5 mins, 10,000 people, main point help needed

lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hey everyone!

I found out today I have an incredible opportunity to speak for 5 mins in front of about 10,000+ people in 3 weeks.
Please don't ask me who I'm speaking to or what organization I'm speaking for because frankly it doesn't matter.

What I will tell you though is it is a group of people who are looking to make a difference in the world, they are looking to impact lives for good. Some are just looking to get their own finances on track, some are looking to make a boat load of money so they can bless others.

So I would say that these people are "fertile soil" to be planting seeds in - if you get my analogy.

Now I must say I can't mention MJ's name or the hoax or anything like that. I have to keep everything very general, but I can still get the message out. I could even try and work in there the "Army of LOVE" concept and all of us being soldiers.

So my question to you is, what points do you feel are the main points of MJ's message?


  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    One more thing... I wasn't supposed to be speaking but somehow, by the grace of God, I've been given this opportunity unexpectedly.

    I believe it's for a reason....
  • becca26becca26 Posts: 789
    Wow congrats!!!! He works in funny ways (the man up stairs). We'll I def agree with whole thing about the soilders of L.O.V.E. you say the want to make money also, umm just tell them to do it the right way honest. You just don't want to sound to preachy. That's what I fear, cuz when I speak to people about MJ's message it may sound like that or cheesy. Speak from the heart thats number one, goodluck love, let us know how it goes, we are all there in sprit. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    well, i'm not quite sure myself. i think some of them are think for yourself always, ask questions about everything, truly believe in yourself and the power every person holds and working together we can make positive and productive changes (teamwork, basically) .

    good luck on your speech!!! i think you're very courageous for speaking in front of all those people!! i definitely couldn't do that
  • I think the main point is humanity ... we the people invent , create , make , express & doing to everything change things ... but if we have a positive outlook on life & humanity - a simple person's action can change the world for the better - end hunger , end poverty , end wars & create a peaceful , euphoric world for future generations - well that is my point (hope that helps ! ) : )
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    "Green Energy" for me is the way forward in helping to protect the planet & allow those under developed countries to have power <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    When I went to Africa I brought solar lights & it was a god send due to the fact the power kept failing & all those generators are not good for their health or the planet! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Magnolia1791Magnolia1791 Posts: 139
    A few thoughts from me...

    Everything is connected, always. We can save just from the knowledge of unity of the people and all life. Everything else is nonsense. Only elites want to preserve and defend their laws and truths.

    The life does have a universal plan that we once knew but forgot. We no longer live according to our true nature, spiritually and socially.

    It's all in and on us. We can act, here and now! We can begin to raise the global consciousness.

    Do not believe what you see. Look behind the curtain. Are free to judge for yourself!
    It's all about love - love is healing!

    I think it is good to name the army of love. There is a powerful slogan, so to speak. Listeners need a pithy slogan to remember. and when they are excited emotionally, they need something in order to identify with the heard.

    Good luck!
  • @Lilwendy

    This is a great opportunity, well done!

    Key messages I would get across to a large audience in 5 mins:
    We are destroying our planet for profit when there is so much we could do to create Heaven on Earth and all share the benefits for ever after:
    - Stop the destruction of our rain forests, the pollution of our seas and land, the waste of our natural resources, the continuous lies in the media, worldwide corruption.
    - Start the creation of a fairer society where we all live in harmony in a beautiful environment

    With L.O.V.E.
  • LOVE is the answer to everything. Love for everyone and everything.
    I think you just speak from your heart...do some soul searching and see what YOU think it's most important and just talk about that. Talk like you would talk to your best friend or a group of kids <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Don't get nervous, just be yourself. And remember, they don't know what you want say before you say it, if you get nervous about the speak.

    best of luck and let us know how it went!
    Knock their socks off! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    I want to thank you guys for taking the time to respond. I am so excited. I will be offline from the July 12th to the 19th with the exception of maybe one or two times. So I will be checking up until that point. For those of you who respond after this message... thank you in advance!

    Pray for me!!!!
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Hey everyone!

    I found out today I have an incredible opportunity to speak for 5 mins in front of about 10,000+ people in 3 weeks.
    Please don't ask me who I'm speaking to or what organization I'm speaking for because frankly it doesn't matter.

    What I will tell you though is it is a group of people who are looking to make a difference in the world, they are looking to impact lives for good. Some are just looking to get their own finances on track, some are looking to make a boat load of money so they can bless others.

    So I would say that these people are "fertile soil" to be planting seeds in - if you get my analogy.

    Now I must say I can't mention MJ's name or the hoax or anything like that. I have to keep everything very general, but I can still get the message out. I could even try and work in there the "Army of LOVE" concept and all of us being soldiers.

    So my question to you is, what points do you feel are the main points of MJ's message?

    may i ask why you can't mention micheal's name? obviously you can't mention the hoax. i only ask because the idea of man in the mirror says so much. could you use it in connection with shania garret or whatever her name is? for me man in the mirror has a lot to do with the scripture about don't try to get the speck out of your neighbors eye until you have taken the splinter out of yours or however it goes.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    What a great opportunity! Much congrats!
    I think folks have written some great thoughts for you to ponder.
    If I can gather some thoughts tonight, I will post again. I will keep you in thought and prayer! I am sure Michael would be proud of you!
    All for LOVE!

  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Hey everyone!

    I found out today I have an incredible opportunity to speak for 5 mins in front of about 10,000+ people in 3 weeks.
    Please don't ask me who I'm speaking to or what organization I'm speaking for because frankly it doesn't matter.

