


  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I"ve seen worse, some fans are still mourning about michael's death. It had a huge impact on some fans, it sad to say but that's how it is. I feel sorry for them, really.

    I know that I am still in mourning <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> , and I still in pain <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> over what happened to our beloved MJ. I am still one of those fan. Even though, I do not believe that MJ is dead. My heart has been torn to pieces since June 25, 2009. I desparately read everything I can about MJ I can everyday. I search the internet, and watch anything about him on the telly that I can find. If someone would have told me, when I was a little girl that this terrible stuff would have happened to MJ in the future, I would have never believed it. It is a complete nightmare to me. I pray to God everyday to bring MJ back to us. I will never stop looking for the truth of what happened to my baby, MJ! To all the fans across the globe who are suffering from what happened to our beloved MJ, my heart, my prayers, my love goes out to you. You are in my thoughts always and are never far from my heart. God bless you all!
    MJ, baby, I simply love you more than words can express! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    bluepiggy wrote:
    I"ve seen worse, some fans are still mourning about michael's death. It had a huge impact on some fans, it sad to say but that's how it is. I feel sorry for them, really.

    Well I've been in mourning from the beginning and I'm not ashamed to say I love Michael until my dying day. I'm 46 years old and have loved him since I was a little kid in 1st grade!!! I mourn Wylie Draper as well!!! I love Wylie Draper!!! I take Wylie flowers!!! I sob endless tears over Wylie and Michael and this forum is what has saved me from being alone in this entire nightmare. I don't know how anyone could put their nose in the air and imply "some fans". IT HURTS!!!!!! Pure and simple. The only thing sad is that any of this had to happen to begin with. As for fans mourning Michael and loving Michael, that is a beautiful happening because he deserves our love and whether he is now an angel in heaven or still on this earth Michael is LOVE! It's time certain people realize this!!!!!
  • HoaxornotHoaxornot Posts: 100
    How funny Souza i sent you a PM about the FACTS and here is see some of them coming out... so now are you really starting to believe what I am saying is true
    Yes Randy is BAD news
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    How funny Souza i sent you a PM about the FACTS and here is see some of them coming out... so now are you really starting to believe what I am saying is true
    Yes Randy is BAD news

    Do you mean BAD news as he is fishy or BAD news as he is in danger?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    How funny Souza i sent you a PM about the FACTS and here is see some of them coming out... so now are you really starting to believe what I am saying is true
    Yes Randy is BAD news

    Yes, your monkeys I believe? What a coincidence it's right after your PM's. I wasn't born yesterday, you should stop spreading lies and HATE.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • bluepiggybluepiggy Posts: 141
    I"ve seen worse, some fans are still mourning about michael's death. It had a huge impact on some fans, it sad to say but that's how it is. I feel sorry for them, really.

    Some fans?? Im still mourning.. still in pain.

    Who are you anyway? You joined a few days ago.....
    Im talking about deranged fans,
  • How funny Souza i sent you a PM about the FACTS and here is see some of them coming out... so now are you really starting to believe what I am saying is true
    Yes Randy is BAD news

    Yes, your monkeys I believe? What a coincidence it's right after your PM's. I wasn't born yesterday, you should stop spreading lies and HATE.

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    (Maybe if I type in all caps I will get attention to my posts), lol

    I am not a "fan" and I see now why. You people are fanatics, to the point that it is blinding you.

    The fact that I searched and came up with the info was to show you that This woman Taaj Malik who is connected to Lorene Malaika is scamming you all who are "fans" and NOW Randy and Jermaine have become targets for "the LIES and HATE" and maybe conspiracies on them as well JUST like their Bro Mike.

    I found all the info for you "the fans" to try and help you all out and protect you from being hurt or taken advantage of.

    I did that for Randy and Jermaine too because what Is being said is BULLSHIT.

    Go read that ladies BLOG.

    She confesses to her sins.

