Nancy (Dis)Grace Update....

edited July 2010 in News
This bitch (Nancy Grace, who hounded MJ) is being rewarded with her own Court TV Show named "Swift Justice" on CBS. So now I add CBS to my Boycott List, along with ABC & M. Bashir. A better title would be "Swift Injustice" starring Nancy DisGrace!

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  • Do what I did - shut off your cable and don't watch those shows. It really disturbed me that I was watching and paying for programs that I did not support until I did something about it. I've been the happier for it.
  • Do what I did - shut off your cable and don't watch those shows. It really disturbed me that I was watching and paying for programs that I did not support until I did something about it. I've been the happier for it.

    I don't have cable TV! This is going to be on the regular CBS network as I understand it.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    cbs is fox?
  • cbs is fox?

    CBS is 9 where I am.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    cbs is fox?

    No: Fox is 5 (CBS is 9 - They have not insulted MJ so far so still on the Good List)
    ABC is 7 who has Bashir on their "Nightline" show. (Fox 5 and ABC 7 are the Bad
    Networks that are MJ Haters)

    well if i read the article right it said cbs is where the new nancy grace show is . check it out please
  • cbs is fox?

    No: Fox is 5 (CBS is 9 - They have not insulted MJ so far so still on the Good List)
    ABC is 7 who has Bashir on their "Nightline" show. (Fox 5 and ABC 7 are the Bad
    Networks that are MJ Haters)

    well if i read the article right it said cbs is where the new nancy grace show is . check it out please

    You are Right! Jeez now I have to edit my post <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> Thanks for catching that, suspicious!
  • Game PlayerGame Player Posts: 386
    She says she fights for victims but she was fighting against a victim when it came to Mike's trial. She was so bias. I can't believe she got popcorn and snacks out waiting to hear the verdict.

    Such a horrible woman.

    I hoped that having children would soften her.
  • She says she fights for victims but she was fighting against a victim when it came to Mike's trial. She was so bias. I can't believe she got popcorn and snacks out waiting to hear the verdict.

    Such a horrible woman.

    I hoped that having children would soften her

    Maybe one day one of her kids will victimized and then she will know how it feels!
  • Yeah, she is not my favorite either. Remember the Tammy Duckett (right name?) case where the kid went missing and then soon after the mother (Tammy) committed suicide?
    Well, Ms. Grace did not help with her judging...and my own mother saw that as well.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Don't get me started on that bitch. I can't believe that any television network would give her a show.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    She says she fights for victims but she was fighting against a victim when it came to Mike's trial. She was so bias. I can't believe she got popcorn and snacks out waiting to hear the verdict.

    Such a horrible woman.

    I hoped that having children would soften her

    Maybe one day one of her kids will victimized and then she will know how it feels!

    i know you are angry but please don't say this. your words have more power than you know.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    This bitch (Nancy Grace, who hounded MJ) is being rewarded with her own Court TV Show named "Swift Justice" on CBS. So now I add CBS to my Boycott List, along with ABC & M. Bashir. A better title would be "Swift Injustice" starring Nancy DisGrace!

    <!-- m --> ... 0,1afddb72<!-- m -->
    The CBS networks are notorious for be inflammatory, biased and disgusting in their reporting. They were totally unfair to Michael during the trials. Very disgusting. Now this biatch gets rewarded? Journalism in this millennium definitely sucks.
  • FigmentFigment Posts: 61
    She is not to be taken seriously. As a prosecutor years ago, she was sharply criticized a number of times by BOTH state and federal appellate courts for prosecutorial and ethical misconduct during trials. There are numerous sources that provide info on this.

    My guess is that's why she is now on tv and not in the courtroom.
  • Nancy Grace is a disgusting cow; one more reason I'm glad I don't have any tv reception, I just watch dvd's <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    is_it_scary you surprise me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Dat lady need to go down. I watch no TV either, but still anyone who messes with Mike seriously needs to get it.
  • is_it_scary you surprise me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Dat lady need to go down. I watch no TV either, but still anyone who messes with Mike seriously needs to get it.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> What can I say she makes my blood boil haha but not as bad as DD & TS! (I mean T.S. the D.A.)
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    This woman drives me insane! But I cannot get the news content she has so I watch her to catch up on the children's cases. I could care less about her commentary, but why won't other news devote time to missing children and the like? I hate watching her show, but I cannot get the same news anywhere else. It is like she has a contract with them so that only she can cover those stories extensively.
  • She says she fights for victims but she was fighting against a victim when it came to Mike's trial. She was so bias. I can't believe she got popcorn and snacks out waiting to hear the verdict.

    Such a horrible woman.

    I hoped that having children would soften her

    Maybe one day one of her kids will victimized and then she will know how it feels!

    i know you are angry but please don't say this. your words have more power than you know.

    Yes, please. You can't take back your spoken words so please choose them carefully. I know you mean well and it's really frustrating to have people like this still on the airwaves. The only thing I ever felt Nancy Grace was promoting was herself but she obviously thinks otherwise. The truth will catch up with her. Give it time my friend.
  • This bitch (Nancy Grace, who hounded MJ) is being rewarded with her own Court TV Show named "Swift Justice" on CBS. So now I add CBS to my Boycott List, along with ABC & M. Bashir. A better title would be "Swift Injustice" starring Nancy DisGrace!

    <!-- m --> ... 0,1afddb72<!-- m -->
    The CBS networks are notorious for be inflammatory, biased and disgusting in their reporting. They were totally unfair to Michael during the trials. Very disgusting. Now this biatch gets rewarded? Journalism in this millennium definitely sucks.

    She will only be rewarded if people watch her show...
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The serious ideal thing that nobody was looking at this shit of program
  • billiejean17billiejean17 Posts: 266
    What the hell did Michael ever see in her...
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Did michael once like her

    I think she must be friends with that awfull joan rivers
    Why can't they see the truth
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    What the hell did Michael ever see in her...

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