Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.....Still Alive ??

LoveNeedsExpressionLoveNeedsExpression Posts: 543
edited January 1970 in News
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It is the age old question many people are stll searching for the answer to. And with the invention of the internet, research is certainly much easier these days.


Well, in light of a DNA test undertaken by Elvis' half sister, Eliza, it seems he did in fact fact his death.

Eliza, her half brother Jesse (AKA Elvis) and a cousin from each side of Elvis' family were DNA tested. Jesse's DNA matched with each of the cousins. Now because Elvis is an only child, this match would be impossible unless Jesse really is Elvis. Eliza's DNA also matched with Jesse, because they share the same father, Vernon Prelsey.

Elvis is now calling himself Jesse, the name of his twin brother who sadly was stillborn.

I am a member of a site called MichaelJacksonHoaxDeathInvestigators.com and there was a thread posted yesterday which compared the hoaxed deaths of Elvis and Michael Jackson.

The similarities are amazing, everything from the fact that there are inconstsiancies in the stories as to whether they were actually 'dead' or not when discovered at their homes, to the fake autopsies, to theor different middle names, to the numerology involved in calcualting the exact date the 'death' should take place.

Please read the following link and make your own informed decision.


Everything on this site is true and links are shown to support the evidence.

I look forward to reading the opinions you have formed about the 'deaths' of these superstars once you have read ElvisandMJ.com.


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