3 Questions....

newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Scenario....my hubby brought me my cup of tea this morning (he's a sweetie)
I asked him "what are you doing?"
"watching the golf....what are you doing?"
"reading the Michael Jackson Death Hoax forum" (which he knows I do EVERY morning on my iphone whilst having my cuppa)
"tell me about it...."
<!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> OMG. I usually get a grunt. I wasn't expecting that and I didn't know what to say, I was lost for words.
I then realised that there is sooooo much information and so many theories that I am still trying to absorb, I am not
prepared for the questions of a non-believer.
So, here goes.....what would your answers to these 3 questions be? (short, clear and concise answers please).

1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

I'm still not sure how to answer these questions and I would be very interested to know how everyone else on this forum would.....



  • LoriCStoneLoriCStone Posts: 39
    First Why I don't know for sure but I think he is being protected there is a lot of evidence that he was in danger from people in the music industry

    His message is to treat people with respect and love that he never got

    How does faking his death help convey his message I personally think it's kind of the You don't know what you have until gone, and If you noticed how everyone seems to be clearing up all the old rumors about him and to let people see who he is not as the artist but as the human being which is rare for him Like I said these are my thoughts no one knows for sure but him

    I think that we need to take a new path I don't think we need to investigate his death we have tons of evidence to support that he is alive, Have you all thought that with all these videos and investigating we may be putting him and his family in danger. I think we need to get his message of love and helping our neighbors more is what he wanted So lets focus on doing something like Mike would do charity work help a neighbor in need
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    well I strongly believe that Michael faked his death coz he had a reason.. to expose illuminati, and show in what world we are living right know.. whan he faked his death, people discoverd him again.. and his msg of L.O.V.E... know we have to look at the clues, connect the dots, understand his msg and spread it.. and help to heal the world.. and I think he is safe now, he have safe way to talk about some dangerous things...

    sorry I dont know how to explain my thoughts coz I have troubles with english.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Answers from an appearant minority point of view:

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

    He did not; es escaped murder (hopefully)

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

    Nothing specifical but probably just "Appreciate my art, enjoy the show, but leave me (my privacy) alone, finally, please!"

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    Since people tend to count one´s blessings not until they lost him it`s more attention than before.
  • First Why I don't know for sure but I think he is being protected there is a lot of evidence that he was in danger from people in the music industry

    His message is to treat people with respect and love that he never got

    How does faking his death help convey his message I personally think it's kind of the You don't know what you have until gone, and If you noticed how everyone seems to be clearing up all the old rumors about him and to let people see who he is not as the artist but as the human being which is rare for him Like I said these are my thoughts no one knows for sure but him

    I think that we need to take a new path I don't think we need to investigate his death we have tons of evidence to support that he is alive, Have you all thought that with all these videos and investigating we may be putting him and his family in danger. I think we need to get his message of love and helping our neighbors more is what he wanted So lets focus on doing something like Mike would do charity work help a neighbor in need

    I agree - not sure of the reason - I have a couple that I go back and forth on and one of them was mentioned by Lori. The other reason I go back to is to clear his name of the lies that destroyed his credibility with so many people.

    It's all for L.O.V.E. Michael said that right up to the "end". He wants to bring an awareness and an awakening to the world - he said that in TII. To wake us up to the path of destruction that this world is in - the people and the planet. He wants to heal the world, literally. I know that I've stepped up and have started supporting more charities, taken more of an interest in the environment, and have taken more of an interest in those in need.

