Jackson Memorabilia Auction -- I'll Trade Ya!

edited January 1970 in News
This latest Michael Jackson auction has a unique twist -- the owner of the items says he got them from MJ himself ... by trading other memorabilia to the King of Pop.


The auction -- set for October 6-15, 2010 -- features several crazy MJ items, including a custom Swarovski crystal jacket and the gloves MJ wore on the cover of "Bad." Those two items, along with one of MJ's jackets, came directly from Michael.

Ed Kosinski, part owner of Gotta Have It!, tells us he actually traded MJ for the stuff. He says Michael had a thing for "Our Gang," Charlie Chaplin, Shirley Temple, Elizabeth Taylor, and other vintage Hollywood items.

The auction also features signed photos and authentic MJ lyric sheets.

Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/07/06/michael-j ... z0stAKDTvc<!-- m -->


  • cin_pytcin_pyt Posts: 632
    FINALLY GIVING SIGNS OF LIFE YAY!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I GUESS WE KNOW WHO THE "ANONYMOUS" BUYER OF ANDY WARHOL'S PORTRAIT OF LIZ TAYLOR IS.....
  • Interesting items :


    Thriller signed album



    Morphine handwritten lyrics sheets


    Handwritten Lyrics for "Innocent Man"
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Interesting to say the least especially Morphine lyrics...
  • Iused2dreamIused2dream Posts: 300
    definitely an interesting assortment of items TMZ selected..... A Thriller involving drugs and an innocent man...hmmmm <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • the "truth" becomes the lie? ummmm

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Jackson Memorabilia Auction -- I'll Trade Ya!
    7/6/2010 12:50 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    This latest Michael Jackson auction has a unique twist -- the owner of the items says he got them from
    MJ himself ... by trading other memorabilia to the King of Pop.


    The auction -- set for October 6-15, 2010 -- features several crazy MJ items, including a custom
    Swarovski crystal jacket and the gloves MJ wore on the cover of "Bad." Those two items, along with one
    of MJ's jackets, came directly from Michael.

    Ed Kosinski, part owner of Gotta Have It!, tells us he actually traded MJ for the stuff. He says Michael had
    a thing for "Our Gang," Charlie Chaplin, Shirley Temple, Elizabeth Taylor, and other vintage Hollywood

    The auction also features signed photos and authentic MJ lyric sheets.

    Article Publish Date:
    7/6/2010 12:50 AM
    5, 6, 7, 11, 22
    7 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 24
    2 + 4 = 6 - Represent the imperfection, the sin, the Evil. The number of the test, the work and the servitude. The mediation between the principle and its manifestation. Number of the indecision and the choice that is required. Number of the "man-animal", still having his passions and not conscious of his divinity. Also considered the number of the man because it is the sixth day that God created man. Perfect number because of it's associations to Jesus.

    The DOTS (acronyms) in this article are about how our attitudes and ideas are being influenced and manipulated through the many forms of media (film, advertising etc.) by using psychology.


    JMA - Joint Marketing Agreement (I'll Trade Ya!)
    Joint Marketing Agreement - two parties separately market products and/or services which are often used for complementary or for related purposes. Both parties desire to cooperate in marketing their products and/or services for mutual benefit.

    Use the Joint Marketing Agreement to jointly promote products, services, or both. The promoter receives payment based on involvement, performance or otherwise measurable results and the two companies cross-promote each other. Profits may or may not be shared.

    ITY - Imperial Tobacco Group plc (stock symbol)
    Imperial Tobacco Group plc is the world's fourth largest international tobacco company. It is the second largest UK-based tobacco company by global sales. Imperial Tobacco's corporate headquarters are in Bristol, England.

    The Imperial Tobacco Company was created in 1901 through the amalgamation of thirteen British tobacco and cigarette companies comprising W.D. & H.O. Wills of Bristol (the leading manufacturer of the time), John Player & Sons of Nottingham and 11 other independent family businesses, which were being threatened by competition from the United States in the form of James Buchanan Duke and his American Tobacco Company.

