edited January 1970 in News
Hey ! I was wondering if anyone who is in Los Angeles ( Forever Michael ) is going to the event tomorrow.
I heard that Chris Brown is Performing.


  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Is this going to be televised at all?
  • agathiagathi Posts: 156
    wish i could be there.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Did anyone go to this? What was it like? Who was there? Anything interesting? I'm anxious for information, lol. Someone update us please! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    Hi Everyone,

    Yes my family and I went to the event at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Sorry to post so late but I was up most of the night. I had bought the tickets just this week as I was wavering if I should go or not. When it came time to go, my family had to practically drag me out of the house and put me in the car. I really was hesitant because I have been a believer for this entire year and I felt as if I had to go say GOODBYE to Michael and I hung on for dear life. I never expected I would feel this way. The trip down to Beverly Hills was weird. I did the driving and hardly said one word and I am usually a chatty Kathy kind of person LOL.
    So we get there and I am totally freaked because the event parking was in the exact same place as for the Julien Auction last yr in May. I was stunned!! The auction was in the old Robinson May Co. building and the BH is directly across the driveway. So we arrived a bit early so we could grab a bite to eat as dinner was not included in the general admission ticket. Only VIP tickets were served dinner. I swear by all the I am that I has the most bizarre feeling as I waited to go in. They had a pic for sale of MJ in the entry way. Its Michael with wings stepping on the devil. I think someone posted that pic in the forum before. Anyway the gallery shop there wanted $155,000.00!!! Can you imagine that!! They told my husband its because there were only five made in the world. Whatever. Okay, so my son tells me, "Mom its time to go in." I started to cry and held back. I was nausea and felt dizzy. I felt something was wrong just couldn't explain it. Then, I turned around and there was Sherilyn Lee the nurse that came out on the news and said Michael asked her for Deprivan! I was shocked, then I looked at the lady behind her and it was Ola Rae!! I though OMG what the hell are they doing here and guess what? They came together!!!! They walked in together and were chatting it up! I looked at Sherilyn Lee and I am sorry I must have given her the evil eye I mean the look on my face must have been a real bad one because she sheepishly slithered into the banquet room. I know anyone could get a ticket. She did not nor did Ola Rae have VIP tickets because they both checked into the general admission area. Lots of ppl stopped Ola Rae and took pic with her. I would have never ever knew who she was if I hadn't see her on one of the news shows the night before. Ola is suing Michael saying she never got her royalties from Thriller and Ms. Lee, well we all know about her. I wanted to grab a pic but my husband had the camera. I am sure there are others that got pics. Corey Feldman, Brian Oxman were there. We did gets pic of them and the actor that played Joe Jackson in American Dream. I am sorry I forgot his name. What I found strange is when Michaels cousin got on stage, she sang Human Nature then after that, she said, "thank you all for being here tonight, I know it's important to my Uncle Michael and to my family." She did not say, Micheal would have loved this etc. It was "It's important to my Uncle Michael!" There was some of Michaels videos played and Tito put on a great show. There were lots of award for Michael and tribute stuff. There was no Rest in Peace or When Micheal died statements. The evening was fun but there was this strange feeling ya all. I tell you I believe now more that ever that Michael was with his children the weekend while we all paid tribute. I will try and post pics later. XXOO
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    Thanks WendyE for sharing this now, I'm glad you went we gotta have MJDH forum correspondent hehe. Wow, what an encouraging review of the event yes Mike was somewhere now the cousin using present tense mmm........Cherilyn Lee there that's weird. Ole Rae gosh what's up something wrong you're suing someone and yet you're there. MJ alive no way this is crazy.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Thanks WendyE for sharing this now, I'm glad you went we gotta have MJDH forum correspondent hehe. Wow, what an encouraging review of the event yes Mike was somewhere now the cousin using present tense mmm........Cherilyn Lee there that's weird. Ole Rae gosh what's up something wrong you're suing someone and yet you're there. MJ alive no way this is crazy.

    Not cousin. Genevieve is Randy's daughter. She is MJ's NIECE.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thank you so so much WendyE for sharing these all with us. God bless.
  • Thanks very much and I'm glad you felt a lot of hope. I'm still trying to figure out who the children were with and why a photo wasn't taken of that person(s) Grace? Their mom?
    Another nanny?

    Did you see Mrs. Jackson at the Tribute? If so, how was she? Where's Latoya been?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    WendyE, Randy was there?
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