Are TMZ just messing with us?

curlscurls Posts: 3,111
edited January 1970 in News
After yesterday's full-on bombardment of all things MJ related from TMZ, I'm getting the distinct feeling they're just messing with us. They know about hoax believers and it felt yesterday like they were just giving us what we wanted: lots of random weird stuff for us to disect and get our teeth into.

This is celebrity gossip at its best, or should I say worst, and when all's said and done, that's what TMZ is all about. I'm not sure I like the way they seem to have such a big part in this whole hoax investigation.

Need to let the dust settle and get back to basics I think.


  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Jermaine made a statement about TMZ on his interview with Larry King. He was saying something about them laughing about things happening that are not funny. He also mentioned Arnie Klein and he called him an idiot. So I don't know what's up but they seem to get the scoop on everything. I thought it was kind of weird that Jermaine even mentioned them period. Then I saw Harvey talking about MJ on one of the other interviews.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Jermaine in the LK interview was referring to the judge & other people in the courtroom at one of the hearings saying that they were mocking the family & laughing about everything, when it's not funny they lost their brother. Larry asked why were they doing that? & Jermaine said that TMZ was recording everything so they were playing things up & laughing for the cameras. He didn't necessarily mean TMZ was mocking them or laughing.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I've always thought they're messing with people. They report tabloid trash about other celebrities and MJ's family would never have approved of that. Besides, they call Michael Jackson "Jacko."
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    When was the last time TMZ said "Jacko" though? Has that been awhile? I do briefly remember a tasteless taboid thing came out about the crypt where they say Michael is and some reference to "Stacko Jacko", some really dumb tabloid mess, but I don't think it was TMZ.
  • LoudLoud Posts: 303
    After yesterday's full-on bombardment of all things MJ related from TMZ, I'm getting the distinct feeling they're just messing with us. They know about hoax believers and it felt yesterday like they were just giving us what we wanted: lots of random weird stuff for us to disect and get our teeth into.

    This is celebrity gossip at its best, or should I say worst, and when all's said and done, that's what TMZ is all about. I'm not sure I like the way they seem to have such a big part in this whole hoax investigation.

    Need to let the dust settle and get back to basics I think.

    I absolutely agree with you! TMZ is trash, really! And they have methods to get their information which I do not appreciate. The development of this whole hoax idea does really really bother me. Have you seen the last interview with Jermaine Jackson on LKL where he is talking about TMZ...this is nothing the family is happy about, how they disrespect the family and all this!!! People really need to wake up....We will NEVER get the truth when we follow TABLOIDS! Michael fought so hard against them and now fans think they are the key!!! This is a total illusion and one of the most stupid things I have EVER observed!!!
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    After yesterday's full-on bombardment of all things MJ related from TMZ, I'm getting the distinct feeling they're just messing with us. They know about hoax believers and it felt yesterday like they were just giving us what we wanted: lots of random weird stuff for us to disect and get our teeth into.

    This is celebrity gossip at its best, or should I say worst, and when all's said and done, that's what TMZ is all about. I'm not sure I like the way they seem to have such a big part in this whole hoax investigation.

    Need to let the dust settle and get back to basics I think.

    I absolutely agree with you! TMZ is trash, really! And they have methods to get their information which I do not appreciate. The development of this whole hoax idea does really really bother me. Have you seen the last interview with Jermaine Jackson on LKL where he is talking about TMZ...this is nothing the family is happy about, how they disrespect the family and all this!!! People really need to wake up....We will NEVER get the truth when we follow TABLOIDS! Michael fought so hard against them and now fans think they are the key!!! This is a total illusion and one of the most stupid things I have EVER observed!!!

    Thanks for that Loud, I agree with you too! I have never followed tabloid trash until I started looking into this hoax, and now TMZ is the first site I click onto every morning. Jermaine's LKL interview isn't on Youtube yet so I haven't been able to see it (I'm in the UK).

