Leahcim Noskcaj

SangreSangre Posts: 648
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
There have been many discussions about this person regarding their YT channel. (Feel free to move this onto the impersonator category if you see fit, but I felt like this person needs more attention.) I created another topic about the subject, because unlike the other ones that discuss about the videos, this one will be mainly about the strange person behind those videos - a mirror image as he claims.

That guy (although it's arguable) looks very similar to Michael and it's interesting how he posted "Come Back" as his interest in Youtube. However, I am not saying this person is MJ. I found very odd info from another site, but I wouldn't feel comfortable posting it here since they believe MJDHI members are spying on them.

I just want to know what are your thoughts regarding Noskcaj? And why is he so certain MJ will return in 2012?

If he's a poser, then why is he trying so hard? I mean, he could go into a park and still imitate Michael Jackson - he has the moves!

Leahcim's videos are nearly all the same and without sound (why not use MJ's music as a theme song for example? If he is so good at editing himself to look like Michael, he would at least know how to add music). Is it just that - poor quality or does it mean something?

His video descriptions are also weird, cryptic you might say. So what is his purpose? Who is he? Your theories?


  • I don´t know about this particular one, but my opinion is, that everyone of them that doesn´t say that he´s MJ, but makes you assume he might be (through "cryptic" posts/messages and/or certain statements), is probably a troll that needs attention and wants to mess with people´s heads.
  • Is this the one that no longer is on youtube? This person (Michael Jackson spelled backwards) had a youtube account but was removed at one point. Is it back? There is another thread somewhere on here about it. I'll see if I can find it. I don't know what to think, personally because I haven't seen the video myself.

    Here it is:

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=18&t=12458&p=215628&hilit=Leahcim+Noskcaj#p215628<!-- l -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Their videos were removed due to a copyright violation and now the videos, or at least most of them, are back.

    That was the strange part. Why did they get removed?
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