Jermaine on Larry King Live tonight at 8 p.m. ET

imissMJ147imissMJ147 Posts: 123
edited January 1970 in News
I don't know if this was already posted but Jermaine is
on Larry King now! And we all know how Jermaine is the master of slip ups "airport.....I mean hospital" lol so I'm watching. And I'll see if anything strange goes on....hoping for slip ups


  • imissMJ147imissMJ147 Posts: 123
    I wish you guys were watching it. Something strange sorta happened

    Larry King: Jermaine, do you believe he is somewhere?
    Jermaine: "Yes" starts smiling a lot almost giggling. Larry King tries to change subject "Theres a cloud passing by" lol
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    I saw that too...the whole interview was "STRANGE" to say the least. Notice how they kept smiling and how they DON"T go into the crypt! This interview <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> was reassuring to me!
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I noticed that too! Really weird but good...I also found a couple of Jermaine's answers to be odd, I'd have to watch it again to tell you which ones specifically I just remember going hmm that's odd. Also, it's interesting how Larry asks Jermaine the same exact questions everytime he interviews him, how come? & one more thing, when they go to the doors of the masoleum & they are looking through the glass down the corridor, Larry tells the camera guy to look or says something to him & points to the doors but the camera guy doesn't even try, interesting <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I wish you guys were watching it. Something strange sorta happened

    Larry King: Jermaine, do you believe he is somewhere?
    Jermaine: "Yes" starts smiling a lot almost giggling. Larry King tries to change subject "Theres a cloud passing by" lol

    Larry asks Jermaine if he thinks Michael is somewhere??? what a strange thing to ask! And he says Yes?! wtf? I'll have to see this for myself I mean...what?? lol..
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    did anyone else notice the it takes a village remark made by larry? that remark was made here. also jermaines comments about the echo inside the mosoleum. remember the echo comment made by micheal i think somewhere in the human nature part of tii.?the conversation about micheal and lisa marie was intriging also. i almost let this interview get me down until then.sorry to say the one with kf and the other two guys didn't make me feel as confident.i had almost forgotten . did anyone hear him say something about the kids were going to start taking little trips or vacations or something like that? just out of curiousity don't you think if jermaine wanted to take larry inside as long as it was ok with the rest of the family fl would have nothing to say about it . didn't we see some camera shots from the inside earlier?jus t wondering . i'm babbleing on forgive me.
  • rewatching this interview as i type...sometimes i feel larry is being very rude - like recently when Jermaine was laughing about being nagged all the time... jermaine says to larry "you know what i mean, hahaha..." and larry just huffs if off; larry has done this alot on this interview... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Larry: "do you believe he's somewhere?"
    Jermaine: "YES" laughing out loud?????

    NEXT, Jermaine keeps going back to Neverland - things that make us go hmmmmmmmmm....
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I just watched it ! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Love when Larry asks if he thinks Michael is somewhere and Jermaine goes. "Yes" and gets this HUGE smile. What a strange question <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Larry: Look at this setting. It's very peaceful.
    Jermaine: Yeah, but Neverland is more peaceful than this.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> he really did love that place haha
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    Where can I see it?
  • imissMJ147imissMJ147 Posts: 123
    It might be on YouTube soon
  • MJsFan4EverMJsFan4Ever Posts: 334
    This was an odd interview but great for us! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Oh Jermaine....thank you! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Michael HAS to be ALIVE!!!!
    I wish you guys were watching it. Something strange sorta happened

    Larry King: Jermaine, do you believe he is somewhere?
    Jermaine: "Yes" starts smiling a lot almost giggling. Larry King tries to change subject "Theres a cloud passing by" lol
  • tusia6631tusia6631 Posts: 101
    oh my..<!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> i hope it will be on youtube cuz o gotta watch it..
    just can't wait to see Jeremaine again <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412

    It's at 3:15 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Love4MichaelLove4Michael Posts: 398
    I may have my interviews mixed up....there were so many yesterday....but I think it was this one. Jermaine was asked about seeing "Michael" in the hospital after he was "gone". He said it was difficult but he went up to him and stroked his cheek. This seems like normal behavior but then he said something else that I can't understand why anyone would do. He said he opened his eyelids to see his eyes. To me that seems just wrong. Maybe I'm off base here but if my loved one had passed and is lying in repose as if in peaceful slumber, I'm not going to pull their eyes open. Seems very disrespectful to me and I'd have to wonder what his thought process or motivation was on this one.

    The other possibility is that he never actually did it but threw it in there as a clue to OPEN YOUR (our collective) EYES.

