Alberto Alvarez: guard who called for an ambulance

HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
edited June 2010 in News
My anguish, by guard who called for an ambulance
By Graeme Culliford 20/06/2010

The bodyguard who watched helplessly as Jacko's life ebbed away suffers sleepless nights as he struggles to cope with what he saw.

Devastated Alberto Alvarez, who took control and dialled 911 for an ambulance, says he cannot stop thinking whether he could have done anything to save the singer.
Alberto, 34, will be star witness in the trial of Dr Murray, alleged to have halted resuscitation attempts while he hid the anaesthetic claimed to have killed Jackson.

He told the Sunday Mirror: "I've had sleepless nights. I play over in my mind what I could have done differently - I feel terrible about what happened."

The bodyguard added: "I want justice for Mr Jackson and will do whatever it takes. When I tell my story, it will be in a court of law."
Alberto told police the doctor broke off from trying to revive Jackson to stuff vials into a bag. The substance they they contained resembled Propofol.

Police say Dr Murray spent some 30 minutes trying to revive the star before seeking help.
But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

Amir immediately called back, then alerted Alberto, who finally dialled the US emergency number 911. --> What? First time I hear about this

Alberto was later fired by the Jackson family and now struggles to provide for wife Anna and their young children.
The bodyguard's lawyer Carl Douglas said: "When the facts are released in front of a jury, I am confident that Mr Alvarez will emerge as the hero of this tragic saga."

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  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.
    Amir immediately called back, then alerted Alberto, who finally dialled the US emergency number 911. --> What? First time I hear about this
    I don't think I've heard about it either....
    The bodyguard's lawyer Carl Douglas said: "When the facts are released in front of a jury, I am confident that Mr Alvarez will emerge as the hero of this tragic saga."

    Why ??
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Dr. CM lawyer said, Doctor was not able to call 911 earlier because the phones in MJ house were not working...
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Dr. CM lawyer said, Doctor was not able to call 911 earlier because the phones in MJ house were not working...

    Sure, so why didn't he use HIS phone? Didn't he go on phone after administrating Michael the propofol? What a bunch of BS
  • new tiuxnew tiux Posts: 104
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Dr. CM lawyer said, Doctor was not able to call 911 earlier because the phones in MJ house were not working...

    Sure, so why didn't he use HIS phone? Didn't he go on phone after administrating Michael the propofol? What a bunch of BS
    and didn't we just read, that: Police say Dr Murray spent some 30 minutes trying to revive the star before seeking help.
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    So he left a message? With what if phones were not working? Did he sent a message with owl?? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And if it was his mobile phone, why didn't he call 911 with that? BS for me.
  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
    You'd think there'd be a Gag Order in place.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Dr. CM lawyer said, Doctor was not able to call 911 earlier because the phones in MJ house were not working...

    Sure, so why didn't he use HIS phone? Didn't he go on phone after administrating Michael the propofol? What a bunch of BS
    and didn't we just read, that: Police say Dr Murray spent some 30 minutes trying to revive the star before seeking help.
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    So he left a message? With what if phones were not working? Did he sent a message with owl?? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And if it was his mobile phone, why didn't he call 911 with that? BS for me.

    maybe he forgot the emergency number <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • new tiuxnew tiux Posts: 104
    I wouldn't be surprised...
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    This whole scenario reeks of stupidity. My goodness and how many times does this story change.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    My anguish, by guard who called for an ambulance
    By Graeme Culliford 20/06/2010

    The bodyguard who watched helplessly as Jacko's life ebbed away suffers sleepless nights as he struggles to cope with what he saw.

    Devastated Alberto Alvarez, who took control and dialled 911 for an ambulance, says he cannot stop thinking whether he could have done anything to save the singer.
    Alberto, 34, will be star witness in the trial of Dr Murray, alleged to have halted resuscitation attempts while he hid the anaesthetic claimed to have killed Jackson.

    He told the Sunday Mirror: "I've had sleepless nights. I play over in my mind what I could have done differently - I feel terrible about what happened."

    The bodyguard added: "I want justice for Mr Jackson and will do whatever it takes. When I tell my story, it will be in a court of law."
    Alberto told police the doctor broke off from trying to revive Jackson to stuff vials into a bag. The substance they they contained resembled Propofol.

