something about "green man"

farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
i was looking through some videos of Kaka the football player (who i'm having a sever crush on right now! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) on youtube. i was watching the making of a commercial that had Kaka in it and there were two green men. here is the video : [youtube:14ciq1xa]

stop at 1:10, you'll see the green men. but they do not have their faces covered but in the commercial they were replaced by two other sports persons (watch from 5:00) . my point is, it proves "green men" do not have to cover their faces to be replaced later as the "green man" in the "we are the world" video had his face covered. so why was he covered like THAT?


  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648

    Why are you sad? I might be wrong, but this could actually be a positive thing - it means whoever was the "green man" was disguised and never revealed on purpose. It proves the "green man" wasn't a random person.
  • Thank you for posting this! It is definitely a sign to me that the green man wasn't normal. Blessings.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I kind of always thought the green man thing in, "We Are the World" was just photo-shopped.......really? Do you think that was really a guy, or MJ in that? I know it looks like him. But it seemed way too obvious. Nothing about it really seemed real to me.....maybe I am just crazy. I wasn't a member back I kept quiet <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I have read the threads about it....just figured I'd ask is interesting, this video. I think it does make the point perfectly....why cover the face/head before? The only thing I can figure, is the guys in this video, needed to have the head/face shown, it was only the body they were going to green-out/in. In the MJ video, it was said the whole person can be placed.......I think?

    Have an awesome day!
  • I don't believe green man was him at all, but if they were trying to make us think it's a hoax, it was someone planted to make us believe it was him <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Or it was representing the viewer being a part of the video or some cheese like that....
  • [youtube:30vxfii9]
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Chromakey (the term for using a green screen technique) as some interesting gematria results.....(serenity- a couple you will love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Also "green man" as some interesting matches...

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    (I talked about gematria in a thread called "Coincidences...?" if you are interested)
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10681<!-- l -->

    Blessings for an awesome day!
  • If MJ disguised himself as Dave Dave I will not put it passed him to disguise himself as the green man. Why not?
  • I was too hurt to watch tv the first few days so just taped stuff. When I saw DaveDave's LKL interview when joining this board, I looked at him, got shocked, and started laughing with tears thinking it's michael, though now I'm not sure

    But last night I watched Barbara Walters after so many years though I would watch that interview often as a kid on my tape, I looked at his eyes and way of talking and immediately thought of DaveDave at LKL and went HOLY SHIT no wonder you guys all think it's him!
  • The green man appears to be very small compared to others. I think it's interesting to compare the singer in front of him (do not know his name, they seem to be the same size) and try to compare it with Mike later. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    PS: When the image of the green man is fixed, the shape of his face seems similar to that of Mike. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I don't believe green man was photoshopped because when you watch the actual video you can see the green man for like a split second. You will see him if you pay close attention.
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570

    Why are you sad? I might be wrong, but this could actually be a positive thing - it means whoever was the "green man" was disguised and never revealed on purpose. It proves the "green man" wasn't a random person.

    i was sad because no one was replying! lol.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ofcourse it is a positive thing, it proves they do not have to cover their head or even face like that green man in the WATW video.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I don't believe green man was photoshopped because when you watch the actual video you can see the green man for like a split second. You will see him if you pay close attention.'re right. I just thought it was so odd....surly that's a shop-job. But I know what you mean about the video. Sort of reminds me again of the painting, "Son of Man" because of the color we are dealing with. The face in the painting is covered by a green apple....the same color green.
    Anyways, we'll figure it out <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Have an awesome day!
  • Parallels have been drawn between the Green Man and various deities. Many see him as being connected to the Mesopotamian Tammuz who is thought to symbolize the triumph of Life over Winter and Death, Osiris, Odin, and even Jesus, as well as later folkloric and literary characters such as the Holly King.

    Mythical figures such as Cernunnos, Sylvanus, Derg Corra, Green George, Jack in the green, John Barleycorn, Robin Goodfellow, Puck, and the Green Knight all partake of the Green Man's nature; it has also been suggested that the story of Robin Hood (Dave Dave has pics of himself as Robin Hood on myspace) was born of the same mythology. A more modern embodiment is found in Peter Pan, who enters the civilized world from Neverland, clothed in green leaves.
  • Maybe green man was peter pan haha

    or green giant
  • farhatmjjfarhatmjj Posts: 570
    I kind of always thought the green man thing in, "We Are the World" was just photo-shopped.......really?

    i don't believe it was photoshopped at all, it was in the original video, so... no. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    it is interesting, this video. I think it does make the point perfectly....why cover the face/head before? The only thing I can figure, is the guys in this video, needed to have the head/face shown, it was only the body they were going to green-out/in. In the MJ video, it was said the whole person can be placed.......I think?

    yes i believe it makes the point perfectly. they don't need to hide/cover their whole heads like the green man in the WATW video to be replaced with some other person. and in this video of Kaka's commercial making, it was not only the bodies that needed to be greened out, these green men were replaced head to toe by Roger Federar and Tiger Woods, two different people.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I think you have a great point here. That doesn't make sense. They don't have to cover the faces like that.....And the whole "green men" thing in WATW doesn't make sense, because it's a whole lotta work to include your picture in that thing....
  • A Green Man is a sculpture, drawing, or other representation of a face surrounded by or made from leaves. Branches or vines may sprout from the nose, mouth, nostrils or other parts of the face and these shoots may bear flowers or fruit. Commonly used as a decorative architectural ornament, Green Men are frequently found on carvings in churches and other buildings (both secular and ecclesiastical). "The Green Man" is also a popular name for English public houses and various interpretations of the name appear on inn signs, which sometimes show a full figure rather than just the head.

    The Green Man motif has many variations. Found in many cultures around the world, the Green Man is often related to natural vegetative deities springing up in different cultures throughout the ages. Primarily it is interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, or "renaissance," representing the cycle of growth each spring. Some speculate that the mythology of the

    Green Man developed independently in the traditions of separate ancient cultures and evolved into the wide variety of examples found throughout history.

    Parallels have been drawn between the Green Man and various deities. Many see him as being connected to the Mesopotamian Tammuz who is thought to symbolize the triumph of Life over Winter and Death, Osiris, Odin, and even Jesus, as well as later folkloric and literary characters such as the Holly King.

    Mythical figures such as Cernunnos, Sylvanus, Derg Corra, Green George, Jack in the green, John Barleycorn, Robin Goodfellow, Puck, and the Green Knight all partake of the Green Man's nature; it has also been suggested that the story of Robin Hood (Dave Dave has pics of himself as Robin Hood on myspace) was born of the same mythology. A more modern embodiment is found in Peter Pan, who enters the civilized world from Neverland, clothed in green leaves.

    So Peter Pan emerges from Neverland. Is this another clue to where Michael is?

  • That's interesting information to know about green man, I'm very proud of my name <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    stop at 1:10, you'll see the green men. but they do not have their faces covered but in the commercial they were replaced by two other sports persons (watch from 5:00) . my point is, it proves "green men" do not have to cover their faces to be replaced later as the "green man" in the "we are the world" video had his face covered. so why was he covered like THAT?

    Not necessarily.

    At some point during rehearsal, the actors may have rehearsed with their hoods off. Perhaps whoever compiled the "behind-the-scenes" clips decided not to include footage of the actors with their hoods on.
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