Michael Jackson's children to go to school for first time

HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
edited January 1970 in News
Michael Jackson's children to go to school for first time
Last updated at 1:24 AM on 20th June 2010

After years of living as one of the most closely protected families in the world, Michael Jackson’s three children are to attend school for the first time.
In an emotional interview to mark the first anniversary of the singer’s death, their grandmother and guardian Katherine Jackson has told The Mail on Sunday that she is determined to give Prince, Paris and Blanket a more conventional upbringing.
Until now, they have been taught at home, in keeping with Michael ’s policy of keeping them largely hidden from the outside world.

‘I’d say I’m a little less strict but I’ve tried to follow the way Michael was raising them,’ she says in her first interview since he died of a suspected heart attack on June 25 last year at his Los Angeles home.
‘But they don’t have friends. They don’t go to school. They have private lessons at home. They’ll be going to a private school in September for the first time.’

The 80-year-old great-grandmother laughs at the idea the children could ever have a wholly normal life, but says they have a healthy routine of daily schoolwork, karate and swimming.
She says there is hardly a day without visits from members of her extended family to her home in Los Angeles. ‘Having them around has helped the children immensely. They go places together and have fun. They listen to Michael’s music.’

Katherine has come under media scrutiny again in recent weeks after reported comments by her husband, Joe Jackson, who said she was in part responsible for Michael’s death – a sentiment he has now retracted.
And last week her youngest son, Randy, was rushed to hospital with a heart attack, but he seems to be recovering.
Throughout, however, she says her priority has been caring for her grandchildren Prince, 13, Paris, 12, and Blanket, eight.
Katherine was made their legal guardian in the weeks following Michael’s death, although she has no control over his estate, which is held in a trust fund.

The three children have been deeply affected, she says. Paris has created a shrine to him in her bedroom. ‘I wanted to hang pictures of flowers or ballerinas, like I would expect a girl would.
But she went into the closet and she brought out seven or eight pictures of Michael and said, “No, I want Daddy hanging in my room. I always want to see him.”
‘So she goes to bed looking at him and wakes up looking at him. Paris has that lovely way like Michael, and I see his talent in her. Whatever she does she’s very good at it. She’s a good artist and plays the piano. She wants to be an actress.’
Katherine believes all three share something of Michael. Prince is interested in the arts, hoping to be a film producer, while Blanket has his sense of playfulness.

She says it was some time after Michael took Prince and Paris to a concert to celebrate his 30th anniversary as a solo entertainer in 2001 that they began to understand how famous he was.
‘Michael told me a story. He said the two little ones were in the audience. When he got backstage they said, “So you’re a big star, huh? When I grow up I want to be just like you!” And Michael said he got the biggest chuckle out of that.’

Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... z0rMyEqsmG<!-- m -->


  • I hope these kids get to go to a normal School, and get a College Education. I do so much hope they are not pushed into the Organized Crime Controled Show Biz that MJ was forced into enduring. Please Katherine, keep them out of the Show Biz world that seems to lead to ultimate destruction and heartache.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    They are so going to be harassed...Oh God..People will only be nice to them and try to get into their inner circle because of who they are. That won't be nice.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    I thought someone.. May be Frank Dileo said the kids never saw Michael perform?
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    My heart bleeds for them. A lot of kids get teased when they go to school for the first time (and Prince and Paris have lived their whole live in a totally different environment), picture what it's gonna be like to like for Michael Jackson's children. Kids are cruel, they believe everything their parents tell them. The problem is that MJ's children have been hidden and kept safe all the time and now they have to come out of their shells and this time they have nowhere to hide.
  • new tiuxnew tiux Posts: 104
    finally Katherine has started to talk. I already had enough of Joes raving...
    But I'm not sure either is it a very good idea to put children in a regular school <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> They don't really know what it's like to be day after day with strangers in the same room. And yes, kids are cruel and they say anything they hear... let's just hope that Michael kids will not be the only famous kids in that school.
  • BambiMJBambiMJ Posts: 67
    In " PARIS MATCH" who n' is not a cloth, there is a article" MICHAEL JACKSON it NEW LIFE OF ITS KIDS" .
    I put an extract of this article:
    " In Hayvenhurst Avenue, former musicians of Michael n' have more the right of cité.l' a d' they, pianist, came two months ago. It felt a strange environment. At light-years of the life Zen of Holmby Hills.Chez their grandmother, Prince, Paris and Blanket n' were more than l' shade d' them-even, sad like s' they felt locked up." <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    finally Katherine has started to talk. I already had enough of Joes raving...
    But I'm not sure either is it a very good idea to put children in a regular school <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> They don't really know what it's like to be day after day with strangers in the same room. And yes, kids are cruel and they say anything they hear... let's just hope that Michael kids will not be the only famous kids in that school.

