News of the world

HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
edited June 2010 in News
Folks I don't know what will he talk about but maybe it's worth watching <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

<!-- m --> ... 8#37958508<!-- m -->


  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    About the financial crisis

    Come on Obama you should have talked about the oil spill.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    G20 agenda to fight against corruption

    Hahaha!! .....

    Ok this one was funny..NOT

    Please..if they fought against corruption there would be no one left in the government..
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Edited the thread, wondering if we could make this the "news of the world" topic.

    Posting the latest news around the world..
    Will anyone collaborate or I will be talking alone? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Seems today we only have bad news..

    One killed in central Bosnia bombing
    Sunday, 27 June 2010 21:46 UK

    The government described the blast as a 'terrorist' strike
    A bomb has exploded near a police station in central Bosnia, killing one officer and injuring at least five others, police say.
    The bomb caused extensive damage in the town of Bugojno, about 75km (45 miles) north-west of Sarajevo.
    Security Minister Sadik Ahmetovic said it was a "terrorist act". Police say at least five people have been arrested in connection with the blast.
    Correspondents say it is unclear if a device was planted or thrown.

    Previous crimes

    "One policeman died of injuries, while six others were wounded, one of them seriously," a police official told the AFP news agency .
    The Bosnian national television channel, BHT, said one of those arrested was a man who confessed to planting the device.

    It said that the suspect was a member of the radical Islamic Wahabbi movement which is active in Bosnia and that he is already known by police for previous crimes.
    The prosecutor's office could not immediately confirm the report.
    The blast was condemned by Haris Silajdzic, the Muslim member of Bosnia's joint presidency, who described it as "direct attack on the security, constitutional order and international position" of Bosnia.

    Correspondents say that hundreds of Islamic fighters - many of them Wahhabis - joined Bosnian Muslim troops during the 1992-1995 Bosnian war.


    4 Norwegian soldiers killed in Afghanistan

    OSLO, Norway — The Norwegian military says four of its soldiers have died after a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle in northern Afghanistan.
    A military statement says the soldiers were killed while on a mission in Faryab province Sunday evening. The military has not specified the nature of the mission.
    The Defense Ministry says the soldiers were part of a stabilization force in the province. The ministry says this is the highest number of Norwegian troops killed in a single attack since the start of the war. Until Sunday, only five Norwegian troops had been killed in the entire war.
    Norway has about 500 troops stationed in Afghanistan.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    ...This went really bad..

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