TII/death connection with X-Factor (Marvel) - Madrox

HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
..I'm speechless
Don't be discouraged and lazy! Take your time to read.. it will blow your mind away
Even though it is a long post it makes sense and there are many connections to Michael..

So..I was on Wikiquotes because I wanted to post the interpretation of V's (movie) speech.. so I found various, but then I asked myself .. If "Guy Fawkes" calls himself V (for Vendetta) why wouldn't Michael use "M" as a clue in TII?

Having said this:

V Vendetta

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.


Behold! In view a humble vaudevillian theatre veteran, chosen on behalf of others as both a victim and a villian by a change of fate. This mask, no mere layer of vanity, it’s evidence of a voice of the people, which was gone and missing; the mask is now a necessary voice of truth that respects what they once fought against. However, this voice is back standing strong and promises to get rid of corrupt evil and deal with the greedy decisions that have violated us. The only way is retribution, a fight, symbolizing a wish, not lacking substance, for the value and truth that will one day justify the alert and moral people. In fact, this lengthy speech is just a strong introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
UKPhoenix79 06:17, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

Here you see me. A humble old stage performer, shown as both a victim and a villain, to which is differed by the circumstance in which you see me. This appearance, is no ornament (mask) of conceit or vanity, is a shadow of the people's voices, now empty, gone; this appearance will deliver the necessary truth that will respect what they once fought against. However, this voice from a past, stands anew and has vowed to destroy these corrupt and infectious vermin who guards the evil and condones the violent and the violation of choice. The only verdict is vengeance; a blood feud, a fight, that is held as a vow not merely in appearance, but a fight for the value and truthfulness that one day will show the right and just. Yes, this rich overabundance of words turns most a wordy face-to-face an introduction, so let me simply say that it is an honor to meet you and you may call me V.
01:12, 19 April 2006 (UTC)

Look at me! A lowly, experienced stage performer, cast as both a victim and a villain by circumstances beyond his control (Which of the two is more determined by the light in which you see me.)
This strange face is no ornament, nor a declaration of conceit or vanity; It is a shadow, a mere whisper of the people's voices, now lost and silent. The people who now worship what they once fought so hard against.
However, this voice from the past stands anew and has promised to destroy these corrupt, greedy, spineless men who guard the evil, condone the violent, and repeatedly stifle the right to personal choice.
The only right decision is a vow of vengeance that is held not merely in appearance, but as a true war that if pursued to the end one day will free those who stand firm and stay true to virtuous actions even in the event that all is lost.
Well… I’ve gone on far more than was necessary so let me simply say that it is an honor to meet you and you may call me V


"V" in Vendetta and "M" in This is it

You may call me V ~ You may call me M

What could M stand for?
M for (of course Michael but maybe it has some other meanings..) murder (?¿, isn't latoya always saying he was murdered? ), movie, M (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix), Monet, Marius (You will see why I mention these names), Madrox

What is M (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix) / Marius&Monet

M (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix) is a fictional comic book superheroine, a mutant who appears in the X-Men family of books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Scott Lobdell and artist Chris Bachalo, she originally was a member of the teenage mutant group Generation X (1994), and now appears in the series X-Factor.

Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix is a long name, but for someone born to one day hold potential in social and genetic class, not to mention develop an infamous "better than you" attitude, it is almost fitting for its owner. This is Monet's full name after birthed in Sarajewo, Bosnia, to Cartier St. Croix and his Algerian wife. She is the second child to the small family, after a son, Marius, but elder sibling to twin sisters, Nicole and Claudette. Out of the four children, Monet has been deemed the favorite because of her good looks and intelligence, of which has developed her personality to consider herself "better" than others.

Living in the lap of luxury, she was afforded everything she ever wanted at a young age. With the same token, she was also afforded certain luxuries that weren't asked for: learning high class etiquette, going to the best private schools, obtaining friends of high social class, and many other things her father's life as an ambassador granted her. Because Cartier's occupation kept him busy, Monet was allowed to do as she pleased most of the time. The little free time he did have was spent cherishing whom he considered his first born, traveling with him across the world and often accompanying him on business ventures so that "daddy's little girl" knew everything he did.

This gave Monet a manipulative edge over her siblings. Although the twins were too young to comprehend this form of attention, the lack thereof irritated and frustrated Marius. It was as if he had never existed in their family - not having the looks or brains to fill his father's expectations. He decided to get back at the family after he manifested a mutant ability to feed off the bone marrow of other people to fuel his energies. Marius' first victim was someone they all loved: their mother, and he killed her without remorse before leaving the St. Croix estate. This tested Monet's compassion and proved that she truly only cared for herself. The only hint of emotion came after viewing her father's sadness from his loss, and the lack of attention he showed her because of it.

Soon after, Monet discovered she was a mutant as well, manifesting super strength, speed, senses, and near-invulnerability, also including low-level telepathy and low-level telekinesis for flight. Considering her abilities to be more of a blessing than a curse, Monet was not afraid to expose her newfound abilities to her father, as she thought herself more perfect because of them. Cartier sought out medical and genetic expertise, letting no penny go wasted in order to help his daughter; and while none of them could give him an answer he wanted, he grew to accept his favorite child nevertheless - even if keeping these talents a secret to the public. He also grew rather protective of his daughter in the coming months, scared he would lose someone else.

Marius did manage to return to the estate with a new look, and offered Monet a chance to fight by his side and rule a world she had never before seen. And after they were to accomplish that, their focus would change to the current world. Not considering his offer for a second, Monet declined and mocked Marius' idea and new grotesque appearance. In anger of his mistreatment from Monet, Marius, who was now calling himself Emplate, used some form of energy to transform his sister into an untouchable, mute creature. Penance was born. And in the coming seconds, Monet was traveling to another dimension by her protective little siblings' abilities, immediately angered at the sight of their brother and his accomplice.