    Hoaxing his death is the only way to get people to hear the message and to clear is name. He used to talk and talk and talk but people were so mesmerized by him that all they could do is scream and cry <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Those that bought into the lies wouldn't listen to him when he proclaimed his innocence, etc. So, now that he's presumed "dead" the truth is being revealed and people are beginning to listen. You can see it in the way people respond to his name. Most have learned and realized through the FBI files that he was innocent. Most have seen how horrible the Pepsi accident really was. Most have heard what an incredible father he is. Most have heard how kind, gentle, and loving he was to everyone he came into contact with. Everyone has seen how well behaved the children are. So, would people have heard that message if he was still alive? No - because they would be saying that Michael was trying to clear his own name. But he's not doing this on his own. I don't know 100% if he's alive or dead but I've made it my mission since last June to defend Michael and his name when I hear people falsely accuse him. So - it's not Michael directly clearing his name. It's everyone who either knows the real Michael or those that never bought into the lies. Piece by piece...

    Blessings on your day <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

    To live.
    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

    Can´t tell yet, but to me, the main message points to Justice for him and education of some sort. Building up awareness.

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    He suffered conspiracy against him, corruption from the music industry and the legal system, negligence from Doctors and mean press-tabloid critics.

    I also believe He would like to expose all of that, plus EDUCATE people about the dangers and consecuences of self medication and to lead people to have analytical thinking, checking twice closely before judging anything or anyone.

    May be to know him better. after his passing, people became to know the person much more than the artist.
  • rag dollrag doll Posts: 357

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death? For a new beginning.

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it? Love

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    Generating awareness while breaking the limits.

    I'm still not sure how to answer these questions and I would be very interested to know how everyone else on this forum would.....


    Actually it seems like he does what he did all the time - being inspiring & creative beyond compare.
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death? (if he did.. i'm still on the fence after all this time!!)
    haven't a clue on this 1.. so many theories so confusing.. i think number 2 is my number 1 as well

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

    Nothing specifical but probably just "Appreciate my art, enjoy the show, but leave me (my privacy) alone, finally, please!"

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    Since people tend to count one´s blessings not until they lost him it`s more attention than before.

    @Aintnosunshine edited your post a little to agree with some points.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • missdanipytmissdanipyt Posts: 412
    There are many different theories and ways to approach all these questions, but here's my personal answers...This is gonna be long and I apologize!!! I know you asked for short answers <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

    To save his life. If he didn't fake his death he would have been murdered or worked to death.
    I believe part of it was also simply to escape the spotlight and be free, however there was a period of time not too long ago when Michael basically was out of the spotlight, when he did not live in America. Many people thought it seemed as though he had disappeared off the face of the earth. Back when only MJ fans that did research knew about his new TII tour coming up, whenever I brought it up people would say, "Oh yeah, whatever did happen to Michael Jackson? Where is he, even?" I know it's obviously not the same freedom as he would have if he were to fake his death, but still I'm just saying there are ways to escape the public eye, and Michael did that, so I do not think this was the main reason. If he wanted to do all this just for the sole sake of privacy, imo he should have just never embarked on the TII concerts in the first place. I definitely believe he had to do this for his protection but ALSO there was a message involved...

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?
    I really believe that Michael is trying to expose the media, and how they lie and how practically nothing we see is the truth. A lot of this has to do with "truth" and Michael wants us, the people, to know what that truth is! He wants us to be able to believe, and come to our own conclusions. BUT I also think that with Michael "passing" the world sort of stopped for a moment and we all just kind of took a step back and realized...whoa, our king is gone. It definitely brought a lot of people together, and although we may seem temporarily divided as "believers" and "non-believers" in time that division will fade and we can come together again over Michael. People realized how they had mistreated Michael and they regretted it. People started listening to his music and watching his videos again (those who had stopped) and we were all being reminded of Michael's biggest message "LOVE" Remember what Michael said in This Is It, "We're bringing love back into the world, reminding people that love is important. We're all one. We want to take them places they've never been before and offer them escapism." With Michael's "passing" it brought a HUGE range of people together again. Especially on the day of his memorial when people all over the world joined together to sing Heal the World and We Are the World. That was powerful.

