one question

michaelmisterymichaelmistery Posts: 43
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I'll keep this short and sweet so everyone can continue on their day/night.
First thank you for reading this <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

Now my question is why is everyone so hooked on when the date of MJ's return will be. Wouldn't the element of surprise work better. Shouldn't we all focus on the messages he left for us. Shouldn't we all become more aware. More involved. I'm not going to go into theories but i think time is running out for us to do something. So instead of constantly wondering when he will return IF he decides to why don't we simply focus on the current task at hand.

Also on a different note. shouldn't we all get along even if you disagree. what if Michael was to see you guys argue

well thank you again for reading this. sorry if it is a bit "sloppy" i kind of rushed it. since my thoughts are racing.


  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    Thank you for this quick reminder, it's always helpful to make sure we have this in the back of our minds <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    And I completely agree with you on both issues. The way I see it, if we start to forget what this is about (focusing on the WHY and not the WHEN) Then for all we know we may never even get a "when" Michael may decide not to return until he sees us living up to his message. That's just a theory though of course.
    Remember Michael is all about the L.O.V.E. so we must try our hardest to speak to each other with this in our hearts, I know the topic at hand can be passionate and emotional for some people but we must remember we are Michael's fans and we are a family unit!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think even if we were 99.9% sure on a date for him to come back, we'd all still crap our pants in shock if he came back at that moment. There will be a huge shock value whether we're expecting it or not, whenever it might happen. And yes, we should all just get along. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Agreed. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    It's hard to get a "Why" though, when
    we can't seem to find any new clues
    and are fighting all the time.
    Once again, thanks for refreshing us on this.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • thanks for sharing your thoughts here michaelmistery. Yes, I think everyone should keep this in mind, whe should focus on the WHY and not WHEN, because this hoax is not a game and Michael needs his own time ...
    Show him our support !

    "We all must unite, to turn darkness to light, And the love in our hearts will shine..."
  • i just always see people go back and forth and how when people assume a date they get hurt because its not true. i think everyone should just figure out the big picture. i believe when the time is right. he will appear. from what i am gathering maybe he himself don't even know when he will pop up.

    thank you for all the replies ^_^
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Thank you Michaelmistery for your post.

    I have spent many long, hours, sometimes 2o hrs a day on here and many other places, doing my part to help spread the word about this corrupt place we call "home" and it breaks my heart that so many on here, just don't get the message. What did MJ represent to you? To me, he represented everything "Good" in this world. He spent his life trying to make us all aware of what was happening around us, he spent his life making each and every one of us, feel loved and like we were special, just to him..he opened his heart to the world, to help the sick and hungry, he gave his time and money to those in need and soooo much more. So how did the world repay him??? The treated him like he was... I can't even say it,because it is sooooo unfair what they did to him. Michael is the kindest man I have ever known, yet still, people are more concerned with all the "details" of things that aren't important anymore...He has spelled out for us what it is he wants us to help him do...what more does he have to do?

    If God was to come down from the heaven right now, and ask you to help "HIM", would you? if God said, "help me and there will be a world full of peace and love" Would you be, saying..."well , we better find out why he wants us to do that, or some other question? I think not.
    I know Michael is not GOD, but he always said that he was "Godlike". He my friends truly is the closest thing to God, that we will ever have, while we are here on this earth and he has been asking us to open our eyes and see what needs to be done, so he can come back and then together we can change the world! What else does he have to do before we get off our butts and really go to work? This is all for LOVE and PEACE!! Do people really not care anymore that we are being controlled by CRIMINALS!!!!!!?????

    i'm sorry, but I know this IS our LAST chance to make a difference, to oust the powers that currently run this world! Michael is our ONLY chance to save this world..we are PUPPETS people, we really have no say in how we live. Michael gave everything, including his life, for US...Please, I need some help spreading his message...I can't do this alone.
    I don't want to let Michael down, I want him to know that I applaud him and I will be forever in his debt. I believe in LOVE and I believe in Michael. Go listen to cry...I'm lacking my hero,people, we are the "CHOSEN ones!! If not us, then Who????? Please help US on this mission...I beg you , FOR MICHAEL, because it seems that no one really wants to do it for themselves...Thanks

    Michael if you are watching and somehow I feel you are,( otherwise what would be the point of having a hoax site in the first place ) Please know that I will continue on my mission, I have already been blessed, to share the love with you, maybe not in person, but I just feel a bond with you and I thank you...we don't deserve you, but I appreciate what you are trying to do for us..I really do and I believe you know it...I feel it in my a BIG THANK YOU!!! I will keep on my mission and hope that some day we will be able to say, "mission complete"

    I love you the most my friend...always
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    I know Michael is not GOD, but he always said that he was "Godlike". He my friends truly is the closest thing to God, that we will ever have, while we are here on this earth and he has been asking us to open our eyes and see what needs to be done, so he can come back and then together we can change the world!