    In 1973 the Imperial Tobacco Company, having become increasingly diversified by acquisition of (amongst others) restaurant chains, food services and distribution businesses, changed its name to Imperial Group.
    In 1985, the Company acquired the Peoples Drugstore chain and all subsidiaries from A. C. Israel.
    In 1986, the Company was acquired by the conglomerate Hanson Trust plc for £2.5billion. Divestments during the period of ownership by Hanson included Courage Brewery to Elders, Golden Wonder to Dalgety, Finlays to A J Patel, the wholesaling arm of Sinclair & Collis to Palmer & Harvey, Imperial Hotels and Catering to Trust House Forte and Ross Frozen Foods to United Biscuits.
    In 1996, following a decision to concentrate on core tobacco activities, Hanson de-merged Imperial and it was listed as an independent company on the UK stock exchange.
    In 2003, Imperial acquired the world's then fourth largest tobacco company, Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH of Germany: the deal added brands such as Davidoff, Peter Stuyvesant and West to its portfolio.
    In 2007, Imperial Tobacco entered the United States tobacco market with its $1.9 billion acquisition of Commonwealth Brands Inc, then the fourth largest tobacco company in the US.
    In February 2008, Imperial acquired the world's then fifth largest tobacco company Altadis whose brands included Fortuna, Gauloises Blondes and Gitanes.


    TMT - Technology, Media and Telecommunications Market Development
    Companies employing Market techniques developed through economic and social sciences in todays Internet, television and other media environments.

    An example of a Marketing Company

    GeoActive Group USA
    Marketers typically segment their customers using very broad demographic criteria. This routine analysis can help to tailor new offerings. However, few develop their segmentation based upon an assessment of customer needs, and so their product-centered view obstructs the buying cycle.

    High-tech companies have an even greater challenge, since they're often technology centered. While some early-adopters may be engaged by vague product launch scenarios and minimal guidance or support, many mainstream customers will feel misled, neglected or completely ignored.

    Digital marketing: transformed by art, science and market research
    Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT) marketers must evolve. Narrowly targeting customers with relevant offers, via their preferred channels. An applied-science research technique can identify real demand, best-fit solution fulfillment, and product applications with clarity and imagination. Once the targeted offers are developed and perfected, then content marketing and Web syndication methods are used to create influencer engagement and exponential reach that increases adoption.

    GeoActive Group USA: we offer proven mastery of technology, media and telecom marketing strategy, market development campaigns, social media tools, digital content design, product marketing team training and personalized mentoring -- based upon a deep-domain TMT analysis

    SET - Social Exchange Theory
    Social exchange theory is a social psychological and sociological perspective that explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties. Social exchange theory posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives. The theory has roots in economics, psychology and sociology.

    American sociologist is usually credited with the consolidation of the foundations of Social Exchange Theory. Homans’s article entitled “Social Behavior as Exchange” is viewed as the seminal work on this theory. Works by Richard Emerson, Peter Ekeh, and Karen Cook are also important and often reference Homans, as do many other articles and books on the subject and are two social psychologists who further developed the theory of social exchange. They proposed the following reasons that make people to engage in a social exchange:

    1. anticipated reciprocity;
    2. expected gain in reputation and influence on others
    3. altruism and perception of efficacy
    4. direct reward.

    Social exchange theory is tied to rational choice theory and on the other hand to structuralism, and features many of their main assumptions.

    Rational Choice Theory
    Rational choice theory, also known as choice theory or rational action theory, is a framework for understanding and often formally modeling social and economic behavior. Rationality ("wanting more rather than less of a good") is widely used as an [b]assumption of the behavior of individuals[/b] in microeconomic models and analysis and appears in almost all economics textbook treatments of human decision-making. It is also central to some of modern political science and is used by some scholars in other disciplines such as sociology and even philosophy. It is the same as instrumental rationality, which involves [b]seeking the most cost-effective means to achieve a specific goal without reflecting on the worthiness of that goal.[/b]

    Rational choice theory uses a specific and narrower definition of "rationality" simply to mean that an individual acts as if balancing costs against benefits to arrive at action that maximizes personal advantage.