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?
    Michael has tried so many times while he was alive to convey this message but people were distracted by "the man." For example, take MJ-haters, do you think they gave a second thought to what his message was? Not at all, but with "the man" out of the picture, they can stop focusing on the distractions and start focusing on the words. A great deal of them still couldn't care less about it, but there are some people who have admitted to me that when Michael was alive they didn't appreciate his work and him as a person, and now that he's gone they wish they would have.
    And about exposing the media- obviously his "death" would do this because the media reports on his death, while in time we will see that Michael is in fact not dead, and everyone will realize that this whole time the media has been false. I think it's mainly just when it comes to Michael himself in the media though. Because there will obviously always be a "media" but Michael wants the public to know that they have always been wrong about him and he wants us to know the truth about him.
  • newoldfan, I would love to answer your questions, but I still can not, because I'm very confused about everything that surrounds the fateful day 25 junho/09. I'm trying to research and understand more about all the speculation (natural death or murder or fraud). But I confess that I'm very intrigued with the real possibility of a crime very well planned and built for years, and Mike could not often be wrong when he felt threatened, although considered by some as "hallucinations" under the influence of medicaments (this also would be part of the plan). Unfortunately, Mike may have been unable to get rid of all the evil around him in the last 05 years, precisely because he did not realize how he was totally devoid of good people to warn him and help him, and that much contributed because of their financial weakness to be overcome.
    PS: This article, among others, made me very thoughtful especially to understand a bit of indifference from the police, authorities and media in general, about what really happened with MJ. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- m -->http://www.jfkmontreal.com/Michael_Jack ... reamer.htm<!-- m -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Scenario....my hubby brought me my cup of tea this morning (he's a sweetie)
    I asked him "what are you doing?"
    "watching the golf....what are you doing?"
    "reading the Michael Jackson Death Hoax forum" (which he knows I do EVERY morning on my iphone whilst having my cuppa)
    "tell me about it...."
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> OMG. I usually get a grunt. I wasn't expecting that and I didn't know what to say, I was lost for words.
    I then realised that there is sooooo much information and so many theories that I am still trying to absorb, I am not
    prepared for the questions of a non-believer.
    So, here goes.....what would your answers to these 3 questions be? (short, clear and concise answers please).

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    I'm still not sure how to answer these questions and I would be very interested to know how everyone else on this forum would.....


    1]It is very clear to me, as MJ has been planning this HOAX since the mid eighties, that it started as a Big Interactive Adventure. The BIG BANG. THE greatest show EVER on earth---making P.T. BARNUM's look like a flea circus!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    2] Then, having seen TOO much just plain WRONG in the world, he decided to MAKE this Adventure COUNT for something MORE than play. He's been speaking for decades, and he's been STRATEGICALLY SANDBAGGED almost as long. (who's going to listen to some "spooky gotta-be pedophile" talk about love and compassion for children--especially when "the powers that be" are bent on ABORTING them by the billions? !! He is using it to open our eyes and MAKE us see. He is using it to return mentally enslaved people to FREE THINKING people, in control of their government and not oppressed and fooled by its policiies, politics and rhetoric... There are videos put together by the hosts of this site which do just that, on the thread called Michael Jackson's Message, where I posted a less concise version of this answer, if you REALLY want to know.

    3] His death announcement stopped the world. It almost crashed the Internet. Almost a holy hush ensued, while even his tormentors swallowed hard and replayed the 911 call ad infinitum, and...sputtered... that... he had...been worked on desperately, but ...expired...at... the ...hospital....
    IMMEDIATELY clues were dispensed out to fans, from all points, to belay any impulsive acts, but those of us still able to stand, still had our hands over our mouths, SHOCKED , waiting for the other shoe to drop, that it was