    I COMPLETELY 100% agree! (with everything you said of course, but this specifically)
  • I know Michael is not GOD, but he always said that he was "Godlike". He my friends truly is the closest thing to God, that we will ever have, while we are here on this earth

    that is the meaning of the name Michael

    i am actually glad my parents named me Michael as well ^_^

    but to be on a serious note i back up what you said completely.

    i hope for Michael's sake we all get the big picture. lets hope he didn't do what he did in vain
  • THANK YOU! I don't think ANYONE is getting that WHEN he comes back is not important. He's not doing this for US, this is about him. We should stop being selfish, because, quite frankly, thats all we've been for all his life. This is HIS time, he deserves it. If he never does come back, we shouldn't be mad or try to force a comeback, because that might not be what he wants. That might not even be what he can do. He didn't do this just for the fun of it, it was serious, whatever the reason was.
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    Well! I personally have never been concerned about when he will return. In the deep recesses of my subconscious I just believe he will not return anytime soon or at all. If he does he won't comeback as a performer as some of us would like. I believe that is why he put so much time and energy in his short films over the decades. MJ knew there would be a time when he would leave all of that behind. I think he will come back as a director. He will be bigger than any director the world has ever seen. Namely, because of this hoax that the entire world is engaged in and has a role to play. MJ is brilliant! What I am looking forward to is the announcement that this was all a movie! Keep the Faith!
  • THANK YOU! I don't think ANYONE is getting that WHEN he comes back is not important. He's not doing this for US, this is about him. We should stop being selfish, because, quite frankly, thats all we've been for all his life. This is HIS time, he deserves it. If he never does come back, we shouldn't be mad or try to force a comeback, because that might not be what he wants. That might not even be what he can do. He didn't do this just for the fun of it, it was serious, whatever the reason was.

    i agree with this so much. some people let emotions run wild. use a open mind and don't let emotions get in the way. he will return if he wants to. its his life.

    people really need to focus on the task which is clear... at least to me... awareness and understanding. also ultimately ... love... learning to express love in so many forms... we all should come together show that we can help him in the goal.. he said many times and expressed through music that love is the answer

    everything does get easier when we are one step closer, lets all take that one step into a better future
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    Well! I personally have never been concerned about when he will return. In the deep recesses of my subconscious I just believe he will not return anytime soon or at all. If he does he won't comeback as a performer as some of us would like. I believe that is why he put so much time and energy in his short films over the decades. MJ knew there would be a time when he would leave all of that behind. I think he will come back as a director. He will be bigger than any director the world has ever seen. Namely, because of this hoax that the entire world is engaged in and has a role to play. MJ is brilliant! What I am looking forward to is the announcement that this was all a movie! Keep the Faith!

    I've always waited for the day he would announce that he was going into the film industry <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Ever since he was little he said that he loved it and wanted to go into it. Personally, if he made that decision I'd be totally fine with it! He makes amazing films! He had a God given gift for performing in general, and his music is the best in the world and we are lucky to have it with us forever, if he does go into the film industry I'm sure he will incorporate his singing and his dancing into it in some way or another, because he knows thats what the fans will always love, it just wont be his main focus. Again though, this is just a theory, nobody really knows what is going on in that mind of his!!
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I'll keep this short and sweet so everyone can continue on their day/night.
    First thank you for reading this <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Now my question is why is everyone so hooked on when the date of MJ's return will be. Wouldn't the element of surprise work better. Shouldn't we all focus on the messages he left for us. Shouldn't we all become more aware. More involved. I'm not going to go into theories but i think time is running out for us to do something. So instead of constantly wondering when he will return IF he decides to why don't we simply focus on the current task at hand.

    Also on a different note. shouldn't we all get along even if you disagree. what if Michael was to see you guys argue

    well thank you again for reading this. sorry if it is a bit "sloppy" i kind of rushed it. since my thoughts are racing.

    Great post....always great to keep our heads level <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> It's hard sometimes not to get caught up in it all. Like one member recently said, "it's not about the destination, it's about the journey". Thanks for the reminder!
  • Thank you Michael for helping to keep us on track. Michael, the other one, will return in his own time. That is what he told us. The date and time is not important. His message is what is critical for all of us to work towards and spread to others.