    Because of the relative success of economics at understanding markets, rational choice theory has also become increasingly employed in social sciences other than economics, such as sociology and political science in recent decades. It has had far-reaching impacts on the study of political science, especially in fields like the study of interest groups, elections, behaviour in legislatures, coalitions, and bureaucracy

    Centrality of Exchange Theory to Social Marketing
    Richard Bagozzi’s pioneering work on the Exchange Theory in the 1970s created a framework for marketers to better understand how they can influence behavior. While traditional marketing revolves around a simpler concept of reciprocity in which a product or service is exchanged for money Social Marketing depends on a more complex understanding of exchange. Social marketing complexity is due to the fact that the benefits offered by the marketer have not necessarily been understood, or in some cases do not directly apply to the target audience so much as to society. In some cases, the behavior sought by the marketer might run completely counter to the target audience's prevailing norms.

    For that reason exchange theory is central to social marketing. A target audience’s perception of the benefits they will receive through the adoption of a certain behavior is the key motivation that marketers must tap into.

    Therefore a highly developed understanding of which benefits are most important to the audience is crucial to a campaign’s success. Research is framed around the audience’s values and informs the marketer what types of incentives must be offered as a result of the new behavior being promoted.

    Exchange theory focuses on the audience. The application of exchange theory allows social marketers to understand the consumer mindset and design a behavior (product) and message (promotion) that appeal to the audience’s pre-existing values. More directly, exchange theory provides insight into the audience’s perception of the price of the existing behavior weighed against the cost of altering that behavior (or in some cases maintaining behavior).


    The names mentioned in the article:
    "Our Gang," Charlie Chaplin, Shirley Temple, Elizabeth Taylor, and other vintage Hollywood

    "Our Gang" - Our Gang, also known as The Little Rascals or Hal Roach's Rascals, was a series of American comedy short films about a group of poor neighborhood children and the adventures they had together.

    Our Gang Follies of 1936 - Darla Dressed in a Cigarette Girl Outfit


    Charlie Chaplin -"Cinema Stars" 1923 cigarette cards


    Cigarette Cards
    Cigarette cards are trade cards issued by tobacco manufacturers to stiffen cigarette packaging and advertise cigarette brands.

    Shirley Temple
    Should Shirley Temple's "Bright Eyes" Be Rated R for Smoking Scene?
    Published May 15, 2007

    Shirley Temple
    Around the same time Shirley enrolled in the Westlake School for Girls, attending as a day pupil. Although she was excited about going to a proper school for the first time, other pupils were not so excited at having her there; she recalls some hostility towards her simply because of who she was. She managed to make friends despite this, yet admitted to picking up certain habits at the school, such as smoking in the toilets. During her second year at the school, her mother signed some contracts for some more films for Shirley; she continued making films, mostly failures, until The Story of Seabiscuit in 1949.


    Elizabeth Taylor - Smoking in film, print and articles written about her and other stars.



    Other Vintage Hollywood Stars


    Associating Smoking with glamour, beauty wealth, and celebrities.

    With Cartoons


    40 Gorgeous Vintage Tobacco Advertisements - To view some ads click the link:

    Keep in mind that Cigarettes are only being used as an example. These techniques are being used in advertising, film and every type of media today. They are tried and true methods but this is not just about marketing products to us. It is about affecting and shaping our beliefs, ideas, attitudes; what is and isn't socially acceptable, telling us what we want, need etc. It is simply manipulation through a form of subliminal messaging.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Oh my goodness - look what I found! If you go to this article on TMZ and click on 'Rock and Roll Auction Photos' under the pictures displayed, then go to number 11 of 14 - it's a red Mickey Mouse jacket, signed with 1998 and those three circles (they don't look like 6's) and an arrow pointing right, underneath the signature. Didn't I read about this before in one of TS's articles?

    I'm so sorry, I don't know how to link or embed it in here, but it's easy enough to find. Maybe someone more techie, can post it here.
  • Oh my goodness - look what I found! If you go to this article on TMZ and click on 'Rock and Roll Auction Photos' under the pictures displayed, then go to number 11 of 14 - it's a red Mickey Mouse jacket, signed with 1998 and those three circles (they don't look like 6's) and an arrow pointing right, underneath the signature. Didn't I read about this before in one of TS's articles?

