Interesting stuff from the Rabbi Shmuley book

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in News
I didn't buy this book, but it's available to read at the link below (without some of Shmuley's comments) and I read it today:
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(Thanks to applehead250609 for the link!)

It's an interesting read... Here are some things that stood out for me or that were new:

1. MJ didn't make promises he couldn't keep, because his father (Joe) once broke a promise involving Fred Astaire and Michael was deeply disturbed and never forgot that. (P. 41-42)

2. Paul McCartney was once asked for his opinion as to whether MJ would end up "like these other rock stars", "dead at thirty and drugs." McCartney replied NO, saying that Michael's whole character was different. He said MJ didn't swear and didn't drink... (P. 65-66)

3. Michael spoke beautifully about his tutor (who was on the road with the Jacksons and schooled them), Ms. Rose Fine, a Jewish woman who offered him unconditional love and became a surrogate mother. It was she who showed MJ that "Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away." In later years MJ and Janet supported her financially... (P. 68-78)

4. MJ comment on dancing: "90.9 percent of dancing is moving the waist." (P. 79-80)
I wonder if he meant 99.9%?! To say 90.9% seems odd...

5. Paul McCartney loves and collects cartoons! Michael said that he, however, had a bigger collection than McCartney. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> (P. 135)

6. In speaking to Shmuley about his love of mystery, Michael mentioned Howard Hughes:
"It's spiritual, it's, it's people conjure up all these ideas, people create it themselves. They conjure up all these ideas in their head about what's going on. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn't come down. He's in the dark, he's in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair down to here and he's hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes 'cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he's like one of my masters." (P. 151)
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7. According to Katherine Jackson, of all the siblings only Rebbie and MJ were baptized as JW. Later Michael disfellowshipped himself. (P. 216-217)

8. The female fans are "activists" and "loyal." (P. 252) <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

9. MJ said that Paris is "very tough", while Prince is softer and doesn't stand up for himself. (P. 254-255) I always had the sense that Paris has a certain intensity to her...

10. Michael felt a real kinship with all child stars, especially those who "survived" like E. Taylor and Shirley Temple. He described a very touching meeting with Shirley Temple. (P. 29, 39, 289-290) Apparently she was very nice!

11. MJ seems to have been close to Spielberg. (P. 300) I often wondered why they were not photographed together much and Spielberg never offered public support to MJ during his "trials and tribulations" (which could have swayed public opinion in Michael's favor)?!

12. Elton John is a very nice guy who helped hide MJ when the 1993 allegations surfaced and Michael was on tour. Elton and Michael paid for Ryan White's medical expenses. (P. 303)

13. MJ comment on not eating: "I go through these serious food crises when I could go weeks without eating. I take stuff to keep weight on. What turns me off is that I don't like eating anything that used to be alive and now is dead on my plate. I want to be a strict vegetarian, but my doctors keep trying to throw in chicken and fish..." (P. 303)

12. MJ comment on E. Taylor: "[E. Taylor and I] we're like brother and sister, mother and son, lovers... it's a potpourri... it's something special. We go through this whining thing on the phone... <I need you>... <Oh, I need you, too.> We can talk about anything. She's been my most loyal friend." (P. 302)
These comments sound, to me, very similar to what Michael said about Diana Ross in "Moonwalk". I don't think MJ had a sexual/romantic relationship with either of these women! And someone (I believe Deepak Chopra's son?) said that MJ was a virgin when he married LMP... I believe that.


  • EternalBlissEternalBliss Posts: 121
    MJ swears but I dont think he did much at that 'the girl is mine' stage. idk in J.T book is says MJ swears and I heard him swear sooo...LoL

    and about the master part..the best thing to do is learn from the masters right?

    and IV huh? LoL long nails and hair? those nails seem familiar about June 9th or so..butttt ok
  • EternalBliss:
    The impression I got reading the book was that Paul McCartney made that comment back in the day, when MJ was younger and really wasn't known for swearing. I know he did swear sometimes, especially in later years, and I don't think any less of him for that. I thought the McCartney comment was interesting because it reflected his view that MJ would not end up dying of a drug overdose. And I personally think that while Michael might have taken painkillers at times, he wasn't addicted and was by no means a junkie (and I include prescription drugs here).
  • fedeDAfedeDA Posts: 48
    I read the book of Rabbi. In many parts seems to want to give us clues. I think the rabbi knows.
  • applehead250609applehead250609 Posts: 2,615
    Thank you very much Truthprevails!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "6. In speaking to Shmuley about his love of mystery, Michael mentioned Howard Hughes: "