    Police say Dr Murray spent some 30 minutes trying to revive the star before seeking help.
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Amir immediately called back, then alerted Alberto, who finally dialled the US emergency number 911. --> What? First time I hear about this

    Alberto was later fired by the Jackson family and now struggles to provide for wife Anna and their young children.
    The bodyguard's lawyer Carl Douglas said: "When the facts are released in front of a jury, I am confident that Mr Alvarez will emerge as the hero of this tragic saga."

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    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.
    Amir immediately called back, then alerted Alberto, who finally dialled the US emergency number 911. --> What? First time I hear about this

    @hazzely -
    That's what was reported. You probably missed it because There has been little to no mention of Michael Amir Williams.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443

    They just twisted the story over and over again
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Dr. CM lawyer said, Doctor was not able to call 911 earlier because the phones in MJ house were not working...

    Sure, so why didn't he use HIS phone? Didn't he go on phone after administrating Michael the propofol? What a bunch of BS

    It's all silly. This is why I keep saying that he will not be able to reconcile anything in court, but I fear now that the next hearing is already rigged. I was reported that he didn't use his cell because he didn't know the address. Even if he didn't know the st. # he must have know the house was on the corner of Carolwood and the Blvd. That's all he needed to say.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649

    They just twisted the story over and over again

    I only heard one version - that the Dr. called Michael Amir, Michael called Alberto and the Dr. didn't call 911 from his cell because he didn't know the address - well apparently he didn't know the house was on the corner either - cough.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    But rather than calling an ambulance, he left a message on the mobile phone of security chief Michael Amir.

    Dr. CM lawyer said, Doctor was not able to call 911 earlier because the phones in MJ house were not working...

    Sure, so why didn't he use HIS phone? Didn't he go on phone after administrating Michael the propofol? What a bunch of BS

    It's all silly. This is why I keep saying that he will not be able to reconcile anything in court, but I fear now that the next hearing is already rigged. I was reported that he didn't use his cell because he didn't know the address. Even if he didn't know the st. # he must have know the house was on the corner of Carolwood and the Blvd. That's all he needed to say.

    So even if this about Michael Amir is true, MICHAEL WAS "DYING" AND HE SENDS A MESSAGE ? Why not call him? It was supposed to be an emergency!
    Murray, the more you talk the worse it gets for you!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443

    They just twisted the story over and over again

    I only heard one version - that the Dr. called Michael Amir, Michael called Alberto and the Dr. didn't call 911 from his cell because he didn't know the address - well apparently he didn't know the house was on the corner either - cough.

    The version I heard is the following:

    Dr Murray notices that Michael is not breathing, he goes downstairs, calls the chef, Paris and Prince, and Alberto. Then A.Alvarez calls 911

    I didn't hear anything about Michael Amir..
  • moyrummoyrum Posts: 78
    Yes i also heard Murray did not phone ambulance because he did not know the address but people commented saying he did'nt need to know address because mobiles have GPR and how can you not know the address of the place where you are working, i thought he even stayed in that house that night <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> And there were other staff around too he could have asked anyone to tell him the address how stupid <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I think more than anything WE"VE HAD ENOUGH!
    If people don't start thinking and putting two and two together they will proof how stupid all this is!
    How dare they!! CM and his lawyers are weaving a story out of science fiction. There is no way I am going to believe the King was taken down by stupidity.
    No way! I get more outraged each minute, each article. I can't even click on them anymore so I thank those that post them.
    Michael we need you! We LOVE you!
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    This just proves that twisted stories are relayed in the newspapers and nobody cares if it's right or wrong. Nobody who works in these press societies bothers to analyze what makes sense or not. They copy and paste.
    And yes it's a "tragic" saga, an epic adventure and the hero is Michael.
  • Mj5StarChickMj5StarChick Posts: 939
    All credits go to Glinda here for pointing this out Alvarez surely has got older by two years hasn't he and it's only been 1 YEAR!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ???
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    I agree - hero was a very strange word to use. Maybe he meant that the bodyguard will be vindicated when his day to speak comes. IDK - there are too many versions of this story.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    How can he not know the address.. how did Murray drive to the house, then??
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    This is geting more ridiculous by the minute.
  • billiejean17billiejean17 Posts: 266
    This whole senario is seriously taking the P*** now enough is enough!!!
    Everyone is trying to cover their asses and doing a really bad job of it
    I really do hope that !The Truth will prevail" and hopefully very soon! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    How can he not know the address.. how did Murray drive to the house, then??

    I always wondered the same..ever since this hoax started.. He knew very well Michael's address, otherwise how did he manage to drive to his house all the times he was asked to? This is just ridiculous
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