Monet, as Penance, was Emplate's prisoner in an alternate dimension and was used to refuel his energies.. It was until Gateway intervened when Emplate was away that she was able to be set free, teleported onto the grounds of the Massachusetts Academy. Monet was accepted with open arms into the school where she lived in their Bio Dome. For nearly a year, she stayed on the grounds and her frustration built from being trapped inside such a creature. When Emplate returned once more to regain his prisoner, Nicole and Claudette, merged together in an exact replica of Monet, then merged with Emplate. They gained all of his memories and learned that Penance was truly their older sister. Feeling guilty for their sister, the twins swapped bodies with Monet, and they were now trapped in the Penance body while Monet was herself again.

The transition proved fairly easy once Monet was herself again; some said the true Monet was even more arrogant than her imposters. Over time, Penance was seperated from the twins and became a host on its own. When Cartier found out this news - that the true Monet was in fact trapped inside Penance - he removed her from the Massachusetts Academy and enrolled her in a school in Switzerland. Feeling she did not fit in at the academy, Monet agreed to leave. Regretting that decision months after, Monet was able to get in contact with Sean Cassidy, her former headmaster. She eventually joined X-Corps with former teammates Jubilee and Paige Guthrie in order to keep an eye out on Sean. He was not the same after the death of Moira MacTaggert. And suspicion proved to be correct when his behavior-controlled unit started to rampage the city. Only with the aid of the X-Men were the evil X-Corps members able to be stopped.

Monet then joined the newly opened office of X-Corporation Europe to attone for her involvement with X-Corps. She helped with leading uninfected people to safety while her teammates distracted and deactivated Weapon XII. On another mission, she worked directly with the X-Men and their plane was shot down by Black Tom Cassidy. Stacy X, whom Monet mocked moments before in the airplane, was able to save the day with her pheromone-based abilities. But after the mission, Monet decided to put a halt to her super-heroine career and went to college. She is currently a student at ESU studying Business.

So I then looked for the cover of this comic.. and voila!

Oh wait! What do you see? That outfit and scene sound familiar ..


On the site I got the cover from it says:
Really odd effect on this X-Factor cover by Mike Mayhew.
The faces on the Madroxes don't all seem to, well, fit.

This is the BEST PART

In that video you can see that there are many Madroxes, thy are multiplied. You will understand what I mean after reading the following.
I was curious because I didn't know what is a Madrox. So..

What Is, or who is Madrox?

James Arthur "Jamie" Madrox, also called the Multiple Man, is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero, associated with the X-Men. Created by writer Len Wein with script from Chris Claremont and art by John Buscema, he first appeared in Giant-Size Fantastic Four #4 (February 1975).
A mutant with the ability to create instant duplicates or "dupes" of himself, Madrox was largely a minor or supporting character until his appearance in the 1987 miniseries Fallen Angels. The character underwent greater development under writer Peter David through his appearance in David's run of the monthly series X-Factor (vol. 1) in the 1990s, and in David's second and currently ongoing run of the title (vol. 3) in the 2000s.
Multiple Man appeared in the 2006 film, X-Men: The Last Stand, in which he was portrayed by Eric Dane.

Fictional character biography:

Jamie Madrox is born to a family living near the Los Alamos research facility in New Mexico; the background radiation may have stimulated his mutation. When Jamie is born, the doctor's slap causes him to multiply into two identical babies, which shocks his parents and the doctor. Professor Charles Xavier, a friend of the Madrox family, suggests that they move to Kansas to raise the boy in privacy. Dr. Daniel Madrox, Jamie's father, creates a suit for him to wear which is designed to absorb kinetic energy, the source of the duplication.
Later, Damian Tryp, of Singularity Investigations, makes his own offer to look after Jamie, claiming that Jamie is not a mutant, but a "changeling", a predecessor to mutants who develops its powers at birth. Jamie's parents refuse to give Jamie to Tryp. At fifteen years old, Madrox's parents are killed by a tornado alleged to have been caused by Tryp and he begins to run the farm by himself along with his duplicates, or "dupes", until his suit is damaged.

---> Looking for Vengeance. His own Vendetta

.... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

Jamie is then one of the residents of Muir Island who comes under the mental control of the Shadow King. Following the destruction of Muir Island and the defeat of the Shadow King, he becomes a government operative as a member of the second X-Factor team, which is assembled by Val Cooper. Here, he develops a reputation as a prankster, forming a friendship with teammate Strong Guy. Also on the team is former New Mutant Wolfsbane, who later joins his X-Factor Investigations.
In the first day of the team, one of his duplicates is shot and killed, and Madrox learns for the first time that he cannot absorb a deceased duplicate. This makes him realize for the first time how independent his duplicates actually are. This becomes clearer to him when a duplicate, working for Mister Sinister, decides that it wants to absorb the original, which it does for a short time, until Jamie's dominant personality broke free and reabsorbs the wayward dupe.

After he is exposed to the Legacy Virus while performing CPR on an infected Genoshan mutate,Jamie is forced to kill the Acolyte Mellencamp in self defense by creating a dupe inside the mutant while his hand is in Mellencamp's mouth. Madrox does not often fight in cosmic battles like most of the other X-Men, but he fought doppelgangers during the Infinity War and, along with Wolfsbane, as the two are religious, are taken by the cosmic entity Goddess during the Infinity Crusade.
Jamie's health continues to deteriorate due to the Legacy Virus. An attempted cure by Haven leaves him dead until it is revealed that it was a duplicate who had been infected and died; the real Madrox was alive and suffering from amnesia.

Jamie is the motivation for the Government-sponsored version of X-Factor to break ties with the government and go underground when the team is tricked into thinking Jamie and his duplicates are actually a squad of super-powered terrorists. Eventually, the team discovers this was a manipulation and the group goes rogue, splitting from the government.

He seeks out Strong Guy, who is ill after Jamie's alleged death. Unfortunately, this makes Strong Guy even weaker, but Jamie's mistake is fixed by the genius of new team leader Forge.
He the serves as majority staff for Banshee's X-Corps. Banshee hired ex-criminals to police other mutants but things get bad when Mystique goes on a murderous rampage and has Mastermind's daughter mind control them. The X-Men manage to defeat the renegade X-Corps members, he transfers to one of Xavier's official "non X-Men" mutant teams in Paris' X-Corporation, fighting Weapon XII in the Channel which results in the death of teammate Darkstar.

