Nominating MJ for Nobel Peace Prize :)

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in News
I'm not sure where to post this, sorry:
I think it would be nice to nominate Michael. You can do it here:
<!-- m --> ... eaceprize/<!-- m -->

This is NOT part of the usual nomination process, and may be ignored by the Committee. However, I think it would still be nice to do this for Michael - just to show how much we love him and how highly we think of him and his humanitarian work. And who knows, if 100,000 signatures are gathered maybe it will be hard for the Committee to ignore this...

The prize will be announced on 8 Oct. 2010:
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Here's a description of the usual nomination process:
<!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

Qualified Nominators (information taken from website):
The right to submit proposals for the Nobel Peace Prize shall, by statute, be enjoyed by:

1. Members of national assemblies and governments of states;
2. Members of international courts;
3. University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes;
4. Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
5. Board members of organizations who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
6. Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1) and
7. Former advisers appointed by the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

The Nobel Peace Prize may also be awarded to institutions and associations.



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I think one must be alive in order to receive a Nobel Peace Prize
  • _Dangerous__Dangerous_ Posts: 362
    technically, he's dead.. so... he cant be nominated <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Oh darn, Gema, you're right. I just looked into this and found the following info:

    Is it possible to nominate someone for a posthumous Nobel Prize?
    No, it is not. Previously, a person could be awarded a prize posthumously if he/she had already been nominated (before February 1 of the same year), which was true of Erik Axel Karlfeldt (Nobel Prize in Literature 1931) and Dag Hammarskjöld (Nobel Peace Prize, 1961). Effective from 1974, the prize may only go to a deceased person to whom it was already awarded (usually in October) but who had died before he/she could receive the Prize on December 10 (William Vickrey, 1996 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel). See also par. 4 of the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation.

    Source: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Sorry, I had the recollection that some people got it posthumously... Anyhow, I nominated MJ a while ago and don't regret it.
  • lovemjlovemj Posts: 129
    i signed it anyway you never no if there is enough signitures they may mention it wishfull thinking <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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