    I obviously prefer to hope for possibility #2 because if he actually did it, it implies very negative things on several levels as to what went on and who was on that bed.
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I may have my interviews mixed up....there were so many yesterday....but I think it was this one. Jermaine was asked about seeing "Michael" in the hospital after he was "gone". He said it was difficult but he went up to him and stroked his cheek. This seems like normal behavior but then he said something else that I can't understand why anyone would do. He said he opened his eyelids to see his eyes. To me that seems just wrong. Maybe I'm off base here but if my loved one had passed and is lying in repose as if in peaceful slumber, I'm not going to pull their eyes open. Seems very disrespectful to me and I'd have to wonder what his thought process or motivation was on this one.

    The other possibility is that he never actually did it but threw it in there as a clue to OPEN YOUR (our collective) EYES.

    I obviously prefer to hope for possibility #2 because if he actually did it, it implies very negative things on several levels as to what went on and who was on that bed.

    Maybe when he did that he hadn't been told Michael was dead yet, and he was just doing it to see if Michael was responsive. Then again, Jermaine has been interviewed several times on what it was like to go to the hospital and he's never mentioned doing any of these actions before has he? (stroking his cheek, kissing his cheek, pulling his eyelid open, etc) He just mentioned that he saw his brother, touched him and he was very cold. Thats all. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's all I ever remember him saying.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Maybe he was checking his eyes to make sure it was really him.
  • I wish you guys were watching it. Something strange sorta happened

    Larry King: Jermaine, do you believe he is somewhere?
    Jermaine: "Yes" starts smiling a lot almost giggling. Larry King tries to change subject "Theres a cloud passing by" lol

    Think Larry said "theres a cloud passing by the moon" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    larry was eluded to an earlier statement made by jermanine . seems it was something about doing a song i think of micheals when he was somewhere and it was cloudy and while he was singing the clouds moved away from the moon or something. but just as i'm saying this i am remembering. a scene from thriller when the clouds that are hiding the moon seperate and micheal begins to turn iinto the werewolf <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • Tf0620Tf0620 Posts: 4
    Ok I watched the interview and these things set off alarms

    First off
    LK asked him about Michael being out there and JJ comments saying yes,
    LK also asked him if the whole family was going to be buried where Michael was and JJ says No... Now why would you have one family member in one place and everyone else some where completely different, and then JJ says something like he never wants to die, or some crazy crap like that, now third they bring up Lisa Marie, Now when Michael was married to Lisa Marie she said he would always say he didn't want to end up like her father, Now if you look into Elvis death you will discover some very interesting facts, Oh and I don't believe Elvis died when they said he did either, like Elvis sign his own death certificate and the insurance money was never claimed, and he was in debt to at the time of his so called death, and yes drugs were claimed to have been involved also, and that family made slip ups too over the year on events, in fact both of these mens so called deaths and the after math is pretty much the same. And I found it odd out of no where JJ starts to babble about her, I also find it odd that some of the closest people to Michael and I don't mean his family have never spoke out about any thing
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    Ok I watched the interview and these things set off alarms

    First off
    LK asked him about Michael being out there and JJ comments saying yes,
    LK also asked him if the whole family was going to be buried where Michael was and JJ says No... Now why would you have one family member in one place and everyone else some where completely different, and then JJ says something like he never wants to die, or some crazy crap like that, now third they bring up Lisa Marie, Now when Michael was married to Lisa Marie she said he would always say he didn't want to end up like her father, Now if you look into Elvis death you will discover some very interesting facts, Oh and I don't believe Elvis died when they said he did either, like Elvis sign his own death certificate and the insurance money was never claimed, and he was in debt to at the time of his so called death, and yes drugs were claimed to have been involved also, and that family made slip ups too over the year on events, in fact both of these mens so called deaths and the after math is pretty much the same. And I found it odd out of no where JJ starts to babble about her, I also find it odd that some of the closest people to Michael and I don't mean his family have never spoke out about any thing

    I get worried when people say Mikes 'death' and Elvis's 'death' is the same...because...Elvis never came back...and its been like 33 years <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Maybe he was checking his eyes to make sure it was really him.

    Yeah didn't someone have the nerve to say that he look like an old Asian man when he supposedly passed? How MJ gonna look like an old Asian man when he had big almond shape eyes. I think someone reported that and they said they couldn't recognize him. Oh really? I think Jermaine making the statement during the interview with Larry about pulling his eyelid back was for a reason and he kept emphasizing that MJ felt warm when he touched his face. Now if he died hours in advance I would think that his body would start to feel cold.
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