Mutant Town
After the fall of the X-Corporation, Madrox begins working as a private detective in the "Mutant Town" area of New York, along with former X-Factor teammates Wolfsbane and Strong Guy. In the passing time, Madrox has been sending out his duplicates to lead lives of their own. Among these dupes are a Shaolin monk and an Olympic Gymnast. By this point, his powers are developed to such an extent that any dupe who gains sufficient skills can pass its knowledge on to Jamie, giving him a wide variety of training instantly.

The side effect of excessive withdrawal from absorbing the duplicates leads him to gain their new personalities as well, which gives him a form of multiple personality disorder, in which any new dupes may spontaneously generate any individual personality aspect of Jamie Prime, making them unpredictable, as they more often than not disobey his orders or manifest as personalities that are too volatile or meek.
It is during this period that he encounters an assassin named "Clay", who has the same powers as Jamie. While killed after telling Jamie that the Multiple Man has no idea what he truly is, Clay would come back later.


Before starting, Layla is a young private detective
Forge is a mutant with an unsurpassed brilliance in technology
"Mutant baby" is Mardox's baby

"Messiah Complex"
During "Messiah Complex", Cyclops sends Jamie and Layla to go see Forge, who has built a machine that allows him to monitor alternate timelines. Madrox sends two dupes to find information on two timelines that showed "spikes", after the birth of the Mutant baby, due to two different timelines: one in which the newborn becomes the planet's savior and another where it becomes its dominator. Before anyone can react, Layla jumps into the portal along with one of the dupes, and Madrox collapses into a coma.
Layla and one Madrox duplicate arrive eighty years in the negative future to discover that the mutant race has been severely decimated. Mutants are imprisoned in concentration camps overseen by humans. Layla and the dupe are captured and tattooed with an "M" for mutant over their eyes. There, they encounter a youthful Lucas Bishop, who said that he would gladly go back in time to kill the mutant baby responsible for the way this timeline has turned out. Layla straps a stolen grenade to the duplicate, killing him and sending his memories of the event back to Jamie so he can tell of Bishop's treachery. When Jamie awakens, he develops an M tattoo because his body takes on scarring from duplicates. Jamie leaves and returns to X-Factor Investigations, disillusioned due to Layla's loss.
The other duplicate later returns as the character Cortex.


Madrox's powers and abilities O_O

Jamie Madrox is a changeling, which is either a predecessor to or a subset of mutants. His power is the ability to create perfect duplicates, or "dupes", of himself, and all items on his person (clothing, weaponry, et cetera) through impact when he absorbs kinetic energy (although this sometimes has happened at will) through an unknown process. Most of the time, this is caused by him snapping his fingers, stomping his foot, being struck, or collisions. Each of the duplicates has the exact same power as Jamie himself, and has independent thought, though Madrox "Prime" is usually telepathically and empathically linked to the dupes. His powers have, at least once, been shown to affect the actual design of the shirt he was wearing.

Jamie currently wears a stylized shirt with only six large green shock-absorbent pads on the front of the torso. Whether this indicates a greater degree of control over when his dupes manifest or simply an advance in technology (or if it is simply an ordinary shirt with the same design) is unclear, but shirt designs can also change when duplicates are created sometimes.
During his time with X-Factor, the maximum number of dupes Madrox could create (including the dupe's dupes) was approximately 40, but the limit has grown far beyond that, such as when Hydra tried to manipulate Jamie into becoming one of their number, and the plan backfiring since he cannot be mindcontrolled, which instead made an "ocean" of Madroxes that drowned the organization's cohorts. Duplicates have independent minds from the original, but are usually willing to merge back because their memories and knowledge are retained.

Snap his fingers ? ...

“Let me breathe in my own time when I come back in. I'm gonna button my shirt or my jacket or whatever it is. I'm gonna look around a little bit, play with them. Snap my fingers maybe, then BAM!”~Michael Jackson, This Is It


Other versions

1.- Marvel Zombies

Multiple Man is one of the zombies that Ashley G. Williams encounters in issue #3 of the 2007 miniseries "Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness". Duplicated already, all the copies try to devour Ash, who seemingly destroys them all. It is not shown how exactly Madrox became a zombie.

zombie = LIVING DEAD ;D

2.- Ultimate Multiple Man

[...] Talks about an army of duplicates etc , but what stood up for me was this:

In the "Return of The King" arc, Madrox states that he can only produce approximately 27 or 28 dupes before he gets a bad sense of déjà vu.

3.- Earth X

[...] In a last stand against the Wendigo, the combined forces of Black Panther, the X-Men, the Ani-Men and the Hulk defeat the Wendigo in a circle of fire. Jaime then reverts to normal and confesses his cannibalism before dying. It is not specified if the Jamie in this book is the original Jamie or a duplicate that had died.

Now some other photos:

Those are Madroxes. Nice outfit



  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    this really blow my mind!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    M = mindblowing!
    looks like this picture too...
  • Wow - this is really incredible how you are able to put all of this together. Bravo. Michael's outfit seems to be taken literally from the picture you posted as though it was the inspiration for the outfit. Well done. I don't know what to think about it all but it's very thought provoking.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Whoa, long post! Reminder to read later on.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    What do you think of the wild theory that Michael experimented with cloning, or was experimented on by others (of higher authority). That he had a clone or clones of himself, I've heard that suggested on other threads, hence combining with twin theories. Hence a clone of Michael died (from what I've read elsewhere clones age more rapidly, thus the autopsy showed an old man). The real one is in hiding. I'm not saying I'm agreeing with this, I'm just asking. Apparantly there have been massive amounts of top secret genetic engineering going on for some time now, but who knows what's fantasy and what's real. Sometimes truth can be stranger than fiction. There have been SO many movies with themes including cloning of humans. What I do believe with all my heart, is my study has brought me to believe that God, the Creator of the Universe is speaking to us in ALL creative literature, ancient and modern, especially the movies in this last century. If you notice repetive themes going on, patterns of teaching and storylines, there's truths there that apply to our true past, our present situation, and future state, as we are here with angelic, "alien" forces, in the great Drama that God is carrying out in the History of the world, directed and produced by God, we are the actors/actresses. The end will be beautiful and happy.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    What do you think of the wild theory that Michael experimented with cloning, or was experimented on by others (of higher authority). That he had a clone or clones of himself, I've heard that suggested on other threads, hence combining with twin theories. Hence a clone of Michael died (from what I've read elsewhere clones age more rapidly, thus the autopsy showed an old man). The real one is in hiding. I'm not saying I'm agreeing with this, I'm just asking. Apparantly there have been massive amounts of top secret genetic engineering going on for some time now, but who knows what's fantasy and what's real. Sometimes truth can be stranger than fiction. There have been SO many movies with themes including cloning of humans. What I do believe with all my heart, is my study has brought me to believe that God, the Creator of the Universe is speaking to us in ALL creative literature, ancient and modern, especially the movies in this last century. If you notice repetive themes going on, patterns of teaching and storylines, there's truths there that apply to our true past, our present situation, and future state, as we are here with angelic, "alien" forces, in the great Drama that God is carrying out in the History of the world, directed and produced by God, we are the actors/actresses. The end will be beautiful and happy.

