DNA Clears Yogananda In Seven-Year Paternity Dispute

mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
DNA Clears Yogananda In Seven-Year Paternity Dispute

By Teresa Watanabe
LA Times July 11, 2002

A renowned guru has been cleared by DNA testing of charges that he broke his
celibate vows and fathered a child, his Los Angeles headquarters announced

The announcement marked the latest development in a seven-year paternity
dispute involving Paramahansa Yogananda, who was one of the first Indian
masters to introduce yoga philosophy to the West 80 years ago. The guru, who
died at age 59 in 1952, was accused of having an illicit affair with a
married disciple and fathering Ben Erskine, now a 69-year-old Oregon gold

To conclusively settle the claims, Yogananda's worldwide organization, the
Self-Realization Fellowship, hired a former San Diego criminal prosecutor to
establish an independent testing process to compare Erskine's DNA to samples
taken from Yogananda's three male relatives in India. The results from two
separate labs both showed no relationship between Erskine and Yogananda.
"For members who revere Paramahansa Yogananda as their profound spiritual
guide and guru, the claims were very hurtful and very sad," fellowship
spokeswoman Lauren Landress said. "But these results conclusively show there
is no truth to them."

Erskine, informed of the results Wednesday, said he still believed that
"Yogananda is my father." His attorney, Shane Reed, said they would review
the DNA results to decide whether to proceed with a court request to
disinter Yogananda's corpse, buried in Glendale, for further testing.

At stake was more than the guru's integrity: Any successful paternity action
could have led to claims on the assets of Yogananda's spiritual
organization, which owns several pieces of prime property, including the
flagship Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades and a hermitage in Encinitas.

The organization operates more than 500 temples and meditation centers in
178 countries; its members have ranged from the late George Harrison to the
famous botanist Luther Burbank. Yogananda initiated such figures as Mahatma
Gandhi into kriya yoga and authored such spiritual classics as
"Autobiography of a Yogi," which has been translated into 18 languages.

G. Michael Still, the former San Diego prosecutor who relied extensively on
DNA testing in his rape and homicide cases, said the results would prevent
Erskine from claiming standing in court to seek any inheritance, copyright
assets or the disinterment of the guru's body.

"In my opinion, this is airtight," said Still, who added that he was not a
fellowship member and knew "little to nothing" about the organization before
being hired last year to oversee the testing process.

The dispute first surfaced in 1995 when Erskine's daughter, Peggy,
approached the fellowship with the paternity claims and financial demands.
Erskine said his mother, Adelaide, had been a disciple and photographer of
Yogananda in the late 1920s.

The miner acknowledged that his mother never told him he was Yogananda's son
or that she had been physically intimate with the famed guru. But he said
his mother hinted at the "wonderful blood" in his veins and fought
constantly with her husband -- Erskine's stepfather -- over her son's
paternity. His stepfather berated her with accusations of an affair with the
guru, Erskine said, and called him "the little black bastard" because his
complexion was darker than that of his four siblings.

"It was talked about constantly," Erskine said. "I would have been an
imbecile not to know" of the charges.

The visit by Erskine's daughter prompted a fellowship attorney, Michael
Flynn, to initiate the first round of DNA testing on hair samples, which was
found inconclusive. A second round of testing on blood samples last July
showed no relationship. But Reed and Erskine rejected the results as biased
because the blood specimens were collected and sent to the labs by a
fellowship monk they claimed could have doctored the samples.

By this time, the dispute went public with a splashy cover story in a Los
Angeles alternative newspaper, fueling efforts by the organization to try to
settle the matter once and for all by hiring Still.

Still said he hired a forensic nurse to collect blood samples from
Yogananda's three male relatives living in Calcutta, India. One of them,
Biswanath Ghosh, traveled to Los Angeles last year and declared himself
"embarrassed and insulted" by the charges. He accused Erskine of fabricating
charges in order to cash in on his uncle's assets and fame. "How is this
possible?" Ghosh said of the charges. "My uncle was a famous holy man."

The forensic nurse videotaped and photographed the entire collection
process, confirmed the identity of each of the relatives and oversaw the
shipment of samples to two laboratories that worked blindly from each other.
The two labs compared six Y chromosome markers, which Still said pass
unchanged from one male generation to the next. Both concluded that the
three Yogananda relatives were related genetically, but that Erskine was

On Wednesday, the organization quietly released the results to its members,
beginning with morning meetings for about 60 nuns and 40 monks. Notices were
scheduled to be posted at the organization's eight California temples in the

Members expressed satisfaction that the DNA results appear to have put the
matter to rest -- but were not surprised that their beloved guru's name
would be cleared.

"As far as I'm concerned, this whole thing was kind of a non-event," said
Mike Baake, marketing manager for the group's publication center. "Anyone
with any awareness of who Paramahansa Yogananda was knew that story wasn't
true. When someone in the world tries to do something good, someone else
always wants to pull them down."


  • Correct me if I am wrong. But is he not the Yogi Guru that is buried at Forest Lawn, the same place where the Yogi Enthuasist will be holding their meeting in which Michael is "supposing" buried there. The big question is why is DNA cases are being brought to forefront in regards to illegitimate children.
  • Correct me if I am wrong. But is he not the Yogi Guru that is buried at Forest Lawn, the same place where the Yogi Enthuasist will be holding their meeting in which Michael is "supposing" buried there. The big question is why is DNA cases are being brought to forefront in regards to illegitimate children.

    Yes, it's the same person and I think it's very interesting that we have been presented with 3 separate paternity cases requiring DNA evidence - Eliza Presley, Mocienne Petit Jackson and now Ben Erskine (proven not to be the son of Paramahansa Yogananda after a case that lasted SEVEN years!). As you say, the big question is WHY? My hunch is that it is paving the way for the hoax to be revealed in a manner that is irrefutable, but at the moment we don't know exactly how it's going to pan out. Once more, it's a waiting game <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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