Gotham Chopra's interview on 06/25/10 - The Fated

lovemj4everandeverlovemj4everandever Posts: 573
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Below is an excerpt of Gotham's interview and I have provided the original link below for those who want to view the entire article. We all know about "Fated" the story of the rock star who survives suicide but doesn't let the public know for quite some time. For those who believe "Fated" doesn't exist and that it was just a rumor, I want you to know that it does exist and was copyrighted in the US Copyright Office in November of 2009, copyright owners are Gotham and Michael. Remember Gotham's tweet when he was asked when Fated would be completed? And he tweeted "it won't truly be finished until the world can see it!" LOL!

Anyway, this is a most interesting excerpt from the full interview...

Posted Fri, 06/25/2010 - 00:22

* michael jackson

During the last years of his life, I got to see his creativity up close and personal once again. He and I were working on a graphic novel together entitled THE FATED. He had big plans for it. One day he wanted to direct it as a film, impress his mentor Steven Spielberg, and have his favorite actor Will Smith be in it. It was classic MJ in terms of process, intense at times, with intermittent months of total inaction in between. The story of an iconic Rockstar worn out by the agony of his fame, driven to the most desperate measures, only to discover that his super-stardom has him “fated” for far more than just fame and fortune. Of course, I eventually realized Michael was giving me a window into his own personal allegory and I felt privileged to help record it. Sadly, we never were able to complete the story <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> and I was left instead with an eerie tale without a proper ending (note: I hope with the assistance of Michael’s Estate - in the hands of some very capable and conscious stewards - that we’ll one day be able to share The Fated with all the dignity it and Michael deserves.

Like The Fated, we never got to see a proper ending to Michael’s tale. Instead there’s a tangled legacy, the bright light of fame shining over the tumbled necropolis of unfounded allegations twisted around the neverending tenderness for his own children. it's funny to me how in the last year, in death Michael has been canonized by many of the same commentators who were so relentless in tearing him down while he lived. He'd see the irony in it and call them bad names - the man could curse like a drunken sailor.

One night while on that tour with him, toward the end when I was getting ready to go back to school and the real world, Michael asked me if I was glad that I had come, even though I couldn’t stay for the whole tour. He knew I was sad that I wouldn’t get to stay until the very end. Still, it was an insane question and I told him so. “Are you kidding?” I said. “Every second I was here with you was a privilege. Thank you for letting me ride shotgun even for a little while."

Full article can be viewed here... <!-- m --> ... el-jackson<!-- m -->

Exactly! Gotham is riding shotgun right now where Fated is concerned because Michael is the rock star who is suppose to be "dead." <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Also, if you haven't seen Gotham's twitter background image, have a look...

<!-- m --> ... Fina-b.jpg<!-- m -->
(if you click on the picture, it will enlarge where you can clearly see the following).....

The only sign written in English in Gotham's twitter background photo is "FATED" and notice the comic character is walking on tiles that light up just like Mike in the original Billie Jean video.

Mike, what a genius you are! Who knows if Spielberg will be impressed....but PLEASE KNOW THAT WE ARE MESMERIZED! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

We love you, Mike! And YES, we will be there! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->


  • WOW great find. thanks for sharing this.
    Michael your a true artiest. we love you moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • That was absolutely the coolest!! Kinda erie too! Hmmm makes you go hmmmmm. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    That was absolutely the coolest!! Kinda erie too! Hmmm makes you go hmmmmm. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    After seeing the background, ... Fina-b.jpg
    for me it confirms my feeling about MJ. I think this is a big message that cannot be ignored. I think MJ's love of comic books should not be unestimated as a very big message in the hoax. I cannot wait to get a copy of Fated in my hands.
    Daddy MJ, I think that I need to learn more about Morph from the X-men. I think Morph is from X-men. Daddy, you are truly the man that world never knew. I love you, Daddy! xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    That was absolutely the coolest!! Kinda erie too! Hmmm makes you go hmmmmm. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    After seeing the background, ... Fina-b.jpg
    for me it confirms my feeling about MJ. I think this is a big message that cannot be ignored. I think MJ's love of comic books should not be unestimated as a very big message in the hoax. I cannot wait to get a copy of Fated in my hands.
    Daddy MJ, I think that I need to learn more about Morph from the X-men. I think Morph is from X-men. Daddy, you are truly the man that world never knew. I love you, Daddy! xxxxxxxxxxxx

