Response to an once MJ fan, now hater

MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
edited January 1970 in News
This video is a young black man who was once totally into everything Michael, but turned his back on him, to hate and disgust because of the implications of what the media showed about MJ.

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Now I give him credit for so elequently explaining why the majority in the world still call him a pedophile and make fun of him. He said no one else could go around saying they sleep with other people's sons, and get away with it, and say it's just love, that if Michael did that in this speaker's community, he would get slapped hard. He couldn't understand all the secrecy that MJ kept around his life, with locked rooms and security and him wearing masks all the time, which speaks to the world of hiding something illegal. I understand his fear that the world is making hurting children and hating your own black race skin color, as an acceptable thing to do. He kept saying, he was keeping it real, just saying what he really felt. I would venture to say, this man's views truly represent the majority of once MJ fans but now haters. Now, I would say this video moved me and was compelling, and I feel his agony. I sense deep pain in him. Maybe the hopes and trust the black culture had in MJ were dashed, and now they feel betrayed. He dared the MJ fans who he said would say to him, "Don't you diss Michael, he's the king of Pop" to message him back. I feel moved in my heart to respond to him.

I have to think long and hard about this one. Knowing what I know now about Michael Jackson, I would say in all honesty that I would have allowed my two sons to stay with him. But that's only because I've spent a year closely annalyzing the man's true nature. My daughter was molested by my aunt's boyfriend and it very negatively affected her life, so I'm aware of the consequences. There's something about the man that exudes mystery and controversy. There are millions of kids who have been forever scarred by sexual abuse, but I don't believe there has been one child hurt by MJ, only thousands of kids blessed and truly loved in a profound way. Kids like Dave who had been set on fire by his own father, kids who hardly knew their fathers, kids who had cancer and were dying, but recover after their stay at Neverland.

I know this might offend some people, but I can't help but think that if Jesus were living in the US today, we would find many of his ways of doing things and aspects of his life also unusual. He was single (had many women friends), didn't have a job just went from town to town socializing with groups of men, children apparantly followed him and mothers wanted him to touch and hold their children. We don't know anything about his sleeping arrangement although I think he just slept wherever. We all know there has been controversy over him being gay or having a woman lover with whom he had a child, both of which I reject. I do feel he may have had a close love bond with one woman possibly Mary Magdalene, but that's purely speculation. But after all he was completely human and would have had desires for marital love with a woman.

So in this same sense I feel Michael was very unique and it takes an open mindset to comprehend the actual real contribution of Michael to the world. His Oxford speech makes it clear his struggle and active fight for the suffering children around the world, the millions of dollars in aid for them, as well as countless hours of exhausting touring of remote hospitals with pathetic suffering children are all things few real pedophiles would take the time to do. Jesus also was convicted in a mock trial with false testimony and sentenced to die, and the accusations were that He claimed to be God and stirred up the people against the law of Moses, the latter which wasn't true. The things Michael was accused of also APPEAR to be true, but that's where you have to dig deeper. The worthwhile things in life are always things you have expend energy on digging for, like diamonds and gold.

If anyone has more to add to this thread I would appreciate it. Take the time to listen to this man speak out of his real concerns and bitterness, the whole video. Speak from your heart, what would you say to this man? I think he wants facts not just emotions.


  • I had to turn the video off somewhere around where he started saying that MJ was the only black man to ever change colors and that he was metamorphisizing etc..If he was such a die hard fan at one time...why didn't he do his research and realize that MJ had vitiligo? Wha's wrong with having an amusement park in front of his home? Michael had a "ghetto pass"? For all those who would accept MJ 'just because he's MJ' there was also those that were determined to NOT accept him....'just because he was MJ'. Either way you will always have those who check out facts and base their opinions on that and then those who simply follow the crowd. Perhaps this gentleman addressed this further into the video and if he did that's great. I just couldn't listen to the rest. It's not easy being different.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I had to turn the video off somewhere around where he started saying that MJ was the only black man to ever change colors and that he was metamorphisizing etc..If he was such a die hard fan at one time...why didn't he do his research and realize that MJ had vitiligo? Wha's wrong with having an amusement park in front of his home? Michael had a "ghetto pass"? For all those who would accept MJ 'just because he's MJ' there was also those that were determined to NOT accept him....'just because he was MJ'. Either way you will always have those who check out facts and base their opinions on that and then those who simply follow the crowd. Perhaps this gentleman addressed this further into the video and if he did that's great. I just couldn't listen to the rest. It's not easy being different.

