in L.A. County Superior Court and obtained by TMZ, Nederlander claims the estate
    won't provide the rights to use the songs for the play.

    Nederlander has already filed a creditor's claim but so far they've gotten nothing.

    The suit names co-executors John Branca and John McClain as defendants.

    Howard Weitzman, attorney for the MJ estate, tells TMZ, "The contract provides for certain approvals by Michael
    on a number of important elements. Unfortunately, Michael is not available to participate in the process, an
    therefore I don't think the contract is enforceable. The lawsuit has no merit."


    MJPW - Marlin Joint Development Association


    In today's world, the fact that digitized music, images or video can be copied without any loss of quality, derived from the popularization of the internet and improvements of its speed with greater performance and the capacity of PCs, has increasingly resulted in the illegal copy and reuse by third parties without the permission from copyright holders.

    Digital rights management (DRM) technology has widely been used to protect copyrighted digital content by controlling or restricting copying. In 2005, Sony, Intertrust Technologies, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Philips and Samsung Electronics established the Marlin Joint Development Association (MJDA) to develop technical specifications of DRM for use in consumer electronic (CE) products. Manufacturers can implement Marlin DRM, which supports content distribution over the internet, broadcast or mobile segments, in their products. Marlin compliant content and devices will enable users to enjoy content no matter what device they use and no matter how they acquire content.

    Digital rights management (DRM) is a generic term for access control technologies that can be used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to impose limitations on the usage of digital content and devices. The term is used to describe any technology that inhibits uses of digital content not desired or intended by the content provider. The term does not generally refer to other forms of copy protection which can be circumvented without modifying the file or device, such as serial numbers or keyfiles. It can also refer to restrictions associated with specific instances of digital works or devices. Digital rights management is used by companies such as Sony, Apple Inc., Microsoft, AOL and the BBC.

    The use of digital rights management is controversial. Proponents argue it is needed by copyright holders to prevent unauthorized duplication of their work, either to maintain artistic integrity or to ensure continued revenue streams. Some opponents, such as the Free Software Foundation, maintain that the use of the word "rights" is misleading and suggest that people instead use the term digital restrictions management. Their position is essentially that copyright holders are restricting the use of material in ways that are beyond the scope of existing copyright laws, and should not be covered by future laws. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, and other opponents, also consider DRM systems to be anti-competitive practices.

    I will not copy the entire wiki page on this subject, you can read it for yourself, but to summarize:
    The idea that this is being implemented for copyright purposes seems a logical explanation, at first, but there are other things to consider. Basically as this technology advances your computer may be accessed, wiped clean and even disabled permanently. As we live in a society where Mainstream Media is highly controlled and the Internet offers alternative sources of information to the mainstream media, I find this revelation to be truly concerning. The use of computers allows us to communicate with people on a world wide basis, as they say the world has become smaller, control or remove this ability and we will not be able to organize globally or transmit information to one another

    POC - Proof Of Concept
    Proof of concept is a short and/or incomplete realization (or synopsis) of a certain method or idea(s) to demonstrate its feasibility, or a demonstration in principle, whose purpose is to verify that some concept or theory is probably capable of being useful. A related (somewhat synonymous) term is "proof of principle".
    The proof of concept is usually considered a milestone on the way to a fully functioning prototype.
    In computer security the term proof of concept (proof of concept code or PoC) is often used as a synonym for a zero-day exploit which, mainly for its early creation, does not take full advantage over some vulnerability.

    Zero-day attack
    A zero-day (or zero-hour or day zero) attack or threat is a computer threat that tries to exploit computer application vulnerabilities that are unknown to others or undisclosed to the software developer. Zero-day exploits (actual code that can use a security hole to carry out an attack) are used or shared by attackers before the software developer knows about the vulnerability.

    The term derives from the age of the exploit. When a developer becomes aware of a security hole, there is a race to close it before attackers discover it or the vulnerability becomes public. A "zero day" attack occurs on or before the first or "zeroth" day of developer awareness, meaning the developer has not had any opportunity to distribute a security fix to users of the software.


    NAA - North Atlantic Alliance (NATO)
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization also called "the North Atlantic Alliance", is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The NATO headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, and the organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party.

    NATO opens new centre of excellence on cyber defence
    Seven NATO nations and the Allied Command Transformation signed the documents for the formal establishment of a Cooperative Cyber Defence (CCD) Centre of Excellence (COE) in Tallinn, Estonia. The centre will conduct research and training on cyber warfare.

    Cyberwarfare is a term used to refer to politically motivated hacking to conduct sabotage and espionage. It is sometimes seen as analogous to warfare[1] although this analogy is controversial for both its accuracy and its poltical motivation. Both offensive and defensive hacking can be politically motivated, although it is normal for defensive measures to overlap with ordinary computer security.

    This then means that NATO is involved in the development of applications that can stop you from gaining access to the Internet.

    NTH - Norwegian Institute of Technology
    2010 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

    Organizing Committee
    Lillian Rastad, SINTEF ICT and Norwegian University of Scient and Technology
    Program Committee
    Lillian Rastad, SINTEF ICT and Norwegian University of Scient and Technology
    ACSAC has a tradition of bringing together security professionals from academia, government and industry who are interested in applied security. It is an internationally recognized forum where practitioners, researchers, and developers in information system security meet to learn and to exchange practical ideas and experiences. Started in 1984, the conference has grown over the years to achieve worldwide attendance and recognition for the high quality of its presentations, discussions, and interactions.