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    Simulchat - August 17, 1995
    Speaker: Michael's here...we're just about ready to go!
    MsMittens: Someone who couldn't access the chat, asked me to ask you how you are doing, and why are you doing this simulchat tonight?
    Michael: I'm fine, doing alright. I'm doing this simulchat because I love my fans and I want to talk with you! I think this is incredible technology, just amazing, and I think we're pioneering here! Can I say hello to a couple of my friends? Hello Lisa Marie...Hello Paul McCartney...Hello Mrs.Disney...Hello to my friends in Gary, Indiana...I can't think of a good joke to say!
    Brandon: I have been a longtime fan and I just want to know how after all the bad press you can keep going and doing the best job that any rock star can do? Is the fact that you have such a wonderful wife supporting you, or are there other reasons that you stay so damned great?!
    Michael: Despite what the press says about celebrities and myself in general I move ahead, I don't pay attention to that tabloid junk. I have my dreams I'm a visionary. I feel as if I have a suit of armor around me, like a rhinocerous skin. Thank you for asking.
    Bruce Ross: How has your marriage to Lisa Marie changed your life?
    Michael: I think I find it more fun to appreciate what family really means. The fact that even though there were ten of us Jacksons...we were always doing things at different times, and I'm really learning the real meaning of love. Giving 100% of yourself all the time. Putting up with one another. So far it has been pretty joyous.
    Sam: A story in the UK press claims a quickie divorce on the way. Is it true?
    Michael: Never believe tabloid garbage. Don't waste your time, don't waste your money. No, it's not true. If you hear it from my lips, then you can believe it. But no, it's not true.
    SiBiS: In Oprah's interview you said that you wanted to raise a family one day. Do you plan to do so?
    Michael: Yes. That's my dream for a long time. My own children, I want to adopt them. Not only my own, but children from all over the world. I think we should be less territorial about it.
    Kurt: How did you like working with your sister Janet on the "Scream" video and your beautiful wife Lisa Marie on "You Are Not Alone"? P.S: Best of luck to you two, don't listen to all the B.S going around!
    Michael: That's a great question. The press creates all of these negative stories so people will buy their magazines or read their columns. You mustn't read everything you read. Most of it is not true, most of it's garbage. And I want everyone to be aware of what the tabloid media is like. I have had so much fun working with my sister and working on the set everyday. I haven't seen her in quite some time and she is busy and I am as well and it's like a reunion. I'm closest to Janet of all the family members. We were very emotional on the set. We laughed, we cried, we had a lot of fun. Everyday she'd come to me sad because of something in the press. I told her she'd just have to become resiliant. I had a lot of fun with Lisa Marie on the set. But when the director said, "Action", she became very shy. I was giving her a hard time too!
    Daniel: If you could meet someone, dead or alive, and talk with them for an hour, who would it be and why?
    Michael: It would probably be Michaelangelo because he was a phenomenal artist. I think I understand what he was trying to say, even though he was criticized. He was a true artist. He even disected cadavers, which was illigal at the time, because he wanted to get everything anatomically correct. I would have loved to sit and talk with him.
    Al & Meg: We want to know what was it that inspired you to become involved in helping as many children as you do. I think what you do is just wonderful. You are what these children need to keep them going when times are so tough.
    Michael: I truly care about children, and about the future for our children. I'm a little frightened about what the future is going to bring. I truly, truly love them and care about them. I will always help them. When I go on tour, I visit hospitals, terminally ill children. At my ranch at Neverland we have many terminally ill children as our guests. We do this every few weeks. We do it because we truly love them and we care.
    Farfly: I was wondering if we'll see you in any old style videos and movies like "Thriller" and "Moonwalker"?
    Michael: I love that, that's what I'd love to get back to doing. It's not just a video, with images and graphics, it's a short story, with a beginning, middle and end. But it take sometimes 6 or 7 months to do those. But it's my dream to do that. I'd like to make this announcement: My nephews are here and they want to sit in and listen!
    From Alaska: You seem to be interested in many cultures. Have you ever studied the North. I live in Inupiat eskimo village at the top of Alaska. Life is different here. If you ever visit here, the people might inspire you. Do you ever travel for inspiration?
    Michael: Yes I do travel for inspriation. I would love to come to Alaska some day. I've flown over it! I do love to travel. Maybe if you extended invitation, I'd be able to come!
    Frogbelly: In your song "Childhood" you sing about how you've never really known the joys of youth. What is the one thing you missed the most?
    Michael: Probably the simple, little things that kids having a friend over, or going to the park, of trick-or-treeting, or Christmas, or a birthday. When we were little, we didn't have any of those things - we heard about them but never did them. Most kids take it for granted. I haven't celebrated my birthday yet, but I think maybe I will!
    Applehead: It's one of Applehead's friends, guess which one...hint Family Matters...What is your favorite song on the HIStory album? Tell Lisa Marie and Janet I said hi!
    Michael: I know exactly who that is! (laughter in room) My favorite song is, gee it's hard...probably "Childhood", "Earth Song" and "Stranger In Moscow". But nice to hear from you Brighton, I hope I get to see you soon. Tell all my other realtives I said hello.
    Mr. Potter: Do you ever wish you could play small rooms with intimate audiences instead of maga productions?
    Michael: Yes. I think that is the mark of a true performer, to be able to reach any audience around the world, any size. If you can directly relate to a small group, magic starts to happen. I started out playing those kinds of concerts. This Christmas, I'm doing an HBO special, and it's intimate. It's close-up. It will allow me to do a lot of things I've never done before.
    Gary: I would like to know what is the favorite song you have recorded and do you still have your pet monkey named Bubbles who was shown in your video game.
    Michael: If I had to pick one song, that's very difficult. Probably "Ben", "Got To Be There", one of the oldies. Bubbles is still alive and still my pet chimp. He's bigger, like to eat a lot...lots of pizza, ice cream...he loves snacks!
    MJJ: What else do you want to accomplish in your life?
    Michael: I love movies. My dream is to make films, not only to act in them, to direct them as well. And I love animation.
    Brett: If you could be any Batman, Superman...whom would you choose to be and why?
    Michael: I like Batman a lot. If I could choose one, I like Morph from the X-Men. He constantly transforms himself. I think he can even teleport, which is interesting and exciting to me. He's not as popular as the others, but he's exciting.
    Darkan: Are you ever going to tour America?
    Michael: I'm not exactly sure. We kind of play it by ear, kind of spontaneous. It would be nice, but I'm not sure.
    Jim: I want to know if you wish you could walk into public places and not be recognized?
    Michael: I have every diguise I can think of. My dream is to just go transform, so nobody would know who I am. I would love to do that. It's my dream.