    What I will tell you though is it is a group of people who are looking to make a difference in the world, they are looking to impact lives for good. Some are just looking to get their own finances on track, some are looking to make a boat load of money so they can bless others.

    So I would say that these people are "fertile soil" to be planting seeds in - if you get my analogy.

    Now I must say I can't mention MJ's name or the hoax or anything like that. I have to keep everything very general, but I can still get the message out. I could even try and work in there the "Army of LOVE" concept and all of us being soldiers.

    So my question to you is, what points do you feel are the main points of MJ's message?

    WOW--that IS quite an opportunity! I believe you are the "best one for the job", TOO, considering the wisdom and humility you demonstrate here, to be certain you use the time BEST. I am SO impressed, I'm almost speechless.

    Almost. I DO just want to throw a couple of things out.

    The five minutes will go like five seconds! I haven't been given such an open opportunity, yet, so not sure how right on my thoughts will seem, but here goes:

    To me, the main message MJ has never deviated from, is to never mind fighting with others or over others, but to look at yourSELF and change anything you see which requires an adjustment THERE. While AT the mirror, ask yourself, am I more of a giver or a taker? Am I as helpful or productive or flexible, or LOVING as I want to be? Am I drifting or paddling somewhere on purpose?

    Two songs come to mind, which sum ALL of this up in a handful of lines--very succinct and very concise, they could be utilized instantly by any in the group as a personal touchstone or guide word phrase to focus on.

    Those who may already be on board with the same values and consciousness about humanity and placing their glowing mark on this generation's world, will probably recognize the words as lyrics, EVEN THOUGH you don't speak them in any "telling" cadence <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . This may risk applause and you may lose time here, unable to speak over enthusiasm. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    But it IS the main thrust of the Message, I feel.

    Reword it if you feel it is worthy food for the soul seeking an immediate directive with serious, far reaching, contagious impact. If you don't want to mention MJ, it is okay--I understand... But HE got it from Scripture---which you probably can't mention either, thanks to some lovely misguided folks making the rules.

    No matter. These words and ideas are TIMELESS and powerful. And they can be "sown" in as little as five minutes, if you say the main point first. Don't save it for the wrap up. I'll pray for extra time for you. This is great stuff and they may be so hungry they will offer you five MORE, just to HEAR more!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    The two songs are: Man In The Mirror and J5's, Man of War Don't listen to the songs, READ the words, FIRST, then listen to Michael Jackson's crying soul in MOW. .. My favorite lines in MOW are,

    "...every man has a right to THINK and BE FREE..." and,

    "..STUDY PEACE, cause it's what we need..." I looked this up to see if one COULD really find a place to study peace. There are universities and entire schools, dedicated to conflict resolution, and peace promotion, with real answers to questions, if anyone needs a place to start.....GOOD LUCK, I'll be praying for all of you. !!
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    One more thing... I wasn't supposed to be speaking but somehow, by the grace of God, I've been given this opportunity unexpectedly.

    I believe it's for a reason....


    How did this go, and what did you end up saying <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    It was SOOOO disappointing in my eyes. I spoke about the need for us to focus on loving one another, giving, translating all our good intentions into action, that we were all soldiers in an army of love, etc. All that was great, however, the message to me was lost because I was on immediately after a break and with only 5 minutes to speak, most people were walking around, talking, grabbing their seats, etc.

    I did however have two ladies come up to me afterwards and tell me how impactful my speech was... I guess out of 10,000 people I wanted to impact so many people...

    I am grateful to have had the opportunity, and if all I impacted was 2 people, then I guess that's 2 more people in the world focusing on making that change.

    Thanks for asking how it went!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    It was SOOOO disappointing in my eyes. I spoke about the need for us to focus on loving one another, giving, translating all our good intentions into action, that we were all soldiers in an army of love, etc. All that was great, however, the message to me was lost because I was on immediately after a break and with only 5 minutes to speak, most people were walking around, talking, grabbing their seats, etc.

    I did however have two ladies come up to me afterwards and tell me how impactful my speech was... I guess out of 10,000 people I wanted to impact so many people...

    I am grateful to have had the opportunity, and if all I impacted was 2 people, then I guess that's 2 more people in the world focusing on making that change.

    Thanks for asking how it went!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Well...don't be discouraged. The Bible says that words are like arrows and "come not back". They are out there! Give the seed a little hope and time to take hold. You may never know how you affected those people, HERE. But, you did your part; they've been told. Can't un-ring a bell <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is GREAT: " translating all our good intentions into action..."

    and the best thing you could have said, IMHO. It is a wake up call and I bet way more people than you think, heard THAT. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I read once that one person taking the time to comment, actually represents 1,000 people who felt the same but did not take the time. So, if that is true, at least two thousand ageed with them!

    Some great thinker (I want to say Thomas Edison, but not certain) said something similar. Loosely, he said something like, "Vision (good intentions) without performance (action) is hallucination (fooling one's self)" Many people think they are doing good because they meant to or mean to. It is a deceptive slumber, and you took a whack at it. Good job! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    @Its her - thank you for your words of encouragement! I really really appreciate it!
  • Hello!!!!
    God bless you both:Its her and ilwendy!!!!!
    Im so happy to see Michael's magic ,he really changed alot of people.
    Sometimes Im so angry that people can't see what we see in Michael,its like V said:

    "But if you feel what I fell and if you see what I see".Believe me that I see and feel Michael's magic everywere. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Love you all!!!!
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