    HOWARD HUGHES was genius also just like Michael is,lol.I just rememeber the movie with Leonardo Dicaprio.He played the character of Howard Hughes in THE AVIATOR .The movie was WONDERFULLLLLLLLL.Please if you guys have time,wach it. Ok so in one scene Howard close himself in the room alone and naked,because he start to loose the sense with reality .( he is afraid of GERMS,just like the newspapers said about Michael,also)
    At one point ,because he doesent have toilet in the room he start peeing in some bottles , lol just like DR ARNOLD KLEIN SAID ABOUT OUR MICHAELLLLLLLLLL.The question here is how many bottles were there,because I dont rememebr.I think it was 7 ,but Im not sure.I have to wach the movie again.
    OMG I feel like Im loosing my mind.Please guys tell me Im not crazy,ok???????????
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • You're welcome!!

    Here's info about Howard Hughes:
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    As early as the 1930s, Hughes displayed signs of mental illness, primarily obsessive-compulsive disorder. Close friends reported that he was obsessed with the size of peas, one of his favorite foods, and used a special fork to sort them by size.

    While directing The Outlaw, Hughes became fixated on a minor flaw in one of Jane Russell's blouses, claiming that the fabric bunched up along a seam and gave the appearance of two nipples on each breast. He was reportedly so upset by the matter that he wrote a detailed memorandum to the crew on how to fix the problem. Richard Fleischer, who directed His Kind of Woman with Hughes as executive producer, wrote at length in his autobiography about the difficulty of dealing with the tycoon. In his book, Just Tell Me When to Cry, Fleischer explained that Hughes was fixated on trivial details and was alternately indecisive and obstinate. He also revealed that Hughes' unpredictable mood swings made him wonder if the film would ever be completed.

    In 1947, Hughes descended into one of the most bizarre episodes of his life. In December that year, Hughes told his aides that he wanted to screen some movies at a film studio near his home. Hughes stayed in the studio's darkened screening room for more than four months, never leaving. He subsisted exclusively on chocolate bars and milk, and relieved himself in the empty bottles and containers. He was surrounded by dozens of Kleenex boxes, which he continuously stacked and re-arranged. He wrote detailed memos to his aides on yellow legal pads giving them explicit instructions not to look at him, to respond when spoken to, but otherwise not speak to him. Throughout this period, Hughes sat fixated in his chair, often naked, continuously watching movies, reel after reel, day after day. When he finally emerged in the spring of 1948, his hygiene was terrible, as he had not bathed or cut his hair and nails for weeks.

    After the screening room incident, Hughes moved into a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel. He also rented out several other rooms for his aides, his wife, and his numerous girlfriends. His erratic behavior continued, however, as he would sit naked in his bedroom with a pink hotel napkin placed over his genitals, watching movies. In one year, he spent an estimated $11 million at the hotel.

    In a bout of obsession with his home state, Hughes began purchasing all restaurant chains and four star hotels that had been founded within Texan borders. This included, if for only a short period, many unknown franchises currently out of business. Ownership of the restaurants was placed in the hands of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and all licenses were resold shortly after.

    Another time, he became obsessed with the 1968 film Ice Station Zebra and had it running on a continuous loop in his home. According to his aides, he watched it 150 times.[37]

    Hughes insisted on using tissues to pick up objects, so that he could insulate himself from germs. He would also notice dust, stains or other imperfections on people's clothes and demand that they take care of it.

    As a result of numerous plane crashes, Hughes spent much of his later life in pain, eventually becoming severely addicted to codeine, morphine, and other pain medication.

    Once one of the most visible men in America, Hughes ultimately vanished from public view, although the tabloids continued to follow rumors of his behavior and whereabouts. He was reported to be terminally ill, mentally unstable or even dead.

    Eventually, Hughes only had his hair cut and nails trimmed once a year. Several doctors were kept in the house, but Hughes rarely saw them and rarely followed their advice. Toward the end of his life, his inner circle was largely composed of Mormons, as they were the only people he considered trustworthy, even though Hughes himself was not a member of their church.

    I don't think MJ was ever as reclusive as Hughes, and I don't think Michael was ever unstable or OCD... But I did find it interesting that MJ studied him and said Hughes was a "master" for him.
  • I read the book of Rabbi. In many parts seems to want to give us clues. I think the rabbi knows.