    Yes, she talked about the book she is going to release also: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=11199<!-- l -->
  • I thought someone.. May be Frank Dileo said the kids never saw Michael perform?

    That's only what Michael wanted us to think... BUT we all know Michael's sneaky/ genious ways. He made sure the camera man got a nice shot of prince in the audience at his 30th anniversary concert. There's even footage of Prince and Paris ON STAGE standing with Macaulay Culkin during the end of the last show. Of course at this time we didnt know what the children fully looked like, so we would have never known it was them we were really looking at anyway. Just check out the vid <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> :

    (Omer is holding him)
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0d8XD_OYnY<!-- m -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    You know, I wish Kat wouldn't have said that part about the way he's been raising them right on Father's Day, so that everyone can start with their "Oh, he kept them so hidden, the poor dears had no friends"..I know that I have seen several different stories about the kids' education, Michael himself sometimes says they go to school, sometimes they have a tutor, last year after the 25th it was going around that they were already starting to go to a school then..lots of different stories.

    But I know one thing, and that is that whenever MJ (or his friends, people who know him) has talked about the kids he always says that they live a "normal/conventional" (whichever of those crappy words you wanna use) life, and that they have friends..I believe him, I don't think they were cooped up or isolated with no friends..
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    You know, I wish Kat wouldn't have said that part about the way he's been raising them right on Father's Day, so that everyone can start with their "Oh, he kept them so hidden, the poor dears had no friends"..I know that I have seen several different stories about the kids' education, Michael himself sometimes says they go to school, sometimes they have a tutor, last year after the 25th it was going around that they were already starting to go to a school then..lots of different stories.

    But I know one thing, and that is that whenever MJ (or his friends, people who know him) has talked about the kids he always says that they live a "normal/conventional" (whichever of those crappy words you wanna use) life, and that they have friends..I believe him, I don't think they were cooped up or isolated with no friends..

    Yes plus in those leaked photos/videos of Paris, Blanket and Prince we could see them playing with some other kids. So what story are they trying to sell us now? Huh..
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I think it would be nice if MJ kid's could make an attempt to go to school. I believe MJ did give the children a good upbringing and exposed them to children because we have seen him and the kids take pics with other children. I believe MJ's kids would actually do well because they seem like kids who would be friendly and social. I think they would make friends easy. The only thing that would be bad about them attending school is that there probably would be a few kids that may be jealous and say something negative. Some times kids can be mean especially kids around Prince and Paris age. I think Blanket would be okay because young kids really don't care about that kind of stuff all they want to do is have fun. Another downfall would be paparazzi stalking them at school but I mean if Sasha and Malia Obama can go to school it may be possible for his kids. If it doesn't work Mother Katherine can always take them out.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I don't think it would be a good idea for them to attend regular school. Think about how much torment MJ went through in the media, A LOT of people believed those lies. Can you imagine how cruel the other kids & some parents would be to them seeing as how they are MJ's kids?! He even said it himself in an interview, that THAT'S why they are homeschooled because he didn't want them to be teased & called Jacko, etc. It's true they will be, it's terrible but it's the truth. Anyone who thinks differentely is naive. Think of all the things they will hear about their daddy, child molester, freak, his plastic surgery, his skin color change, kids might make fun of them & say they're not his real kids because they look white. The same ignorant things the mean people of the world have said about MJ for years will be unleashed onto them. Kids repeat everything they hear & with internet these days it's not hard for kids to find things to make fun of them with. It would be nice if they could attend school but I don't think it would be good for them as MJ's kids. Genevieve, Randy Jr, Donte, Jaafar & Jermajesty all went to regular school & in an old interview they even talked about all the jokes kids made & how they had to be strong & have a tought skin & ignore it & they are only his niece & nephews!

  • How come I don't see anyone wondering about why Katherine decided to give an interview to a tabloid..?

    Joe granted News of the World (one of the biggest tabloids) an interview on 6/13.

    No one wonders about why all of a sudden they talk to tabloids..?

  • How come I don't see anyone wondering about why Katherine decided to give an interview to a tabloid..?

    Joe granted News of the World (one of the biggest tabloids) an interview on 6/13.

    No one wonders about why all of a sudden they talk to tabloids..?

