What Is Travis Payne Doing With MJ in TII Thriller Scene?

heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I keep going back to TII and watching it for clues that I may have missed before....one thing that has always struck me as odd is during "Thriller"....toward the end, when Michael is on the part of the stage that lifts up as the dancers/"Zombies" go under the stage, Travis Payne stands very close to Michael at that point, almost as if he is "spotting" him....yet, it's not as if the stage lifts all that high...maybe ten feet?...and it's not as if MJ is even standing on the very edge and there should be any fear of him falling...TP even sticks with him once MJ turns toward the back of the stage and walks that way...TP is all hunched over and seems to be simulating holding something...it's all very odd and I was just wondering if any of you had any thoughts about what is going on there?

Thanks and Peace To You All!


  • LovelyLurkerLovelyLurker Posts: 149
    This struck me as odd as well but I do not have an answer to it yet. He does seem to be sticking very close and you are right it is not all that dangerous so not sure, Have to watch again and think about it.

    One of the many odd things I see in the movie.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Is this the part when Threatened starts up? Michael sort of directs the dancers that are lower to spin or something. Then he walks back to exit and we hear Kenny ask there is a flashlight......
    if this the part....yes! Very odd, the whole thing. I read on one post it was like Michael was the puppeteer.
    In gematria:
    102 = flashlight = Thriller, world peace, Thriller 2
    (I talked about gematria on a thread called "Coincidences....?")

    Nothing else pops to mind, but I will let it simmer lol <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

  • LovelyLurkerLovelyLurker Posts: 149
    Yes that is the part. It was one of the few times that I felt this was really Michael Jackson in the movie and I remember when I first watched the movie ( at a theatre out of town as I was away) and i thought to myself ... that is really him but the rest i was iffy about. I am not sure if they felt he was too frail and would fall off or if there was something else going on. But a truely very odd moment among many.

    and wishing star I watch your thread with great interest. Not sure what it is all about but very very full of strange coincidences I must say
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Yes that is the part. It was one of the few times that I felt this was really Michael Jackson in the movie and I remember when I first watched the movie ( at a theatre out of town as I was away) and i thought to myself ... that is really him but the rest i was iffy about. I am not sure if they felt he was too frail and would fall off or if there was something else going on. But a truely very odd moment among many.

    and wishing star I watch your thread with great interest. Not sure what it is all about but very very full of strange coincidences I must say

    I am glad I wasn't the only one who thought that part odd! I totally agree with you.
    Thank you for the kind words, they mean a lot to me......that gematria stuff is full of those coincidences! Have an awesome day!
  • Thanks for posting this thread, Heisinme09!!!! I thoroughly agree that this behavior is odd and when I last watched TII with my mom she immediately asked if MJ was blind in the left eye??? She felt Travis was guiding him for that purpose.

    All I know it that I think it odd....because I noticed TP snapping his fingers as if he was keeping the "time" for MJ. But NOBODY, in my opinion, needs to do that for MJ!!!!!! So, so, so odd!!!! I certainly hope someone comes up with a logical explanation because, frankly, this behavior has really got me going!
  • i found it odd as well but when i watched tii again i noticed that anytime this particular michael was on stage he was always looking off stage as if he wanted someones approval or directions on what to do next he didnt seem to be familiar with what he was doing and i just figured thats why travis was helping him.
  • dejavudejavu Posts: 330
    I just thought he was there incase... you know... he were to fall off lol, remember when he was trying out the cherrypicker? "Michael please hold on" <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    He's Michael Jackson for f**k sake, I'm sure they wouldn't take any risks with his safety like that <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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