My Feelings, trying to make sure this is posted

edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
correctly cause i have grown tired of seeing members "redirected" when posting new ideas topics etc. Some are not ALWAYS following the forums 24/7
My two cents? I love Michael and I know he is alive. I am 44 yrs and my 19yr old loves him as well. Thanks to her super duper mom! We have followed this for a yr much to the ridiclue of family and close friends so in a tiny way I know how Michael must have felt being wrongly accused. But I'm still standing, feeling tired but standing. I won't falter for anything BUT!!!!! to all the members on the forum: for the past year we have been ridiculed, mocked, lied to " (by false persons) I just can't continue to believe that Michael needs all of this to come back. I believe his timing is just that.."his timing" I'm done with clues and decoding every news broadcast. I don't need ANY of this to know that Michael has and will make a change. He talks about the earth...I get it! I had cable installed and they had to destroy a hornet nest...I felt sad. He talks about the trees..the city cut the bottom growth off the tree at the front of my property so it could look "the same" as the other trees on the street. My heart broke just knowing how long it took that tree to grow. Neighbours found it weird..... I stopped pulling the weeds out of my garden cause I saw the most adorable caterpillar on a leaf. Just having a bite to eat. Odd eh? LOL I don't care. I grew tired of reading the posts full of condesending remarks especially towards his family. How hurtful that must be to him if he reads here. I get it and I get Michael...I need nothing more.
I can't wait for him to show himself and perhaps if he reads this know I am here and have been here and will continue to be here. I will never meet the man, " but living as he taught in my opinion becomes an extension of him." Yeah for me.....pretty simple don't you think. Live well and positive as no one is assured of a tomorrow.
I love you Mj, thankyou.


  • not surprising to get no replies...bty I am not a new member I was B.E.L.I.E.V.E but lost my password....
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Well actually you say you are sick of the hoax. Fine, but many aren't and are still wanting to follow the clues. If you are done with it, just don't read hoax forums anymore, sit back, relax and wait til bamsday. I don't really get your post, sorry.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Not surprising that you wouldn't get my post. Just sad to see people getting bad. I said he was Alive therefore I believe in the You missed my point! With or without clues Michael will be back, Sorry you missed my point. Since your site gets so much exposure why don't you stop the bashing of Michael's family. You allow negative threads on Latoya and Jermaine etc...that must be so hurtful to Michael. But it's all for L.O.V.E ????? You just can't have it both ways IMO. Do you get that?
    Just curious