    Ally W: Hi Michael. You have an amazing voice. Whose music has helped influence your music most?
    Michael: Thank you for the compliment. To be honest, I would say my first love and appreciation for music was classical. In kindergarden, Tchaikovsky, the great writting of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, and others. I love showtunes.
    Brian: Is your new album doing as well as expected? Go MJ!!!
    Michael: Yes, I am overly excited about how well the album is doing. It is the fastest selling album in my career. Despite what the press is saying. Unprecedented 7 million worldwide sold in the first week!
    Jocelyn: When will the 3T album be in the store?
    Michael: The 3T are expected around this Christmas. They're going to be very successful.
    Marlie14: In your interview with Diane Sawyer you mentioned moving out of the country. Is this your future plans?
    Michael: Yes it is.
    Rros: Where is the most favorite place in the world you have travelled to and where would you most like to travel to?
    Michael: My most favorite place that I've travelled to probably would have to be between South America and Africa. Because I love the people and I love the culture. The plight of the children is very interesting and I would love to continue to see more things and to help more people.
    Blondie101: What inspired you to write the song "Beat It"?
    Michael: Quincy Jones, for the album Thriller, asked me to write a song with a rock edge to it. I said yes, I can do that. So, the very same day I went to the recording studio and I literally just started to sing that song. It literally came that fast. Every song is different. The gestation process for "Beat It" was so fast, it was amazing. I thought about what I'd do in that situation...A confrontation with a gang...I wouldn't do what those people would do. The way I was raised I would turn the other cheek without creating a war or being a coward either.
    Brandon: I come from a large family. Is it hard for you to see the animosity between your sister LaToya and yourself. You seem to be above all the petty gossip that others love to spread. I just want to give you two thumbs up on your maturity.
    Michael: Gee - thank you very much! I love you. Thank you.
    Curveball: Will there be a next album?
    Michael: I am not sure. This might be the last album I ever do. I will always create music but I'm not sure if I'll create another album.
    Midway Gal: How did you get into music?

