MJ declared "Prince of Peace"

Truth_or_DareTruth_or_Dare Posts: 299
edited January 1970 in News
By Rev. June Gatlin.

I just added her on facebook ( because I really liked her words in "Gone to soon" and I like her spirituality) and she sand me a message with these videos in it. I thought I would share since she spoke so nicely of him.

PS she also speaks in present tense but somehow I doubt she is a believer or she knows something. I think she is just speaking from a spiritual perspective.




  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    He really is the Prince of Peace, too! I like that name for him. It fits perfectly. Prince of Peace & Love actually. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • The first thing she said was "He is alive"...

    And... I see a sunflower.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Her speech touched me deeply.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    "Prince of Peace" I couldn't have said it better! He is also the King of LOVE! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • And do you notice on the second video a man refected in the mirror behind her? But maybe it is her reflection not sure?

    But as she says, "all things are possible" if you "only believe" <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Isaiah 9:6
    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    Isa 9:7 Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
  • terror2k9terror2k9 Posts: 75
    Maybe thats what pop meant all along Prince Of Peace!
    Lately a lot of stuff from the bible has seemed to tie in the "this is also it" leading us to bible gateway verses from Daniel also. Could it be A modern day Prophecy being fulfilled?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Maybe thats what pop meant all along Prince Of Peace!
    Lately a lot of stuff from the bible has seemed to tie in the "this is also it" leading us to bible gateway verses from Daniel also. Could it be A modern day Prophecy being fulfilled?

    The world is not ready for Michael just yet, but given time and preparation.
  • I am totally in love with Michael Jackson and I am devoted to him. But, the Prince of Peace is JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Savior. I don't want to get into a religious debate and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but the Prince of Peace is the Son of God.

    Michael is the King of Love.
  • <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->
  • I'm not about religion, and i do not believe in church and everything, but i believe Michael tried to spread a message of Love, as Jesus did in his own time.
    After that, religion made what she wanted with Jesus...i don't really care and I don't judge. But to me, Michael was not Jesus, but he was trying to be the mirror of what he received from Jesus, to give it back to us.
    To me there is a link, but I would never say they are the same, because Jesus means too much now for many religion and the first meaning of "who he was" has been maybe lost among different interpretations. But to me, Michael was truly inspired by him and he really deserves to be called Prince of Peace. Maybe we could say Jesus was "Master King" of Peace and put God above the whole thing ...so everyone can be satisfied <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • I am totally in love with Michael Jackson and I am devoted to him. But, the Prince of Peace is JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Savior. I don't want to get into a religious debate and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but the Prince of Peace is the Son of God.

    Michael is the King of Love.

    Yes, the "Prince of Peace" is another name for Jesus but also for the Messiah.
    Applehead - Michael's nickname is a painting entitled "The Son of Man" which is also in the video for "Scream".
    "I'm the Light of the World, this is real" - lyrics from the song "This Is It". "Light of the world also another name for Jesus or the Messiah.
    Sunflowers- represent God's Love and the adoration of the Sun. The Sun is a symbolic representation of God.
    7 - Denotes spiritual perfection, holiness and perfection.
    777 - Christ or the Messiah
    Some believe that Archangel Michael is also Jesus and the Messiah. Daniel, which TIAI has redirected to mentions "Michael" specifically.
    Michael stated he could heal people.
    Rabbi Schmuley stated on Dateline that Michael had a "Messiah Complex". There is no such mental disorder, I checked the DSMV -IV. Though wikipedia describes this as the belief that one is destined to become a saviour.

    I won't get into a debate about this either but what exactly do you think all of the above means?
  • I am totally in love with Michael Jackson and I am devoted to him. But, the Prince of Peace is JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Savior. I don't want to get into a religious debate and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but the Prince of Peace is the Son of God.

    Michael is the King of Love.