    If you "the fans" want to cont. to be hurt and taken advantage of AND NOT take help from non "fans" like myself who can objectively provide info, meaning I am NOT seeing this with a love spell cast on me.. I can't force the help upon you but the info is there in my posts.

    I am doing this out of love for the sacrifice Michael did for me and for you. I am doing this for his "fans" that love him so much yet are fighting instead of helping and loving..

    Oh boy


    I quoted this also for Souza.. I got your back. Mo too.

    Comeonpeople open your eyesPlease.
  • HoaxornotHoaxornot Posts: 100
    Souza you are nasty
    I did not put anything on twitter I am not even on Twitter
    You believe what you want!
    But Randy is the bad guy and once you open your eyes you will see the truth
    I just needed your help for the investigation since I believe your members are great detectives
    With LOVE
  • Souza you are nasty
    I did not put anything on twitter I am not even on Twitter
    You believe what you want!
    But Randy is the bad guy and once you open your eyes you will see the truth
    I just needed your help for the investigation since I believe your members are great detectives
    With LOVE

    OK, I'm now going to express something that I sensed when that heart attack of Randy going to the hospital recently and then there was confusion over Why he really was hospitalized. That stuck in my mind for some reason and made me suspicious. Was it really an O.D.? Is there a chance there may be other addicts in this family? I would like to know more about this "Hoaxornot". You can PM me as I realize some members here believe all MJ family members are Saints that can do no wrong. I am not one of them. It would not really surprise me if a family member was somehow involved in whatever happened to MJ.
    And before MJ "died" I read that the Jackson's were dead broke! By the way, what does Randy do for a living? (I mean Before MJ died?) Thanks
  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    I get the feeling Randy is the new target. Someone is trying to put Randy in a bad light for some reason. I think we need to be aware of distraction and lies.

    People have always tried to make every Jackson brother look bad. No matter their disagreements, it's obvious to me, that the Jacksons are a family that sticks together and loves one another. Randy and Jermaine would never have done anything like that to their brother.

    This woman is looking for her 15 minutes of fame. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • @Hoaxornot,

    I will TYPE and say THIS one TIME ONLY, IF you OR anyone else wants to go into my PM box and type CRAP to me when I clearly have shown and stated on this board where MY loyalty is,

    Be prepared to have your PM's exposed on the board.

    Only a coward and a liar like yourself goes into a PM box and has something to hide.
    I however have stated my feelings on this board quite clearly!

    I would suggest to you to READ the posts directly above. You are quoted.

    Why would you come to me with THIS shit.


    Re: MJJ
    Sent: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:44 pm
    by Im_convincedmjalive

    To you it might maybe be a fun investigation.. to me it is personal
    Good luck in your search for the truth

    That WAS UNCALLED For.. Check your FACTS on me before You say something like that To Me.

    Read MY posts. ALL OF THEM.. Good Luck in changing your attitude.


    Quote Hoaxornot Re: MJJ
    Sent: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:55 pm
    by Hoaxornot

    Yes I have heard of her... but it is not Lorene...
    I was shocked when I saw that post and asked Mike's friends (well little friends he had) and that woman was lying... I was ready to fight Taaj over it...
    The same person tried the same thing with MK about a month ago
    I wished Mike was alive and I DO hope i am wrong and you are right.. I would give anything to get him back
    I am not a spokersperson for anyone.. I speak for myself
    Mike was a friend and I want to find out what happened
    That is why I am on this site
    I personally know the bodyguards from Vegas especially Bill, Dr Murray etc...
    Something just changed when he moved to L.A and especially one month b4 june 25th
    Yes he was scared for his life
    I do hope he had the time to escape
    To you it might maybe be a fun investigation.. to me it is personal
    Good luck in your search for the truth

    Quote Im_convincedmjalive Re: MJJ
    Sent: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:44 pm
    by Im_convincedmjalive


    Interesting that you say "We All" and say "know about that letter." So you are the spokeperson and represent Everyone and their "knowing"?
    I am being sarcastic here when I say that.