    If you are developing practical solutions to problems relating to network, system and information security, then you should consider submitting your work and/or attending. We provide in-depth tutorials on current security topics, a workshop on hot topics, case studies on best practices, panels on controversial subjects and a technical track consisting of peer-reviewed papers.

    All these sessions and tutorials are fully qualified as Continuing Education credits toward CISSP and similar security certifications. We also offer conferenceships for students who otherwise would not be able to attend the conference.

    December 6–10, 2010 | Four Seasons Hotel | Austin, Texas, USA

    Review of the 20th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Tucson, AZ December 6-10, 2004
    WIP Session
    "Finding Security Errors in Java Applications Using Lightweight Static Analysis" Benjamin Livshits, Stanford University
    There's lots of static analysis tools that look for problems in C/C++, because the problems come from poor language and API design (buffer overruns happen unless you actively prevent them). By contrast, Java protects from those obvious errors, and leads to deeper errors. They've built a tool that finds two types of errors: bad session stores and SQL injection. In 10 web-based Java apps (mostly blogging tools), each consisting of 10s of KLOC, they found 14 session store problems (and 8 false positives) and 6 SQL injection problems.
    "Access Control for Distributed Health Care Applications" Lillian Rastad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    Norwegian healthcare uses RBAC extensively, with override rules for emergency access. However, the overrides are frequently used when there's no real emergency. They're investigating why people feel the need to bypass, and whether the bypasses are appropriate.

    "Augmenting Address Space Layout Randomization with Island Code" Haizhi Xu, Syracuse University
    Return-into-libc attacks can be frustrated by moving libc around the address space as a unit, but once an attacker finds it, all the relative positions are unchanged. If there's only 16 bits of randomization in placement, that can be broken in a few minutes. Their idea is to move each entry point individually, rather than all of libc. Even if the attacker finds one, that doesn't help them find anything else.
    "The DETER Testbed" Terry V. Benzel, Information Sciences Institute
    The goal is to build a testbed to run malicious code to see how preventative technology works. Technology is based on Univ of Utah system. Containment is the key goal, so malicious code doesn't escape to the Internet. To make experiments effective and repeatable, they can do automatic reconfiguration of all of the systems, which allows complete test setup & teardown in 10 minutes. See <!-- m -->http://www.isi.edu/deter<!-- m --> for more info.
    "Vertical Sensitivity for the Information Security Health Rating for Enterprises" Arcot Desai Narasimhalu, Singapore Management University
    S&P and Moody's rate bonds; can we use a scheme similar to that to rate cyber-threats? CxOs are able to understand rating schemes that measure overall risk. He calls the result an INFOSeMM rating, with ratings from DDD to AAA depending on resilience of infrastructure, intelligence, and practices.

    Norwegian Institute of Technology
    Rastad, Lillian,
    <!-- e --><a href="mailto:lilliaro@idi.ntnu.no">lilliaro@idi.ntnu.no</a><!-- e -->
    Department of Computer and Information Science
  • Looks like we are running out of time.... <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And a little of the Bible, numerology and computing....

    In our holy book Revelations of St. John, chapter 13, verse 15-18, we read " They let him give breath to the image of the beast , so to speak and make image die who did not worship the image of the beast. In all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, made a mark that put them in the right hand or forehead , so that which is not marked with the name of the beast or the number his name can not buy or sell. The perceptive to calculate the number of the beast is number of a person and is equivalent to 666.

    Disclosures could refer to the capitalist system and the advancement of Computer Science , plastic money , the inability to buy or sell if you do not have a card with your code is engraved all your basic information economy. An immoral system that leaves its mark on the forehead and hands to control you forever. A system that does not respect the sovereignty of peoples or their ideologies and unless their culture or religion. The solution is humanism. Only by breaking the 666 can get ahead , breaking the beast, the style imposed by global capitalism, is the human being on the record set to control you , both your life , emotions , expenses, excess. VISA cards are popular on the reverse wire attached a line about 2 inches long with about 5 Mbytes of data on the life of the holder. In this regard the book of Revelations. The extremely knowledgeable about these issues , refer to the number 6 represents man as well , he should be as simple as a number 6, but with the technology and advances in science power twice that number 62 , becoming 36. But remarkably , 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +34 +35 +14 + ... +36 = 666. That is the sum of all digits from 1 to 36 is equal to 666. This means that once symbolized by a man 6 with its imperfections , its core power and becomes super man, thanks to technology and science , symbolized by 62, now in its being sown the seeds of Capitalism and the mark of the beast. Incredibly, every time we ARPANET Internet WWW. The value of that W is 6, the entry means that the network is 666. Without this condition is impossible to search for information on the network. In this regard the book of Revelations. It was a coincidence , What strange coincidences? More ominous still is the combination of the word VISA , which combines letters and numbers to three of the major languages of antiquity : VI : Roman 6, Greek S , value 6 and A 6 value Babylonian again 666.

    credits;Sergio Delgado
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