    Michael: I don't think I can answer that without sounding philosophical. We never had music or dance lessons. We were a family that sang all the time. We watched TV. We would entertain ourselves...we would take the furniture out of the living room and dance. I think you're pretty much born with a gift and you're compelled to create. That is what I have always felt. I remember when I was really little there was rain outside and we would make up songs. Janet and I would have a songwriting game while we washed the dishes...while we were cleaning. I think most kids don't do that these days. It was our destiny.
    Even Beevu: Do you come up with the ideas for all your videos?
    Michael: A lot of them I do come up with. A lot of the concepts do originate with me. After singing "Thriller" I knew that I wanted to do a short film. A simple guy goes out on a date and confesses to her that he's different. I wanted to transform into different things. It was fun. I had so much fun making that. "Beat It" is another concept I came up with. Confrontaion - two gangs - West Side Story. I wanted real gang members. I wanted to see real the walk, in the character, in the clothes. I think it came across.
    Pelon: What has been your proudest musical achievement?
    Michael: One of them - it is a really difficult question to answer because I am not a woman, but writing a song is like concieving a child. I love all the songs. "We Are the World" is one of the most favorite things that I've done. I am proud of has reached a lot of people, it has touched a lot of people. My secreatry called when I was in the car and said pull over. And it was like a prayer when all of the radio stations played it. I had tears.
    MJJ: What is your process from going from creating a rhythm on your human voice box to the album version, such as in songs "Who Is It" and "Tabloid Junkie"?
    Michael: The process is creating a rhythm to a click track - which is a sound, a timed beat. And you're doing these mouth sounds to that beat. These sounds can be taped according to how you sample it in the computer again and again. This is the foundation for the entire track - everything plays off this. It's the rhythm, like a beatbox rhythm. Every song I've written since I was very little I've done that way. I still do it that way.
    Smufetty: I love you and have enjoyed your music since I could hear and see. Just one question: How can you keep going when the media makes everything so hard?
    Michael: Thank you for your compliment. I believe in my work, like I said, I have great confidence in my dreams. When I have a great idea I have an iron will, even though the media creates such negative stories they do it to just sell more papers. If you look throughout history and I'm not trying to put my name with the names of the past, it's been pretty much the same. Ghandi, Christ, and I'm not saying I'm Christ, I don't want to hear the press saying that. Some of the worst attentions had to do with ignorance on the part of the people because of bad press. If it happened to them, it can happen to me.
    Tristene: Who is your best friend?
    Michael: Pretty much the same as I've said. The children of the world, for their innocence, thier simplicity, and their love. It's the same kind of innocence that I find in animals. They just want you for your love and I love that.
    MJJ: It is rumored (and I know you hate that word) that you are doing another book. Do you plan on another book, if so, what will it contain?
    Michael: I wrote a book called Dancing the Dream. It was more autobiographical than Moonwalk, which I did with Mrs. Onassis. It wasn't full of gossip and scandal and all that trash that people write so I don't think people paid much attention to it, but it came from my heart. It was essays, thoughts, and things that I've thought about while on tour. I'm not planning to write another book anytime soon. If you want to know how I feel, you can check out HIStory. It's a musical book.
    Gemseeker: When and how did you learn to moonwalk? I think it's sooo cool!
    Michael: Thank you soooo much! I've always loved illusion dancing when you can pretty much create a step or illusion with the body. There's a new step that looks like you defy gravity that I've been working on for a long time. One of my favorite movers is Marcel Marceau. But a lot of the steps that I do come from my heart. A lot of the steps come from the black community. From tap dancing, to the cake walk, to the Charleston. All these dances come from the black community to go all over the world.
    Jamie Ballengee: Mr. Jackson, what advice would you give to someone who is in a similar position with the bad things from the press? My little sister Andrea Ballengee lost her Miss VA crown <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( -->
    Michael: You don't pay attention to it. You become strong, you move ahead. The best advice I can give is to believe in yourself, know there's a tomorrow, walk tall...don't pay attention to the's complete ignorance.
    VanishR29: How do you feel about technology like the internet and it's effect on society?
    Michael: I think it is wonderful. It is a wonderful way to correspond. It's growing and this is the tip of the iceberg. In the next year we will see some amazing growths in technology and I hope that I'm around to see it. I pray that we continue to serve the world in a positive way, not a negative way and not hurt anyone, because it's wonderful.
    MJJ: How involved are you with the other groups of the MJJ label?
    Michael: I'm very much involved, not to the point of always being there, but listening to tapes, collaborating on the telephone, picking artists, recommending ideas. The new 3T album, which I just heard, I think it's going to be a big success. I do believe that.
    Michael: I want to say hi to Bill Bellamy in LA - he's a great guy. Thank you! Goodnight everybody. Talk to you soon. Bye!