    I'm so sorry, I don't know how to link or embed it in here, but it's easy enough to find. Maybe someone more techie, can post it here.

  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111


    Thanks for putting this up Serenity's Dream. The TS articles about the 1998 autographs are Update 4b, 4-13 and 4-14, if anyone's interested.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Social Exchange Theory

    Couldn´t agree more <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891


    Thanks for putting this up Serenity's Dream. The TS articles about the 1998 autographs are Update 4b, 4-13 and 4-14, if anyone's interested.

    Those definitely look like zero. I wonder why Michael was writing sometimes zeros sometimes six that look like a zero. I'm confused about that.

    TMZ has been so silent for the last 4 days and finally we're having something. I don't like the silence.

  • RR0910_451_lg_full.jpg

    Thanks for putting this up Serenity's Dream. The TS articles about the 1998 autographs are Update 4b, 4-13 and 4-14, if anyone's interested.

    Those definitely look like zero. I wonder why Michael was writing sometimes zeros sometimes six that look like a zero. I'm confused about that.

    TMZ has been so silent for the last 4 days and finally we're having something. I don't like the silence.
    4-9. Why Does 7 Represent Perfection?
    God has infinite wisdom, and has reasons for everything He does.
    Man-made things are often based on squares, rectangles, and/or other 90 degree changes in direction (boxes, books, doors, walls, buildings, etc). Things that God made in nature are usually based on circles and curves, but not 90 degree angles (eyes, flowers, fruits, planets, orbits, etc). In fact, when geologists or archaeologists find something that is square or rectangle, they are almost certain that it’s man-made.

    A circle is a perfect and complete curve. But what does the number 7 have to do with a circle? Take 7 circles of the same size (like seven identical coins): put one in the centre, and the rest around the centre. You will find that all 7 circles are contacting each other; if you remove 1, or add 1, it will not work. Also, the perimeter of the seven circles is the same shape (circle) as the 7 smaller shapes; so the pattern could be repeated endlessly.


    4-13. MJ “1998” Autographs
    Several of MJ’s autographs included the number 1998, three circles, and an arrow http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6643


    There is also one autograph, on the Dangerous cover, that is similar—yet it has some kind of formula, or code. Before going into any detail about the meaning of that Dangerous code, let’s look at the other autographs: 1998, three circles, and an arrow.

    1998 is an interesting number, that can be divided evenly by only these single-digit numbers: 1998 / 2 = 999; 1998 / 3 = 666; 1998 / 6 = 333; and 1998 / 9 = 222. If you add 222 (that last one) to 777 (red shirt), you have 999. The first one is 999 itself; and the other two added together equal 999 (666 + 333). Also, if you add the first digit (1) to the last three (998), you have 999 (1 + 998 = 999). And if you add all four digits, it reduces to 9 (1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9). Even if we had nothing else to go by, just the 1998 alone should point us pretty clearly to 9-9-09; but there is far more.

    For a code to be of real value, it has to be neither too simple nor too complex. If it is too simple, it would not be hidden (not a code); and if too complex, it will never be understood and therefore useless. MJ could have signed 999; but that would’ve been too simple. Or he could’ve used highly complex trigonometry equations; but very few of his fans would ever understand it, not even if it was explained to them. Therefore, he used a code between those two extremes.

    4-14. The Autograph Code on “Dangerous”


    There are several unique things about this Dangerous autograph, different than the other 1998 autographs: #1 the arrow points down, not diagonal or up; #2 there is different symbol which points up (^); #3 there is a division symbol; #4 there is a number 4; #5 the three repeating digits are vertical, not horizontal; #6 at least two of the three repeating digits look more like 6’s than circles.

    On the other autographs: the arrow is diagonally upward, and can obviously represent resurrection (on 9-9-09); in this case, the arrow is down and would represent the death. But you also have the resurrection here, with the upward pointing caret (^). However, these symbols are part of the equation, as well: start with the 1998, go down (subtract) by 666 = 1332; then insert this answer (caret means insert) into the last part: 1332 / 4 = 333.