    Can you tell us, please? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    PS: You know why Mike felt the rabbi no longer your friend? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I didn't buy this book, but it's available to read at the link below (without some of Shmuley's comments) and I read it today:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    (Thanks to applehead250609 for the link!)

    It's an interesting read... Here are some things that stood out for me or that were new:

    1. MJ didn't make promises he couldn't keep, because his father (Joe) once broke a promise involving Fred Astaire and Michael was deeply disturbed and never forgot that. (P. 41-42)

    2. Paul McCartney was once asked for his opinion as to whether MJ would end up "like these other rock stars", "dead at thirty and drugs." McCartney replied NO, saying that Michael's whole character was different. He said MJ didn't swear and didn't drink... (P. 65-66)

    3. Michael spoke beautifully about his tutor (who was on the road with the Jacksons and schooled them), Ms. Rose Fine, a Jewish woman who offered him unconditional love and became a surrogate mother. It was she who showed MJ that "Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away." In later years MJ and Janet supported her financially... (P. 68-78)

    4. MJ comment on dancing: "90.9 percent of dancing is moving the waist." (P. 79-80)
    I wonder if he meant 99.9%?! To say 90.9% seems odd...

    5. Paul McCartney loves and collects cartoons! Michael said that he, however, had a bigger collection than McCartney. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> (P. 135)

    6. In speaking to Shmuley about his love of mystery, Michael mentioned Howard Hughes:
    "It's spiritual, it's, it's people conjure up all these ideas, people create it themselves. They conjure up all these ideas in their head about what's going on. I mean they used to say, you know, Howard Hughes is up there and he owns the hotel but he stays on that floor, he doesn't come down. He's in the dark, he's in the corner in the bed with long nails and hair down to here and he's hooked to an IV. So the brain would just go crazy conjuring up all kinds of crazy stories, and I love that. I love Howard Hughes 'cause he played this big thing. I mean, to me he's like one of my masters." (P. 151)
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    7. According to Katherine Jackson, of all the siblings only Rebbie and MJ were baptized as JW. Later Michael disfellowshipped himself. (P. 216-217)

    8. The female fans are "activists" and "loyal." (P. 252) <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    9. MJ said that Paris is "very tough", while Prince is softer and doesn't stand up for himself. (P. 254-255) I always had the sense that Paris has a certain intensity to her...

    10. Michael felt a real kinship with all child stars, especially those who "survived" like E. Taylor and Shirley Temple. He described a very touching meeting with Shirley Temple. (P. 29, 39, 289-290) Apparently she was very nice!

    11. MJ seems to have been close to Spielberg. (P. 300) I often wondered why they were not photographed together much and Spielberg never offered public support to MJ during his "trials and tribulations" (which could have swayed public opinion in Michael's favor)?!

    12. Elton John is a very nice guy who helped hide MJ when the 1993 allegations surfaced and Michael was on tour. Elton and Michael paid for Ryan White's medical expenses. (P. 303)

    13. MJ comment on not eating: "I go through these serious food crises when I could go weeks without eating. I take stuff to keep weight on. What turns me off is that I don't like eating anything that used to be alive and now is dead on my plate. I want to be a strict vegetarian, but my doctors keep trying to throw in chicken and fish..." (P. 303)

    12. MJ comment on E. Taylor: "[E. Taylor and I] we're like brother and sister, mother and son, lovers... it's a potpourri... it's something special. We go through this whining thing on the phone... <I need you>... <Oh, I need you, too.> We can talk about anything. She's been my most loyal friend." (P. 302)
    These comments sound, to me, very similar to what Michael said about Diana Ross in "Moonwalk". I don't think MJ had a sexual/romantic relationship with either of these women! And someone (I believe Deepak Chopra's son?) said that MJ was a virgin when he married LMP... I believe that.

    Thanks for posting this. You don't need Gotham to tell you Michael was a virgin when he married. He didn't [at one time anyway] believe in sex outside marriage...for whatever reason. I could have kicked Oprah in the chins when she asked Michael that very innapropriate question on national t.v. He said he couldn't believe she asked him that. I couldn't either. If you can get the juice, people will keep tuning in. He kept on truckin'. I'm sure after the show he vented a little about that. Did you notice in an interview after that [I'd post a link but don't recall which one now] that he circled the questions he was willing to answer. He read the list first. If it wasn't circled, he wouldn't answer. He said, "I didn't circle that". They're, "I'm sorry". Slick creeps.
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