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    From X-Men Wiki, the X-Men encyclopedia

    Powers and abilities

    Changeling is a mutant with the ability to alter his physical appearance at will to resemble that of any person he chooses. He also has limited telepathic abilities which (in the original timeline) were enhanced by Professor X. As a side effect he also gained limited telekinetic abilities

    the X-Men animated series, Morph (voiced by Ron Rubin in the English language version, and by Mitsuru Ogata in the Japanese dub) was a member of the X-Men and a close friend of Wolverine who was apparently killed in the second episode by Sentinels. Wolverine was distraught by his death (he claimed that Morph was the only one who made him laugh) and blamed Cyclops for leaving him behind, but later overcame it, as many friends have passed in front of his eyes.He later appears as a slave of Mr.Sinister,and attacks the X-men.When the X-Men find out that Morph is the one who is commiting these crimes they are greatly distraught.When the X-Men attempt to stop Morph they find out that after they left the Mutant Registration Act HQ,Morph was found by Mr.Sinister.Mr.Sinister seeing that Morphs body was still in good condition but his mind dead,placed a type of parisitic implant in his head.This gave Morph a zombie-like look,making his skin a lime-yellow color,and purple skin under his eyes.Due to the parasite he looked to Mr.Sinister as a saver.He hated the X-Men for leaving him behind and helps Mr.Sinister.Later in volume 2 of the series he sends a distress call to the X-Men.When they find him he is in another form.Wolverine knows its him to get Morph to come with them.He then betrays them and Mr.Sinister henchmen capture most of theX-Men(not including Cyclopes and Wolverine).The captured X-Men are taken to the Savage Land,a land created by Magneto.When they get there there they are imprisoned.Then Mr.Sinister attempts to probe Professor Xaviers mind(recently captured by Morph)using a beast calles Sauron.Morph who aparentley still having good in him attempts to defeat Mr.Sinister only to be imprisoned too.At the instituite the remaing X-Men assemble a force and attack the citadel.They free everyone including Morph who is unconscious.Xavier claims he can remove the implant.