    Yes, the "Prince of Peace" is another name for Jesus but also for the Messiah.
    Applehead - Michael's nickname is a painting entitled "The Son of Man" which is also in the video for "Scream".
    "I'm the Light of the World, this is real" - lyrics from the song "This Is It". "Light of the world also another name for Jesus or the Messiah.
    Sunflowers- represent God's Love and the adoration of the Sun. The Sun is a symbolic representation of God.
    7 - Denotes spiritual perfection, holiness and perfection.
    777 - Christ or the Messiah
    Some believe that Archangel Michael is also Jesus and the Messiah. Daniel, which TIAI has redirected to mentions "Michael" specifically.
    Michael stated he could heal people.
    Rabbi Schmuley stated on Dateline that Michael had a "Messiah Complex". There is no such mental disorder, I checked the DSMV -IV. Though wikipedia describes this as the belief that one is destined to become a saviour.

    I won't get into a debate about this either but what exactly do you think all of the above means?

    hmm. i see what you mean. so, would you believe that Michael is the second coming of Christ? i suppose this is a possibility.
  • I am totally in love with Michael Jackson and I am devoted to him. But, the Prince of Peace is JESUS CHRIST, my Lord and Savior. I don't want to get into a religious debate and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but the Prince of Peace is the Son of God.

    Michael is the King of Love.

    Yes, the "Prince of Peace" is another name for Jesus but also for the Messiah.
    Applehead - Michael's nickname is a painting entitled "The Son of Man" which is also in the video for "Scream".
    "I'm the Light of the World, this is real" - lyrics from the song "This Is It". "Light of the world also another name for Jesus or the Messiah.
    Sunflowers- represent God's Love and the adoration of the Sun. The Sun is a symbolic representation of God.
    7 - Denotes spiritual perfection, holiness and perfection.
    777 - Christ or the Messiah
    Some believe that Archangel Michael is also Jesus and the Messiah. Daniel, which TIAI has redirected to mentions "Michael" specifically.
    Michael stated he could heal people.
    Rabbi Schmuley stated on Dateline that Michael had a "Messiah Complex". There is no such mental disorder, I checked the DSMV -IV. Though wikipedia describes this as the belief that one is destined to become a saviour.

    I won't get into a debate about this either but what exactly do you think all of the above means?

    hmm. i see what you mean. so, would you believe that Michael is the second coming of Christ? i suppose this is a possibility.
    It seems Michael might think he is and I am not a involved with any organized religion. I think anything is possible and it's hard to deny so many clues when they point to this. I am pretty sure that Jesus never said he would return with the name Jesus, he just said he would be back.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Michael was/ is an enlightened soul. He was able to move the masses and his message was/ is care, awareness, concern and love, for the earth and for the human race.

    Can he be a saviour? of course he can, we all can be wihin our will and power. We all can make that change <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> in the way our possibilities allow us to do.

    As Serenity wrote, there is not such "disorder".

    Michael never said he was Jesus, but Jesus like. 2 different things <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    He was too perfect for our world... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    If the 12 disciples were to hear the name Jesus they would not know who was being talked about. The original Hebrew name was/is Yahshua or Yahoshuah (could be other variations) which literally means Yah (God/Yahweh) saves. It is the same name as Joshua in the Bible. What happened next, Yahshua was translated into Greek and something tricky happened. It should have been Joshua, but it became Jesus. Now the actual word is Iesus, because the letter J was only introduced to the English language around 1400 AD (not sure of the year). The problem is that 'sus' sounds a lot like Zeus which is the chief Greek god of the universe. There was a constant tendancy to bring foreign especially Greek (called Hellenizing) thinking into their traditional OT teaching, which the Israelites abhorred.

    Now that leads me to the controversial thing I've come to discover through close examination. The vast majority of Bible experts say that only the Old Testament was originally written in old Hebrew, and the New Testament was originally written in Greek. Their proof-- there isn't one copy of an ancient Hebrew NT, but over 5000 copies of a Greek NT. And of course the Greek has been translated into modern Hebrew later, just like all the translation we now read. Just because something doesn't exist now, doesn't say it didn't at one time and was destroyed in all the chaos happening around the time of the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem. There are some important proofs it first was Hebrew, which I don't want to get into here. There are at least 2 verses that translate very strange and inconsistant in the King James, and some interesting comments from Josephus and early church fathers that all together point to and confirm this truth to me. In any case, the name Jesus has become popular and I'm sure He, who it represents know it refers to Him. Nothing is straightforward, and without complications, and believe me there are many more interesting complications, but for other studies. I do love all of God's Word and believe it is His message to mankind.
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