    What I take those clones in Marvel for are the impersonators (when it says it wasn't the real Madrox who died but a clone), although there are many articles about this
    I lol @ them, Michael is really making fun of the media..See for instance the following article:

    According to the driver of the late pop legend, the singer wanted to get himself cloned because he was afraid of death. He also added that MJ wanted to live forever.
    According to the reports MJ had attended a cloning meeting along with Uri Geller, his friend. The reports also say that he was interested in the preaching done by the Raelians sect and had requested them for cloning him.
    "Jackson was very excited. He bounced out of that conference like a small child. He was smiling and on a high. I heard him and Uri talking in the back of the limo. He was talking about the prospect of being cloned," said Al Bowman, Jackson's chauffeur who drove him to the event in 2002.
    "He grabbed Uri by both arms and told him, 'I really want to do it Uri, and I don't care how much it costs'. I always remember Jackson talking about the cloning of Dolly the sheep in Britain in 1996 - he was totally fascinated by it. Then when he heard about the Raelians, he became utterly convinced this weird religious group could clone humans.
    "It was really oddball stuff, but it interested Michael. One day in the limousine he said, 'They did it with Dolly'. I said, 'Dali... you mean Salvador Dali'. We both laughed. Michael said he wanted a mini-version of himself cloned to carry on his legacy. He was hoping that Michael Jackson could live for ever", added his driver.

    The greatest media hoax ever. Well done

    This is another one..and, oh at the end of the article you can see it talks about the speculations about him having staged his death ;D

    Only hours after news of the tragic death of the King of Pop Michael Jackson was confirmed on June 25, conspiracy theories were already starting to circulate on the Internet and in the media. Stemming mostly from fans’ refusal or inability to accept that their idol had gone, they had it that he was still alive and well – and perhaps just playing a hoax on them as he used to. A new report has it now that a clone of Michael Jackson exists, as LiveScience informs.

    Speculation about Michael’s fascination with the occult but also with medical advances into the field of cloning has often made headlines. The singer himself reportedly told Uri Geller, self-proclaimed “mystifier,” that he wanted to have a clone done no matter the cost, a “mini-version of himself to carry on his legacy.”

    Given that Jackson also expressed his desire to “live forever” in countless televised interviews, it’s no wonder this theory is now taking over the Internet and gaining ground with conspiracy theorists, LiveScience explains. However, the chances of this actually happening are not looking that good, the same publication says, no matter the kind of money Michael might have disposed of at one point in his life, before financial and legal woes started to slowly consume his impressive estate.

    “The fact is the science didn’t advance soon enough for Jackson. There have been no substantiated claims of cloned human embryos grown into fetal stages and beyond, despite rumors to the contrary. The capability to so do is near, however. […] But the process remains ineffective. About 98 percent of all cloning experiments don’t work, according to a Human Genome Project fact sheet, and many of those that work result in debilitated offspring and premature deaths.” the science-oriented publication points out, thus somehow debunking the ongoing theory.

    Even if Michael did go ahead with his plan and had himself cloned, he would have still violated the stipulations issued by concerned authorities throughout the years. “More significant than scientific barriers could be ethical concerns. Physicians from the American Medical Association and scientists with the American Association for the Advancement of Science have issued formal public statements advising against human reproductive cloning, the Genome Project notes. […] Cloning might turn human life into a commodity, leading to a spare parts market for harvesting human organs from cloned ‘brain-less bodies’ for the rich as they seek to extend their life span.” LiveScience writes.

    While the cloning theory is seen as viable by many, we might as well note that it’s not the only one making the rounds at this moment. Two other theories have it that either Michael Jackson staged his death to free himself of creditors and the media, and is now living a happy, secluded life away from all this madness, and that he actually died two years ago, and what fans saw in the meanwhile was just a clone.

    This really cracked me up:

    While the self-titled "King of Pop" is getting ready to return to the concert stage this July, rumors are pouring in about what will take place during his performance. I have heard that when Michael performs the song "Dangerous," he will be cloned.
    During the performance, Michael walks inside some type of "cloning machine." Suddenly, about a dozen 3D holographic Michael Jackson figures come out. They dance with each other, hug each other, and even pick each other up. "It is amazingly cool," the source told me. "It will look very real to most of the people in the audience, except for the ones standing right by the stage."
    Michael Jackson kicks off his This Is It concert series at the O2 Arena in London, England on July 8. Rumor has it that Michael Jackson will bring the concert series to the United States next year.
  • Reminder to read tomorrow.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    riminder to read later
  • emeraldcityemeraldcity Posts: 222
    Thank you for your excellent research into all this Hazzely ... it truly IS mind-blowing and there are so many connections to Michael that I'm sure it's not just a coincidence. Since I believe this hoax has been planned meticulously over a number of years, I have no doubt that Michael would have done extensive research into many subjects which he could weave into some gigantic virtual kind of tapestry. I think we're only looking at the back view at the present time, with all the loose threads that don't seem to be connected. The day it is flipped over and we can see all those amazing colours and intricate patterns will be the day to set our minds truly spinning. That's how I like to think of it anyhow!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • elocin_mjelocin_mj Posts: 147
    information overload...
    my head hurts but its worth it...
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    While the self-titled "King of Pop" is getting ready to return to the concert stage this July, rumors are pouring in about what will take place during his performance. I have heard that when Michael performs the song "Dangerous," he will be cloned.During the performance, Michael walks inside some type of "cloning machine." Suddenly, about a dozen 3D holographic Michael Jackson figures come out. They dance with each other, hug each other, and even pick each other up. "It is amazingly cool," the source told me. "It will look very real to most of the people in the audience, except for the ones standing right by the stage."
    Michael Jackson kicks off his This Is It concert series at the O2 Arena in London, England on July 8. Rumor has it that Michael Jackson will bring the concert series to the United States next year.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    THIS IS IT ! THE BEST ,EDIA HOAX EVER!!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    It is sad that people ignore some threads because of their lenght..
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    While the self-titled "King of Pop" is getting ready to return to the concert stage this July, rumors are pouring in about what will take place during his performance. I have heard that when Michael performs the song "Dangerous," he will be cloned.During the performance, Michael walks inside some type of "cloning machine." Suddenly, about a dozen 3D holographic Michael Jackson figures come out. They dance with each other, hug each other, and even pick each other up. "It is amazingly cool," the source told me. "It will look very real to most of the people in the audience, except for the ones standing right by the stage."
    Michael Jackson kicks off his This Is It concert series at the O2 Arena in London, England on July 8. Rumor has it that Michael Jackson will bring the concert series to the United States next year.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    THIS IS IT ! THE BEST ,EDIA HOAX EVER!!! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    That was hilarious haha
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    So that I do not forget it!!!
    I read it later!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    It is sad that people ignore some threads because of their lenght..

    I'm absolutely not ignoring it, but it IS a long one and I want to take my time to read it, so I guess that will be this weekend.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    It is sad that people ignore some threads because of their lenght..

    I'm absolutely not ignoring it, but it IS a long one and I want to take my time to read it, so I guess that will be this weekend.

    Oh no that wasn't going for you <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , but usually when people see a long thread they tend to ignore it, and that happens in ALL long threads, and that's a pity.. I'd love to exchange opinions with others..
    Maybe there're people who could come with something else, make observations, agree/disagree ..
    Same happens with TS's posts..people complaining they are too long, but it might be worth reading them

    I don't know if you get my point, I don't wanna sound mean <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    It is sad that people ignore some threads because of their lenght..

    I'm absolutely not ignoring it, but it IS a long one and I want to take my time to read it, so I guess that will be this weekend.

    Oh no that wasn't going for you <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> , but usually when people see a long thread they tend to ignore it, and that happens in ALL long threads, and that's a pity.. I'd love to exchange opinions with others..
    Maybe there're people who could come with something else, make observations, agree/disagree ..
    Same happens with TS's posts..people complaining they are too long, but it might be worth reading them

    I don't know if you get my point, I don't wanna sound mean <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Oh yeah, our blog about the trial is long too, 120 pages in Word, so most people haven't read it. Yet there is a lot of important stuff in it. So I do get ya <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    i read all, and understand half of it (english is not my language) that is why i don´t make great observations ( <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> ) just add something or if i´m sure, sure! y said something.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> but your post are always interesting, keep doing it!
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    i read all, and understand half of it (english is not my language) that is why i don´t make great observations ( <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> ) just add something or if i´m sure, sure! y said something.... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> but your post are always interesting, keep doing it!

    You don't need to make any great observation, your contribution is very much appreciated ;D
    It means i'm not crazy and it's not only me who sees the connection <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I rarely watch TV any more but happened by chance upon 'V for Vendetta' on BBC3 television last night, here in the UK. It was listed as a 'thriller'! Very thought provoking but more bloody than I normally like to watch, and I was sad at the end.

    Hazzely, very thorough post - well done! There seem to be so many possible connections everywhere we look. I'd love to know if MJ actually reads this forum - I have this picture of him laughing at some of the things we unearth and either marvelling at how 'clever' we are at finding his well hidden clues, or wishing he had actually thought of them first!!
  • Hello!!!!
    ..I'm speechless
    Don't be discouraged and lazy! Take your time to read.. it will blow your mind away
    Even though it is a long post it makes sense and there are many connections to Michael..

    So..I was on Wikiquotes because I wanted to post the interpretation of V's (movie) speech.. so I found various, but then I asked myself .. If "Guy Fawkes" calls himself V (for Vendetta) why wouldn't Michael use "M" as a clue in TII?

    Having said this:

    V Vendetta

    Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.


    Behold! In view a humble vaudevillian theatre veteran, chosen on behalf of others as both a victim and a villian by a change of fate. This mask, no mere layer of vanity, it’s evidence of a voice of the people, which was gone and missing; the mask is now a necessary voice of truth that respects what they once fought against. However, this voice is back standing strong and promises to get rid of corrupt evil and deal with the greedy decisions that have violated us. The only way is retribution, a fight, symbolizing a wish, not lacking substance, for the value and truth that will one day justify the alert and moral people. In fact, this lengthy speech is just a strong introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
    UKPhoenix79 06:17, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

    Here you see me. A humble old stage performer, shown as both a victim and a villain, to which is differed by the circumstance in which you see me. This appearance, is no ornament (mask) of conceit or vanity, is a shadow of the people's voices, now empty, gone; this appearance will deliver the necessary truth that will respect what they once fought against. However, this voice from a past, stands anew and has vowed to destroy these corrupt and infectious vermin who guards the evil and condones the violent and the violation of choice. The only verdict is vengeance; a blood feud, a fight, that is held as a vow not merely in appearance, but a fight for the value and truthfulness that one day will show the right and just. Yes, this rich overabundance of words turns most a wordy face-to-face an introduction, so let me simply say that it is an honor to meet you and you may call me V.
    01:12, 19 April 2006 (UTC)

