MJ and Elvis now both have Circ du So lei shows

Michelle WilkieNZMichelle WilkieNZ Posts: 78
edited January 1970 in News
Hi there early hours of Sunday morining from NZ I was scanning the channels and jsut happened to skim over Fox news and they had Priscilla talking about this, so MJ and Elivs both now have shows sorry if this is already been mentioend and jsut thought to post it everyone can make up own mind but with whole Elvis MJ .com thing thought may as well mention it but so sorry if everyone knows and aware and if has been posted .
love you all more!! Mj love Youmore !! forever and ever MJ you are in our hearts!! 'It's all for love' L.O.V.E!!
New Zealand <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->


  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    TMZ mentioned the MJ and Elvis Cirque connection back on May 1st.

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/04/30/michael-j ... las-vegas/<!-- m -->

    I think it's very interesting that TMZ mentioned a MJ-Elvis connection before TS's update #6 (<!-- w -->www.elvisandmj.com<!-- w -->). I definitely think it gives TS more credibility because there were subtle clues leading up to the last TIAI update. Connect the dots!
  • thanks for the reply I am not on TMZ much so hence I wouldn't have seen thanks so much , maybe are they Circ du so lei still in Las Vegas?? A joint venture there??
    well take care thanks again
    Michelle <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
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