    Of what significance is 333? It is the exact number needed to turn the NWO 666 pyramid upside-down; 666 + 333 = 999!!! In fact, that is why the three digits on the dangerous code are vertical, not horizontal; they represent the vertical layering system of the pyramid (666), and then turned upside down (999).

    Some have thought that one or more of the vertical digits in the Dangerous autograph are zeros, not sixes; however, the top two digits are much closer to a six than a zero—and even the bottom digit has a small hook if you look carefully. MJ is not careless, and he was not writing sloppy zeros; in fact, notice that if anything, his zeros have a gap on the top—not an overlap and hook. So it’s three sixes, just written so that it would not be very obvious—both because it is a code, and also because 666 might scare some people if they didn’t realize the purpose for it in this context.

    Remember also that I explained the meaning of the 1998 and Dangerous autograph before 9-9-09 http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1924&p=27558#p27893
    So I was not merely looking at a past event, and trying to force the code to fit into something that is history (such as some have done). Oh and by the way: this Dangerous autograph redirect was done on 3-3, 2010 (2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3); and again, 1998 – 666 = 1332; 1332 / 4 = 333!
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    the one I like the most is the title for the photos collection

    Michael Jackson's Rock & Roll Auction

    Maybe I am already totally insane but Rock&Roll somehow reminds me of Elvis..... and coincidently the current forum hot topic #ElvisandMJdotcom <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    This is what I have been waiting for since yesterday <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • the one I like the most is the title for the photos collection

    Michael Jackson's Rock & Roll Auction

    Maybe I am already totally insane but Rock&Roll somehow reminds me of Elvis..... and coincidently the current forum hot topic #ElvisandMJdotcom <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    This is what I have been waiting for since yesterday <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Word Origin: rock and roll
    Origin: 1951

    A great advance in American civil liberties, as well as a revolution in music, took place as a result of the introduction of rock and roll in 1951. The introducer was Alan Freed, a disc jockey in Cleveland, who used the term to undermine the segregation of popular music into black and white. African-American popular music of the day, known as rhythm and blues, was increasingly influential, but radio stations and the record industry insisted on having white performers for white audiences. The only way a song composed and performed by blacks could reach a wider audience was for it to be remade by a white group.

    Freed was able to get around the prohibition against African-American music on his radio station by coining a catchy name that was new and therefore all-encompassing. He wouldn't fight to play the forbidden rhythm and blues; instead, he would treat his audiences to what he called rock and roll. And while that term did not end music segregation overnight, it eventually made segregation impossible, as both black and white performers took up the phrase and together developed the new rock and roll. From the beginning it was also known informally as rock 'n' roll. By the mid-1960s the triumph of rock and roll was so complete that the name of the genre, now performed by musicians of all races all over the world, shrank to rock. No longer needed for music, the full phrase rock and roll recently has been used to mean "get going, "move along," as in "Let's rock and roll."

    "get going, "move along," "let's get this started" etc. as in "Let's rock and roll."
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891


    Thanks for putting this up Serenity's Dream. The TS articles about the 1998 autographs are Update 4b, 4-13 and 4-14, if anyone's interested.

    Those definitely look like zero. I wonder why Michael was writing sometimes zeros sometimes six that look like a zero. I'm confused about that.

    TMZ has been so silent for the last 4 days and finally we're having something. I don't like the silence.
    4-9. Why Does 7 Represent Perfection?
    God has infinite wisdom, and has reasons for everything He does.
    Man-made things are often based on squares, rectangles, and/or other 90 degree changes in direction (boxes, books, doors, walls, buildings, etc). Things that God made in nature are usually based on circles and curves, but not 90 degree angles (eyes, flowers, fruits, planets, orbits, etc). In fact, when geologists or archaeologists find something that is square or rectangle, they are almost certain that it’s man-made.

    A circle is a perfect and complete curve. But what does the number 7 have to do with a circle? Take 7 circles of the same size (like seven identical coins): put one in the centre, and the rest around the centre. You will find that all 7 circles are contacting each other; if you remove 1, or add 1, it will not work. Also, the perimeter of the seven circles is the same shape (circle) as the 7 smaller shapes; so the pattern could be repeated endlessly.