    P.S I know the drill because someone has a different opinion "thread locked.....been there have the T-Shirt"
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Um, Mo and Souza don't like OR allow entire threads just for bashing MJ's family at all, I've seen them warn people against doing that many times! It's too hard to stop people from making a comment in a thread, but they do NOT allow threads for bashing..
  • You might want to check the board.....just saying ummm like the responses to Latoya and Bubbles and the MANY posts about Jermaine...they are all there...didn't make them up
  • I have always admired Michael for his personality and the way that he was always so loving and giving to anyone who needed it. Especially children that were lost in the system or that may be injured. But no matter what he was always there for the good of the world.
    His music and dance has always and will always inspire me to smile and be happy and I know that he is ALIVE.
    He will come back when he feels its time and not a minute before no matter what is written. But it is nice to see the different ideas the people come up with pertaining to the hoax.
    I don’t think that as many people know about the hoax as we think but that is just my thoughts. Having that many people knowing about the hoax would run the risk of the cat being let out of the bag much before its time.
    I’m like wecanbetherchange I believe in the hoax and I do keep reading the good and the bad. But what if Michael is watching and he is seeing some of the bad stuff being posted.
    I have always though how would I feel.
    I have his CD permanently placed in my car and that is all I listen to and it sometimes drives my kid’s nuts not because they don’t like the music because they do. They sure would like to listen to something different once in a while.
    I had many times in my life though how nice it would be to one day walk around the corner and see Michael standing there just to give him a hug of friendship. Not because of him being famous but for the person that he is inside. I can’t think of how bad it would feel to always wonder if the people who wanted to be my friend wanted something from me other then plain old friendship. What a hard life to have to live.
    I don’t see that there is bashing going on to me its just conversation and trying to figure things out. Mo and Souza have done a great job of trying to keep things running smooth.
    I’m not sure why I’m posting this but I just started typing.
    My God Bless Michael and his Family where ever he is and to keep them safe and happy.
    And maybe soon he will let us all know that he IS safe and happy.
    Hugsssssssssssss to Michael and his children
    We all love you
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    correctly cause i have grown tired of seeing members "redirected" when posting new ideas topics etc. Some are not ALWAYS following the forums 24/7
    My two cents? I love Michael and I know he is alive. I am 44 yrs and my 19yr old loves him as well. Thanks to her super duper mom! We have followed this for a yr much to the ridiclue of family and close friends so in a tiny way I know how Michael must have felt being wrongly accused. But I'm still standing, feeling tired but standing. I won't falter for anything BUT!!!!! to all the members on the forum: for the past year we have been ridiculed, mocked, lied to " (by false persons) I just can't continue to believe that Michael needs all of this to come back. I believe his timing is just that.."his timing" I'm done with clues and decoding every news broadcast. I don't need ANY of this to know that Michael has and will make a change. He talks about the earth...I get it! I had cable installed and they had to destroy a hornet nest...I felt sad. He talks about the trees..the city cut the bottom growth off the tree at the front of my property so it could look "the same" as the other trees on the street. My heart broke just knowing how long it took that tree to grow. Neighbours found it weird..... I stopped pulling the weeds out of my garden cause I saw the most adorable caterpillar on a leaf. Just having a bite to eat. Odd eh? LOL I don't care. I grew tired of reading the posts full of condesending remarks especially towards his family. How hurtful that must be to him if he reads here. I get it and I get Michael...I need nothing more.
    I can't wait for him to show himself and perhaps if he reads this know I am here and have been here and will continue to be here. I will never meet the man, " but living as he taught in my opinion becomes an extension of him." Yeah for me.....pretty simple don't you think. Live well and positive as no one is assured of a tomorrow.
    I love you Mj, thankyou.

    I completely understand your post & I do agree with many of your points. However, please remember that there are quite a few members that do not know for sure that MJ is alive.

    I do not view this forum as a "clue" forum nor a forum that MJ "needs" to do a comeback, but that is only my OP.

    I am inspired by the in depth investigating done by many members. I believe that those particular posts will be very important IF we find that MJ was murdered. I believe that this will lessen the blow if he is indeed no longer with us.

    We will then fully understand how all of our investigating puts the pieces of the puzzle together & we will know that we were correct from the very beginning.

    The same pieces of the puzzle will apply if MJ has pulled off a hoax. We should never rest until this is resolved IMO.

    I've been a "tree hugger", vegetarian, ARA for years, so I completely understand MJ's thinking concerning the world & the people that share it. I've always understood the message.

    There are also members that came here for the hoax & along the way discovered MJs' message as well.

    I find that to be very inspiring & of course we've also joined together as friends by a common link.

    FYI to others here: I did not personally find the OP posting to be bashing us in any way, but rather explaining her personal point of view.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    You might want to check the board.....just saying ummm like the responses to Latoya and Bubbles and the MANY posts about Jermaine...they are all there...didn't make them up
    Yeah, but see the responses, in other threads, you made it seem as if there are entire threads here devoted to bashing the family! They have told people numerous times to stop doing that, but they can't go and erase every response in a thread about say, an article about La Toya.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Bashing the family here is not allowed, we have stated that many times. As we and the mods are all humans, we can't possibly read all posts (there are over 200,000 posts here) so that is why members can REPORT comments, to notify us when someone is bashing. So instead of making this post, you could also have reported the comments of which you think are disrespectful, not only to the family, but also others.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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