    Look at me! A lowly, experienced stage performer, cast as both a victim and a villain by circumstances beyond his control (Which of the two is more determined by the light in which you see me.)
    This strange face is no ornament, nor a declaration of conceit or vanity; It is a shadow, a mere whisper of the people's voices, now lost and silent. The people who now worship what they once fought so hard against.
    However, this voice from the past stands anew and has promised to destroy these corrupt, greedy, spineless men who guard the evil, condone the violent, and repeatedly stifle the right to personal choice.
    The only right decision is a vow of vengeance that is held not merely in appearance, but as a true war that if pursued to the end one day will free those who stand firm and stay true to virtuous actions even in the event that all is lost.
    Well… I’ve gone on far more than was necessary so let me simply say that it is an honor to meet you and you may call me V


    "V" in Vendetta and "M" in This is it

    You may call me V ~ You may call me M

    What could M stand for?
    M for (of course Michael but maybe it has some other meanings..) murder (?¿, isn't latoya always saying he was murdered? ), movie, M (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix), Monet, Marius (You will see why I mention these names), Madrox

    What is M (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix) / Marius&Monet

    M (Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix) is a fictional comic book superheroine, a mutant who appears in the X-Men family of books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Scott Lobdell and artist Chris Bachalo, she originally was a member of the teenage mutant group Generation X (1994), and now appears in the series X-Factor.

    Monet Yvette Clarisse Maria Therese St. Croix is a long name, but for someone born to one day hold potential in social and genetic class, not to mention develop an infamous "better than you" attitude, it is almost fitting for its owner. This is Monet's full name after birthed in Sarajewo, Bosnia, to Cartier St. Croix and his Algerian wife. She is the second child to the small family, after a son, Marius, but elder sibling to twin sisters, Nicole and Claudette. Out of the four children, Monet has been deemed the favorite because of her good looks and intelligence, of which has developed her personality to consider herself "better" than others.

    Living in the lap of luxury, she was afforded everything she ever wanted at a young age. With the same token, she was also afforded certain luxuries that weren't asked for: learning high class etiquette, going to the best private schools, obtaining friends of high social class, and many other things her father's life as an ambassador granted her. Because Cartier's occupation kept him busy, Monet was allowed to do as she pleased most of the time. The little free time he did have was spent cherishing whom he considered his first born, traveling with him across the world and often accompanying him on business ventures so that "daddy's little girl" knew everything he did.

    This gave Monet a manipulative edge over her siblings. Although the twins were too young to comprehend this form of attention, the lack thereof irritated and frustrated Marius. It was as if he had never existed in their family - not having the looks or brains to fill his father's expectations. He decided to get back at the family after he manifested a mutant ability to feed off the bone marrow of other people to fuel his energies. Marius' first victim was someone they all loved: their mother, and he killed her without remorse before leaving the St. Croix estate. This tested Monet's compassion and proved that she truly only cared for herself. The only hint of emotion came after viewing her father's sadness from his loss, and the lack of attention he showed her because of it.

    Soon after, Monet discovered she was a mutant as well, manifesting super strength, speed, senses, and near-invulnerability, also including low-level telepathy and low-level telekinesis for flight. Considering her abilities to be more of a blessing than a curse, Monet was not afraid to expose her newfound abilities to her father, as she thought herself more perfect because of them. Cartier sought out medical and genetic expertise, letting no penny go wasted in order to help his daughter; and while none of them could give him an answer he wanted, he grew to accept his favorite child nevertheless - even if keeping these talents a secret to the public. He also grew rather protective of his daughter in the coming months, scared he would lose someone else.

    Marius did manage to return to the estate with a new look, and offered Monet a chance to fight by his side and rule a world she had never before seen. And after they were to accomplish that, their focus would change to the current world. Not considering his offer for a second, Monet declined and mocked Marius' idea and new grotesque appearance. In anger of his mistreatment from Monet, Marius, who was now calling himself Emplate, used some form of energy to transform his sister into an untouchable, mute creature. Penance was born. And in the coming seconds, Monet was traveling to another dimension by her protective little siblings' abilities, immediately angered at the sight of their brother and his accomplice.

    Monet, as Penance, was Emplate's prisoner in an alternate dimension and was used to refuel his energies.. It was until Gateway intervened when Emplate was away that she was able to be set free, teleported onto the grounds of the Massachusetts Academy. Monet was accepted with open arms into the school where she lived in their Bio Dome. For nearly a year, she stayed on the grounds and her frustration built from being trapped inside such a creature. When Emplate returned once more to regain his prisoner, Nicole and Claudette, merged together in an exact replica of Monet, then merged with Emplate. They gained all of his memories and learned that Penance was truly their older sister. Feeling guilty for their sister, the twins swapped bodies with Monet, and they were now trapped in the Penance body while Monet was herself again.

    The transition proved fairly easy once Monet was herself again; some said the true Monet was even more arrogant than her imposters. Over time, Penance was seperated from the twins and became a host on its own. When Cartier found out this news - that the true Monet was in fact trapped inside Penance - he removed her from the Massachusetts Academy and enrolled her in a school in Switzerland. Feeling she did not fit in at the academy, Monet agreed to leave. Regretting that decision months after, Monet was able to get in contact with Sean Cassidy, her former headmaster. She eventually joined X-Corps with former teammates Jubilee and Paige Guthrie in order to keep an eye out on Sean. He was not the same after the death of Moira MacTaggert. And suspicion proved to be correct when his behavior-controlled unit started to rampage the city. Only with the aid of the X-Men were the evil X-Corps members able to be stopped.

    Monet then joined the newly opened office of X-Corporation Europe to attone for her involvement with X-Corps. She helped with leading uninfected people to safety while her teammates distracted and deactivated Weapon XII. On another mission, she worked directly with the X-Men and their plane was shot down by Black Tom Cassidy. Stacy X, whom Monet mocked moments before in the airplane, was able to save the day with her pheromone-based abilities. But after the mission, Monet decided to put a halt to her super-heroine career and went to college. She is currently a student at ESU studying Business.

    So I then looked for the cover of this comic.. and voila!

    Oh wait! What do you see? That outfit and scene sound familiar ..