    Did appear in any of the films
    Morph's mutation to shapeshift has also made it so that his body is a Play-doh-like substance and he can reattach limbs after they have been severed. It has been stated that his body is composed of unstable molecules. He has also stated that his mutation gives him a high metabolism and makes him very hormonal. In one issue, Sasquatch said she was never able to detect a scent on Morph; Sabretooth stated the same while hunting Proteus in Morph's body, noting how, in a crowd of "normal" people, Morph stands out like a sore thumb to Sabretooth's enhanced senses, whatever the form the shapeshifter takes. It also appears he has the ability to fly as demonstrated in Exiles #27. Due to his shapeshifting ability he does not wear any actual clothing, and he takes joy in pointing this out. Even though Morph is a prankster and appears to be unintelligent, he actually is very smart. He has a Master's degree in computer engineering, which he earned at Xavier's Institute. Retrieved from "";

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    The 5 Greatest Michael Jackson Moments in Comics

    Jun 26th 2009 By: Laura Hudson

    The King of Pop is dead. Michael Jackson passed away to the sadness and shock of millions of fans worldwide -- including me. Some of my earliest musical memories involve songs like "Bad" and "Beat It," and I still remember standing in front of a mirror at age 8, trying to imitate the "leaning" trick in the "Smooth Criminal" video, falling over again and again. His music was irresistible and brilliant, and despite his best tracks coming out anywhere from 15 to 40 years ago, they still sit at the top of my iTunes -- and remain embedded in the minds of hundreds of millions.

    Although he lived his life in the spotlight from a very young age -- and spent a great deal of his later years in the tabloids -- one thing that few people seem know about Jackson is that he not only loved comics, but influenced the comics industry in some interesting ways.

    If nothing else, check out #1 -- It'll knock your socks off.

    5. He Made a Guest Appearance in the "Longshot" Comics (Kind Of)

    Although not an "official" appearance, "Longshot #2" featured a flashback sequence where the X-Men hero Longshot recalled flying through the air on jetpacks with a handsome, dark-haired man who looked an awful lot like Michael Jackson -- and happened to be named Jackson.

    4. He Dressed Statues of Himself Like Batman

    Earlier this year, Jackson auctioned off a whole host of comic book stuff, including "a life-size replica of Batman and his complete molded rubber costume mounted to a base. The Batman suit is fitted over a life-size replica of the likeness of Michael Jackson." So basically, a statue of himself dressed as Batman.

    3. He Took His Kids Comic Book Shopping

    Last fall, Jackson took his three kids -- Paris, Prince Michael and Prince Michael II (a.k.a. Blanket) -- to peruse the racks at LA's famed Golden Apple comic shop. Granted, they showed up in crazy Halloween masks and got mobbed by the press, but you gotta appreciate a parent who wants to share his love of comics with his kids.

    2. His 3-D "Moonwalker" Comic Helped Bankrupt Blackthorne Publishing

    The 1989 3-D "Moonwalker" comic, based on the Jackson video of the same name, was put out by 3-D comics publisher Blackthorne Publishing, which paid enormous licensing fees for the property, thinking it would be an automatic hit. Sadly, they thought wrong, and the comic flopped -- a significant financial hit that helped sink Blackthorne later that year.

    1. He Almost Bought Marvel Comics

    For real. In the ultimate "What If...?" story, Jackson met with Stan Lee and businessman Peter Paul in 2000 to discuss the possibility of buying Marvel Comics. As The Comics Journal reported, "Jackson, who was an avowed fan of Lee's work at Marvel, was reportedly interested and sat down with Lee and Paul to discuss the possibilities. [Jim] Salicrup, who was also present, recalls Jackson saying to Lee, 'If I buy Marvel, you'll help me run it, won't you?'" The deal ultimately fell through when the current owner refused to accept less than $1 billion.

