What Really Happened to Michael Jackson Book

ladylee1979ladylee1979 Posts: 257
edited January 1970 in News
Not only is the book controversial, how Leonard Rowe published the book is almost tyranny!

Traditional publishers are fighting for their life and Leonard Rowe, former business manager to Michael Jackson and family friend of The Jacksons, waltzes in, publishes a book, sells it in paperback, hardcover, Kindle and iPad editions without even breaking a sweat. Not one traditional publisher is going to get a penny of profit off his book. How can this be possible?

It's a new publishing paradigm - Everything On-Demand. Authors like Rowe are using technology and online web services, like FastPencil.com, to publish and sell books without giving up any of the control or profits to the multinationals. The benefits are huge:

Faster publishing time from idea to product
Powerful tools for writing, designing and publishing books
More formats available instantly including hardcover, paperback and ebook
Higher profits - as much as 80% vs the traditional 5%
Greater flexibility to write, publish and sell how you want
Wide distribution to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle, iPad and more
If you are a Michael Jackson fan you have to check out Rowe's new book, What Really Happened to Michael Jackson the King of Pop. You'll find it controversial and fun to read. But even if you're not a fan you have to get on board with the new publishing paradigm... it's all on-demand and the traditional publishers should be shaking in their boots <!-- m -->http://www.examiner.com/x-38740-Silicon ... troversial<!-- m -->


  • I am starting to read the book today and I find it very interesting. I purchased it on Kindle.
    I have only read a few chapters, but so far, I think it has something important to say about the music industry and the way that African American concert promotors have been sidelined in the business due to extreme racist practices.

    He hasn't said much about Michael yet except to say that Michael was a wonderful and brilliant person/artist and when they met in 1979, Rowe felt he had met someone "holy"

    It appears that what Rowe wants to say about Michael is in the context of how corrupt the music business is and the powers that be will do anything to keep control. Of course, we know this but the book validates it -- quite blatantly -- with some inside information about the world of concert promoters. I'm intrigued given that I know little about this field. I'm not surprised by the level of racism given the history of the U.S. I am African American and encounter either overt racism or "microagressions" regularly, but thinking about race through the lense of concert promotion is fascinating.

    If you've read it, please let me know what you think. I'm hoping others will read along with me to discuss. If you have other information about Rowe, please share it here. I've not researched Rowe or read about him on this forum but I will start to do that. He is now a person of interest to me. Yet, I'm fearful to read Rowe's take on MJ's life, health, and death but there may be some clues to glean. In fact, Rowe says that when Randy called him to say that MJ was rushed to the hospital, he was sure that MJ was faking illness but now he is convinced that Michael was murdered given what he knows about the music industry.

    I'll share more as I continue reading...
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