    On the site I got the cover from it says:
    Really odd effect on this X-Factor cover by Mike Mayhew.
    The faces on the Madroxes don't all seem to, well, fit.

    This is the BEST PART

    In that video you can see that there are many Madroxes, thy are multiplied. You will understand what I mean after reading the following.
    I was curious because I didn't know what is a Madrox. So..

    What Is, or who is Madrox?

    James Arthur "Jamie" Madrox, also called the Multiple Man, is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superhero, associated with the X-Men. Created by writer Len Wein with script from Chris Claremont and art by John Buscema, he first appeared in Giant-Size Fantastic Four #4 (February 1975).
    A mutant with the ability to create instant duplicates or "dupes" of himself, Madrox was largely a minor or supporting character until his appearance in the 1987 miniseries Fallen Angels. The character underwent greater development under writer Peter David through his appearance in David's run of the monthly series X-Factor (vol. 1) in the 1990s, and in David's second and currently ongoing run of the title (vol. 3) in the 2000s.
    Multiple Man appeared in the 2006 film, X-Men: The Last Stand, in which he was portrayed by Eric Dane.

    Fictional character biography:

    Jamie Madrox is born to a family living near the Los Alamos research facility in New Mexico; the background radiation may have stimulated his mutation. When Jamie is born, the doctor's slap causes him to multiply into two identical babies, which shocks his parents and the doctor. Professor Charles Xavier, a friend of the Madrox family, suggests that they move to Kansas to raise the boy in privacy. Dr. Daniel Madrox, Jamie's father, creates a suit for him to wear which is designed to absorb kinetic energy, the source of the duplication.
    Later, Damian Tryp, of Singularity Investigations, makes his own offer to look after Jamie, claiming that Jamie is not a mutant, but a "changeling", a predecessor to mutants who develops its powers at birth. Jamie's parents refuse to give Jamie to Tryp. At fifteen years old, Madrox's parents are killed by a tornado alleged to have been caused by Tryp and he begins to run the farm by himself along with his duplicates, or "dupes", until his suit is damaged.

    ---> Looking for Vengeance. His own Vendetta

    .... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Jamie is then one of the residents of Muir Island who comes under the mental control of the Shadow King. Following the destruction of Muir Island and the defeat of the Shadow King, he becomes a government operative as a member of the second X-Factor team, which is assembled by Val Cooper. Here, he develops a reputation as a prankster, forming a friendship with teammate Strong Guy. Also on the team is former New Mutant Wolfsbane, who later joins his X-Factor Investigations.
    In the first day of the team, one of his duplicates is shot and killed, and Madrox learns for the first time that he cannot absorb a deceased duplicate. This makes him realize for the first time how independent his duplicates actually are. This becomes clearer to him when a duplicate, working for Mister Sinister, decides that it wants to absorb the original, which it does for a short time, until Jamie's dominant personality broke free and reabsorbs the wayward dupe.

    After he is exposed to the Legacy Virus while performing CPR on an infected Genoshan mutate,Jamie is forced to kill the Acolyte Mellencamp in self defense by creating a dupe inside the mutant while his hand is in Mellencamp's mouth. Madrox does not often fight in cosmic battles like most of the other X-Men, but he fought doppelgangers during the Infinity War and, along with Wolfsbane, as the two are religious, are taken by the cosmic entity Goddess during the Infinity Crusade.
    Jamie's health continues to deteriorate due to the Legacy Virus. An attempted cure by Haven leaves him dead until it is revealed that it was a duplicate who had been infected and died; the real Madrox was alive and suffering from amnesia.

    Jamie is the motivation for the Government-sponsored version of X-Factor to break ties with the government and go underground when the team is tricked into thinking Jamie and his duplicates are actually a squad of super-powered terrorists. Eventually, the team discovers this was a manipulation and the group goes rogue, splitting from the government.

    He seeks out Strong Guy, who is ill after Jamie's alleged death. Unfortunately, this makes Strong Guy even weaker, but Jamie's mistake is fixed by the genius of new team leader Forge.
    He the serves as majority staff for Banshee's X-Corps. Banshee hired ex-criminals to police other mutants but things get bad when Mystique goes on a murderous rampage and has Mastermind's daughter mind control them. The X-Men manage to defeat the renegade X-Corps members, he transfers to one of Xavier's official "non X-Men" mutant teams in Paris' X-Corporation, fighting Weapon XII in the Channel which results in the death of teammate Darkstar.

    Mutant Town
    After the fall of the X-Corporation, Madrox begins working as a private detective in the "Mutant Town" area of New York, along with former X-Factor teammates Wolfsbane and Strong Guy. In the passing time, Madrox has been sending out his duplicates to lead lives of their own. Among these dupes are a Shaolin monk and an Olympic Gymnast. By this point, his powers are developed to such an extent that any dupe who gains sufficient skills can pass its knowledge on to Jamie, giving him a wide variety of training instantly.

    The side effect of excessive withdrawal from absorbing the duplicates leads him to gain their new personalities as well, which gives him a form of multiple personality disorder, in which any new dupes may spontaneously generate any individual personality aspect of Jamie Prime, making them unpredictable, as they more often than not disobey his orders or manifest as personalities that are too volatile or meek.
    It is during this period that he encounters an assassin named "Clay", who has the same powers as Jamie. While killed after telling Jamie that the Multiple Man has no idea what he truly is, Clay would come back later.


    Before starting, Layla is a young private detective
    Forge is a mutant with an unsurpassed brilliance in technology
    "Mutant baby" is Mardox's baby

    "Messiah Complex"
    During "Messiah Complex", Cyclops sends Jamie and Layla to go see Forge, who has built a machine that allows him to monitor alternate timelines. Madrox sends two dupes to find information on two timelines that showed "spikes", after the birth of the Mutant baby, due to two different timelines: one in which the newborn becomes the planet's savior and another where it becomes its dominator. Before anyone can react, Layla jumps into the portal along with one of the dupes, and Madrox collapses into a coma.
    Layla and one Madrox duplicate arrive eighty years in the negative future to discover that the mutant race has been severely decimated. Mutants are imprisoned in concentration camps overseen by humans. Layla and the dupe are captured and tattooed with an "M" for mutant over their eyes. There, they encounter a youthful Lucas Bishop, who said that he would gladly go back in time to kill the mutant baby responsible for the way this timeline has turned out. Layla straps a stolen grenade to the duplicate, killing him and sending his memories of the event back to Jamie so he can tell of Bishop's treachery. When Jamie awakens, he develops an M tattoo because his body takes on scarring from duplicates. Jamie leaves and returns to X-Factor Investigations, disillusioned due to Layla's loss.
    The other duplicate later returns as the character Cortex.