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    Michael Jackson-Penned Posthumous Comic Book Drawing Fair Chatter
    By Rachel Deahl -- Publishers Weekly, 10/14/2009 11:05:00 AMWhile there was some question as to the foot traffic in the rights center during the first day of the 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair—one American noted the sparse number of occupied mailboxes as a sign that the fair is sluggish while another pointed to full tables as a sign it’s business as usual—a handful of titles were drawing buzz, and some high advances, after the close of day one. One book generating lots of conversation is a graphic novel project by the King of Pop. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently Michael Jackson was working on a comic book for years with friend (and son of Deepak) Gotham Chopra and now Random House’s Villard imprint is prepping to release the fruits of this seemingly unlikely collaboration. The book, Fated, is about a Jackson-esque pop icon named Gabriel Star whose fame has left him isolated and emotionally cut-off. After a suicidal swan dive from his hotel one night, Star survives only to see his celebrity grow and discover that he’s becoming, per the publisher, “something not quite human.” No word yet from Random House on foreign sales, but we hear the house is showing bits of the book to foreign houses. The title’s slated for a June 2010 hardcover U.S. release—the art’s black and white and the book is small format—and Mukesh Singh is illustrating.

    © 2009, Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved

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    Michael Jackson 'Tribute' Comic Book Announced

    Posted 6/29/09 12:49 pm ET by Josh Wigler in Bluewater Productions, News

    Despite Michael Jackson's tragic death, his fans haven't seen the last of him. The King of Pop's presence will be felt forever in his music, his videos and even his... comic books?In October, Michael Jackson will be memorialized in comic book form in "Tribute: Michael Jackson, King of Pop," a biography comic from Bluewater Productions, the same publisher responsible for the "Female Force" comics and forthcoming "Political Power" books (as well as the "Bo Obama" comic focusing on the U.S. President's puppy). "Michael Jackson's music served as the soundtrack to countless lives… including mine," said Bluewater president Darren G. Davis about the deceased entertainer. "His influence on our culture has been profound."This is a celebration of his life and what he meant to a legion of fans," Davis continued. "Although the book won't shy away from some of his personal troubles, we try to tell a balanced story that shows Jackson as a musical genius, an unparalleled superstar and as a complex person."The special issue will feature a wraparound cover and forward by Giuseppe Mazzola, a member of "The Official Michael Jackson Fan Club" and a personal friend of the musician. Wey-Yuih Loh ("Political Power: Colin Powell") and Giovanni Timpano ("Vincent Price Presents") will write and illustrate the book, respectively.Of course, this isn't the first time that Jackson will cross paths with the paneled page. The pop sensation was a well-known comic book lover with a wide collection of comics memorabilia. In fact, Jackson was once even close to purchasing Marvel Comics during the 1990s, and had a great affinity for the much beloved Stan Lee.Will you be buying the Michael Jackson comic book?

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    R.I.P. Michael Jackson: Comic Book Fan, Collector -- And Almost The Owner Of Marvel Comics

    According to late-breaking reports, pop icon Michael Jackson died today after suffering cardiac arrest. While various outlets have already posted remembrances of the star's prominent place in the worlds of music, movies and so many other elements of pop culture, it's worth noting that Jackson was also known to have a fondess for comic books that rivaled even the most obsessive fanboy.From trips to the comic shop to a collection of some of the most impressive comics-related memorabilia around, Jackson made no secret of his affinity for comics -- going so far as to almost buy Marvel Comics in the late 1990s. Those looking for proof of Jackson's love for comics need look no further than some of the items from his personal collection that were recently put up for auction. Along with a life-size, molded rubber Batman costume (fitted over a life-size replica of Jackson himself), Jackson's personal stash of comic book swag included a massive Superman statue, numerous life-size Spider-Man statues and a variety of other items die-hard comics fans would likely give up a limb to own.Late last year, Jackson even dropped by Los Angeles comic book shop Golden Apple with his three children to pick up a pile of issues to add to his collection. Hidden behind a pair of massive sunglasses and veil, Jackson had his children wear masks on their way into the store to hide their identities -- including one mask designed to look like Mike Allred's "Madman" character. His appearance prompted a bit of a commotion, but reports claimed that both he and his children happily left with a stack of comics new and old.Of course, if Jackson wasn't filling in spots in his collection during that trip to Golden Apple, he might've just been picking up a few more copies of the various comic books in which he appeared over the years. The pop star made cameos at various times in the parody magazines "MAD" and "Spoof," but also had cameos in a 1990 issue of "Disney Adventures," as well as in a 1985 issue of the "Longshot" miniseries published by Marvel Comics.Possibly the most notable connection between Jackson and the comics world, however, is how close the star came to owning Marvel, one of the industry's "Big Two" publishers, in the late '90s. As chronicled by The Comics Journal in an August 2005 article, Jackson met with Stan Lee and Peter Paul of the newly formed Stan Lee Media to investigate the possibility of buying Marvel Comics."After we built SLM into a public company with a market cap almost twice Marvel's, we talked with Michael Jackson about teaming up to buy Marvel," the article quotes Paul. "I have a videotape of Michael in our offices for over two hours, seeing what we were doing."Jim Salicrup, a former Marvel editor who was a writer-editor for SLM during the Jackson meetings, told TCJ that at one point, Jackson asked Lee, "If I buy Marvel, you'll help me run it, won't you?"While the deal eventually fell through, it certainly offers an interesting "What If?" scenario for comics fans -- and an indication of exactly how close the worlds of Jackson and comic books often overlapped.