    Peace and L.O.V.E.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Michael likes be mysterious. That's what makes him unique along with many other qualities.
    It's just us,we love and miss him so much that makes it hard to be patient. Also the longer pause, the more scary we feel and think "what if..............". It makes easy to deal with pause considering what would be the BAM day. Nothing wrong with that.
  • we all know that he is okay so lets focus on the bigger task. i personally am 100% positive he is okay and enjoying himself. it may be wishful thinking but im sure of it. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Like I said to the other posts, when ever Michael is ready to come out we will welcome him with open arms and open heart. Look at Elvis he disapeared for 30 yrs, and now he may be alive with half a sister looking for him. Maybe Michael will do the same who knows. We need to get along with one another, I see sometimes some of your replies towards what I have written were brutal, not only mine others too. We all have our own opinions, and it does not mean mine or your opinions are wrong. We are all individuals with different ideas, if we were all the same it would be monotonous. Not only for Michael sake, but for our sake, for our world, lets get along, and lets make a difference, at the end of the day we are all children of God. God bless you all my friends, LOVE ALWAYS.
  • I see sometimes some of your replies towards what I have written were brutal, not only mine others too. .

    I'm Sorry, though i have not done anything wrong. i guess i apologize on behalf of everyone who was harsh
  • I see sometimes some of your replies towards what I have written were brutal, not only mine others too. .

    I'm Sorry, though i have not done anything wrong. i guess i apologize on behalf of everyone who was harsh

    You do not need to appologize dear, you haven't done anything wrong. I am glad you brought it up, you make absolutely sense. I just feel that we need to understand where the other person is coming from, and we should put ourselves into their shoes and think before we reply to the post. I hate offending people, there is a proverb do not do to others what you do not want others do to you. If everyone would follow that we would live in a better world. Michaelmistery, you have not done anything wrong, and you shouldn't appologize for others, have a wonderful weekend. LOVE ALWAYS

  • You do not need to appologize dear, you haven't done anything wrong. I am glad you brought it up, you make absolutely sense. I just feel that we need to understand where the other person is coming from, and we should put ourselves into their shoes and think before we reply to the post. I hate offending people, there is a proverb do not do to others what you do not want others do to you. If everyone would follow that we would live in a better world. Michaelmistery, you have not done anything wrong, and you shouldn't appologize for others, have a wonderful weekend. LOVE ALWAYS

    i feel like if anything i should. some people are thick headed so to say. and they will not admit they are in the wrong. so i apologize for them. i agree with you that if everyone followed that we would have a better world since that doesnt occur some people have to stand up and use their voice. i plan on being on this site to also help people realize that love and understanding is what we need. also need to show....

    thank you hope you have a good one too

  • You do not need to appologize dear, you haven't done anything wrong. I am glad you brought it up, you make absolutely sense. I just feel that we need to understand where the other person is coming from, and we should put ourselves into their shoes and think before we reply to the post. I hate offending people, there is a proverb do not do to others what you do not want others do to you. If everyone would follow that we would live in a better world. Michaelmistery, you have not done anything wrong, and you shouldn't appologize for others, have a wonderful weekend. LOVE ALWAYS

    i feel like if anything i should. some people are thick headed so to say. and they will not admit they are in the wrong. so i apologize for them. i agree with you that if everyone followed that we would have a better world since that doesnt occur some people have to stand up and use their voice. i plan on being on this site to also help people realize that love and understanding is what we need. also need to show....

    thank you hope you have a good one too

    Great and I will help you to make them realize it, since we are at the same wave length. If you don't mind.
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    There is so much emphasis on MJs return because many, not all , but many fans could care less about any messages. They simply want the man to return. The sooner the better. Food for thought for those following the hoax.

    I'll keep this short and sweet so everyone can continue on their day/night.
    First thank you for reading this <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Now my question is why is everyone so hooked on when the date of MJ's return will be. Wouldn't the element of surprise work better. Shouldn't we all focus on the messages he left for us. Shouldn't we all become more aware. More involved. I'm not going to go into theories but i think time is running out for us to do something. So instead of constantly wondering when he will return IF he decides to why don't we simply focus on the current task at hand.

    Also on a different note. shouldn't we all get along even if you disagree. what if Michael was to see you guys argue

    well thank you again for reading this. sorry if it is a bit "sloppy" i kind of rushed it. since my thoughts are racing.

  • Great and I will help you to make them realize it, since we are at the same wave length. If you don't mind.

    sounds like a plan. i dont mind. the more help we get the more it will be understood <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • There is so much emphasis on MJs return because many, not all , but many fans could care less about any messages. They simply want the man to return. The sooner the better. Food for thought for those following the hoax.

    thats not good at all. somehow we need to work together to get the message aware to those who just want him to return. i have a feeling he would want that.. the message is what is important at the moment. how can we get people to realize...

  • Great and I will help you to make them realize it, since we are at the same wave length. If you don't mind.

    sounds like a plan. i dont mind. the more help we get the more it will be understood <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Great i am game. THANK YOU Anyone else joining us???? You are more than welcome. LOVE ALWAYS..
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