    "bad information released too quickly..." ANYTHING, please.
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Michael Jackson has had our undivided attention for over a year, now. He had billions of fans. His name was known in even remote, primitive (i.e., no TV) corners of the world. I personally believe he is WAITING for the rest of those people to get with the program, besides the few hundred (thousand) who KNEW he wasn't dead from the first day, before making his live presence here, KNOWN...The message is too important. SOME of us are awake. Some of his own followers are SO indoctrinated by the environment which put them to sleep, they CANNOT see that he would DO this, and would rather cherish his memory as just a nice guy who sang and danced to the beat of a different drum and got persecuted AND, possibly murdered, because of it. He SAID THIS was all for love. LOVE includes EVERYBODY. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> Sorry, this is as concise as possible from me. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10035&start=75#p212357<!-- l -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    SO sorry---the thing wouldn't allow me to fix typos or incomplete thoughts so here is the necessarily edited version <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    Scenario....my hubby brought me my cup of tea this morning (he's a sweetie)
    I asked him "what are you doing?"
    "watching the golf....what are you doing?"
    "reading the Michael Jackson Death Hoax forum" (which he knows I do EVERY morning on my iphone whilst having my cuppa)
    "tell me about it...."
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> OMG. I usually get a grunt. I wasn't expecting that and I didn't know what to say, I was lost for words.
    I then realised that there is sooooo much information and so many theories that I am still trying to absorb, I am not
    prepared for the questions of a non-believer.
    So, here goes.....what would your answers to these 3 questions be? (short, clear and concise answers please).

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    I'm still not sure how to answer these questions and I would be very interested to know how everyone else on this forum would.....


    1]It is very clear to me, as MJ has been planning this HOAX since the mid eighties, that it started as a Big Interactive Adventure. The BIG BANG. THE greatest show EVER on earth---making P.T. BARNUM's look like a flea circus!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    2] Then, having seen TOO much just plain WRONG in the world, he decided to MAKE this Adventure COUNT for something MORE than play. He's been speaking for decades, and he's been STRATEGICALLY SANDBAGGED almost as long. (who's going to listen to some "spooky gotta-be pedophile" talk about love and compassion for children--especially when "the powers that be" are bent on ABORTING them by the billions? !!)

    He is using it to open our eyes and MAKE us see. He is using it to return mentally enslaved people to FREE THINKING people, in control of their government and not oppressed and fooled by its policies, politics and rhetoric... There are videos put together by the hosts of this site which do just that, on the thread called Michael Jackson's Message, where I posted a less concise version of this answer, if you REALLY want to know.

    3] His death announcement stopped the world. It almost crashed the Internet. Almost a holy hush ensued, while even his tormentors swallowed hard and replayed the 911 call ad infinitum, and...sputtered... that... he had...been worked on desperately, but ...expired...at... the ...hospital....
    IMMEDIATELY clues were dispensed out to fans, from all points, to belay any impulsive acts, but those of us still able to stand, still had our hands over our mouths, unhearing or seeing them, at first, SHOCKED, immobilized, frozen, waiting for the other shoe to drop, that it was

    "bad information released too quickly..." ANYTHING, please.
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Michael Jackson has had our undivided attention for over a year, now. He had billions of fans. His name was known in even remote, primitive (i.e., no TV, no NOTHING <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> ) corners of the world.

    I personally believe he is WAITING for the rest of his fans, at least, to get with the program, besides the few hundred (thousand) who KNEW he wasn't dead from the first day, before making his live presence here, KNOWN...The message is too important.

    SOME of us are awake. Some of his own followers are SO indoctrinated by the environment which put them to sleep, they CANNOT see that he would DO this, and would rather cherish his memory as just a nice guy who sang and danced to the beat of a different drum and got persecuted AND, possibly murdered, because of it. He SAID THIS was all for love. LOVE includes EVERYBODY. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->

    Sorry, this is as concise as possible from me. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10035&start=75#p212357<!-- l -->
  • SO sorry---the thing wouldn't allow me to fix typos or incomplete thoughts so here is the necessarily edited version <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    Scenario....my hubby brought me my cup of tea this morning (he's a sweetie)
    I asked him "what are you doing?"
    "watching the golf....what are you doing?"
    "reading the Michael Jackson Death Hoax forum" (which he knows I do EVERY morning on my iphone whilst having my cuppa)
    "tell me about it...."
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> OMG. I usually get a grunt. I wasn't expecting that and I didn't know what to say, I was lost for words.
    I then realised that there is sooooo much information and so many theories that I am still trying to absorb, I am not
    prepared for the questions of a non-believer.
    So, here goes.....what would your answers to these 3 questions be? (short, clear and concise answers please).

