Friends Say Katherine Jackson is Joe's Puppet

JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378
edited January 1970 in News
Friends Say Katherine Jackson is Joe's Puppet
Originally posted 17 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

People closely connected to the Jackson family tell TMZ they believe Joe Jackson is manipulating Katherine Jackson to make a quick buck -- to the point she's now in business with a dude who's in the erotic content business.


Katherine's has partnered with Howard Mann for her new book, "Never Can Say Goodbye: The Katherine Jackson Archives," according to Mann has made a fortune on online gambling and erotic content, venturing into online nude gambling.

And Katherine has sold a story about Michael's kids to a tabloid and even helped Joe sell cheesy MJ belts. But here's the thing -- Katherine doesn't need the money. She's getting an allowance from Michael's estate and will have the use of untold millions of dollars generated by co-executors John Branca and John McClain.

Joe, on the other hand, isn't getting squat from the estate or from Michael's will, and he needs money stat.

As one insider put it, "Katherine is a strong woman who can stand up to pretty much anyone but Joe. There's too much history there. Joe has always controlled her and always will."

(Poll) Book, belt, tabloid story

* Cheesy
* Appropriate

(Poll) Is Joe manipulating Katherine?

* Yes
* No


  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I don't see Mother Katherine as being a puppet for Joe. I think she must be a strong woman to put up with all his crap that he put her through in the past. I think Ms. Katherine is a sweet lady but I think she got some fire to her too. My grandma she the same way sweet old black woman who put up with my grandfather's mess but she stood by him because she came from the old school and she loved him. However, she did check him when it was necessary. Actually I believe she even punched him out before. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> If anything I think Katherine got the upper hand right now. Why they even doing a ridiculous poll like this anyway?
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Dont think that that book will ever happen.. Lets see, probably more news next week <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Katherine is defo being blackmailed into doing that book
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Katherine is defo being blackmailed into doing that book

    what makes you think this?
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    Katherine is defo being blackmailed into doing that book
    that's a good point I never thought about that maybe she is being blackmailed into doing these thing. I really never thought that she would actually talk to a tabloid about her family but if you want to keep your son safe you will do almost anything
  • Is this for real or is there something in this story we should be looking for? I don't see Katherine as a puppet either. I wonder if this is even a true story.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Family friends, what friends are those? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11181<!-- l -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Katherine is defo being blackmailed into doing that book

    what makes you think this?

    Ive put it on another thread. There are too many threads to keep explaining it.
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    are you sure friends are saying it??? I know who is saying it, friends from this hoax forum u saw it here first we won TMZ <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    <!-- m --> ... ks-estate/<!-- m -->

    there it goes <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Just a thought. We use the term "puppet" here on the forum quite often in regards to mind control and the illuminati (for example, "Lady Gaga is an Illuminati puppet").

    TMZ reads this forum. That is a fact that isn't up for debate. They've made it quite clear.

    So, to me it seems they could be using that term for a reason. We've suspected Joe of being apart of the mind-control that probably went on in Michael's life. So perhaps TMZ is confirming that for us. Either that, or they are saying that Katherine is a victim of it herself. It would make sense, wouldn't it?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    What came to my mind was Las Vegas when I saw the word gambling. It's the most famous place for this kind of activity. Must we look for something in Las Vegas ?

    This "Howard Mann" also seems important. Does he really exist ? I've not been able to find him. On wiki there's an actor named Howard Mann but that's all. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    We've used the word "puppet" several times talking about Obama and Lady Gaga. When I type Puppet + mind control in my browser everything points to Lady Gaga and Obama. Seems we are not the only ones to think the same thing.
    Now in this article I don't know why the word has been used but it doesn't seem that it's poiting to Katherine for real. Joe and Katherine are just characters here to me. Just my opinion of course.

    Why would people closely connected to the Jackson family tell TMZ they believe that Joe is manipulating Katherine. Strange behaviour.
    If we think in hoax mode there could be another meaning and addressed to us. Who are the friends ? Maybe us the hoaxers. Katherine may represent Michael and Joe is accused by us the friends that he has something to do with mind controlling Michael in the past.
    The belt may represent something too, a "device" to beat maybe <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ? But they're cheesy. I don't know what it can mean. A cheesy belt <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> . I first thought that they were made in cheese so they don't "hurt" but cheesy has another meaning. Fake belts ?
    Well maybe it's a message to tell us that Michael forgives (even if he doesn't forget) ?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Just a thought. We use the term "puppet" here on the forum quite often in regards to mind control and the illuminati (for example, "Lady Gaga is an Illuminati puppet").

    TMZ reads this forum. That is a fact that isn't up for debate. They've made it quite clear.

    So, to me it seems they could be using that term for a reason. We've suspected Joe of being apart of the mind-control that probably went on in Michael's life. So perhaps TMZ is confirming that for us. Either that, or they are saying that Katherine is a victim of it herself. It would make sense, wouldn't it?

    I thought the same. Also we use Puppet Master word for Michael too. He's pulling off the hoax, he's the Puppet Master. Could this mean Michael asked his mother to publish the book? He's the one who controls everything.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    I thought the same. Also we use Puppet Master word for Michael too. He's pulling off the hoax, he's the Puppet Master. Could this mean Michael asked his mother to publish the book? He's the one who controls everything. [/b]

    Joe´s puppet... Michael Joe Jackson, yes, she is Joe´s puppet... thank you TMZ! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    What came to my mind was Las Vegas when I saw the word gambling. It's the most famous place for this kind of activity. Must we look for something in Las Vegas ?

