Reaching out to the non-believer community

becbec Posts: 6,387
edited January 1970 in News
I got fed up with the hypocritical aspect of Believers vs. non-Believers disrespecting each other so I ventured across the lines today and posted this on the official MJJ forum.

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Olive Branch to you : )
Some of your community has reached out out my community in the past. Although it hasn't gone so well I have always sensed that the intent has been honest and genuine. I am unaware if any of us have done the same for you and so I would like to extend an olive branch of mutual respect and love to you.

Over the past agonizing 12 months there has become a rift, a division of "sides" within the MJ fan community. I wish for that rift to heal. I wish for there to be common ground. I feel we are all united in a belief in Michael's message of love and peace, tolerance and equality, to heal the world and respect mother nature, to treat people as our brothers and sisters and not as our enemies, to make the world a better place. I wish for us to find tolerance and respect between our communities instead of us harboring distrust, fear, or disdain.

I believe we have the strength in numbers to spread Michael's message and make a positive change in the world that he envisions but division between us weakens our potential. Together we can make a positive change in the world we live in, we do have the strength in numbers as Michael Jackson fans span the globe.

I wish for this because I think it is possible, and I think it is also necessary. Change starts with (myself) and we are very powerful if united as one army of love.

Peace and love and respect to you.

Because it's true. It's asinine for our two camps to be at odds. If Michael can't get his message across to US... well, it's not a good sign.

I'm curious where this will go. I thought some of you might be too.


  • Very nice Bec, I hope it does help even if just a little. There's been to much hostility between both sides.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    You are braver than I am. They might as well have kicked me repeatedly with golf shoes last time I tried to talk this type of message.
  • You are braver than I am. They might as well have kicked me repeatedly with golf shoes last time I tried to talk this type of message.

    Same thing happened to me when I joined This is Not it forum. I wanted their honest opinion as non-believers on the "proof" we have he's alive. I spoke politely , with respect and tried my best to explain my position without offending them. Not only did I not get an answer form the but I got thrown out and banned so quick I could barely get a chance to as why <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I don;t know what they react so "violently". I seems to me like believers haven;t been as hard as they have. We at least gave them reason why we believe, showed them the proof threads, talked nicely to them( till a certain point at least)...
    I hope this will end. It's a shame considering that the one thing we have in common is LOVE for the same man.
  • I got fed up with the hypocritical aspect of Believers vs. non-Believers disrespecting each other so I ventured across the lines today and posted this on the official MJJ forum.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Olive Branch to you : )
    Some of your community has reached out out my community in the past. Although it hasn't gone so well I have always sensed that the intent has been honest and genuine. I am unaware if any of us have done the same for you and so I would like to extend an olive branch of mutual respect and love to you.

    Over the past agonizing 12 months there has become a rift, a division of "sides" within the MJ fan community. I wish for that rift to heal. I wish for there to be common ground. I feel we are all united in a belief in Michael's message of love and peace, tolerance and equality, to heal the world and respect mother nature, to treat people as our brothers and sisters and not as our enemies, to make the world a better place. I wish for us to find tolerance and respect between our communities instead of us harboring distrust, fear, or disdain.

    I believe we have the strength in numbers to spread Michael's message and make a positive change in the world that he envisions but division between us weakens our potential. Together we can make a positive change in the world we live in, we do have the strength in numbers as Michael Jackson fans span the globe.

    I wish for this because I think it is possible, and I think it is also necessary. Change starts with (myself) and we are very powerful if united as one army of love.

    Peace and love and respect to you.

    Because it's true. It's asinine for our two camps to be at odds. If Michael can't get his message across to US... well, it's not a good sign.

    I'm curious where this will go. I thought some of you might be too.

    I agree. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Wow Bec, some of the replies are pretty scary.
    Seems if he is alive they are saying he is cruel, a child abuser (meaning to his own), selfish, a liar and the list goes on.
    This is controlled by fear, fear that feelings will get hurt more. Selfish fear too.
    I have met some like that, afraid to actually say the words "Michael is alive", because they don't want to go through more pain if he never gives us a sign in person that he is well.
    That divide will always be there. Fear and hate go hand in hand.
    One poster on a different forum who is a big part of the vindication front, she said she would loose all faith in him, that all her work would have been for nothing. Hah! I asked her if she thought it was for nothing if he was alive, just think of all the people that have sat up and said you know Mike is innocent, he was lynched by liars. That is what we need! An awakening that the media doesn't provide us with the truth. An awakening that we need to read between the lines and think for ourselves.
    Anyway I know how hard it is to get through. I am active in a non-believer site and it is so hard not to start laughing uncontrollably saying "it is because he's not dead!!!"
    They know I am a believer and some are very warm and some are not but mostly we love each other and Michael. We discuss his music, videos and his life and of course always how much we love him.
    I almost forgot to say why I replied!!! Age is a terrible thing <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I think deep down that some wish we are right, that deep down they would forget all their fears. I have been gentle and I have even said the above with many saying it would be the best news ever. The ones that get angry have hate in their hearts, let it go, Michael doesn't have hate in his heart, no matter what!!
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