Assess cancer vaccine protocols in Venezuela

paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
edited January 1970 in News
This is very important and not been given due prominence in the media, especially for those who know what it is to lose a family member because of this illness, my mother died a little more than three years of cancer breast

Friday, July 2, 2010
Assess cancer vaccine protocols in Venezuela

Friday, July 02, 2010

01 July 2010, 22:43Caracas, 1 jul (PL) the Ministry of health of Venezuela assess this weekend an experimental vaccine against cancer protocols today informed the proprietor of the portfolio, Eugenia Sader.

According to the official health authorities will exchange with the team of Dr. Jacinto Convit, who promotes the project at the Institute of biomedicine.

"Whenever they meet all international standards involving human beings, the Ministry will provide all cooperation", brought forward in statements quoted by the Venezuelan news agency.

According to Sader, so that a product such exit to the market must first overcome four or five phases.

Convit team conducts research with the participation of voluntary cancer patients.

The proprietor claimed that into contact with the specialists will provide statistics and results of the project of the cancer vaccine.

Sader insisted that it's research.

At any time we are offering, yet, a vaccine against cancer, clarified.

Press Latin
Posted by Raphael at 10: 24

"If we succeed in cooperation between the people dealing with the medical oncologists, and us, if you allow the use of this aspect vaccine, this would be an important part of the solution to the problem of cancer, said Dr. Jacinto Convit, President and founder of the Institute of biomedicine, who added here there is no personal interest or of group, this vaccine has no cost, we call to join wills to anyone who wants to help us"

Referring to research which led to the treatment the immunotherapy of cancer doctor explains "the cancerous cell acts the same way as the bacillus of leishmaniasis, i.e. is not detected by the human organism and therefore can be spread easily, therefore we are talking about an immune problem."

"What has been achieved so far with this research, still in progress, is to create a model that allows human beings to recognize the malignant cell, said Convit, on combined with BCG and formalin patient's own tumor tissue, to recognize that the body reacts autovacuna and attacks the malignant cells"

On the previous experience of the Venezuelan scientist was considered the "Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin" BCG, that has been in use for many years in immunotherapy of leprosy and leishmaniasis could play a similar role in cancer.

One of the most important aspects of the use of BCG is that it can produce few side effects proven worldwide because it has been used for many years, in immunization against tuberculosis in millions, without consequences.

Treatment consists of placing three doses of autovacuna, prepared at the time by the team of the Institute, with intervals of 6 weeks. During application tracked strict weekly to assess the evolution of the patient. At the end of this process, the patient becomes control and is evaluated periodically trying to match your oncologist review

But Dr. Convit and his team clarified that there is a limit to the positive effects of the autovacuna, because they are directly related to the State of the immune system of the patient.

"In the development of the study, explains the scientist, we've found that if there is an adequate immune system, treatment is without effect." "Why is a test patient prior to implementation, to assess their immunological status, and determine whether you can or cannot move to a next phase of the study."

Begin to see improvements, between the first and second dose, approximately 2 to 3 months. There are patients in which could take more, depending on the complexity of the case.

The relationship between the trafficker oncologist and the Institute of biomedicine applying treatment is not only important but absolutely necessary, post-treatment controls so merit. Why so that anyone is able to be treated must be a report from your doctor. Posted by Rafael 22: 23


  • Thank you so much for letting us know. My mother has lung cancer, she never smoked one cigarette in her life, I will do some research about this. Thank you over and over again May God bless you for finding this information. LOve always.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The Institute of Biomedicia of the Central University of Venezuela, founded and led by Dr. Jacinto Convit, three years of research with immunotherapy in patients with cancer risk, confirmed positive results for cure of breast, stomach, colon cancer and the Brain .De explained by Dr. Convit agreement, the vaccine is comprised of mutant cells of the patient, which have several types of cells. For the Venezuelan scientist, "mutation is which causes relapse later in the patient, to combine a gram of cancer cells." "The patient develops an improvement in his own body by the production of antibodies that destroy the cancer cells".the tumor cells are combined with the product known as BCG, which has been widely used in the fight against tuberculosis and leprosy for several decades, also in bladder cancer and as coadjuvant in immunotherapy of the Leishmaniasis. The action of formalin, component used in studies by researchers in the United States against the due consent ántrax.Con, informed is added to the formula and signed by 23 patients with colon, stomach and breast cancer, to whom applied them an experimental immunotherapy, evolution model confirmed results alentadores.Se waiting continue checking the results in the medium and long term to determine its true effectiveness, although so far have been important outcomes that can lead to this group of researchers to have a definitive for the cáncer.Instituciones cure people in this area, were notified on this model of immunotherapy. The vaccine is free and will be provided in Hospital Vargas, attached to the Ministry of people's power for the Salud.El Dr. Jacinto Convit also discovered, several years ago, cure leprosy, which made him worthy of recognition of the national and international scientific community effort

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