    4-13. MJ “1998” Autographs
    Several of MJ’s autographs included the number 1998, three circles, and an arrow http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6643


    There is also one autograph, on the Dangerous cover, that is similar—yet it has some kind of formula, or code. Before going into any detail about the meaning of that Dangerous code, let’s look at the other autographs: 1998, three circles, and an arrow.

    1998 is an interesting number, that can be divided evenly by only these single-digit numbers: 1998 / 2 = 999; 1998 / 3 = 666; 1998 / 6 = 333; and 1998 / 9 = 222. If you add 222 (that last one) to 777 (red shirt), you have 999. The first one is 999 itself; and the other two added together equal 999 (666 + 333). Also, if you add the first digit (1) to the last three (998), you have 999 (1 + 998 = 999). And if you add all four digits, it reduces to 9 (1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9). Even if we had nothing else to go by, just the 1998 alone should point us pretty clearly to 9-9-09; but there is far more.

    For a code to be of real value, it has to be neither too simple nor too complex. If it is too simple, it would not be hidden (not a code); and if too complex, it will never be understood and therefore useless. MJ could have signed 999; but that would’ve been too simple. Or he could’ve used highly complex trigonometry equations; but very few of his fans would ever understand it, not even if it was explained to them. Therefore, he used a code between those two extremes.

    4-14. The Autograph Code on “Dangerous”


    There are several unique things about this Dangerous autograph, different than the other 1998 autographs: #1 the arrow points down, not diagonal or up; #2 there is different symbol which points up (^); #3 there is a division symbol; #4 there is a number 4; #5 the three repeating digits are vertical, not horizontal; #6 at least two of the three repeating digits look more like 6’s than circles.

    On the other autographs: the arrow is diagonally upward, and can obviously represent resurrection (on 9-9-09); in this case, the arrow is down and would represent the death. But you also have the resurrection here, with the upward pointing caret (^). However, these symbols are part of the equation, as well: start with the 1998, go down (subtract) by 666 = 1332; then insert this answer (caret means insert) into the last part: 1332 / 4 = 333.

    Of what significance is 333? It is the exact number needed to turn the NWO 666 pyramid upside-down; 666 + 333 = 999!!! In fact, that is why the three digits on the dangerous code are vertical, not horizontal; they represent the vertical layering system of the pyramid (666), and then turned upside down (999).

    Some have thought that one or more of the vertical digits in the Dangerous autograph are zeros, not sixes; however, the top two digits are much closer to a six than a zero—and even the bottom digit has a small hook if you look carefully. MJ is not careless, and he was not writing sloppy zeros; in fact, notice that if anything, his zeros have a gap on the top—not an overlap and hook. So it’s three sixes, just written so that it would not be very obvious—both because it is a code, and also because 666 might scare some people if they didn’t realize the purpose for it in this context.

    Remember also that I explained the meaning of the 1998 and Dangerous autograph before 9-9-09 http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1924&p=27558#p27893
    So I was not merely looking at a past event, and trying to force the code to fit into something that is history (such as some have done). Oh and by the way: this Dangerous autograph redirect was done on 3-3, 2010 (2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3); and again, 1998 – 666 = 1332; 1332 / 4 = 333!

    Thank you. The point I was confused was about why Michael chose to write different things. Sometimes he wrote 660 or 666 sometimes he wrote 000 and sometimes he wrote ... So he was doing it about the curves and circles like TS explained. Got it. Thank you.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The subliminal techniques have become light at arms against ordinary consciousness is not given result. A subliminal message is one that is not captured by sight, but our unconsciously if photograph you, stores, and uses it in order to break the true wishes of the individual, makes us see how mummies directed toward an end. Advertising, politics, music, wars and hate campaigns do not escape this
    It reminds me of the campaign against the reputation and teasing of media towards Michael
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "I hate your Bible" can be a reference to the falsification of the scriptures.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If the connection is good ForstAMoon Michael Jackson is the king of pop, rock king Elvis. Michael Jackson Rock & Roll "auction" = ELvisand MJdotcom <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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