    Exactly. I was just reading these posts and thinking the same as you. But, I don't have an answer to the question. It's hard to keep up with all of these conversations they are having or the news that family members or close associates (Orianthi), are falling ill. I was just remembering that about 2 weeks ago, we were told that Mrs. Jackson was in the hospital gravely ill and since then, it's one Jackson family thing or tabloid conversation after the other, back to back to back. What is our attention being diverted from and why? I'm going to give this more thought.
  • applehead250609applehead250609 Posts: 2,615
    Exactly Mo.How come they are with the" ENEMY"? Was not Michael the one who use to say that the TABLOIDS are GARBAGE? That the tabloids must be burn?
    This STORY is going crazy,and Im starting to loosing my patience here.Is this family with Michael or not?Are they doing this for money and fame?
    I dont know if someone is trying to play with our minds,maybe is Michael ,lol.The Hoax is getting more and more fishy.Is almost a year nowwwwwwwww!!!!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Its starnge,always contradictions and confusions in this story.Who whould believe Janet will go to Oprah to speak to her,after all se said about her brother.
    And what Michael wanted to say in his song Tabloid Junkie?
    "Tabloid Junkie"

    Speculate to break the one you hate
    Circulate the lie you confiscate
    Assassinate and mutilate
    As the hounding media in hysteria
    Who's the next for you to resurrect

    Why we can't let go to this Hoax,tell me why guys? Its like an obsession,hunting us day and night.I really think this STORY will not end NEVER EVER.
    I hope I didnt offend enyone here,but after almost a year ,I'm starting for the first time to realize that maybe this was just nightmare.The pain I feel Its like a pleasure for me,lol.(like in the mind control videos)
    Love you all.
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    To me this bad news as a whole. I thought Michael don't want them to go to any public school? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • yeah if michael was alive he would have NEVER wanted them to go to real school.....
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    To me this bad news as a whole. I thought Michael don't want them to go to any public school? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
    <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • andy1andy2andy1andy2 Posts: 212
    This is more BS I am in Cali. it is 7;30 in the morning and I highly doubt that Kathrine got up earlier than this to give a BS tabloid an interview. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    maybe kids want to try a school? they brave and maybe they wanna see how it is?
    Dabbie one time said that Michael would never make his kids do what they dont want to do.. so maybe whey want to try and Michael wanna give them a chance to see how it is...
    I think it's possible.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • LoudLoud Posts: 303
    I thought someone.. May be Frank Dileo said the kids never saw Michael perform?

    This was exactly why Michael wanted to do TII wasn´t it? And now everything is just a lie <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    My only thoughts on this subject is that those children are not ridiculed just because they are Michael's children. They deserve and should get the best education allowable and should not be punished because of who their parents are. If the media starts on these children once they start their new lives, we should be on them like white on rice. Nip it! If it means protesting loudly or simply writing letters. We have to do it. We are Michael's voice. Until those children are grown ups themselves, we need to pose an all out war against anybody who tends to stand in the way of what is right for those children. The media might have their agendas, but dammit I've got one too. Leave Michael's children alone. They are children of tax paying citizens and by law must be afforded the same opportunities for equal and appropriate education as any body else's children. If Katherine has made that decision, then it is their right to abide by it. This will bring out the beast in me. I will advocate for the rights of children as long as there is breath in me. Don't fuck with those kids <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

  • Okay, now we also have La Toya granting an interview to a tabloid: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11218&p=186352#p186352<!-- l -->
    Latoyah has given an article to NOTW.

    I cant scan it, but it starts of like this:

    "He's still here," she insists, "He's still with me and he's just waiting to let the World know. I have to believe he is here because thats what keeps me safe. I have to believe he is still here for the sake of the little children"

    It goes on to describe their childhood together and other things.

    It ends with :

    To mark the anniversary of his death, LaToyah says the family is planning a reunion and will spend the day doing some of Michaels favourite things.
    "We dont want it to be a sad day",she insisists, "We want to celebrate Michaels incredible life, his wonderful personality, his incredible talent and his beautiful spirit. Maybe we will watch some old movies, play some music and be happy.
    One thing is for sure, Michael will be with us. On that day, Michael will be there"

    What do you think??

    There is also a big interview with Navi.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714

    How come I don't see anyone wondering about why Katherine decided to give an interview to a tabloid..?

    Joe granted News of the World (one of the biggest tabloids) an interview on 6/13.

    No one wonders about why all of a sudden they talk to tabloids..?
    Maybe they don't feel bad lying to tabloids.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I thought News of the World was notorious for scandalizing Michael? Why then are they granting interviews? This appears to be a ploy for attention, be it negative or positive. Something must be on the horizon, about to happen. Maybe they are in fact diverting the media attention away from Michael by giving them frenzied stories, allowing Michael time and opportunity to slip in right under their nasty little noses unbeknown st to them. Giving them a little taste of the madness of their own accord, keeping them busy while bigger, better things are in process and being planned. It's ingenious, clever even. Go ahead family, work your charm of deceit. They deserve it. The greatest magic is yet to come. And they will miss it. BAM, the big one that got away <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Jokes on you!
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