    And just so you know, it wasn't a letter on the ladies blog. If you read it correctly she is CONFESSING to her participation and involvement with Taaj to buy Paris and Mrs. Jackson gifts.

    She told her story in a way that I believe her 100% because she added so many details, (like getting eyebrows waxed) into the story that when a person is telling truth those details mean alot. If she was slanderingTaaj or if Randy was guilty of something liars pick and choose PERFECT choice words and only stick to a script.

    The lady who confessed to the way the Facebook and money scam collecting from fans on the MJJustice club, did so in a way that she had to confess because she was literally becoming ILL from the guilt.

    Choose not to believe in her and her confession, choose not to believe in a higher power who can make a guilty person confess in which she did.

    Really why would you feel the need to contact me in PM?

    I am not on the MJdead fan side or this side. I am nuetral and fAIR.
    I see truth and I see falseness. I am not sure your reasons for this contact? Care to elaborate?


    Quote Hoaxornot MJJ
    Sent: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:06 am
    by Hoaxornot

    Yes we all know about this letter.. it is not new
    That lady is spreading lies about Taaj.. It happened also to MK
    For what reason? I do not know
    Some fans are sick (I do not really think they are fan, just want their 5mn of fame) Unfortunately
    All the best to you
  • Souza you are nasty
    I did not put anything on twitter I am not even on Twitter
    You believe what you want!
    But Randy is the bad guy and once you open your eyes you will see the truth
    I just needed your help for the investigation since I believe your members are great detectives
    With LOVE

    I do NOT say one thing and DO another, I said I got her back. I got my own back too.

    READ MY posts, and YOU will see I am NOT the one to play with.
  • HoaxornotHoaxornot Posts: 100
    I have nothing to hide
    Why are you so mad?
    Now everybody can see
    Thank you for your help
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I'll post this here too..

    Original thread: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=50&t=12374&start=50<!-- l -->

    Whoa .... wait..
    There's something else..just an observation ..

    Remember Lorene1980 (Lorene Malaika) ? The one who threatened Jermaine and Randy?
    Was that mispelled on purpose or that's her real name? What if she's part of the Malnik family?
    See her location on twitter: Glendale

    Now check this out:
    Michael Jackson's tomb in Glendale, California has been vandalized, according to TMZ. The gravesite has been defaced in permanent marker with messages reading "Keep the dream alive" and "Miss you sweet angel." Reps at the cemetery tell TMZ that they are re-evaluating access to the site and that anyone caught damaging the pop star's grave will be banned for life. [TMZ]

    I searched for Lorene Malaika and one site poped up:

    Michael Jackson "keeping the dream alive"

    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson-keepingthedre ... /50406998/<!-- m -->

    @MJJNews I am heading to Forest Lawn today. Heard about the de facing of the Terrace wall. I will remove the writings myself.
    about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®



    Now that I see it..on twitter her website is the one I posted in the previous post.. So that's really her ..
    How fishy is this??

    On her website in "news" there's:

    Keeping the Dream Alive Track Now Available Online!

    Jazz/soul artist Vince Chapman has written and produced Keeping the Dream Alive, a song inspired by the late Wylie Draper, a talented young man who portrayed the adult Michael Jackson in "The Jacksons: An American Dream" TV mini-series. Follow Vince's creative journey at CMP Studios via his video blogs on our YouTube channel. The Keeping the Dream Alive track is now available for download here.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Wow...That's all I can say now. When will the truth be revealed. My head is spinning. One minute we can trust someone the next minute we have to question everything. I'm confused. Jermaine I believe, but Randy? idk about that one. Sometimes I question his motives, but I thought he was the only one who was actually close to Michael recently, of course he could have had alterior motives but I thought he was the good guy. Why would Janet be so close to him & wanting him to tell the truth if he was that evil? Wouldn't she stay away? Hmm. Fishy. Who is the person on twitter?
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    Lord.......................... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • @Hazzely,

    Right on! Super sluth detective...