    I'm feeling in a complete fog today - like how am I ever going to find out the truth about anything when I have to be suspicious of everything I see, hear and read? There aren't enough hours in the day to fully research every news item for myself. When all's said and done that is what journalists and broadcasters are supposed to be doing for me. I am supposed to hear the truth from them and if I don't (which obviously I don't), then all I can REALLY know the truth about, is what I have seen for myself, with my own eyes. My own little world, in other words. I can follow MJ's message of LOVE in my world, but I'm at a loss to know how to relate to the wider world.

    As for the hoax, well ..... as I said in my original post, I think I have to go back to basics, to my first thoughts and feelings and see how they fit in or not with the media's portrayal. But seeing as I don't know MJ and I wasn't at his home on 25th June last year, I just can't see how I'm ever going to satisfy myself that I've found the truth. This is never going to end - unless MJ comes and tells the story.
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378
    imho TMZ is 'messing' with us, not in a bad way. remember, tmz plays the role of a celeb gossip site/tabloid, but they are a source of clues, we just have to read between the lines and try to connect the dots. TMZ is on our side, remember! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Quoting TS from Update #5c, 5-6:
    So which do we believe: “Absolutely, unquestionably alive”, or “100% not alive”? And the answer is—believe it or not—NEITHER! Harvey didn’t make either of these statements; and even if he did, we can’t accept everything Harvey says unquestionably. Remember the TMZ disclaimer {}?

    Actually, for months TMZ has been giving out mixed signals regarding MJ: sometimes that he is dead (such as their report on June 25, and many other items since then); and sometimes that maybe he is alive. So we should not make TMZ the main reason for believing in the hoax; instead, we should go primarily by clues from MJ and the family (see 5-10).

    Nevertheless, there is value in watching TMZ: we do have clear evidence of the hoax from the Jacksons, etc, and we know that TMZ has been first on many MJ news items. So by taking what we know from other investigation, and also by filtering through TMZ mixed signals to connect the dots: we just might be able to get a pretty good view of The greatest Show on earth!
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    imho TMZ is 'messing' with us, not in a bad way. remember, tmz plays the role of a celeb gossip site/tabloid, but they are a source of clues, we just have to read between the lines and try to connect the dots. TMZ is on our side, remember! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Quoting TS from Update #5c, 5-6:
    So which do we believe: “Absolutely, unquestionably alive”, or “100% not alive”? And the answer is—believe it or not—NEITHER! Harvey didn’t make either of these statements; and even if he did, we can’t accept everything Harvey says unquestionably. Remember the TMZ disclaimer {}?

    Actually, for months TMZ has been giving out mixed signals regarding MJ: sometimes that he is dead (such as their report on June 25, and many other items since then); and sometimes that maybe he is alive. So we should not make TMZ the main reason for believing in the hoax; instead, we should go primarily by clues from MJ and the family (see 5-10).

    Nevertheless, there is value in watching TMZ: we do have clear evidence of the hoax from the Jacksons, etc, and we know that TMZ has been first on many MJ news items. So by taking what we know from other investigation, and also by filtering through TMZ mixed signals to connect the dots: we just might be able to get a pretty good view of The greatest Show on earth!

    Thanks JukeBox, I went back and read all of Update 5c - pretty convincing, logical stuff I have to say and I've calmed down a bit now!

    Loud, I'd love it if you'd have a read of it too and tell me what you think.
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    I sure believe it, and I always did. It's very clear to me, I wont play their game.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I'm sure they are messing with us!
    I just barely caught a part tonight and they had Kenny Ortega and joked about here they had KO there and he's the producer, choreographer blah blah of This Is It and we have thoughts about MJ being alive and what do we ask him??!! (Harvey said this.) We have all that and we ask him what's his favorite salsa??!! WTF moment but they put that on for a reason. Maybe to show that we need to know about KO and salsa or that the important question can't be answered yet?
    Crazy show, I try to avoid it lol!
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