    Madrox's powers and abilities O_O

    Jamie Madrox is a changeling, which is either a predecessor to or a subset of mutants. His power is the ability to create perfect duplicates, or "dupes", of himself, and all items on his person (clothing, weaponry, et cetera) through impact when he absorbs kinetic energy (although this sometimes has happened at will) through an unknown process. Most of the time, this is caused by him snapping his fingers, stomping his foot, being struck, or collisions. Each of the duplicates has the exact same power as Jamie himself, and has independent thought, though Madrox "Prime" is usually telepathically and empathically linked to the dupes. His powers have, at least once, been shown to affect the actual design of the shirt he was wearing.

    Jamie currently wears a stylized shirt with only six large green shock-absorbent pads on the front of the torso. Whether this indicates a greater degree of control over when his dupes manifest or simply an advance in technology (or if it is simply an ordinary shirt with the same design) is unclear, but shirt designs can also change when duplicates are created sometimes.
    During his time with X-Factor, the maximum number of dupes Madrox could create (including the dupe's dupes) was approximately 40, but the limit has grown far beyond that, such as when Hydra tried to manipulate Jamie into becoming one of their number, and the plan backfiring since he cannot be mindcontrolled, which instead made an "ocean" of Madroxes that drowned the organization's cohorts. Duplicates have independent minds from the original, but are usually willing to merge back because their memories and knowledge are retained.

    Snap his fingers ? ...

    “Let me breathe in my own time when I come back in. I'm gonna button my shirt or my jacket or whatever it is. I'm gonna look around a little bit, play with them. Snap my fingers maybe, then BAM!”~Michael Jackson, This Is It


    Other versions

    1.- Marvel Zombies

    Multiple Man is one of the zombies that Ashley G. Williams encounters in issue #3 of the 2007 miniseries "Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness". Duplicated already, all the copies try to devour Ash, who seemingly destroys them all. It is not shown how exactly Madrox became a zombie.

    zombie = LIVING DEAD ;D

    2.- Ultimate Multiple Man

    [...] Talks about an army of duplicates etc , but what stood up for me was this:

    In the "Return of The King" arc, Madrox states that he can only produce approximately 27 or 28 dupes before he gets a bad sense of déjà vu.

    3.- Earth X

    [...] In a last stand against the Wendigo, the combined forces of Black Panther, the X-Men, the Ani-Men and the Hulk defeat the Wendigo in a circle of fire. Jaime then reverts to normal and confesses his cannibalism before dying. It is not specified if the Jamie in this book is the original Jamie or a duplicate that had died.

    Now some other photos:

    Those are Madroxes. Nice outfit


    Very good post Hazzely,thank you very much !!
    We all know how much Michal loves Marvel heroes.Regarding the costumes from This is it,I was looking at Miss Cast Away movie ,when suddenly I saw again this tipe of design on Michael's clothes.This video is from Neverland and its very emotional but please look at Michael shirt at 0:16,0:45 and 0:52,you can see exactly the same design about you talked .


    Let's not forget that Michael meet Stan Lee in person ,he was at Marvel studios.
    It's just my impression or they were discussing bussiness???? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> It's just me or the man who filmed this has Brett Ratner voice???? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> .Brett Ratner made One of the X-men
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->


    Lately I saw alot of movies about heroes from comic books coming out.
    Just look at this movie with Ryan Reynolds:

    Warner Bros. are planning a live-action adaptation of DC Comics' Green Lantern and have hired Greg Berlanti to co-write and direct, according to a report in The Hollywood Reporter.

    The Green Lantern is one of DC Comics' most enduring and popular characters. Created in 1940, the story revolves around test pilot Hal Jordan, who is charged with defending a section of the universe after he finds a powerful ring that gives him infinite powers, including flight and invisibility.

    So who is Greg Berlanti? His only previous directing credit was the 2000 rom-com The Broken Hearts Club, although since then he's worked regularly in TV, writing and executive-producing the likes of Dawson's Creek, Everwood and Brothers and Sisters.

    Co-writing the script will be Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green, who between them have written for the Superman/Batman, Amazing Spiderman, Wolverine and Blade comics.

    The Green Lantern in action in the DC Comic series.

    Rumours surrounding a Green Lantern adaptation have been circulating for years, with Jack Black at one stage attached to a comedy version of the title.

    However, according to reports, Berlanti met with DC execs last year and successfully lobbied to direct the project. His pitch included 30 images of key scenes drawn up by a concept artist, as well as ideas for a franchise, with the first instalment being an origin movie detailing how Jordan became a member of the Green Lantern corps.

    "To me this is the last great comic book movie that hasn't been made," Berlanti told THR. "It was a comic book with a real mythology that you would see in a lot of the space operas and sci-fi books. The best part about it, anybody can become one of the Green Lanterns because anyone can end up with that ring."

    The Green Lantern character is already set to make a big screen appearance in the forthcoming Justice League movie, although that will feature the John Stewart iteration of the character - who took over from Jordan in the 1970s.

    This movie will come out in 17 june 2011.
    Green Man ?? Saveing the world ?? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> like the one from WE ARE THE WORLD song for HAITI.

    I feel like Im connecting to many DOTS,lol,till I will go crazyyyy <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Love you all,my friends!!!!
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    WOW!! great job Hazzely!!! It was definitely worth the read. I get the feeling that Michael really did his "homework" while planning this hoax! there are way too many "coincidences" in this saga, for it not to be part of the "plan". I think every step has been meticulously planned out well in advance and piece by piece, by piece, we are putting the puzzle together, until BAM! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
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