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    Michael Jackson Auction Offers Life-Size Batman Costume, Superman & Spider-Man Statues, More...

    Posted 2/27/09 11:21 am ET by Brian Warmoth in News

    If you've ever wondered what Michael Jackson’s yard sale would look like, there's an auction at the Beverly Hills Hilton kicking off in April that should answer all of your questions. The King of Pop’s estate has a dumbfoundingly large catalog of geek goodies going up on the auction block -- and a few items clearly show that Jackson has a sweet tooth for superheroes.

    In addition to life-size statues of Batman, Spider-Man and Superman, the Julien’s Auctions list of items up for bidding includes a signed Alex Ross print, a 1988 print displaying all of Marvel Comics’ characters, and signed polychrome Randy Bowen statues. There's even a life-size molded rubber Batman costume fitted over a replica of Michael Jackson -- a two-for-one deal, perhaps? (We've posted a few images from the auction after the jump.)

    The site also has stunning rundown of vintage arcade machines owned by the reclusive pop icon, including an original 6-player "X-Men" arcade cabinet and a "Marvel Vs. Capcom" cabinet. That means that for opening bids of 1,000 dollars or so, a few lucky comics fans could have the chance to not only entertain their friends on classic arcade games, but do so with the knowledge that they're playing on games previously owned by the Moonwalker himself.
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Michael: I think I find it more fun to appreciate what family really means. The fact that even though there were ten of us Jacksons...we were always doing things at different times, and I'm really learning the real meaning of love. Giving 100% of yourself all the time. Putting up with one another. So far it has been pretty joyous.

    Ten?... who is the tenth? So didn't Marlon twin die at birth? so again I ask who was the living tenth? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Michael: I think I find it more fun to appreciate what family really means. The fact that even though there were ten of us Jacksons...we were always doing things at different times, and I'm really learning the real meaning of love. Giving 100% of yourself all the time. Putting up with one another. So far it has been pretty joyous.

    Ten?... who is the tenth? So didn't Marlon twin die at birth? so again I ask who was the living tenth? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I think perhaps he was counting his mother and father. Michael is number 7, Randy is number 8, and mom and dad are 9 and 10 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • airiesladyairieslady Posts: 384
    Michael: I think I find it more fun to appreciate what family really means. The fact that even though there were ten of us Jacksons...we were always doing things at different times, and I'm really learning the real meaning of love. Giving 100% of yourself all the time. Putting up with one another. So far it has been pretty joyous.

    Ten?... who is the tenth? So didn't Marlon twin die at birth? so again I ask who was the living tenth? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I think perhaps he was counting his mother and father. Michael is number 7, Randy is number 8, and mom and dad are 9 and 10 <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    6 boys and 3 girls = 9
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