how Tmz knew mj was dead?

peshtishorpeshtishor Posts: 94
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
did Mj "died" at his house?
tzm thinks so...
<!-- m --> ... later-tmz/<!-- m -->


  • And my question still remains....which insider told TMZ - because it had to be someone on the inside that told them. Remember, Ben said there weren't many people around including photographers.

    I think the only "right time" they were waiting for was Mike's official "GO".
  • peshtishorpeshtishor Posts: 94
    well... we already know that the persons around MJ were not to be trusted...and maybe one of them made some money with this information...i don't know who...
  • "sources" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    And after multiple sources provided “credible information,” TMZ was 100 percent certain the King of Pop had passed.

    We knew it long before we published it,” says Levin, whose team nevertheless continued calling sources for a full hour afterwards, double and triple-sourcing their story.

  • tusia6631tusia6631 Posts: 101
    well... we already know that the persons around MJ were not to be trusted...and maybe one of them made some money with this information...i don't know who...
    Harvey was hidden underneath MJ's bed.. and when MJ decided to "pass away" Harvey called his homeys at TMZ and told him to publish the story.. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    simple.. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • agathiagathi Posts: 156
    i ve heard that when the call happened from his house to the police station the reporter knew it was about Michael jacksons house dont know why!!
  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    Interesting choice of words...

    “Everyone stopped what they were doing,” Levin tells Gossip Cop. Not because his team was in total shock, but rather because it was the story..."

    Wow, what troopers! Not one of them reacted with shock at the news (even though most of the world did).

    At that point, though, the only questions TMZ had, says Levin, were “Why did this 50-year-old die” and were drugs involved?

    Seems a bit presumptuous to automatically connect MJ with drugs. I mean, all the drug stuff didn't come out until after the story hit the fan. Everybody close to MJ said how they never saw anything, he was doing great, yada, yada. So the first thing TMZ jumps to is drugs? Also, I really don't think when talking about Michael Jackson, most people would say, "Why did this 50-year-old die."
  • FITAFITA Posts: 77
    TMZ seems to be a part of the hoax. Actually, the whole world is a part of this latest production of "Liberian Girl." But TMZ is a part of the inside of it, without being a close friend or relative of Michael.

    On July 7, 2009, one of Michael's confidantes reported to Derek Clontz:

    <!-- m --> ... ill-alive/<!-- m -->

    and the same to Your World Report:

    <!-- m --> ... _diary.htm<!-- m -->

    He told the same confidante in September, 2009, that he was over-dependent on prescription and over-the-counter medications, though he never smoke, drank alcohol or used other drugs:

    <!-- m --> ... next-june/<!-- m -->

    Of course, it is now July; and we have not seen Michael return to the public. That may be because so many people expected him to return in June; and he does not like for people to set dates. He did say, "See you in July." So we can be sure we will see him "in July," though we may not know for sure whether it will be this year or another year.

    <!-- m --> ... c.php?id=8<!-- m -->
    responses 10 and 11.

    I administrate <!-- m --><!-- m --> where I have saved deleted threads and potentially deleted threads from the Sony site. I know <!-- m --><!-- m --> has far more information than my board. However, if you have the time to, please feel free to stop by and/or join. Thanks.
  • MJ_FactsMJ_Facts Posts: 183
    Published: June 26, 2009

    TMZ, the carnivorous celebrity news Web site, is accustomed to beating other media outlets on the stories that shape the entertainment world. On Thursday, it not only scooped every other outlet by announcing Michael Jackson’s death, it apparently beat the coroner’s office, too — by six minutes.

    The blog — owned by the media conglomerate, Time Warner, but operated as a Web-traffic-fueled fief in Hollywood — seemed to have sources everywhere: at Mr. Jackson’s mansion; in the ambulance; and in the corridors of the U.C.L.A. Medical Center. TMZ’s short post about the death was published at 5:20 p.m. Eastern time.

    For more than an hour, TMZ was essentially the only outlet claiming that Mr. Jackson was dead. Television and newspaper journalists read the TMZ report but largely held off on repeating it, for fear of making a mistake. Still, the bulletin traversed the Web with remarkable speed, creating a stark divide: on the Internet Mr. Jackson was dead, and on TV he was still alive.

    By the early evening Mr. Jackson’s death had become the No. 1 story on newscasts worldwide. The intense, almost voyeuristic interest strained many Web servers, crashing AOL’s instant messaging service and even tripping up Google News for about half an hour. Tens of millions of viewers watched hastily arranged tributes to Mr. Jackson on nearly a dozen channels.

