Michael Jackson was Murdered For His Catalogue Claims LaToya

Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
edited January 1970 in News
Michael Jackson murdered for hit catalogue, claims LaToya
By Katie Hodge, Press Association

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Michael Jackson was murdered because he was "worth so much more dead than alive", his sister said today.

In a television interview, LaToya Jackson insisted the Thriller singer's relatives and fans now deserve "the truth" about his death.

Asked whether she believed the star was murdered, she said: "I never had a doubt. You must remember from the day that I found out that Michael was no longer with us, when my mother screamed 'he's dead' on the phone, I just went into this, 'Who did it?"'

The singer's death, on June 25 last year, sparked a litany of conspiracy theories.

But his sister insisted: "Michael was murdered for his catalogue - that's the bottom line.

"He was murdered for his catalogue and they knew that, and they knew Michael was much more, worth so much more dead than alive.

"His children deserve the truth. I think his parents deserve the truth, his family and his fans.

"Personally I think it is a slap in the face, not just to Michael but to the entire family. It's totally unfair, it's wrong and it was not an accident."

LaToya once caused a storm by publicly distancing herself from the star and condemning him for his alleged behaviour with children.

But she now claims her "management" made her read a statement out to the world's press, without knowing what it said.

This morning she told GMTV: "I always wanted the world to see Michael the way we did. He was such a good-living, caring, kind person."

Describing her mother's grief after Jackson's death at the age of 50, she added: "I could see the pain and the sorrow in her eyes. But she was strong - she chose not to cry and I think she chose that for the children."

Jackson named his mother as his first choice to raise children Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael II, eight, in a 2002 will.

<!-- m -->http://www.independent.co.uk/news/peopl ... 09167.html<!-- m -->


  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I don't know how legit this source is but anyway I don't really get wound up by things Latoya says. I feel like she will say whatever she need to say not to be mean or disrepsectful. I mean MJ had that catalogue since the 80's right? So why would someone wait this long to take MJ out for this music catalogue? I mean it seem like someone would have done it a long time ago if that were the case especially when Tommy Motolla was over Sony. It seem like she is the only one in the family who ever makes these statements. That's just how I feel about it personally.
  • In this case I truly believe LaToya.
    Michael feared for his life, even thinking he might be shot on stage. He "knew" he was going to be murdered.

    His other brothers have said the same. Randy said it goes wayyy beyond Dr. Murray.

    If it was for the catalogue or something else, I don´t know, but the estate has made 1 billion dollars since he died. That, in itself, speaks volumes.

    It´s bloodmoney! Nothing else!
    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    True, because why would many of the family members keep with the Murder Conspiracy. Yes, MJ has definitley had that catalogue for a long time but just the same they may have been plotting his murder for a loooong time. Maybe there were times that they were "up in the air" about wheather they would murder MJ or not. ...then finally came to a decision cold, calculated, and perfectly planned. and now they are looking like they will get away with it "The perfect Murder" <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Murray walking around taking photos and shit....I am sorry i am just upset. Tommorrow is the 25th and I have been grieving all over again.

    Honestly , it DOES look like they are getting away with snatching MJ"s life from him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • you know there is a God.. if the justice does not put these thugs. actually i am being nice, these murderers away, God will see they will be punished and they will suffer for what they have done to MJ. I still strongly feel MJ is alive. Have faith.. faith is the key word.
  • I don't know how legit this source is but anyway I don't really get wound up by things Latoya says. I feel like she will say whatever she need to say not to be mean or disrepsectful. I mean MJ had that catalogue since the 80's right? So why would someone wait this long to take MJ out for this music catalogue? I mean it seem like someone would have done it a long time ago if that were the case especially when Tommy Motolla was over Sony. It seem like she is the only one in the family who ever makes these statements. That's just how I feel about it personally.
    when i read the title i was thinking and saying o my damn her she (latoya) go again <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    La Toya and her comments so stupid.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    you know there is a God.. if the justice does not put these thugs. actually i am being nice, these murderers away, God will see they will be punished and they will suffer for what they have done to MJ. I still strongly feel MJ is alive. Have faith.. faith is the key word.

    God bless you, all4loveandbelieve! Yes, I am a firm believer in God. I pray daily for God to make the criminals turn themselves for what has been to our beloved MJ. My faith is strong and firm that MJ is alive somewhere out there in this wide world. This is what my heart tells me everyday since June 25, 2009. I will continue to stand on the faith that God has given me. I am committed to finding out what happened to MJ. MJ, baby, I love you. I will never stop waiting for you to return to all your loved ones. God bless everyone on the forum! xxxxxx
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