Akon said MJ would never tour again...

mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I thought this was interesting because this was right about the time that Michael had signed on to the This is it tour and rented the house in LA...so by all accounts AEG thought it was a done deal. Privately however, he was telling his close friends he wouldn't be touring....Sounds like he knew he wouldn't be going through with it and I doubt it was because he thought he might "really die". He must have had other plans....

Akon: 'Jackson will never tour again'
Monday, December 15 2008, 12:56pm EST
By Lara Martin, News Editor

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AkonMichael JacksonMusicShowbiz

Rex Features
Akon has claimed that Michael Jackson will never tour again because the media has destroyed his confidence.

The 'Right Now (Na Na Na)' singer, who collaborated with Jackson last year, said recent reports of a comeback tour are false.

"If you want quality concerts and quality performances [the media] have to lay off people," he told WENN. "Michael Jackson is the best performer ever and he can't even focus - you will never see another tour from him.

"[The media intrusion] plays a big role in that. It affects the people they're writing about. It's a lot to do with Michael Jackson not coming out and being open.

"I think all he needs is a record, one hit record then he might get his confidence back."

Akon recorded a remix of Jackson's 'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'' for the 25th Anniversary reissue of Thriller.


  • These are some interesting statements..thanks for sharing! I've always felt that part of this hoax is about vindication. The Media needs to be taken off of their high horse and Michael has set out to do just that. Go Michael!
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    These are some interesting statements..thanks for sharing! I've always felt that part of this hoax is about vindication. The Media needs to be taken off of their high horse and Michael has set out to do just that. Go Michael!

    Go Michael Go!!!
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    These are some interesting statements..thanks for sharing! I've always felt that part of this hoax is about vindication. The Media needs to be taken off of their high horse and Michael has set out to do just that. Go Michael!

    Couldn't have put it better myself!!!!! this plus Michael sayin' himslf he never wanted 2 tour again...forgot what interview...I think it was Jesse Jackson's radio show or something like that...idk <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> but yeah...def interesting
  • Michael doesn't need another hit song he's done that countless times, if he tours great hopefully I can finally see him in concert if not that's great also he can enjoy his life and finally realize how great of an artist he was
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    These are some interesting statements..thanks for sharing! I've always felt that part of this hoax is about vindication. The Media needs to be taken off of their high horse and Michael has set out to do just that. Go Michael!

    First of all, God bless you, MJKate, for this most informative article. I am literally shaking and I have tears in my eyes. I think that on the Special Features on TII, Randy Philips of AEG, that he approached MJ about touring in Sept 2008:

    <!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... stand.html<!-- m -->

    DISC 1

    - Staging the Return: The Adventure Begins

    Randy Phillips: “ The O2 Arena was built 2 years ago. I asked Michael if he wanted to do some shows there, but he said no. In September 2008, they told me he was ready”

    Hmmmmmmm, this article was published in December 2008. Akon said that the comeback tour rumors were false. Wow, that is a mouthful to me! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> God bless you for this find. Piece by piece, MJ is being revealed.

    God bless you, Voiceforthesilent! Your insights and your eloquence are such a blessing to my soul. You are so right that the media needs to be addressed for the horrible way that MJ was treated in the press. How the media hurt and scarred our precious angel, MJ! MJ is a genius, and the truth is coming out!

    Blessings to all! xxxx
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Yes, I agree. How could they hurt such a gentle and lovely soul?
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    The media has been out of control for decades. Before computers, we were at their mercy for truthful stories. Newspapers and the evening news were how we knew about the world. Through technology, the world is a much smaller place. These days, we have the ability to hold the media responsible.
    However, do we really? People still hang on their favorite media-type's every word...the 20-20's, the talk shows, the tabloid shows, the late night shows, the early morning-morning-mid-morning-afternoon-early evening-evening-late evening news. That being said....I don't watch the news anymore, it's refreshing not to start my day with the latest murder, suicide or bombing. If I read an article on Yahoo! or somewhere else, I research it, I read as much as I can about it before forming an opinion. It's an advantage that didn't easily exist before.

    Back to what I was saying before....we have the ability to hold the media responsible. If I could magically turn time around, and Michael was here today, being falsely accused and slandered for the first time......would you google, would you facebook, would you twitter? I think it's safe to say everyone here would be going crazy...the word would get out that it's a load of bull-pucky.

    It's time for the media to be taken off their thrown. Don't believe everything you hear, read or even see anymore! There are whole websites dedicated to media bias and lies....just google it. Don't take my word for it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Anyways, it's not like me to get all worked up....LOL. I guess a nerve was hit and batta-bing-batta-boom here I am 4 paragraphs later. It was the sentence that Akon said about the media destroying Michael's confidence that crushed me.

    Michael, my fervent prayer is that you remain the proud, confident man you have always been. That you remain safe, happy and always dance as though nobody is watching. Blessings to you and your family always.

    Blessings to you all,
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Yes, I agree. I no longer have a television set. I refuse to be conditioned by the media's way of seeing things. The media in the US is even worse--they are allowed to express opinions instead of reporting the news. Michael was built up and destroyed by the media. He was simply too unique for them--he didn't follow the status quo. My hope is that his albums will be successful as well as his show for Cirque du Soleil. I also hope that some day his accusers publicly acknowledge that they were not harmed by Michael. Of course, I am hoping for a BAM!!!!!
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    "because he thought he might "really" die ..

    This stood out to me the most........You either die or you don't die.

    This is suggesting MJ was already going to fake his death , but the thought of touring again, would most certainly kill him.

    I have one question.......Residency in London, is not the same as touring all around the world......just a thought.
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    He did a tour worldwide....THIS IS IT... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    "because he thought he might "really" die ..

    This stood out to me the most........You either die or you don't die.

    This is suggesting MJ was already going to fake his death , but the thought of touring again, would most certainly kill him.

    I have one question.......Residency in London, is not the same as touring all around the world......just a thought.

    This is what I thought but apparently there were plans for THIS IS IT to be taken around the world after the 02 series had finished.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Isn't that why he rented the mansion in Carolwood Dve ?? So he could be close to the venue he was performing at ??

    I always have this feeling that with the technology of the internet, his return will be only be via the internet....new songs, new videos etc....that way he will never have to travel again, but his audience will be worldwide.........just thinking out loud <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    voiceforthesilent wrote: 100%agree
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