    But it was TMZ that consistently led the news cycle, beginning with a report that paramedics had been called to the mansion. Shortly thereafter, before any TV networks had mentioned Mr. Jackson, the site said he had suffered an episode of cardiac arrest.

    “We are totally wired in this town,” Harvey Levin, the site’s editor in chief, said in a telephone interview Friday.

    The Jackson news was easily the biggest scoop in TMZ’s nearly four-year history. Kurt Andersen, a journalist and cultural critic, said the story was highly indicative of the evolving editorial practices that media outlets are grappling with.

    Among many journalists, “there’s still this residual but not yet vestigial instinct to think ‘Oh, it’s just TMZ, let’s wait for The Associated Press or The New York Times or The Los Angeles Times before we can say it’s true,” he said, adding: “I don’t think in, say, five years, that will be the case.”

    The Jackson family said the time of death was 5:26 p.m. Eastern, several minutes after TMZ’s report, leading some to wonder whether the Web site looked accurate only in hindsight. Mr. Levin stood by the report, calling it 100 percent accurate.

    Paramedics on the scene “said he was dead long before we posted the story,” Mr. Levin said, perhaps providing a hint about the his sources.

    Like many other media entities, TMZ pays for photos. Mr. Levin also said the site will pay “tip fees” that lead to stories, but not for stories outright. He refused to say whether he had paid any sources during the Jackson coverage, but he denied that the site’s staffers pay police officials or nurses.
  • And after multiple sources provided “credible information,” TMZ was 100 percent certain the King of Pop had passed.

    We knew it long before we published it,” says Levin, whose team nevertheless continued calling sources for a full hour afterwards, double and triple-sourcing their story.


    Michael had a pulse somewhere between 1:50 pm and 2:10 soo I do not know what TMZ are talking about when they were certain he was dead hours before he was pronounced dead.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    And after multiple sources provided “credible information,” TMZ was 100 percent certain the King of Pop had passed.

    We knew it long before we published it,” says Levin, whose team nevertheless continued calling sources for a full hour afterwards, double and triple-sourcing their story.


    Michael had a pulse somewhere between 1:50 pm and 2:10 soo I do not know what TMZ are talking about when they were certain he was dead hours before he was pronounced dead.

    Looking from the hoax glass, they knew since this is a set up to prove how "news" spreads like lightning not even confirming the stories or sources.

    they knew because MJ and TMZ works jointly in an educational project proving the media wrong, may be?
  • peshtishorpeshtishor Posts: 94
    sorry..but how do we know he had pulse ? why should we believe that?
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    And after multiple sources provided “credible information,” TMZ was 100 percent certain the King of Pop had passed.

    We knew it long before we published it,” says Levin, whose team nevertheless continued calling sources for a full hour afterwards, double and triple-sourcing their story.


    Michael had a pulse somewhere between 1:50 pm and 2:10 soo I do not know what TMZ are talking about when they were certain he was dead hours before he was pronounced dead.

    does anyone know if these instructional dummies are designed to be restored , revived or whatever you would call it in a simulation.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    did Mj "died" at his house?
    tzm thinks so...
    <!-- m --> ... later-tmz/<!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m --> the informer?

    He was there imediatly and telling everyone.
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    But.. there was also the spokesperson form Liz Taylor saying MJ was breathing.
    (Love the way Liz handles the media btw <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> )
    <!-- m --><!-- m --> she starts howling like a wolf when you ask her nasty questions <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

  • Looking from the hoax glass, they knew since this is a set up to prove how "news" spreads like lightning not even confirming the stories or sources.

    they knew because MJ and TMZ works jointly in an educational project proving the media wrong, may be?

    I would actuallu dear to say that TMZ is rather fuiling the fire of slandering Michael's name and legacy. They are nothing but tabloid trash.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648

    Looking from the hoax glass, they knew since this is a set up to prove how "news" spreads like lightning not even confirming the stories or sources.

    they knew because MJ and TMZ works jointly in an educational project proving the media wrong, may be?

    I would actuallu dear to say that TMZ is rather fuiling the fire of slandering Michael's name and legacy. They are nothing but tabloid trash.

    I agree with Alem. If Michael hated to be called Jacko, then why allow that degrading nickname be under people's nose all the time. TMZ might not be in the hoax, but they certainly play along.
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