    Lorene and Taaj Malik are creating DRAMA and confusion.

    Don't it make you wanna scream!
    lol <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

  • I don't know what to think but anyway I won't buy anything anymore...

    As it was said previously "I love them, but I don't trust them"

    There is a lot of money around all this whether Michael is alive or not. I just find it SAD, PRETTY SAD, that it could be even POSSIBLE that Michael couldn't trust anyone of his family. But I guess he knew it and dealed with it. The family always been around for years, trying to get something out of Michael's name, of Michael's money, of Michael's fame. That's the way it is. Some of them do it because of "family" some of them do it because of "jealousy"...whatever the family is, it's Michael's family, he'll never get another one, a better one...so we also have to deal with it, as a part of Michael himself. I'd like to be able to change all this and say to Michael"that's ok now, you can trust anyone" but it's not. We don't know about what's happening. Even if it's written or said...who knows it's the truth ? who knows people aren't paid for that ?

    I don't want to believe in what a twitter account says ! If SHE has things to say about Randy, why don't SHE goes to the media ???? I mean, it's ridiculous to say "why don't you talk to the media" when she claims to know everything about Randy... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Looks like nasty kids fighting for the same bucket on the beach...

    I don't like those stories and when I feel I can't trust people, i stay away to look at them. This is what i'll do with this story until we don't have anything more "CLEAR"

    It just make me SAD for Michael that anytime he scraped the varnish, he only found sharks preparing the best way to get his money...

    It really scares me that people have a price. And I'm not talking about Randy or else, I just talk about anyone around Michael. How could he make the difference and just open and feel happy ?
  • Michael would be extremely disappointed in all those judging Lorene.
    You shouldn't be saying anything about her especially if you don't know her.
    She is my friend, and I don't appreciate the attacks against her.
    If only you knew the information that she knows. That is why she said all those things.
    She was closer to Michael than you think.
    Karen and Randy know exactly what Lorene is talking about in her tweets.
    The truth will prevail.
    Michael woulsn't approve of this behavior??
    Lorene is standing up for Michael.
    Yes, Michael was about LOVE and Michael IS LOVE, but he was also human, and he, too, had negative feelings towards some specific people.
    Hello?? Why do you think he wasn't so close to his family????
    Anyway, I hope you think twice before jusging someone, and saying something about someone you don't know.
    Thank you.
  • mwonajimwonaji Posts: 3
    What proof is there that this person even knew Michael, since he's not here to tell us? Why is she fighting with so many people, and being so loud about it? This is buggin me.
    What do you make of this? I did a search using a link someone provided earlier somewhere (keepthedreamalive site)..Found this-

    Contact - Michael Jackson Keeping the Dream Alive
    Lorene Malaika Pichay, Director of Communications/Talent Relations. <!-- e -->http://www.michaeljackson-keepingthedre ... ontact.htm<!-- m --> - Cached

    Searched for that full name, didn't find much. Searched for just the first and last name, found this:

    <!-- m -->http://legends-never-dy.blogspot.com/20 ... ckson.html<!-- m -->
    Scroll down to august 15 of 2009...direct link: <!-- m -->http://legends-never-dy.blogspot.com/20 ... 1339353886<!-- m -->
    Why would she say she did not know Michael,and that "maybe" he was guilty, if she was his friend?
    Searched to see if there might be another person of this same name who's also a mj fan. Didn't find any.
  • mwonajimwonaji Posts: 3
    Oh. PS. I'm just trying to figure out who to believe and who not to believe. I thought Randy was one of the good guys, but when I heard about her tweets about him last month I wanted to see if I should pay attention or not. I'm not. & if she is anyone's friend here I am very sorry if this offends, and I do respect your friendship..promise. I am not trying to be disrespectful. Just trying to figure out who is lying and who can be trusted. It seems like the louder &meaner people are the less I can trust them. Sad but true (for me).
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