Michael Jackson Estate Facing HUGE Debt???

simalvessimalves Posts: 730
edited January 1970 in News
<!-- m -->http://perezhilton.com/2010-06-21-micha ... -huge-debt<!-- m -->

Although the executors of Michael Jackson's estate have settled most of his financial woes, they are struggling with a $300 million loan due at the end of the year.

The massive loan from Barclays PLC, which is backed by his 50% stake in SONY/ATV, matures at the end of the year.

In order to secure the loan in 2006, Michael looked to Sony for help even though he was already close to defaulting on a $270 million loan held by hedge fund Fortress Investment Group LLC.

The Jackson estate and Sony have discussed whether the company will guarantee refinancing of the debt backed by Michael's Sony/ATV stake.

And Sony wants them to do so! It could mean them paying hundreds of millions for a catalog that he already controls.

Considering the mess they got the Jackson family out of already, we're sure the executors will figure something out!

Read More: Michael Jackson Estate Facing HUGE Debt | PerezHilton.com <!-- m -->http://perezhilton.com/2010-06-21-micha ... z0rYWr3jeF<!-- m -->


  • I think this was posted yesterday or a similar story anyway. It made me wonder - didn't we read that the Estate has brought in a billion dollars this past year? Something doesn't add up. If the Estate sells that music catalog I will have a hard time believing that Michael is alive, or at least in control, because he was always trying to protect that asset.

    And I never believed that Michael was in debt like we were led to believe. It's my belief that Michael was trying to protect his assets from more money hungry people seeking an easy buck off of him and so he's led us to be believe he was broke. I say more power to him if that is what he did. We have no business knowing his financial affairs anyway. Does he know ours? LOL - like he'd really like to know mine anyway <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • maybe Michael needs the money where he is hiding. This is just a ruse so they sell his catalog and they give the money to Michael.. This is just and idea.
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