I'm a DOT The Michael Jackson Tribute

samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
edited January 1970 in News

<!-- m -->http://www.etonline.com/news/2010/06/88473/index.html<!-- m -->

Nick Cannon pays tribute to Michael Jackson in a memorial portrait that fans can take part in. Read on for details...

A new museum piece called "The Tribute Portrait" has been created to celebrate the legacy of Jackson's humanitarian efforts. The artwork is comprised of hand-drawn dots that come together to form the image of the late pop star. Each dot in the portrait represents a person whose life was impacted by the singer and wishes to carry forward his mission to "Heal the World."

"I'm truly honored to be part of the Michael Jackson tribute portrait," Nick says. "If it wasn't for Michael Jackson, I wouldn't be an entertainer, I wouldn't be who I am today. I was inspired [by him] at a very young age ... he's truly the greatest entertainer ever."

As each new person signs up to add their dot, the artwork progresses. Participation is free at <!-- w -->www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com<!-- w -->

Currently, the dots in the portrait represent more than 250,000 people in more than 180 countries.

Watch the video to see Nick meet the artist, David Ilan, and add his dot to the portrait.


  • That is so cool! I met Nick Cannon when I was 16 at a music seminar in Chicago. Here's a photo of me with him. I got to talk to him for a good 5 or 10 minutes. He was super nice and had a lot of encouraging things to say to everyone.

    I also got to hear Tyrese speak that day but he didn't take pictures with anyone or sign any autographs. Which is okay because I probably would have fainted! Anyway, here's me with Nick!

  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    That is so cool! I met Nick Cannon when I was 16 at a music seminar in Chicago. Here's a photo of me with him. I got to talk to him for a good 5 or 10 minutes. He was super nice and had a lot of encouraging things to say to everyone.

    I also got to hear Tyrese speak that day but he didn't take pictures with anyone or sign any autographs. Which is okay because I probably would have fainted! Anyway, here's me with Nick!


  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463

    <!-- m -->http://www.etonline.com/news/2010/06/88473/index.html<!-- m -->

    Nick Cannon pays tribute to Michael Jackson in a memorial portrait that fans can take part in. Read on for details...

    A new museum piece called "The Tribute Portrait" has been created to celebrate the legacy of Jackson's humanitarian efforts. The artwork is comprised of hand-drawn dots that come together to form the image of the late pop star. Each dot in the portrait represents a person whose life was impacted by the singer and wishes to carry forward his mission to "Heal the World."

    "I'm truly honored to be part of the Michael Jackson tribute portrait," Nick says. "If it wasn't for Michael Jackson, I wouldn't be an entertainer, I wouldn't be who I am today. I was inspired [by him] at a very young age ... he's truly the greatest entertainer ever."

    As each new person signs up to add their dot, the artwork progresses. Participation is free at <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com<!-- m -->

    Currently, the dots in the portrait represent more than 250,000 people in more than 180 countries.

    Watch the video to see Nick meet the artist, David Ilan, and add his dot to the portrait.

    I have been a dot for a long time now. Dot Number: 239057 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • youngatheartyoungatheart Posts: 261
    I've been a dot for a long time too. I am dot #235852
  • laura58laura58 Posts: 48
    I also have been a dot for a long time <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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