Unusual Mannerisms at O2 conference.

PYT02PYT02 Posts: 18
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
It suddenly struck me as I was watching the O2 press conference the other day, that the one thing that i noticed different about Michael was that he kept adjusting his microphone level so that he didn't have to bend over, whereas on all of the other speeches or conferences he always bent down into the microphone, never changing the level.

see, he bends down to speak,....

...but watch this!

<!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->


  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    That has always made me wonder too......humm, well let's look at the gematria for "microphone" maybe the hoax was laid out right from the start...........

    116 = microphone = Liberian Girl

    the link to the site:
    <!-- m -->http://www.gematrix.org/?word=microphone<!-- m -->

    so many coincidences.........

  • LOL!!! I was just thinking about that yesterday! I think that gesture he did, is that the gesture to ensenuate start your engines or rev your motors? (like lets get this thing started!)
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    The second one is at face level whereas the first one is not. The second on is adjustable whereas the first one is not. That's MJ at 02 : D
  • MJ seemed extra anxious and nervous at the O2. Maybe he was hesitant about having to lie to his fans, especially on national TV. I do believe it was the real MJ.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Michael himself explains about the teleprompters and why he leans down and why he doesnt like teleprompters. That could explain a lot about what is said at the O2 conference. Plus he has sunglasses on and not reading glasses at the O2

    Listen in at 1:45

  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I think Michael was very nervous at the conference because he knew what will happen.... Just watch his face when he says "I love you..so much, you have to know that"....He seems very sad at that point.

    And when he says " This is the final curtain call" just watch his face....

    He knew what will happen... This was the beginning of this whole thing
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    "Michael" acted like a ***bomb! <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • for a 50 yr old man, he was still quite "boyish" <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> in his mannerisms as well LOL
  • MJ seemed extra anxious and nervous at the O2. Maybe he was hesitant about having to lie to his fans, especially on national TV. I do believe it was the real MJ.

    I agree totally. I stand by saying it was Michael at 02 and nobody else. Michael didnt want to lie ever you can see after he says "See you in July" he is almost relieved. Watch his mouth and facial expression as soon as he says it. Just for a split second.

    And any of you who still are on the fence about Michael not being at the 02
    Look at this video from him in 2008
    Do you see the similarities???
  • AgentBJAgentBJ Posts: 587
    No! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->

  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Of course there are similarities but nothing to say beyond a doubt.
  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    MJ seemed extra anxious and nervous at the O2. Maybe he was hesitant about having to lie to his fans, especially on national TV. I do believe it was the real MJ.

    I agree totally. I stand by saying it was Michael at 02 and nobody else. Michael didnt want to lie ever you can see after he says "See you in July" he is almost relieved. Watch his mouth and facial expression as soon as he says it. Just for a split second.

    And any of you who still are on the fence about Michael not being at the 02
    Look at this video from him in 2008
    Do you see the similarities???

    Actually i don't see any.
  • MJ seemed extra anxious and nervous at the O2. Maybe he was hesitant about having to lie to his fans, especially on national TV. I do believe it was the real MJ.

    I agree totally. I stand by saying it was Michael at 02 and nobody else. Michael didnt want to lie ever you can see after he says "See you in July" he is almost relieved. Watch his mouth and facial expression as soon as he says it. Just for a split second.

    And any of you who still are on the fence about Michael not being at the 02
    Look at this video from him in 2008
    Do you see the similarities???

    Actually i don't see any.

    You guys have got to be kidding me and i think you need your eyes checked or computer monitors adjusted....
  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    MJ seemed extra anxious and nervous at the O2. Maybe he was hesitant about having to lie to his fans, especially on national TV. I do believe it was the real MJ.

    I agree totally. I stand by saying it was Michael at 02 and nobody else. Michael didnt want to lie ever you can see after he says "See you in July" he is almost relieved. Watch his mouth and facial expression as soon as he says it. Just for a split second.

    And any of you who still are on the fence about Michael not being at the 02
    Look at this video from him in 2008
    Do you see the similarities???

    Actually i don't see any.

    You guys have got to be kidding me and i think you need your eyes checked or computer monitors adjusted....

    Sure. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I stand behind it being Criss Angel as 02 Michael. Not sure how he hid that honker of his but I definately think it was him. Giggle and snort away lol, because I'm sticking to this like glue.
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