    Thank you for responding. This following the crowd business is totally what's wrong with people. They pride themselves for being individual thinkers but it doesn't show. Like TS asked, do you think for yourself. Something has to change in this man's heart I think, his arrogance and insecurity and neglect of checking out facts, like you say, are obvious.
  • The majority of the population are so prompt to judge people without any knowledge. I couldn't continue listening to this person either. If this person took one moment of his time and researched that MJ had vitiligo, and that MJ is proud to be a black man. He considers himself a black man. He did not have any choice with this desease what can he do? I feel sorry for people who have no knowledge and they speak as they know everything. This is none sense.
  • I don't plan to listen to anything where the youtuber disables the ability to comment.
    If he's too lazy to do research, so be it. He's entitled to his opinion.
    And, as I am an African American who speaks to or has read information/comments from countless other Black people in the U.S. and all over the world who have loved and still love Michael Jackson, this youtuber doesn't represent anyone's majority. Sure, there are Black people and all kinds of people who think like this youtuber does but all you have to do is look at the footage on June 25, 2009 or June 25, 2010 to see the hords of black people who are fans and still fans. Please show me where most diehard fans are now haters. I can't seem to find evidence of this.
  • I don't plan to listen to anything where the youtuber disables the ability to comment.
    If he's too lazy to do research, so be it. He's entitled to his opinion.
    And, as I am an African American who speaks to or has read information/comments from countless other Black people in the U.S. and all over the world who have loved and still love Michael Jackson, this youtuber doesn't represent anyone's majority. Sure, there are Black people and all kinds of people who think like this youtuber does but all you have to do is look at the footage on June 25, 2009 or June 25, 2010 to see the hords of black people who are fans and still fans. Please show me where most diehard fans are now haters. I can't seem to find evidence of this.
  • KacyLovesMJKacyLovesMJ Posts: 197
    I was at the hospital for the majority of last night with my uncle and aunt. My uncle is in the hospital and they aren't sure if what's wrong with him will be ok by putting fluids into him (his kidneys had shut down and he was badly dehydrated) but things started looking up because he was getting his color back and seemed in really good spirits. While my mom and I were talking to my aunt in the waiting room, we noticed she had a ton of Elvis stuff (her purse, cover for her phone, wallet, etc) so mom was talking to her about the Jesse thing and how Elvis could still be alive and then we went onto the topic of Michael. I'm not really sure if my aunt was/is a fan of Michael's but the entire time we were talking about him, she was agreeing with everything we were saying. My mom said, "If they did fake their deaths, I wouldn't blame them at all." and I said, "No, especially Michael, because he has been under such extreme scrutiny all of his life." and my aunt nodded her head in agreement and then said, "I never believed any of those accusations they brought against him. If he had really done that to those two kids, then he would have done it to several more. Look at how many children he let in to Neverland." I think people need to stop believing everything the media says and do their own research. I honestly didn't watch the video from this person because I've seen enough bashing of Michael, especially over this past year and it would just make me mad. I'm tired of people going by what the media says and not doing their own research. But I must say, if I was going to respond to this guy, this is the story I would tell him to try and help open his eyes.
  • GirlSaturdayGirlSaturday Posts: 1,020
    I may be in the minority but I know a lot of people who share the sentiments of this guy. I have witnessed many conversations similar to what is said in this guy’s videos. I know a lot of people in my age bracket (49) who were once MJ fans and they turned away from MJ when it was perceived that MJ “left home” and never looked back . On June 25th, a lot of people acknowledged that they mourned over and cried for MJ pre-Thriller since they could no longer relate to MJ after that period.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I guess I should have worded it--this guy represents the majority of the haters that once used to be die-hard fans, not the majority of MJ fans in general. Also my purpose in bringing it to your attention was to help to know how to best counter or address the sincere points they make. They are not stupid people (maybe lazy), but stubbornly refuse to listen to anybody but the media, or look beneath the obvious. So we need to get the counter message out. Even the association with Elvis in the tweeting, is providing a forum for knowledgable fans to come to MJ's defense. We are becoming better trained to fight on his behalf!

    It's happened to me a few times this last year, that the topic of MJ would come up. Recently one of my managers overheard myself and customer talking about the hoax, and she said, "It's a good thing he's dead, creepy pedo." So I had a chance to tell her it was all a set up and Michael was framed. She didn't say anything, and I'm sure she'll maybe do some rethinking.
  • MJLOVER32MJLOVER32 Posts: 130
    Dont worry about the 85%ters, there just irrelevant!! <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    I was at the hospital for the majority of last night with my uncle and aunt. My uncle is in the hospital and they aren't sure if what's wrong with him will be ok by putting fluids into him (his kidneys had shut down and he was badly dehydrated) but things started looking up because he was getting his color back and seemed in really good spirits. While my mom and I were talking to my aunt in the waiting room, we noticed she had a ton of Elvis stuff (her purse, cover for her phone, wallet, etc) so mom was talking to her about the Jesse thing and how Elvis could still be alive and then we went onto the topic of Michael. I'm not really sure if my aunt was/is a fan of Michael's but the entire time we were talking about him, she was agreeing with everything we were saying. My mom said, "If they did fake their deaths, I wouldn't blame them at all." and I said, "No, especially Michael, because he has been under such extreme scrutiny all of his life." and my aunt nodded her head in agreement and then said, "I never believed any of those accusations they brought against him. If he had really done that to those two kids, then he would have done it to several more. Look at how many children he let in to Neverland." I think people need to stop believing everything the media says and do their own research. I honestly didn't watch the video from this person because I've seen enough bashing of Michael, especially over this past year and it would just make me mad. I'm tired of people going by what the media says and not doing their own research. But I must say, if I was going to respond to this guy, this is the story I would tell him to try and help open his eyes.

    I hope and pray your uncle recovers and is totally healed. I will uplift him in prayer! Keep the Faith!
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