    This "Howard Mann" also seems important. Does he really exist ? I've not been able to find him. On wiki there's an actor named Howard Mann but that's all.

    We've used the word "puppet" several times talking about Obama and Lady Gaga. When I type Puppet + mind control in my browser everything points to Lady Gaga and Obama. Seems we are not the only ones to think the same thing.
    Now in this article I don't know why the word has been used but it doesn't seem that it's poiting to Katherine for real. Joe and Katherine are just characters here to me. Just my opinion of course.

    Why would people closely connected to the Jackson family tell TMZ they believe that Joe is manipulating Katherine. Strange behaviour.
    If we think in hoax mode there could be another meaning and addressed to us. Who are the friends ? Maybe us the hoaxers. Katherine may represent Michael and Joe is accused by us the friends that he has something to do with mind controlling Michael in the past.
    The belt may represent something too, a "device" to beat maybe <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ? But they're cheesy. I don't know what it can mean. A cheesy belt <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> . I first thought that they were made in cheese so they don't "hurt" but cheesy has another meaning. Fake belts ?
    Well maybe it's a message to tell us that Michael forgives (even if he doesn't forget) ?

    according to this the man died in 2008 let's try this <!-- m --><!-- m --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Is this for real or is there something in this story we should be looking for? I don't see Katherine as a puppet either. I wonder if this is even a true story.

    I totally agree with you! After seeing the two of them interviewed together several months ago I believe that Katherine is the one that calls the shots. She shut Joe up several times and he definately backed down!
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Is this for real or is there something in this story we should be looking for? I don't see Katherine as a puppet either. I wonder if this is even a true story.

    I totally agree with you! After seeing the two of them interviewed together several months ago I believe that Katherine is the one that calls the shots. She shut Joe up several times and he definately backed down!

    you said it sister <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265

    according to this the man died in 2008 let's try this <!-- m --><!-- m --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    Oh yes you're right I remember that now. Thank you suspicious mind.

    "Mann Act
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The White-Slave Traffic Act of 1910 (ch. 395, 36 Stat. 825; codified as amended at 18 U.S.C. § 2421–2424), better known as the Mann Act after Congressman James Robert Mann, is a United States law which prohibits white slavery and the interstate transport of females for “immoral purposes”. Its primary stated intent was to address prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking. While its ambiguous language allowed selective prosecutions for many years, it was later amended by Congress to apply only to actual criminal offenses.


    The most common use of the Mann Act was to prosecute men for having sex with underage women.[2] It was also used to harass others who had drawn the authorities' wrath for "immoral" behavior.

    The first person prosecuted under the act was African-American heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson in a case with strong racist overtones[3]. He had had an interracial affair with a white prostitute named Lucille Cameron, but she refused to cooperate with the prosecution; Johnson later married her. Less than a month later he was re-arrested for having crossing a state line, before the Mann Act was passed, with Belle Schreiber, a prostitute who had left a brothel. She testified against him, and Johnson was convicted and sentenced to the maximum penalty of a year and a day in prison.

    Pioneering sociologist William I. Thomas's academic career at the University of Chicago was irreversibly damaged after he was arrested under the act when caught in the company of one Mrs. Granger, the wife of an army officer with the American forces in France. Thomas was acquitted at trial.

    British film actor Charlie Chaplin was prosecuted in 1944 by Federal authorities for Mann Act charges related to his involvement with actress Joan Barry. Chaplin was acquitted of the charges, but the trial permanently damaged his public image in the US. The uproar contributed to his departure for Switzerland in the early 1950s.

    Canadian author Elizabeth Smart described being arrested under the Mann Act in 1940 when crossing a state border with her lover, the British poet George Barker, in her book By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept. She memorably intertwined the callous police interrogation under this law with quotations about love from the Song of Songs.

    The 1948 Mann Act prosecution of Frank LaSalle for abducting Florence Sally Horner is believed to have been an inspiration for Vladimir Nabokov in writing his novel Lolita. The book's protagonist Humbert Humbert, seeking to escape watchful eyes and bind the girl, Dolores Haze, more closely to him, also conducted a multi-state road trip during the course of the story.[4]

    In the late 1950s, Kid Cann, an organized crime figure from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was prosecuted and convicted under the Mann Act after transporting a prostitute from Chicago to Minnesota. His conviction was later overturned on appeal. Even later, Kid Cann was prosecuted and convicted of offering a $25,000 bribe to a juror at his trial under the Mann Act.

    As there is no federal U.S. law against polygamy as such,[5] except in territories,[6] the Mann Act has been used by federal officials wishing to penalize polygamy to prosecute various polygamist individuals known as Mormon fundamentalists.[5][7] (All U.S. states have anti-polygamy laws; in recent years state authorities have sometimes targeted organized polygamists.) The twin communities of Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah, Bountiful, British Columbia, and sites in Mexico[8] are historic locations of several Mormon Fundamentalist sects.[9] Mormon Fundamentalist Leaders and individuals[5] have been charged under Mann when "wives" are transported across the Utah-Arizona state line or the U.S.-Canadian and U.S.-Mexican borders.[5][10]

    Notable individuals prosecuted under the Act

    * Tony Alamo[11]
    * Chuck Berry[12][13]
    * Charlie Chaplin[13][14]
    * Finis Dake[15]
    * Rex Ingram [16]
    * Jack Johnson[13][17]
    * Charles Manson[18]
    * William I. Thomas [19]
    * Frank Lloyd Wright[13]
    * Michael Jackson[20]
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