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death?

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it?

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message?

    I'm still not sure how to answer these questions and I would be very interested to know how everyone else on this forum would.....


    1]It is very clear to me, as MJ has been planning this HOAX since the mid eighties, that it started as a Big Interactive Adventure. The BIG BANG. THE greatest show EVER on earth---making P.T. BARNUM's look like a flea circus!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    2] Then, having seen TOO much just plain WRONG in the world, he decided to MAKE this Adventure COUNT for something MORE than play. He's been speaking for decades, and he's been STRATEGICALLY SANDBAGGED almost as long. (who's going to listen to some "spooky gotta-be pedophile" talk about love and compassion for children--especially when "the powers that be" are bent on ABORTING them by the billions? !!)

    He is using it to open our eyes and MAKE us see. He is using it to return mentally enslaved people to FREE THINKING people, in control of their government and not oppressed and fooled by its policies, politics and rhetoric... There are videos put together by the hosts of this site which do just that, on the thread called Michael Jackson's Message, where I posted a less concise version of this answer, if you REALLY want to know.

    3] His death announcement stopped the world. It almost crashed the Internet. Almost a holy hush ensued, while even his tormentors swallowed hard and replayed the 911 call ad infinitum, and...sputtered... that... he had...been worked on desperately, but ...expired...at... the ...hospital....
    IMMEDIATELY clues were dispensed out to fans, from all points, to belay any impulsive acts, but those of us still able to stand, still had our hands over our mouths, unhearing or seeing them, at first, SHOCKED, immobilized, frozen, waiting for the other shoe to drop, that it was

    "bad information released too quickly..." ANYTHING, please.
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Michael Jackson has had our undivided attention for over a year, now. He had billions of fans. His name was known in even remote, primitive (i.e., no TV, no NOTHING <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> ) corners of the world.

    I personally believe he is WAITING for the rest of his fans, at least, to get with the program, besides the few hundred (thousand) who KNEW he wasn't dead from the first day, before making his live presence here, KNOWN...The message is too important.

    SOME of us are awake. Some of his own followers are SO indoctrinated by the environment which put them to sleep, they CANNOT see that he would DO this, and would rather cherish his memory as just a nice guy who sang and danced to the beat of a different drum and got persecuted AND, possibly murdered, because of it. He SAID THIS was all for love. LOVE includes EVERYBODY. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->

    Sorry, this is as concise as possible from me. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10035&start=75#p212357<!-- l -->

    Its her message very much mirrors my thoughts on the questions you raised, newoldfan:

    1) Why did Michael Jackson fake his death? Mike had planned this hoax for a long time, to take his Art to a level never achieved before, of a scale never achieved before and This is it, this is the beginning of the end, this is the Greatest show on Earth.(PT Barnum inspiration)

    2) Does he have a message, if so, what is it? Mike has gone through much adversity as he rose to the top and, refused to "play the game"; he wants people to unite in Love and against corruption & corrupted rulers/governments/"secret clans", in simple terms Mike wants to heal the World.

    3) How does faking his death help to convey that message? His "death" has created a new awareness of Mike and helped rebuild his image, it has also created new networks of fans/supporters who understand his message and will be there for him when he comes back. When Mike comes back, the World will be shocked, he was the King of Pop when he "died", he will be the King of Kings when he comes back; his message will be heard, it will be a day like no others....

    With L.O.V.E.
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